Why cant I just do this (VENT)



  • rachelkeyes
    I know your pain! For years I've tried losing weight and just haven't found a way to do it. However, what I realize now is it's not a diet - it's a lifestyle change. When you look at it that way you realize that it is a process and it will take a while. The reason I failed in the past is that I was so upset when I didn't get instand results from all the strict diets I was adhering to, so I gave up. But when looking at it from the perspective that I'm changing my life habits I'm a lot more patient and I celebrate every oz, lb or inch that I lose.

    MFP has really helped me see where my weaknesses were. When I first started I thought I was eating well but as I started logging in my food I realized I was eating too much sugar (bread, fruit etc). Once I adjusted that along with some other changes I had to make the weight started dropping. Also, keep in mind that your body will be in shock for the first few weeks. My weight went up and down for three weeks! During those times I relied on measurements instead of weight (while I was gaining weight I had lost and inch around my waist)

    Also, get everyone you can involved in this process. My husband, kids and friends are involved in this with me. When I'm feeling discouraged I can talk to them about it and it helps get me back in the game.

    Friend me if you'd like - we can encouage each other!
  • debjr66
    debjr66 Posts: 10
    I know how you feel. Are you still doing Quick Weight Loss Center program? I was just wondering how it was going for you.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    Instead of some lame patronizing comment (there will be many to come), all I can really say is this:

    You have to want it.

    Yes, everyone WANTS to have a model or a gymnast's body. Or a bodybuilder's body or whatever. But 99% of people just don't have the dedication and willpower to put in the hard work.

    Until you're really ready it's going be next to impossible. It's like quitting smoking or drugs. You have to really want it or you're just going to keep relapsing.

    Once it clicks, there's no going back.

    My only real suggestion is to try baby steps. Don't try to uproot your whole way of eating or exercising. Do one thing. Cut out sugary drinks and/or soda. Just try that. In a month, try walking for 15 minutes a day, every day. Everyone's got 15 minutes right? Keep progressing and slowly substitute crappy snacks for better snacks, crappy meals for better meals, and sitting on the couch for meaningful exercise. I'm 14-15 months in and I'm still making improvements to my diet and exercise every week. Baby steps. No one just changes their entire way of life in a day.

  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I'm going to agree with everyone else in that you have to want this bad enough. You have to be willing to put in the work that it takes, because it does take work. Set smaller, more attainable goals instead of looking at the big picture. Don't throw everything out the window if you slip up. Just dust yourself off and get back to it. Remember that this needs to be a lifestyle change, not a short term diet. You need to do what you can sustain for the rest of your life. You didn't gain the weight overnight, so you won't lose it overnight either. Slow and steady wins the race. It is so worth it. Good luck to you.
  • lala40217
    lala40217 Posts: 60 Member
    i'm so glad you said you were 15 months in and still trying and tweaking your routine.. i'm 30 days or so in and i just am having such a tough 2 days. hungry hungry hungry. i'm 3 weeks into chalene extreme and have had no desire to exercise this week. so, it just made me smile and rethink a few things.. i'm still hungry, tho.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    I'm so glad that you posted your vent, OP - the answers people have given are so helpful. Baby steps have been my focus on my journey this time around, and this helps to confirm that. I have a horrible habit of getting lost in the big picture, so this thread has been a great reminder to take it slowly and commit to the small stuff to have it add up to big changes.
  • divamimi09
    divamimi09 Posts: 38 Member
    right now i feel like i'm in a major rut....about 60% of the way done.... So, it's hard to stay motivated sometimes. BUT, look at the positives and the successes. Even the "little" things help me as I am now able to fit in a "normal" size robe at the spa or being able to wear long boots again (getting them over my calves)... Yes, it's the weight and BMI - but the other part to focus on is your general outlook. I know the scale sometimes doesn't dip as low as I'd like - but I have to keep reminding myself this is LIFELONG journey....the 67 lbs gone are gone forever....and I need to keep myself in check, keep exercising and pushing to hit my 100 lb goal. Keep saying YOU CAN DO IT!!! ..... make litlte changes in your mind, keep focused on positives and your mojo will reconnect!!! I'll try to do this myself---be proud of the successes and know there's more to come!!!
  • mommy3crazies
    mommy3crazies Posts: 21 Member
    I feel the EXACT same way!!! I had my 3rd baby 7 months ago and had lost 30 lbs after having him and, surprise, surprise, I have gained it all back already. It's so hard for me to diet and workout since I am in college and working and don't always have the time to cook "healthy". I know I need to loose the weight and want to loose the weight, but can't figure out why I can't keep it off. At this point I'm just frustrated.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I don't have any advice either just a (((hug))) I do really well for a long time- then something happens, once it was a dog bite to the knee- I had to stop using it for a few weeks, this time I got really bad shin splints and had to put up insanity....then I think well why I am on a break, how bad could that frozen pizza really be?? Then I go back on soda and it's on down hill from there. So I will be starting over again, on Sunday - cause I know that I am road tripping all day Saturday and meeting my mom for lunch then road tripping back home-

    I know that we all have the strength to do this thing- I almost the same weight as you loose feel free to add me as a friend!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    you will do it when being the way you are hurts more than the effort to change

    This deserves quoting. I stopped reading the thread (when I got to this post) to do so.

    I had had enough of feeling like *kitten*.
    I couldn't stand being miserable any longer.
    I have lost (& gained) at least 500lbs (made up of the same 25+lbs 20 times!) in 20yrs and was getting bigger & bigger with every diet.
    On Jan 1st this year I decided that was it - I was sick of my life being ruled by food (& trying to avoid it) so on Jan 2nd I started logging on MFP and here I am, still logging EVERY day and EVERY bite.
    I had hoped to have lost double what I've managed by this point however things have been a bit slower than I'd have liked, BUT I'm 35lbs lighter than I was on New Years Day and that is bloody fantastic.
    I will keep on keeping on and with luck I'll be another 20+ down by New Years Eve :smile:

    What the others have said is exactly right - you have to WANT this. You have to want it so much that you're willing to resist the temptations (& god knows we all understand how difficult that can be), but it IS worth it and you CAN do it.

    I also agree with the guy who said that the 'high' of having control of yourself (& your eating) is really wonderful. It's a feeling of empowerment that most overweight people have never previously experienced, and it's awesome. I hate how awful I feel when I stuff up so I try to avoid putting myself through that torture anymore - instead enjoying to bed at the end of the day feeling great that I've stayed within my cals again (when it would've been so easy not to).

    When you're ready you'll do this - if you can start today then that'd be fab. If it's tomorrow that's ok too. But just think if you start now then in 6 months time you'll be so glad you did........or you may be as miserable as you feel right now, looking back wishing you'd begun in July :flowerforyou: