I Feel the Need for a Rant



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You are so right.

    I've made suggestions before to be told I'm rude and even jealous, lmfao!!!! Why post if you don't want the replies??!
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Because she's a teenage girl, going with friends. Totally understandable.

    Totally NOT understandable. I have 3 teenaged sons, with minds of their own. As a matter of fact two of them work at Mcdonalds. One of them has worked there over a year and NEVER eaten the food once. He WORKS there 5 days a week and is able not to eat there.

    Well good for them.

    Frankly, you sound like a jerk and really judgmental. I am glad that this girl, who for whatever reason felt she had to eat there, was at least trying to find decent options.

    Unclench a little, dude.

    I respectfully disagree with this. I think he's frustrated because he wants to help so much. It's important for us to recognize what we don't HAVE to do - such as McDs....but again if family was going, or even friends, then it could be HAVE (family) or WANT (friends).......in any case, she needs to realize she is in control of what she eats and make good choices. I don't think he's being a jerk. I think he cares and is trying to help -- which is what we are all here for -- to obtain our goals and see support and guidance sometimes.

    I don't know about delivery of the message.........I wasn't part of those threads so maybe that could have been a bit smoother....maybe not....again....I wasn't part of those threads so I can't/shouldn't comment.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    For the most part, I agree with you.

    As for the McDs conversation- while you might not agree with McDs, for a teenage girl, it is very important to live a 'normal' life. I think her asking what her BEST choices at McDs are was a great idea.

    You are missing the point. She said she HAD to eat McDonalds. WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY does she HAVE to eat McDonalds?
    That is like saying I HAVE to smoke. Which Brand should I smoke?

    Why do you care so much about what someone else is eating? What they eat don't make you *kitten*.

    Ummmm... ouch !
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    All you can do is give your opinion and honest advice. Its up to everyone else if they want to trust it or not. Dont let it bug you, atleast you know whats best for you!

    Sad part is, I give advice and then people say I am not being SUPPORTIVE.

    The world is full of whiners who expect you to either say "attaboy" or "way to go" or nothing at all. The sad fact is a considerable percentage of the population of this planet doesn't want to be put in a position where they actually have to think about anything. (This includes health, weight loss, world affairs, politics.....I better stop now before I start foaming at the mouth........)
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    For the most part, I agree with you.

    As for the McDs conversation- while you might not agree with McDs, for a teenage girl, it is very important to live a 'normal' life. I think her asking what her BEST choices at McDs are was a great idea.

    You are missing the point. She said she HAD to eat McDonalds. WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY does she HAVE to eat McDonalds?
    That is like saying I HAVE to smoke. Which Brand should I smoke?

    Why do you care so much about what someone else is eating? What they eat don't make you *kitten*.
    I don't CARE what anyone eats or does. It is just another EXUCSE
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    I feel frustrated too by many of the comments I see because people seem to be looking for a shortcut to fitness. Then I remember, that I once was one of those people. Each person has to do this in their own time and in their own way. Those of use who have lost weight just become another voice in the choir saying don't eat this and workout like that. I face this with real life friends and I do want to pull my hair out but I just hope that by continuing to lead a semi-normal life while improving my fitness others will see they can do it too.
  • _KatieKat
    _KatieKat Posts: 224
    Because she's a teenage girl, going with friends. Totally understandable.

    Totally NOT understandable. I have 3 teenaged sons, with minds of their own. As a matter of fact two of them work at Mcdonalds. One of them has worked there over a year and NEVER eaten the food once. He WORKS there 5 days a week and is able not to eat there.

    Well good for them.

    Frankly, you sound like a jerk and really judgmental. I am glad that this girl, who for whatever reason felt she had to eat there, was at least trying to find decent options.

    Unclench a little, dude.

