Gym Nicknames



  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    lol these are awesome
  • _Refried_
    _Refried_ Posts: 194
    The Turtle-The guys chest is so damn big it looks like a turtle shell, big arm and no legs and 5'5'' tall. If he layed on his stomach and put his legs and arms out you could spin him.
    The Crickett- This guy cannot lift his feet high enough when he runs and his damn shoes squeak
    Heavy Breather- The grunter/heavy breather that grunts even stretching
    The *****- No explanation needed
  • 1SlimShaylee
    1SlimShaylee Posts: 204
    lol @tv boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    like the guys at rc willey on sunday's that are just there for the free hot dogs and giant tv screens watching football!!
  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    I've only named one so far at the new gym but I know there are more to come.

    New Gym:

    Robo-Trainer - He's huge in a good way.

    Old Gym:

    Fancy Prancer - Most entertaining man I've ever seen on an elliptical.
    Sluts McGee - The kind of chick who throws her leg up on a machine to "stretch" in front of the guys.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Onion Vagina, because she smells like she washes her crotch with an onion.
  • linhmaimac
    linhmaimac Posts: 148 Member
    what a fantastic post, haha classic.

    in my gym we got

    Frat Boy - guy that walks around, chest puffed, and total ILS (imaginary lat syndrome for those of you that don't know), and wears nothing but Delta Chi shirts

    Old Lady Cray - an elderly gal who ONLY comes in on saturday, and does ONE set on EVERY machine, never putting any weight on. Much like Reaper Runner, I commend her efforts, and I can't get mad at her for throwing me off my groove.

    The Ab Fat Targeter - A woman who I am now acquainted with that comes to the gym religiously to walk on the track, and do this weird resisted crunch machine, then the elliptical.

    And that's it for now...

    Too friggin funny. Old lady cray...lolol

    I work out at home, so its just The Monster, my lil 2 year old that jumps on me when I do push ups.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Since my gym is in my home, and i very closely know everyone who works out in there, i don't really have any nicknames. Except the nickname for the gym itself, which is "The Sweatshop"
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Onion Vagina, because she smells like she washes her crotch with an onion.

    I wonder if this is worse than the perfume ladies?
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    And yet another one....

    The Protein Shakers...the bulged out muscle-heads who have to drink their weight gainer/protein shake after lifting...they go to the drinking fountain, add water to the powder and shake, shake, shake loudly for 5-10 minutes before drinking.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Angry Bird guy- plays angry birds on the machines, sometimes it is the arc trainer and he goes very slow, sometimes it is the crunch machine and blocks it for hours!

    white belly- a women who works out every day on the elliptical in spandex shorts and a sports bra. She is very pasty weight and looks like she is a couple months along ( but isn’t)

    tan lady- she is supper tan and thin, puts the machine at the highest incline she can go and holds on for dear life, never breaks a sweat

    annoying girl – does stretches right behind the machines and shoves her butt in everyone’s face, stinks of smoke, and talks the entire time- just a personal pet peeve, but she never drinks water, she brings red bull!
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    Not a gym rat anymore (P90X now days), but when I went regularly, there was a girl we called "psycho-rexic broad". She was really skinny (not healthy-skinny, but stringy - I ate 3 crackers in the last 20 days and purged them - skinny).

    Instead of using the aerobic room she would go to the matted area in the free weight section (which was where the guys predominantly worked out at) and do all these crazy aerobic-Egyptian-dancing moves while singing Donna Summer songs with ear phones on.
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    Pole Dancer. The first time I spotted her was in ZUMBA. She reminds me of one of those Hawaiian hula dolls that are on car dash boards. Her hips seem to move independent from the rest of her body... I swear some people blush watching her dance ..
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Onion Vagina, because she smells like she washes her crotch with an onion.

    I wonder if this is worse than the perfume ladies?

    It isn't good, that's for sure.
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    I need to get back to this one;-)
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    Cardio Barbie...she uses the ellipical machine for 2 hours at a time and never increases the incline or the looks perfect afterwards.

