Almost in tears and I can't quite explain why



  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    You are doing amazing!
    I did a low carb diet in college & I lost 45 pounds in 9 months. Everyone said I would gain it all back (which I eventually did) but it took me almost 2 years. The down side was it wasn't a change I was willing to live with for the rest of my life so the changes I saw to my body had an expiration date. Also, I was told numerous times after losing the first 35 pounds, that I didn't look healthy. That is not what you want to hear when you are hungry! And on the diet I did (there are many low carb diets) I was usually hungry.

    With MFP, I have told my boyfriend that I am excited to get to my goal weight just b/c I think I have made little changes along the way and I think I can totally live this way for the rest of my life. (And I get pretty excited at the thought that one day I will be able to add calories back (when you change your profile settings from "trying to lose 2 pounds a week" to "maintain current weight") and STAY at the weight I want to be at!)

    All that said, if you are looking for a "meal plan" with more protein and less carbs the following was recommended to me:

    >>>Snack (I was told to eat within 30 min of waking up)
    1 (med) pink lady apple

    Heart healthy egg white omelet, sautéed mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, & cheese.
    ½ cup fresh fruit (consisting of cantaloupe, honeydew, pineapple, & grapes)
    English muffin

    *Garden Vegetable soup - bowl (*from Potbelly’s restaurant ...I’m sure you could sub any other 100-150 calorie veggie soup though)
    Oyster crackers (*the ones at Potbelly’s are 66 calories if that helps)

    1 pint of fresh whole strawberries

    2 Tilapia fillets
    2 cups steamed broccoli (I put salt, garlic salt, or garlic powder on mine)
    Salad (consisting of: 2T dressing, 1 diced roma tomato, ¼ head of lettuce) << (a link for the dressing – I found it at a local Jewel)

    ^ all of that totals about 1327 calories. (I have to go for at least one 30 min walk to make it fit into my day.)

    Well, I think this is the most I've ever written …ever. So I will end there!
    Good luck, you are doing great!!
  • Don't compare yourself to anyone. You are the unique you and you sound like you are doing amazing! Keep smiling and keep on going! You will get there at your own pace.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    You should not compare yourself to her, but instead use it at motivation to kick it up a notch!

    I agree. When I look at my MFP friends or forum posts there are always people who are doing better, running faster or lifting heavier than I am. They are the ones who inspire me to try harder!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    you are not in competition with others. compete with yourself only. When you work out, always try to do a little bit better than YOU did the previous day. Forget about others. Put the focus on yourself. You are doing very well.
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    This is easy. You're upset because you are being to hard on yourself. We have low self esteem issues and when we think we are doing good and wham out of nowhere someone close to you is flying past you it makes you feel inadequate. It doesn't mean its sane or right but that is just the way it is. We need to build our self esteem up and remember that this is OUR journey and we will be successful in our own time and on our own terms. I have recently had the same issues not going to say with who but it does make you feel like you're doing something wrong. Especially when you start before them. ugh. But it's all good because you will do great. Stay strong, stay focused, and worry about you. :flowerforyou:
  • I am so sorry. I can relate. I have been trying to lose weight for a while and it has been so slow.

    Don't measure yourself by anyone else. You know your body.

    Don't let someone else's journey take the joy away from yours.

    I am sure you want affirmation from the ones you love. You deserve that affirmation whether you receive it or not.

    Keep up the good and hard work. You will succeed!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    low carb works. maybe you should give it a try! i do it, and i can't imagine going any other route for my life.
  • We all have people in our life that jus don't get how hard it is to lose weight. They just make up their mind, eat the same way we are and the pounds fall away. It is frustrating and the tears are understandable. [Been there- still there]
    Sometimes we need to shake up what we have been doing to get off the plateau and start losing again.
    Sometimes a trip to the doctor for some blood work to find out what is going on is in order.

    There are real medical issues that can hinder weight loss. Ask your doctor for a complete work up.
    I'm in the middle of that now. So far we have discovered that I am Insulin Resistant [headed toward diabetic] and that I have Ostoarthritis in my feet. Still waiting for other results.

    Reach out to your support system. Many of us are in your shoes.
    I get the jealousy- anger- sadness... hang in there. You can do this.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    I have felt like crying as well. But it's not because of my failures or anyone elses success. I think actually it's a happy want to cry.
    There are so many negative mean people in the world but coming out here seeing people be positive and good to each other and themselves's just awesome. My best friend saw that I was losing weight and quickly jumped on the wagon. I was her inspiration and I'm glad about that but it DOES give you a little competition which should motivate you!!! Let the cry out and then let the positive in!!!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    First off 52lbs down is amazing!!! 2nd I can understand your frustration in not losing as quickly as you like or having someone else who started after lose faster, but like another poster said, if your aunt weighed more than you to start than she would lose faster than you. So dont be discouraged. YOu are not alone. And you are doing an awesome job. XOXO :flowerforyou:
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    You've lost 52lbs - that is nothing to be sad\upset about. Keep doing what you are doing and try not to compare yourself to anyone else. :flowerforyou:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    Its hard but you have to remember this is a LIFE change. Its not just a weight loss. You will both be doing these things forever. And there is plenty of time. Heck, if I got jealous of every person on here who lost more than I have, I wouldnt BE here...LOL! So be proud of what you have accomplished...and be glad you are in that 13...I am just into 16's now so I have a LOT longer to go than you. ;)
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    I was going to say this, and noticed other people say it too, but I'll say it anyway. A 13 is a junior size, 12 is womens. A 13 junior is smaller! But even if it wasn't, you are doing great!!! I made the mistake of watching "The Biggest Loser", and after feeling like I was doing fabulous, I felt like crap because the most I ever lost in a week was 7lbs, and it was only once! Most of the time it's more like 2.5 lbs. But we cannot compare ourselves to other people. Easier said than done, I know.

