

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Another good day. I could get used to this! I drove this morning to the campground where my brother and his family are staying (about 1-1/2 hours away). I nibbled on carrots and tomatoes, some watermelon, 1 slice of cheese and 3 slices of deli chicken (I tracked the calories!) I have to say, woo hoo me!! I drove home late this afternoon and made myself a big, wonderful salad.

    I am doing my best to be absolutely religious about logging everything. My nephew's wedding is coming up in a little more than a week. I know that's going to be challenging. My strategy is to track what I eat and log it. It's way to early and I've been off track WAY too long to think I can let loose even a little.

    Kackie, I'll be thinking of you at your son's wedding. I hope it's wonderful.

    Everyone else, I've read your posts and am thinking of you.

    Standing at the computer is helping me stay on it a lot less!

    xx Mimi SVQ

    p.s. I think I can reclaim my Sister Veggie Queen title again.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, Been doing MFP since May so far ok notice its a little bit slower this time around. Its been over 20 years since I try to get my weight in control. I did loose lots of weight but gain it all back plus lots more. Greatful to be able to focus on my health this time not just weight is helping The heat made it harder to exercise this week but have managed to get some in
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: Jb, I’ve given up weight training in favor of gardening, too…..it’s hard to go indoors and work-out when the weather is beautiful and there’s great stuff to do outdoors…different muscles are being worked and I know I’ll be back to the weights when the weather changes.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, congrats on getting out to walk with your dogs……that’s the greatest exercise for the mind and the soul.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, none of us started out exercising at the levels we do today……we just added a bit at a time and the numbers mounted up.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I’ve worn Birkenstocks for years and I love them….my feet are always cold so I wear them with colorful socks.

    :flowerforyou: I got a call today from one of the women in my regular Thursday and Friday line dance classes. She told me that the teacher's husband (age 85) had fallen and broken both wrists and injured his face and she wouldn't be able to teach this week and wondered if I would teach the Friday class. The woman who teaches on Wednesdays will teach on Thursday.....since I’m still teaching for my friend whose husband died, I'll be teaching two classes on Friday and one class tomorrow

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    DEE DEE I hope you have a better day tomorrow :flowerforyou:

    I am so excited tomorrow is my second week weigh in. I have been doing good with logging my food,need to ramp up the exercise! :smile:
    Can anyone recommend any exercise tapes for my bad knees? I can't even sit on the floor! So any suggestions would be much appreciated!:happy:
    Thanks everyone for sharing , it motivates me !:bigsmile: Linda aka SundanceB
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    Linda aka SundanceB, thank you, so far this morning the head is not hurting, nor the ear, hope it stays that way!!!!:smile:

    Barbie, it sure sounds like you stay busy with your gardening, and line dance classes, the few flowers I planted this year died, I actually think they were ment to be in the shade, I planted them in the sun, they look so pitiful now:embarassed:. Line dancing sounds like a lot of fun, I should try to see if there is a class near me.

    Tonight I`m going over to my daughters house to stay with my sweet little granddaughters:love: so mom and dad can have a night out, I`m taking roasted chicken, salad and broccoli, and my oldest gdaughter who is 11 is going to make mac&cheese. I really don`t like mac&cheese:noway: , however I will eat a bite or two just because shes making it. I didn`t really know how to log a bite or two in my food diary so I put it in as 1 cup made with skim milk and no butter, I could not believe the calories 267, and 52 carbs,ick (for something I don`t even like!!!). I`m also taking dessert for them, chocolate vita top with fresh strawberries and whipped cream:heart: .

    It is raining here today, did yesterday too, it has been so hot and dry for quite awhile, my grass had started to turn brown and get crunchy, even the dog didn`t like to walk on it:laugh:. so, I`m gratful for this weather, even though I perfer sunshine:glasses:

    Kackie have a wonderful time at the wedding!!!:happy:

    Would love to respond to more posts, but time has gotten away from me:grumble: , must get my shower now!!!
    will try to check in later on.

    Have a fantastic Wednesday everyone!!!:bigsmile:

  • ejnancy2
    ejnancy2 Posts: 14
    Good morning to all...well i did good yesterday...i tracked every single bite....now i need to stay on this roll...going to try to get a walk in on my lunch hour today....i got my breakfast, lunch and snacks made for the day....got supper planned, tonight is the night i get my 2 gandaughters....so it is a fun night....keeps me so busy i do not snack in the evening...oh and i did not eat anything after dinner last night....i brushed my teeth and would not eat after i did that...even the great cheese that Tony (my other half) was eating...it was so hard....ok i got to get ready for work...have a wonderful day
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good day to all - so much to read!!

