how much weight have you lost ??



  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    I have lost 27 pounds since joining MFP in April. But, I started on my own January 15 and have lost a total of 43 pounds and 12 inches to date! :) Good luck to you!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Hi! I have lost 108lbs as of today! I've been at this on and off for 2 years. How? Well 70lbs was lost when I found out I had Gestational diabetes in my pregnancy, then I gained 25.5 back and in September of 2011 I decided to start at it again, this time instead of counting carbs I count calories. I am one who eats 1200 calories and it works for me. I workout, jog, walk, dance, slim in 6 but haven't been able to work out all week because doctor said so, I passed a kidney stone and had a cyst bust on my ovaries all at the same time this week and my doc told me to take it easy this week. So back to it next week. My body feels the pain of no workout this week but I've dropped 4lbs this week due to the water I'm sure it was holding on to.


    After I gained 25.5 back


    you look spectacular!! way to go! Do you mind if I ask you about your loose skin?? I have so much skin, but I am only at my half way mark! awesome job!! :)
    Thanks :) I have a little loose skin but not a whole lot, most mine has grown back with my weight loss, I believe it has a lot to do with genetics and how quickly you lose the weight. The quicker you lose it the less likely you are to have time for it to shrink with it. I do have a little but not enough to really throw a fit about. It's in areas that only I will probably notice it. My stomach is pretty much fine I have very little loose skin there but I have a patch on my arms but it's under my arms but unless I point it out to you, you'd probably not even notice it. My daughter who is 19 months old, has a habit of finding it and that's the only time I notice it, she'll pinch it but it doesn't bother me much. The only procedure I have in mind to get right now is to have my stretch marks removed.
  • CarlyDawn7
    CarlyDawn7 Posts: 23
    I joined this MFP on Monday. Before I joined this website I lost 39 pounds, and I have 46 more to go. Good luck to anyone reading this, its never an easy thing but it will be worth it in the end!(:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    I started MFP in july 2010 and have lost 105 lbs. I am now just working on strength training and building endurance. If I lose a little more that would be great, if not that is ok too as long as I dont gain any back.......:smile:
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    34 pounds so far :happy: Still have another 40 to 60 to go depending how I look and feel when I get there. It's been a slow process for me but I haven't deprived myself completely because I know this needs to be a lifestyle change not just a diet. I know I'll never completely cut out fast food and treats so I have them occasionally. The big difference this time around for me is logging all my food...the good, the bad and the ugly. That makes all the difference!! Keep track everyday. Also, take pictures all along the way. You'll be amazed at how your body changes!! Good luck in your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    I have lost 60 lbs thus far. I'm happy where I am now, but still want to lose more.

    How did I do it? Dedication to both dieting and exercise. I recognized the foods that I ate that got me to the point where I had enough and just eliminated them. I changed my habits, starting with no more sodas. Then it went to fried foods, enriched bread(s), potatoes (including chips) and then red meat. All those food triggered my desire to eat other fatty foods, so in order to avoid them, I just eliminated them. Fact is, I haven't missed them at all. No, it's not deprivation as so many may claim. It's a healthy lifestyle change.

    As for exercise, I lift weights and run/walk. I don't lift heavy weights, just enough to get my muscles burning.

    Change your mind and it will change your body, which will change your mind. You can do this with encouragement from this board.