    As far as low carbing goes, if you have not been doing that and are still losing weight, I don't see a reason for you to change what you are doing. We need carbs for energy, we just have to keep it to a reasonable amount. I try to keep mine under 120g a day, but if I had to give them up entirely to lose weight, as soon as I lost it all I know I'd be eating them again. I couldn't do that for the rest of my life. That is the key, do what you can do forever, or be undone when the "diet" is over.

    Keep your chin up, I can't wait to be at 52lbs lost!! :flowerforyou:
  • I can totally relate! I have been struggling with my weight, ever since I quit smoking. I faithfully gained 10 pounds/month for 7 months when I quit smoking. I suddenly could not breath and looked horrible (I only weight 105 before I quit smoking). So... for the past could of years, I've been trying to loose it. I decided that I was going to "get on the ball" for the New Year - I was doing really well... lost 5 pounds every month, which was my goal.

    Until April... and my dad passed away. I gained back one of those 5 pounds in April (out of town for almost 2 weeks to be with him for his final days and funeral) and now... I can't seem to loose a pound! It is SO FRUSTRATING. I don't have an aunt to hate on and be jealous of, but I sure am getting depressed with myself and going no where.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I think to admit you are jealousy is honest and healthy. The crying is normal too. It is when you bottle it in and smile and be fake about it, let it consume your thoughts...well I think that's when it turns to envy. Envy is not good. Same goes with anger. If you are honest with yourself you show you are angry, but if you let it stay bottled in that anger can lead to hate.

    I think one thing to point out before people might get confused as to thinking why I am saying jealousy and anger are good things, is that what I am really trying to say is that jealousy is a temporary human emotion.

    When people act out of jealousy or anger, they are really acting out of fear. In your case, fear of failure is so common - I experience this same fear when I used to be out with my ex boyfriend who would check out other women in front of my face - but I would portray my emotions to him out of jealousy and anger. What I was really feeling was the fear he would leave me, or that he would not love me. I had to find out later (after painful relationship after painful relationship) that you have to love yourself before you can love others - in any size you are in first. Than you can heal. You're doing a better job than me! I just started.

    you are sooooooo wise!!
  • Congrats to you and to your success. You have done amazing. Congrats to your Aunt as well. You probably were just having one of those days when things just didn't settle quite well. Actually sometimes a little jealousy can be a great motivater. Use it as that. Look for the positive in every situation and once you start doing that you will be amazed at how things all seem different. Good luck to you and keep up the great work.

  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you everyone. This is what I needed and this is why I posted my feelings. I need the outside view looking in. I needed someone to grab me by the shoulders and give me a BIG shake!

    Iknow this whole journey has a lot to do with "re-configuring" the brain also. Which is VERY HARD FOR ME. And my response/reaction to my grandmother's e-mail is very dramatic. I know this but can't change my feelings and there is even a voice in the back of my head as I type this "stop bit**in' and get over it!"

    I am going to do as everyone suggested. This isn't a race maybe in another 4 months I'll be wearing a 12, Maybe I should try a 12 on today and see how the do or don't fit and use that as motivation? Cause as I sit here and think...I haven't even tried a 12 on yet.....How do I know?

    I will reevaluate my eating habits which have been CRAP. I will reevaluate my meals, which have been CRAP. I will reevaluate and set goals--which I haven't done in 3 months. I will use my Aunt's success to push me harder--maybe instead of 15 push-ups I will think about that size 12 and do 25.

    I will stop whining, start smiling and keep moving. I can and I will.

    ATTA GIRL!! :)
  • TeresaWash
    TeresaWash Posts: 283
    The feelings are normal. But be happy for her. that 80 pounds has done way more for her health than for her size!
    You are doing awsome!!!! Keep it up, you'll get there!
  • TiffanyWasmer
    TiffanyWasmer Posts: 190 Member
    I TOTALLY get this! My younger sister and I are very competitive as well...about 5 years ago we both did the whole Adipex diet and got freakishly skinny...of course I gained it all back but she didn't due to some other meds she went on :(
    Anyhoo, the fight against fat sucks HOWEVER, you my dear are doing it the proper way: slow and steady wins the race. And 52 pounds is absolutely amazing!!!
    Do not beat yourself up and do not give up the fight. Look for ways to improve yourself and remember this: If she gets too close to a cake or a piece of over. :wink:
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    I totally understand as well. The day my mom gave me her fat clothes I about cried, but I'm happy for her too! My mom was a 24 and is down to a flippin 10! She did have the gastric surgery but it was pretty much life or death. Even after losing the weight she had to get a pacemaker. That was my serious wake up call to get this weight off because my 3 year old son needs his mommy around.

    Regardless, being jealous is normal. Be proud of your accomplishments and maybe post some before and afters. Never feel ashamed of yourself for the way you feel.