    Will someone please tell me more specifics about these wonderful ugly shoes that permit a person to get around without so many ortho problems? I NEED THEM!!! I need the best possible support that I can get to do my exercise. Thanks in advance.

    And Michele--I would like to learn to play Mah Jongg. I do play tile matching games on the computer. In fact I've got an app on my Kindle Fire and that's what I did while sitting in the doctor's waiting room yesterday. It's portable, only one person needed to play and it keeps me occupied. So all in all, not a bad thing but not the real thing.

    Need to write checks again today for some of my dad's bills, time to schedule more doctor's appointments. Same things as usual.

    I got an exercise DVD from the library, it's a Chris Powell workout from Extreme Makeover.....it's suppose to have a workout on it for folks with knee problems. Anyone tried it?

    Wishing everyone well today. :drinker:

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,:flowerforyou: Sorry that I have been a way for a while, but I have had grandkids at my house since last Wednesday. when one would leave another one stayed. It was a lot of fun and I love spending time with them, However I don't get much time for anything else. It was Hunters Birthday ( he is 9 years old) His BD party is on hold due to my DDIL's parents are out of town, so I took him along with my son and DIL , and the other 3 kids and one of my daughters Girl (Sarah 7 years old) down town. Now it was hot out side so we went early in the morning around 10:00 AM it was in the 90's then. After that we stoped at the Stake N Shake for a birthday lunch and milkshake and yes I knew better :blushing: , but I did it anyway and I am paying for it now. :angry: But it was so hot and it was going to get hotter and the kids would have to stay in because I don't have a pool or anything, Friday I let them play in the sprinker but Sat. there was a band on using the water for the lawn , it got up to 105 but feels like 110 because of the humidity. Now I know that a lot of you t live out west have hot weather alot . but it is not common to have it above the 90s in Indiana . It is 90 today , but I am at work. well any way I will drag my self back up on the wagon the vacation from my fitness plan is over ,and I am ready to get back to working on getting in shape and lose these pounds! I have been doing my walking and I bought a new walking DVD , alot of the time it is getting dark when I get home , also it been so hot. It is Leslie Sansone Walk at home ( Walk away your Waistline)
    well I had better get back to work . have a great day:bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Hump Day,

    Meg- I love it..."company of good friends is energy for our souls":love: I'm thinking that retiring and even if it were part time I would really love it, at least let me try:wink:

    Lin- crunching bugs YUCK:noway: I haven't heard of the Chris Powell exercise DVD, but I love watching him and reading his website. He's so inspirational and I do enjoy watching him on Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition, he seems to push his people firmly but gently:wink: to succeed.

    Amanda- will you get to have any time with your brother? Imagine running into him like that:flowerforyou:

    ejNancy- two days is a great start, keep going you are sure to reach your goal:drinker: Its so much easier to stay the course when you preplan your days eating, that's why I do so well during the work week. I bring my breakfast, snacks and lunch to work, log it and that's what I eat...it's when I get home or the weekends that seem to pull me under:grumble:

    Jen- keep your focus, from my observations of when I'm up and down it's usually due to my diet or lack there of:grumble: and eating things that I knew I shouldn't. Hoping you hear from your DS soon:flowerforyou:

    Jane- isn't it awful when we find that what we thought we could do we really can't:grumble: When I look at some exercises I think that doesn't look too hard and when I try it...well it just doesn't happen:sad: the body just isn't what it used to be.

    Michele- rosebuds and hanging baskets:laugh: :laugh: made my day. Thanks.

    DeeDee- hope you're feeling better soon.:flowerforyou: Once you start logging food it's amazing how many calories, sodium, fat, carbs, etc are in some things that we used to take for granted and eat at much as we wanted, unfortunately some of those food I really love:sad: so I just don't make them anymore.