    I wish you well!
  • swenard
    swenard Posts: 101
    Yup. think mine is fuzed from T10-L5
    II'm reading it from a list of my car accident injuries and it is quite a long list!
  • Karhyn
    Karhyn Posts: 18 Member
    Lost almost half of myself hahaha 128 pounds and I have just about 20 ish to lose's soo hard !!!
  • Jenn09870
    Jenn09870 Posts: 66 Member
    My highest weight was 285lbs, blame mine on inactivity due to a back surgery. Mine isn't fused, I had a microdiscetomy and laminectomy at L5S1. I was just a little overweight when I was injured.
    I have lost 95lbs so far, this morning weighed in at 190.8, at 5'8", large busted and pretty good muscle tone. I am pretty happy at my current weight. I am in a size 10-12 jeans.
    I have lost about 10 lbs since joining MFP in June, started at 200lbs.
    I started last year with portion control, cutting back on sweets, and trying to make healthier food choices. I don't deprive myself of the food or treats I want. I believe that is why I have no problems continuing. Even now I don't consider myself on a diet, I am just tracking my intake. The end of January i started exercising, mostly just walking. I have now progressed to some running and I'm now really seeing more definition in my arms, legs, and midsection.
    The first thing I learned when joining was I was eating way too few calories. After factoring in my exercise I netted 300 calories. I know that was seriously unhealthy, but I really had no idea. After raising my calories up, I eat at least twice as much food as before, I feel so much better, more energy. My weight loss has slowed a bit, but is consistent. I eat more now daily than I ever did when I was at my fattest.
    I am about 20lbs from my original goal weight, but have been looking into heavy lifting for women. I don't care what weight I am, I am going for a fit and healthy look, not a number on the scale.
    So far the weight I have lost is the same as what my now 15 year old daughter weighs (she is only 5'2 with a very small frame/bone structure). Amazing.
    Things that have helped me are:
    It takes a calorie increase of 3000 calories to gain a pound, fluctuations other than that are probably just retained water. Increasing water intake helps with that, and many other things.
    Also- it seems like a weight loss as little as a pound is not much, but don't get discouraged. Take a look at the size of a pound of butter, it helps me to think I took that off. Then it was a 20lb bag of dog food, then a 40lb bag. They add up, and to think I was carrying that every day, all day ( I know its not exactly scientifically accurate because of the density of the different items, but it is just the concept I'm going for).
    Good luck, this is a great place to start. My husband has lost about 60lbs too- he is doing great, it helps to have support and makes things easier when we do this as a family. We still buy a little junk for our daughter, mostly just her choice of cereal, but she eats the same meals we do. She is very healthy.
    I send everyone that asks about my weight loss here, I hope everyone can learn what I have about food and nutrition.
  • slabstick
    slabstick Posts: 6
    Hello, I'm Larry
    I have started using MFP about 2 months ago. I actually started dieting before then but did not know about this App.
    I stepped on the scales one morning and DID NOT Like what I saw. I'm one of these people who has to be really motivated
    to diet. Well what I saw on the scales was "Motivation times 10" I have never weighed 300 lbs. in my life and, I was not going to start
    now. Since I started 2 1/2 months ago I have lost 38 lbs. and still going strong. Here's how I am doing it. First and foremost I really began taking a look at the things I was eating. It was not really that I was " Overeating" it was "what" I was eating. Once I got a handle on my calorie intake it was just a matter of choosing healthy. I went to Wal Mart and bought some "Weight Watcher" meals.
    "Smart ones" I was pleasantly surprised at how good the food actually is. Keep in mind that it is substantially smaller portions than
    what I was used to but, that's ok after a short time my stomach began shrinking and now, when I eat one, I'm full! Really! I also stopped drinking so much soda pop. Man that stuff will really throw a wrench in the diet plan. I started buying Crystal Light flavoring
    packets. At 10 cal. a packet you can't go wrong with that and, it is very good tasting also. Along with the Weight Watchers" meal my wife " bless her heart" makes me some kind of soup. Usually some kind of squash or spinich with 3 large shrimp cooked in chicken broth. Pretty good stuff. I have been pretty diligent in keeping track of my calories within this App. If you can see what you are eating
    and see how many cal. you eat and how many you have left it keeps the guesswork to a minimum. I usually round up on my cal. to give me a little room to fudge on things I can't control. A good idea is to buy a Cal. counter book because you'll want to add foods that may not be in this App. The scanner in this App. works great. There are not many things that are not in the database. Finally "Exercise" so important. I try but not always accomplish 1 mile walk on my treadmill each morning. At 2 mile per hr. it's just 30 min. out of my day. Wow, I didn't really mean to go on and on. I am still about 60 lbs. away from my goal but, as I said, I am more determined now than ever. Happy eating everyone and eat healthy the weight will drop I promise. Larry