Anyone from the UK ?



  • leanne_bailey
    leanne_bailey Posts: 29 Member
    hi all im from bradford west yorkshire feel free to add me too :D
  • SammyW89
    SammyW89 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Everyone.
    I'm based in Essex, been on this site for ages but am really trying this time.
    Just needed to fight the temptations a week in....


    Feel free to add me.
  • LHBrack
    LHBrack Posts: 6
    Hello, I have just joined today. I am from Scotland and really like this site. I have been on my weight loss journey for a while I am just finding it hard to lose the last wee bit but fingers crossed I will make it :happy:
  • annebelleblue
    Im from Cornwall and You can add me too! I've been a bit slow; I've been using the app for a while but didn't realise there was a community to get involved with!! Thank god because I really need some motivation I'm very on and off!
  • nailtechbec
    nailtechbec Posts: 93 Member
    Becca from South Yorkshire. Trying to lose a couple of stone before my wedding in 10 months and then want to keep it off. Loving this site and about to embark on the 30 day shred ( as soon as my DVD arrives ) I am determined to have an awesome six pack but after two kids have left me with a jelly belly I'm afraid it could be an unachievable dream, either way I'm gonna get as slim and toned as I can ! Good luck to all you uk peeps and everyone else !! X
  • Miss0Annie
    Miss0Annie Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Hun, am from the West Country but living in North London, this site is fantastic and the easiest I have seen, I am now into my second week. I wish you lots of luck Hun. Feel free to add me as a friend. Annie x
  • ScotsLad1874
    I am in Scotland near Edinburgh. Anyone feel free to add me