Do people think your older or younger than you look?



  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member I hear
  • Younger.. No one thinks I'm 30.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I usually get mistaken for 24. I've avoided the sun all my life and people are genuinely shocked to find out how old I am (39)

    I was not an avoider of sun as a youth, but actively avoided it as a young adult and I think it has made a HUGE difference. I always get compliments on my skin and how healthy and wrinkle free my face is. Not that I should have wrinkles anyway. I love the sun, but I am very careful about always wearing sunscreen and taking good care of my face and décolletage.
    Yeah, I'm 100% wrinkle free so far. Definitely not complaining.
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    I took my little, 18 year old, sister to school a few months and her teacher thought I was a middle schooler and wanted to know who let me drive. I'm practically 21 not 12 people! Its not flattering yet.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I usually get mistaken for 24. I've avoided the sun all my life and people are genuinely shocked to find out how old I am (39)

    I was not an avoider of sun as a youth, but actively avoided it as a young adult and I think it has made a HUGE difference. I always get compliments on my skin and how healthy and wrinkle free my face is. Not that I should have wrinkles anyway. I love the sun, but I am very careful about always wearing sunscreen and taking good care of my face and décolletage.
    Yeah, I'm 100% wrinkle free so far. Definitely not complaining.

    I had this weird photo thing done to my face when I went to the dermatologist, and based on average UV damage for people my age, my skin was better than 98% and same with wrinkles. It was nice to know my hardwork has paid off and that I have almost no UV damage to my face.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    People are often surprised when I tell them I'm 49
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Im just about 31 and I still get carded when I go to bars.....usually get told look between 23-26. Good skin genes run in the
  • HeyHeyLynn
    HeyHeyLynn Posts: 31 Member
    I think we always believe we look younger than others our age. "I don't really look THAT old, do I?" I have white and I'm working on aging gracefully...accepting wrinkles, sags, parts that didn't work as well as they once did,...all worth it to have grandchildren. They bring smiles to your face and joy to your heart. (Okokok, I'm getting all gushy and mushy now, sorry)
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    Youger... I'll be 27 and usually I get late teens (19) early 20's. It's about half and half if I get carded for a rated R movie.
  • blasiansrus
    blasiansrus Posts: 151
    I get both depending on the day (or picture) I've gotten everything from 12-21...since I was like 14.
    I'm 17 now >.<'
    People guess 13 now based on height though. It's annoying because I'm taller than my mom..I guess she's 12 then?
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    People would always ask if I was still in high school but no, I am turning 24 in a few days. Some people started calling me "baby face" which I don't see it. I sound like a little girl though. I was arguing with a telemarketer on the phone once and he got mad and said that I needed to pass the phone to my parents or an adult. I was 20 at the time.
  • OMGitsEve
    OMGitsEve Posts: 7
    yup i agree..ppl nowadays def. look younger. You know 40 is the new 30, 30 is the new 20 etc ;) I get told i look between 18-20. I am 28.
  • SemperFi91
    SemperFi91 Posts: 169
    Im 20 and people think im 16.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    yup i agree..ppl nowadays def. look younger. You know 40 is the new 30, 30 is the new 20 etc ;) I get told i look between 18-20. I am 28.

    I believe it, your profile pic is adorable! I never would have guessed 28 from your picture.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I got ID'd just last night when I tried to buy a bottle of wine. I looked at the 18 year old behind the counter in shock before stammering "buh...buh...but I'm 28! He scoffed and still insisted on seeing my ID. Then the lady in the gas station this morning made a comment along the lines of "when I was your age" I asked how old she thought I was and she said 19-22. Needless to say, I'm in a really good mood today :)
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    There's a tipping point for everyone. For decades people thought I was much younger. But, I've caught up to myself and I don't think there's any mistaking now. LOL.

    I'm cool with it. I got a free pass for a long time.

    This idea of a tipping point is very interesting. For what it's worth, you make 54 look great!
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    Always younger. I'm 33 and people generally think 23-27 (depending on whether i have my kids with me) I was carded for an R rated movie at 31. I laughed so hard but he was serious. Oh, and I told some one I was getting a new dress for my birthday a few weeks ago and she said, "is it your 21st" I wanted to kiss her lol.
  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    hmm, sucks to be me! Im 26 and i got a haircut the other day- one of the ladies i work with (i work in supported housing) said 'oh your haircut takes 10 years off you, you look like you are in your 30's now!' -D'oh :noway:
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    I get that alot. I am 35 people give me anywhere from just out if high school to 30.. they are always shocked when they find my true age lol..
  • LydiaA82
    LydiaA82 Posts: 36
    Ive been told by a few people I don't know that I look fresh out of school (16!) Im 30! I don't take it literally though, I've lead a stressful life lol