
  • panzerhaus
    panzerhaus Posts: 16
    Where will you be when this occurs?
    Somewhere On the outskirts of Ottawa Ont

    Will you be able to out run them?

    Depends on zombie type, but yes

    What survival skills do you have that will allow you to outsmart/outlive a zombie crisis?

    lets see, I know how to butcher an animal. I can cook from scratch, can foods, I know how to garden and cultivate. Sew,
    I can hunt/fish if need be. I have worked construction so im handy with tools. I probably have other attributes, just can't think of them now. We have a fully stocked first aid and emergency kits

    What is your weapon of choice after your ammuntion runs out?

    Cross bow, compound bow and we happen to have an extensive knife collection. Though any big ol stick or crowbar could work.

    Honestly I was never really into this whole Zombie talk, But my son has a passion for it (and preping) and my BF loves everything zombie related. So.....if you can't beat em join em.
    As a mom I support his passions, we now have 4 bug out bags, our (ZAP) Zombie Action Plan is in place and I we beggun prepping, We all know how to use the weapons mentionned above, hunt and survive in the wilderness.

    And say the Zombie thing never happens....... but some other natural disaster does, we are good to go with out running water and food for quite a while. lol I like to plan ahead.

    On a side note, they both really enjoyed Worldwar Z, its more political than the plain old blood and gore zombie book.
    I think (OP) you would enjoy it too.

    Your prepping sounds much like ours. we also like to plan ahead..
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    Actually, just remembered I have a lifesize replica Klingon Bat'leth. Yeah, that'll do nicely.

    O man, I thought I was going to be the first to say this! O well, we can be in the Bat'leth brigade!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    "I Am Legend" was a zombie movie? :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member

    "I Am Legend" was a zombie movie? :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I was thinking it was vampire-like things myself. Gonna have to rewatch the movie to see, I guess.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    Where I will Be: Undetermined as I may be moving from Raleigh to anywhere else come November.

    Will I be able to Outrun: Yes

    Survival Skills: My dad was a Marine MP who hated the thought of his daughter dating. So he taught me how to live and survive outdoors on nothing but worms and roots and a tarp as well as fish, hunt and clean it all up and portion it and all that goodness. He also taught me how to beat the crap out of guys bigger than me, stronger than me and needing a good smack. He figured it would be Marines so he taught me to handle Marines. I also worked, and still work, in the emergency medicine field and in an ER so I know first aid, treating injuries and handling breaks, sprains and what not.

    Weapon of Choice: A tire iron. If I have no ammo I need something that wont break easily, packs a punch and easily handled and carried. Then, if I can carry, a bow. Im in the process of learning to use one even better. But anything sturdy, portable and can maximize damage.
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Well in all reality I thought of it as a Zombie type movie... I guess the sunlight thing could seem like vampire(ish) but mostly was the human species infected with a aggressive strain of Rabies!
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    I like my edged weapons and stuff. Have assorted things like axes and spears and swords. And can kind of g things and am learning to make yogurt and tofu from scratch now and am going to try to make cheese. Sorry about the prolific use of the word and but i am using my kindle and still forget where the bloody commas are.:sad:
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    I like my edged weapons and stuff. Have assorted things like axes and spears and swords. And can kind of g things and am learning to make yogurt and tofu from scratch now and am going to try to make cheese. Sorry about the prolific use of the word and but i am using my kindle and still forget where the bloody commas are.:sad:

    Pretty sure in a zombie apocalypse no one cares about grammer! Just saying
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I like my edged weapons and stuff. Have assorted things like axes and spears and swords. And can kind of g things and am learning to make yogurt and tofu from scratch now and am going to try to make cheese. Sorry about the prolific use of the word and but i am using my kindle and still forget where the bloody commas are.:sad:

    Pretty sure in a zombie apocalypse no one cares about grammer! Just saying
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Actually, just remembered I have a lifesize replica Klingon Bat'leth. Yeah, that'll do nicely.