    Affliction / Tap-out guy....Thats all he wears, he claims to be a MMA fighter, but never has any bruises, fat lips, black eyes, etc.

    Treadmill texter...she texts on her phone while walking on the treadmill at 2 mph, 0% incline, while eating jellybeans...

    GI Jane.... Angry lesbian lifting weights.

    Fan guy....he always has the fan blowing on him ( and him only ) while he's training for that marathon on the treadmill. Hey guy... its 75 degrees outside and the wind is blowing....go outside.

    Fat desk girl....she's the one that weighs 350# and works the front desk. Hey girl, you know you get a free membership cuz you work here, use it.

    I can't say anything about our Zumba classes, because I don't speak spanish.....

    BTW ...I am the farter, and the guys who sings 70's / 80's songs to himself......

    This post is HILARIOUS
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    We have

    The talking stalker
    This guy will see you from across the room and make a beeline towards you to say hi. Then no matter how many times you say well I gotta stay warmed up, he will follow you to the next machine and continue to talk your ear off over and over again. He doesn't work out at all, he uses the gym as a social club

    The "out of shape" personal trainer
    This guy is by far in the worst shape I've ever seen a personal trainer be in! He has man boobs and a beer keg gut. He actually has female boobs on his back!

    Running man
    This guy runs up the stair stepper and bangs his feet so loud on the steps to keep up! He stops the machine every 2 minutes to catch his breath for 10 minutes and starts all over again.

    Two left feet
    This lady has fallen off the treadmill more times then I care to mention. One time she actually did a somersault she had that dam thing going so fast!

    The Cougar
    This lady only talks to really young skinny guys, she's like 50 and has wrinkles like a Chinese Shar Pei. She thinks she's Hott!

    The Boxer
    This guy stands in the mirror and does the clumsiest shadow boxing I've ever seen. His arms don't even fully extend when he punches.

    The Screamer
    This guy screams as loud as he can when lifting weights that aren't even heavy, he just loves the attention.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Mostly I just say oh there's that girl or that guy again. But seriously, I have an hour on the treadmill tonight so nicknaming starts now.

    The only ones I have so far are:

    The obvious CURL BRO and
    The Team - Mother daughter team that Zumba close to the window so they can attract guys. I swear they are going through a guy a week.
    The Astronaut: Guy does nothing but treadmill at a snails pace, wearing one of those sweat your *kitten* off foil suits.
    Titty's Beer: Super fake flotation devices, tan, bleached hair...Every time I see her I start singing the song.
    The Globetrotters: group of guys who come in just to hog the basketball area.
    The Neighbors: A good looking couple that I see constantly outside the gym. Grocery store, restaurants, bars etc.
    Pink: Wears nothing but sweat bottoms that have that annoying *kitten* writing on the butt.

    As for me, IDK really. What do you all think:

    1.5 hrs in the free weights area working a minor and major group, 4 days a week
    Constantly reracking weights the brahs leave on the floor between sets for extra burn.
    Sweating my tail off on the treadmill for anywhere from 3 to 10 miles. I wipe the dash and bars but the belt is soaked.
    Sweat like I look like I've been swimming and bounce back down the stairs like I was taking a Sunday walk.
    Sometimes muscle shirts, sometimes T-shirts
    Try not to stare but always seem to be looking at someone when they look back. It's always the same people too. Weird.
    Never speak but nod respectively.
    Ideas? You can see my pics if it helps. I would be interested to know.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Thread Ninja strikes a Boss :smokin:
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    damn...I keep thinking of more...

    Joey Buttafuco - because he wore THOSE PANTS!
    Off topic- JB was at a Yankee game I went to and the big screen caught him so the crowd started out chanting, "Joey!" but ended up with a resounding, "Amy!Amy!Amy!" by the end.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Meathead: This dude looks like a cross between the Situation and Ronnie from Jersey Shore. He proceeds to watch me when I workout and then discuss it with his buddies. Since nothing is ever said to me, I can only hope it's good things he's saying and not bad!

    Pedophile- This guy wears big old glasses, is balding and is all around creepy. Looks like a pedophile that you would see on the news.