    I agree, even I eat at mcDonalds sometimes( I am not a teenager)...so what....I am super healthy and everyone craves a little junk food now and again. OH now I HAVE to have a big mac.......seriously.
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    This post kicked *kitten*, I support it!
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    I love it when people have a good old rant on here!!! :laugh:

    i agree with you. Although I do get the peer pressure thing and understand that girl's dilemma. McDonalds do some pretty ok salads now, that's the best choice if you find yourself in that position in my opinion. :happy:
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    Well said. I am 54 and I have finally gotten it. No quick fixes, no magic pills or potions or food. The ouput has to be greater then the input. I have also finally accepted that this is now a way of life so I have to be able to live with it. That means for me instead of losing 5 pounds a week I lose 1 pount a week but am still doing it months later.

    It just takes some of us longer to "get it" then others.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I would wager a guess that many of the posts you've been responding to are originally made from new people to the site who have yet to gather the wisdom of those who have been here long enough to read through the forums and learn what we have learned. Also sometimes it is all about the manner in which you present the information to the person in question.

    (And this doesn't mean I am not saying you're not being supportive, I've not read the posts you are talking about.)
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    Because she's a teenage girl, going with friends. Totally understandable.

    Totally NOT understandable. I have 3 teenaged sons, with minds of their own. As a matter of fact two of them work at Mcdonalds. One of them has worked there over a year and NEVER eaten the food once. He WORKS there 5 days a week and is able not to eat there.

    Well good for them.

    Frankly, you sound like a jerk and really judgmental. I am glad that this girl, who for whatever reason felt she had to eat there, was at least trying to find decent options.

    Unclench a little, dude.

    Judgemental, Maybe. Honest, yes, TO A FAULT.

    Although I agree with a lot of what you said, until YOU are perfect, you shouldn't judge other people. Yes, when you decide what other people is doing is wrong that is you judging. Being honest doesn't mean saying every thought that comes into your head when you think it.

    People come here to learn and get support. Granted, there is a lot of nonsense. But, being harsh and nasty will only turn them away -- and don't say they should be stronger, because we all have our issues and weaknesses. We are all learning. Offer support, be kind, if they don't take it it's on them.

    Part of learning to be healthy and fit is learning how to make better choices -- like what to eat when you go out with friends. People will figure it out when they are ready, or they won't, but it has no effect on me (or you) until they do. It's not about you.

    I wish we had an unclench icon. :indifferent: :huh:
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I so do agree. Regardless if people say. "If you don't agree don't say anything." Because, if WE DON'T SAY A WORD the person will fail! Then their life is in danger.

    Then dong found it. How can anyone eat only 1200 calories? I would faint!

    As to the McDonalds...I had to laugh at that slightly..

    I would think it would only be Taco Bell! With them being 4th meal and all.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Because she's a teenage girl, going with friends. Totally understandable.

    I have a teenage daughter and her friends go to McDonald's all the time...... she does to, but she does not eat that crap! she will buy a bottle water and eat at home! this is NO excuse for crap!

    Thats great for your daughter. I am glad she can do that. Not everyone has the same experience. As a secure adult i still find it difficult going to restaurants with friends who dont "get" my diet and continuously encourage me to eat with them. I have had coworkers taunt me with food. Its not always easy to say no, especially if you are trying to "fit in". I cant imagine how hard it would have been for me as a teenager if this were the same situation.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I get it... it's frustrating when people are supporting people with really unhealthy or dangerous habits.

    I saw one who was telling another girl that eating 500 calories a day and exercising wasn't bad at all, and that she should just ignore everyone else posting that she needs to seek medical help .

    Point being... the girl saying that *thinks* she's helping.. and the person who posted the initial topic doesn't WANT to believe what everyone is saying... and is looking for that ONE nugget of support. People see what they want to see.

    Doesn't matter how much you want to help, you can only help the people who are honestly willing to listen and accept the help.

    Some people on here at ready for it, a lot are on their way, and some are not.