    O man, I thought I was going to be the first to say this! O well, we can be in the Bat'leth brigade!
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    *** Dictate the rest of this Seemingly lovely day in our zombie apocalyptic fantasy thread***

    A cool winters day, as I set up into the sunshine, the breeze hits my face and fresh air flows threw my hair. It was quite nice to step outside, from the dank and dusty brushy mountain state prision. It has been nearly 3 months since our group have gathered inorder to escape the insuing chaos from this zombie apocalypse...

    I know what you are thinking "Cliche, isnt it? a group of people gathering in a high security type prision?", well of course its cliche. Because thats what works. Who really thought a zombie apocalypse would ever happen? Well the answer to that question is actually fairly entertaining. A hell of a lot of people, thats who!

    As I look out and see the morning watch preparing to switch shifts, I ask for a quick report. Sarg, a former military and gun slinger/marksmen steps down from the birds nest. "Business as usual, everything has remained fairly quiet." he said. "Great, go ahead and grab breakfast. I am fairly certain they have some high protein egg type food cooking in the chow hall." I respond taking his M4 carbine rifle with a eotech scope.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    Actually, just remembered I have a lifesize replica Klingon Bat'leth. Yeah, that'll do nicely.

    O man, I thought I was going to be the first to say this! O well, we can be in the Bat'leth brigade!

    You both are recruited, if nothing else, you two can dual for entertainment.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    Actually, just remembered I have a lifesize replica Klingon Bat'leth. Yeah, that'll do nicely.

    O man, I thought I was going to be the first to say this! O well, we can be in the Bat'leth brigade!

    You both are recruited, if nothing else, you two can dual for entertainment.

    I guess I better start practicing. Too bad Worf didn't put out an instructional video!
  • SLewis74
    SLewis74 Posts: 28 Member
    Spoken like a true CO!
  • I'll be at home in south jersey.

    My weapon of choice when my ammo runs out? That won't happen.........
  • Where will i be: arkansas
    Will i be able to out run them: for a short amount of time. About a good 5-10 minutes sprinting.
    What survival skills do I have: knowledge about the undead, small amount of archery skill, and survival skills.
    Weapon of choice: hunting bow with retractable arrows, sharp edged knifes.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Where I will Be: Undetermined as I may be moving from Raleigh to anywhere else come November.

    Will I be able to Outrun: Yes

    Survival Skills: My dad was a Marine MP who hated the thought of his daughter dating. So he taught me how to live and survive outdoors on nothing but worms and roots and a tarp as well as fish, hunt and clean it all up and portion it and all that goodness. He also taught me how to beat the crap out of guys bigger than me, stronger than me and needing a good smack. He figured it would be Marines so he taught me to handle Marines. I also worked, and still work, in the emergency medicine field and in an ER so I know first aid, treating injuries and handling breaks, sprains and what not.

    Weapon of Choice: A tire iron. If I have no ammo I need something that wont break easily, packs a punch and easily handled and carried. Then, if I can carry, a bow. Im in the process of learning to use one even better. But anything sturdy, portable and can maximize damage.

    I think I will bring my family over to your place!
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    Where will i be: Cleveland
    Will i be able to out run them: Yeah i'm pretty fast and even faster when something is trying to kill me:bigsmile:
    What survival skills do I have: I'm a quick thinker and have basic survival skills.
    Weapon of choice: Sword or assassin blade:smile:
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    Ill be in western australia either in Perth or at my mine site, if im at the mine site id like my shovel please and yes i could out run em

    if im in perth ill out skate them and ill use my skate tool if they get close enough but i doubt theyll get past 1903 bayonet which ill sharpen especially (=
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I'll be in So Cal... Los Angeles,

    I run 8 minute miles, I'll out run a Motherfccking Zombie!

    I know nature, wilderness, Biology/Microbio/, I'll tell you what the fcck you can't eat out in the forests cause that's where I'll fcckn go... mountains, ill like to see a zombie try to climbe/hike his *kitten* through my mountains. plus I watch a whole lot of man vs wild and survivor man

    I can do minor surgeries, I know herbs and pharmaceuticals

    weapon of choice: spears and short swords!!