Beer, girls, and confused men?



  • I've never ever given this notion a bit of thought. I had no idea some men/women felt this way. Nor do I care one bit. My days of pounding crappy light beers are mostly behind me, and when i used to do that id also be dancing it out. Nowadays i only will chug light beers while camping or tailgating. Id much rather drink a smaller amount of something with a higher abv that is memorable, or mix a six pack of ones ive never tried. I love beer. I know a bit about it, which i find very mature and sexy much in the way some may be intriqued by someone's knowledge of fine wines and the stores and origins behind them.
    I support local breweries as my tri state area has a lot to offer. I love craft beer, my fiancé and I will go out on dates and sample eachother's much in the way you may sample wine. We drive to dogfish head brewpub every year. Beer is something that can be savored and cherished, you may find a brewery you love, and en up waiting all year for releases. also while you're at it surrounding yourself with more openminded men! If you love beer, its worth it to really explore the world of beer and styles, and educate those coors slugging fools on your new finds. Not that there's anything wrong with the silver bullet, if you enjoy it! But there is something wrong with saying women should only drink apple martinis.
  • aridge08
    aridge08 Posts: 16
    I dont drink much but when I do it doesn't take much to get me drunk, but honestly I would bet a man would rather see a lady keep her cool then to be the annoying drunk girl who wont sit down.:smile:
  • jonnyrosko
    jonnyrosko Posts: 30 Member
    I bet those guys you're talking about don't even drive trucks.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    I think men want to like drunk party girls but in reality do not want to marry a drunk party girl. As long as you stay in control of yourself so than some jerk does not take advantage live how you want!
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    I come from a looooooooooong line of heavy drinkers so I hold my alcohol very well, and usually at parties my husband was actually kinda proud I could drink his friends under the table and still be "fine" (no I wasn't driving - we took turns being the DD).

    As for not lady like or whatever, my grandmother was one of the most elegant women I ever knew and she chain smoked Malboros and drank beer like it was water. But only from a glass. As for me, I like frosted mugs, I love mixed drinks and also some bourbon or straight up rum in a chilled glass. That way you don't dilute it with ice :drinker:

    Drink up...and anyone with a problem is just hatin' and jealous.