    Rose- sore abs:huh: but a good sore right? Great job on the exercise you inspire me to do a bit more tonight:love:

    Kackie- enjoy your time with the family for your sons wedding. We will look forward to hearing how your week away goes when you return:drinker:

    Mimi- great job on reclaiming your title SVQ:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- those women are so fortunate to have you as a back up teacher:flowerforyou:

    Linda- I don't have any DVD recommendations, but I'm sure someone else will. I know that there are a lot of "Chair" exercises too, you maybe able to find them on line. Good luck:drinker:

    rp-it's always fun to have the grandkids:flowerforyou: It's when they are over that I realize why young people have the children, just glad I'm able to keep up with my two:wink:

    It's supposed to be in the low 90's today so it's heating back up. Last night we went on another bike ride at the resevoir. I do so love riding the bike outside and when we see wildlife I really love it and last night we saw 1 buck and 5 does and more bunnies than we could count, makes me forget that we live in the city:love:

    My weigh in this morning only showed .2 of a loss...but it's still a loss...was hoping for a .4 but as each small bit comes off kicking and screaming:angry: I guess I will take what I can :ohwell: no matter how small.

    Each morning when I'm putting on my clothes and realizing that I'm wearing a lot of my 2010 wardrobe it encourages me to keep going and then when I see so many success stories it pushes me to drink more water, do a bit more exercise and watch what I'm putting in my mouth. So let's keep going and make our lives another success story that will encourage others to join our ranks:drinker:

    Have a great day All.:flowerforyou:

  • asb46
    asb46 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I'm jumping into the group. I'm 53.5, and am 20% along the way toward my goal of being a healthy weight by...whenever I get there! Becoming a diabetic finally motivated me to see a nutritionist (I *thought* I knew everything there was to know about dieting), and she turned me on to MFP. Who knew that something as simple as a modern tool that makes calorie tracking and nutrition goals EASY would actually work? Good-bye Weight Watchers, hello success!

  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hello everyone...
    I subscribed / posted / enjoyed this thread several years ago, and you helped me to lose 21 lbs, but life happened and I went almost all the way back to where I was - - gained back 19 lbs.
    So, now I am determined to try again. With the help of MFP.

    My plan is not easy ... first, get the exercise back up from 2 days a week to 4 days, minimum.
    Monday and Tuesday I have to work late late (like to 10pm) so those are the only days I will have trouble.

    Second, add some flexibility and stretching to my routine, somehow.

    Third, back to careful eating. This is the hardest one. Sigh. I am really good all day long - busy, productive, distracted. But for a (mostly) single gal, the evenings are long. So, ladies, what works for you in the evenings? Any suggestions?
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Sorry to hear about your migraine today, Katie! My son gets migraines, has since he was in the 1st grade and he is now 21. What part of California is La Quinta? I used to live in Stockton, Northern CA and it would get hot enough there! Living in Washington now does have it's advantages, rarely too hot. Although the rain here gets to me a lot!!

    La Quinta is in the Palm Springs area, about 25 miles East of Palm Springs in the Coachella Valley. My migraines are Menopausal Migraines and Im on meds for them everyday, Topamax and it typically keeps them at bay but this is an unusual month, hopefully this is a one time thing,
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy hump day everyone! I'm having a good day because I took my dog to the vet specialist for a follow up today and his gallbladder and pancreas are normal. He had severe gallbladder disease that gave him pancreatitis and nearly died. I have been nursing him for over a month now and he's doing great! So another $1000 down the tubes, but it was well spent! :laugh:

    We are going out of town this weekend and I have a huge to do list to get busy on! I don't know how I ever have time to work! I did great with calories yesterday; under my goal by nearly 400 and I walked a mile. I think my plan for vacation is to just portion control and try to make healthy-ish choices! I wonder what they have that is healthy to eat at Adventure Land LOL. :tongue: We will be walking lots, so that will help.

    Linder: good job staying strong with all your stress! Keep up the good work!

    Tiarapants: your flying story is amazing! To see your brother unexpectedly; how fun. My parents lived in New Jersey at one time and they were looking to buy a retirement house in ARkansas. They were being shown a house at the same time another couple was there. They started talking ("Where are you from", etc) and found out they lived one block from each other and had never met! That kind of stuff is crazy!

    Nancy, Angela, and rfsahae: WELCOME!!! You will enjoy our group!

    Jane: ouch! shin splints can be so painful. I hope you are on the mend soon.

    Michelle: OMG the hanging baskets had me laughing out loud! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    DeeDee: UGH i just hate sinus issues! I hope you are feeling better soon! I just got over about 3 weeks of them!

    Kackie: Enjoy your son's wedding! Take lots of pictures!

    Linda: I can't sit on the floor either from back problems, so I can empathize with you!

    Laura80111: I'm so excited for you that you can get into your older "skinnier" clothes! I must admit to keeping my old clothes too hoping that one day I'll wear them again. You have inspired me! That must feel great. Where do you live that you can go biking and see deer?