    It's just the way it goes in forums unfortunately.
  • Mariannewww
    This is ridonkulous! I don't imagine that a 15 year old girl going to mcdonalds and asking what the best choices might be REALLY considered whether she should have said " I'm going" instead of "I have to go" because someone might be anally retentive enough to get their knickers in a twist about the fatalist implications of the phrase!

    Really? And also does anyone really have a problem giving advice on best options for them personally when eating out?! On a board meant for the open sharing and discussion of that kind of thing?

    Also the people whose teens never eat at McDonald's need to get out of the house now, because there is some alien infestation going on and those things will be bursting out of chests and fighting predator all over the shop which can get quite messy
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    Maybe it's the way you phrase your advice? Not having read your posts other than this one, I wouldn't know. I'm going to assume this post sounds the way it does because it's a rant. And some of the items - I agree. But not all of them. The 1200 calories? According to charts, I'm morbidly obese. When I put my goals in MFP, it tells me to aim for 1200 calories. I tried that. I failed miserably, so I adjusted. But the poster probably put in a goal weight, and a goal date, and MFP said here you go. The Lean Cuisine? Again, didn't read the whole thing, but seriously, I have never understood where the outrage comes from when a frozen meal is mentioned. I eat them sometimes. It's quick, it's cheap, and stays in the freezer forever (that last point may not be a good one). It's convenient when I've had back to back meetings, unexpected appts, and my choice is skipping a meal or zapping something. And I never knock a SAHM and say she's got plenty of time to cook, grocery shop, etc. SAHM is a job in itself, so in her context, she may need that convenience factor.

    As for McDonalds, she didn't say someone had a gun to her head and she had to eat there. And she was asking for the best choice in the situation. You've never been a 15 yr old girl. While it may be sad and a reflection on society, for a 15 year old girl, fitting in and feeling like part of the group is as important to her as your need to rant about what you feel are wrong choices by others.

    I don't get all ticked off by people's questions. There are some that I laugh at. Some that shock me. But it boils down to - there is no ONE way to lose weight. There's a thousand different opinions on this site. Some work for a person, and some don't. If I were to try giving up potatoes and bread for the rest of my life, I wouldn't make it a week before I was binging. But for many others, that is the way to go. I don't knock them for it. I don't rant about it. I don't even go around saying that's wrong. I just say it doesn't work for me. Why put that much energy into getting ticked off by something that isn't even directed at me? It's not worth it.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Eating McDonalds has not stopped my progress.. I shall continue on with my weekend delight of soft baked cookies & ice cream :drinker:

    ETA: If you’re going to capitalize a word make sure it’s spelled correctly.. I’m just saying.
  • picantecreative
    picantecreative Posts: 12 Member
    Some people don't want to hear/accept knowledge that will require sustained willpower and dedication to carry out. I'm largely in the camp of doing it the "honest" way — sensible diet and frequent exercise. But let's not forget that all of us are at different points in the weight-loss journey. People usually make mistakes while trying to accomplish something new and unfamiliar, and for people who are morbidly obese, I don't blame them for wishing there were a quick fix — being massively overweight must truly suck, regardless of the cause. BUT, as you say, quick fixes in the weight-loss world are fool's gold, and people need to take responsibility for their health before they will see real, sustained progress. I don't think it's constructive to mock them, as some are less informed on matters of nutrition, but I do think they need to accept accountability, stop making excuses and start making better decisions for the sake of their own health.
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    This is ridonkulous! I don't imagine that a 15 year old girl going to mcdonalds and asking what the best choices might be REALLY considered whether she should have said " I'm going" instead of "I have to go" because someone might be anally retentive enough to get their knickers in a twist about the fatalist implications of the phrase!

    Really? And also does anyone really have a problem giving advice on best options for them personally when eating out?! On a board meant for the open sharing and discussion of that kind of thing?

    Also the people whose teens never eat at McDonald's need to get out of the house now, because there is some alien infestation going on and those things will be bursting out of chests and fighting predator all over the shop which can get quite messy

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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