What's your ethnicity?



  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    White......German and French
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Puerto Rican!!
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Another recent discovery is that I am distantly related to George Bush... I spend way too much time in the genealogy room at the library.

    Since I started this journey in 2009 I have met 3 relatives that I previously didn't know existed. I *LOVE* findagrave.com, fantastic resource.

    Through my dads side of the family I'm related to JFK, through my mums side of the family I'm related to C.Y. O'Connor
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    Californiatexan Mexican

    Boring, but my kids are Viet-Mex mix. :)
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    1/2* Dutch, 1/4 Danish, 1/8** Ukrainian, 1/8** Something from the British Isles. I mostly identify as Dutch-Canadian, as my father's side of the family isn't really in touch with their heritage. Heck, they even anglicized our Danish surname.

    *My maternal grandmother (aka, "Oma"), while identifying only as Dutch, probably has some mixed blood from the times of the Spanish Netherlands, as well as possibly from the "colonization" of Indonesia. She had very dark brown hair and pale, olive skin. She came from Rotterdam, a major port city, the second most populous city in the country. My Opa, on the other hand, was from a village in the north and had very rural Dutch features, such as blond hair, typical facial structure (hard to explain the subtleties of this. If you're Dutch and involved in the Dutch culture, you know the jokes and jibes about "looking and acting Dutch").

    ** and *** My paternal grandmother was adopted. We don't know much about her birth family, but it's likely that she was half Ukrainian (she came from the Canadian prairies... LOTS of Ukrainians). For the other half, she is most likely half Scottish or possibly half Welsh.

    I'm dying to get a thorough DNA analysis that can unlock the mystery about my Oma's mixed heritage, whether or not there is any. I've always been curious about that.
  • I'm German. My mom and dad are both from majority German heritage families. They don't give you that option on official forms - white is white :(
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    White lol.

    To be fancy: My dad's Irish, my mom's German. Most of my relatives on my Dad's side are very stereotypically irish looking (fair skin, red hair, freckles, etc) it's always a kick at family reunions.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    Im half italian, quarter german, and a quarter english. I am also very little swiss and maybe way down the line indian lol.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    No Purebreds these days huh?
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    Black American, descendant of African Slaves (plus a litte European and American Indian sprinkled in).

    I'd love to have DNA testing and really see where my people are from. Its on my list :)

    Ditto. Black american usually = Mutt. But my mom doesnt like when i say that.lol. Is mixed breed better? Maybe? :huh:

    I don't know about the mixed breed thing. I personally find it offensive.

    I think "multiracial" or "biracial" are much better terms, personally.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    Irish, German, Russian, Polish, and something else that makes me tan quickly:)..............you'd think I should be drunk and pissed off all the time:)
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    mexican and japanese
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 928 Member
    Caucasian and Italian ....lasagna meets hamburger helper.
  • Xtina_Beba
    Xtina_Beba Posts: 218
    Total mix: Nicaraguan, Spainard, & Lebanese
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 995 Member
    English mother, Irish father.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    frekled. :happy:
  • jazzedorange
    jazzedorange Posts: 184 Member
    Chippewa Indian, Irish, English, Italian, German and Norwegian. I'm a mutt, gotta love it!
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    mostly scottish with some irish and english thrown in. also im a cousin (very far back) of sam houston. my name was houston up to my grandmother on my fathers side. also i found this guy while researching for a family tree project for school. he wrote a whole book about our family down to me and my sister. it was super creepy. i would like to do more searching on my mothers side, but her dad was sort of adopted so its hard.

    also i should add that i have the freckles and my sister has the bright red hair. lol
  • robhigareda
    robhigareda Posts: 47 Member
    Mexican/Spanish I think....Not sure...I look Spanish more than Mexican for sure.
  • mccox84
    mccox84 Posts: 8 Member
    Indian(Cherokee),Irish and German...and one hell of a bad temper!:explode: