Looking for runners, or wannabe runners, or novice runners



  • brandipoo
    brandipoo Posts: 58 Member
    Beginning runner here, did my first 5k this spring. Hoping to do more, but the heat has driven me to the treadmill. Feel free to add!
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    i just started training for my first 5k that i will do in august. i am excited about this as i've never completed any kind of running program before. you can add me if you want. i am done with week 5 and doing week 6 of c25k currently. day 1 of that week 6 will be sunday.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Runner, triathlete, and casual soccer player. Did my first half back in November, and my second in February. Currently Tri training, and then hopefully ready for another half in Sept.
    Always interested in more runner friends to share diet and training tips.
  • Fairly newbie here. Started in January, had to quit for a while due to an injury while running. COMPLETELY healed up now and working on it again.

    Did my first 5k in March, looking forward to MANY more... and possibly in a year running a 1/2. :)

    Feel free to add me!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I guess you could call me a "wannabe" runner. Started recently and still doing walk/run intervals to build up my fitness and lose the excess baggage around my middle.
  • leebs23
    leebs23 Posts: 19 Member
    I started running in March and have just done my second 10k this morning! I am just starting to think about entering races and the like.

    I run with barefoot style (in minimalist shoes) which look ridiculous but feel fantastic! :D

    I am also on the lookout for fellow running friends so feel free to add me (that includes anyone reading this!)
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Hi Miguel. I started Couch to 5k last month (tomorrow is week 6, day 1 for me) after signing up for a Warrior Dash and realizing I couldn't run 1k, let alone 5.

    I've already fallen in love with running, and upped my short term training to Couch to 10k. I'm planning to run a Tough Mudder in 2013. Since its close to half-marathon length I'll be tackling half-marathon training this winter/spring. I'm a bit worried about that, running outside in Canadian winter seems... unpleasant. :)

    I'd love to have a "running buddy.".
  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm a wannabe runner too! Currently do intervals of walking and running but badly want to be a proper runner, building up and being patient is so frustrating! My aim is to do a 5k run in October and would be nice to have some friends on the same mission! Good luck with your running, hope it's going well for you..
  • sunshine77493
    sunshine77493 Posts: 25 Member
    Not far from you, Miguel. Here in Katy, TX. My husband and I have been running intervals at our local park since about January of this year. I absolutely love running outdoors. I want to sign up for a 5K so bad but I'm sure I would be walking a lot of it. Feel free to friend me.
  • michellebsn
    michellebsn Posts: 3 Member
    I have been running for many years. I recently slowed down and started Spinning more and other type of cardio. I am going to start adding in more running becuase Spinning and running are the only two forms of excercise that calm me and sharpen my focus. It is one of the most relaxing things that I do. :smile: :smile:
  • Hey running friends please add me....I am a long time runner but have fallen off the wagon lately because of time commitments to work and school. I am working at trying to balance this and improving my health by reiigniting my love for hiking and running. I am just off to do a 12-15 k run right after I post this. Please feel free to friend me! I live in Canada....love to hear any great fitness tips...trying to lose 10 Ibs.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome Miguel... I have done a couple of halfs and am training for a full marathon in October of this year! Good luck to you!
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    I just picked up running again, maybe 2 months ag. Signed up for a 10k in november, we will see. :laugh:
    Good luck with your half training! :flowerforyou:
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I started running in February, just for fitness and I want to play soccer again. I've done 4 5Ks already, with another one next week (in Park City, UT at 7000+ feet!).

    I love talking/reading about running, and we could all probably use all the support/encouragement we can get. Feel free to add me!
  • Kona2014
    Kona2014 Posts: 38
    Hi there! I'm looking to do my first half-marathon in spring 2013. I've been running on and off for a few years, but hoping to keep going this time - without injury (bad knee) - and aim to complete half-marathon and marathon distances next year.

    Just added your blog to my favourites :smile:

    Feel free to add me!
  • rrcaudill
    rrcaudill Posts: 87
    I have recently found my love for running. I started with the c25k program, but had to tailor it so I will stick with it. I'm up to running 1/2 mile intervals at a time. I'm really looking forward to the day I can honestly say without hesitation...."I am a runner". :)
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey! I guess I fall under the "wannabe" runner category=p I've been doing interval running but I'd like to step it up in the next few weeks(: add me if you'd like!
  • sidewinder76
    sidewinder76 Posts: 287
    Hello Miguel,

    Just started running 2 years ago from a friends challenge to a 5k. Since then I've fallen in love with it. feel free to add me to your friends list :) doing a 5k series race next year. Also I'm on endomondo to keep track of times and distances. very helpful to watch progress. Happy Running!
  • sidewinder76
    sidewinder76 Posts: 287
    What is the C25k program?
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I'm in Mississippi. Just a couple states over from you. I'm a runner. In high school I was on the track team/cross country. Stopped for a LONG time and got back into it 3 years ago. And have been doing numerous 5k's,one half marathon a Warrior dash and an adventure race called Coosa river adventure. I am going to start training for another half marathon in January called the Blues Marathon. It's a biggy! I did it 2 years ago when I was 20 lbs heavier and am hoping to cut some time. Feel free to add me.