    I suppose I should go start tackling that list! I did call for the refills on the doggy meds (he's "down" to 4 a day now OMG), so I do have one thing crossed off. So have a great day everyone and stay OP today! :drinker:

    Take care, Meg :flowerforyou:
  • ejnancy2
    ejnancy2 Posts: 14
    Hi well i did good today too...now just no snacking tonight....i am almost at my 1200 calories but probably will not make it to that many....i had hot dogs tonight and i tried the Hebrew 97 or 98% fat free....they are only 40 calories eacch,,..and they were not too bad...i had 3 of the,,,but only 1 1/2 buns...so that is not too bad....i am full....got on the scale this morning and i am down to 163....wahooo that makes me really happy...seeing that loose will keep me on track...i have been stuck around 166 for so long...hope you all have a great night

  • pennyns
    pennyns Posts: 10 Member
    wow 70 lbs - that's awesome - I find that being over 50 & overweight means I have to pace myself in exercise or I really hurt - just getting started and down 4 lb this week
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    So, does jogging in the pool count as exercise? LOL! I was going to do intervals on the bike and rower when I got home from work, but it was over 90 and I had zero energy (I know...excuses, excuses!) I did get in the pool and first ran one way against the flow and then the other..not sure how long I did it but it was silly and fun!

    Tomorrow I will do my intervals. Someone asked about coping with evening eating...that is when I am on the thread catching up, posting and it helps keep me (or get me to) focus on what my goal is. One of my difficult times is after lunch..I generallyeat at my desk (small insurance agency) and after I eat if I am able ...depends on time, the flow of the day...I go for a walk/stroll. The problem is if I don't get the walk in I get fidgety and then I start raiding the candy dish for customers...my new strategy is to save my pineapple chunks for the "fidgety "part of the day and hopefully that will keep me away from the candy dish...I will keep you posted.

    Someone else asked about Skinny Legs...it is a bar/restaurant on St John (US Virgin Islands) ...only 5 more work days until my trip!!

    Have a great evening..hugs and high fives..we LOVE drinking that water:drinker:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Well, my dears, I just had to drop by and tell you that the Dr said I can kick the ortho boot and begin walking again! :happy: I have my foot back! :happy: Oh yeah. It will take some time to build up the strength in my ankle but I am so happy.

    J'boy and I are at my parents place in Kelowna, he's taking sailing lessons and I am hanging around with my family. Last night I cooked a french food extravaganza (think melted butter and cream), :blushing: so yummy. Tonight it's bunless burgers with salad from the garden. I found the YMCA and have been at the gym too, very big compared to my small town place but the heavy lifters were just as kind to the old lady.

    Hasta pronto,

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Oh boy...DS just called..he leaves for Afghanistan tomorrow..I managed to not cry while on the phone..not sure when I will hear his voice again...the good news is this is a short deployment and hopefully will be back in the States by Thanksgiving..very proud of him but this is his first deployment and we are quite anxious!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Jen - my heart aches for you. I know this must be one of the scariest times. Please know I will keep you and your son in my thoughts. What a brave and courageous man, I thank him from the bottom of my heart.:heart:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    DeeDee - hope you feel better fast. I hate when I get a sinus headache! I usually take Sudafed, the box says "may cause drowsiness" but it has the direct opposite effect on me. Come two o'clock in the morning, I'm wide awake!

    Did 1 hr of the Leslie Sansone 5 mile Total Body workout DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do the Bob Harper Pure Strength DVD. I am very surirsed how much water I drink and how much I sweat when I do her DVD's

    We had the Newcomer general meeting and then the senior bowling. I bowled a 105, a 99 (talk about stinky) but then a 149. I'm still Mss. Consitently Inconsistent.

    Remember how I told you that the other day I was feeling so bloated? Well, almost before the DVD was over I ran to the bathroom, had a bad case of the runs. Still having the runs but not as bloated as I was the other day. Vince has the runs now and he was saying how his stomach was bloated. don't know what this is.

    kackie - have a great time at the wedding

    lizmil, asb, welcome back rfshaw - welcome

    barbie or anyone else - is there someplace you buy you birkenstocks that are a bit less expensive?

    Lin - we play American Mahjongg. I can't find it online at all to play. I'd like to practice some.

    Jen - I consider jogging in the pool to be exercise. You burn more calories than you think you do. I can feel your heart breaking but yet proud of your son. Prayers coming your way

    Nancy - that is SO SO great that you have your foot back!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.
