

  • madelinb417
    Hi everyone my name is Maddie. I am 56 years old and trying to lose the same 30 lbs I have lost and gained for 30 yrs! I've been tracking with Fitness Pal for a couple of weeks and been going up and down...not sure what I'm doing wrong...staying between 1250-1500 cal a day, less carbs, use a pedometer and walk between 4-6 miles a day on my job. The 2 things I think are hampering my progress are: havent's been going to the gym as much as I used to and drinking wine on the weekends.Any suggestions would be welcome!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Good day - WOW, so many ladies doing so much! This is a group of dynamos for sure!!

    Saturday here. We had a tiny bit of rain yesterday, more thunder than anything. Temps expected in the 90s today and for the next week. Staying indoors!

    I have a book from the library that I really want to read and also a DVD to watch. (How many times have I said I love the library? Yep, I really do.)

    I read posts on other forums about people losing 5 or 10 lbs at a time---in a week. It always makes my mouth just drop open. I don't think that has ever happened to me in my entire life. I know it has to be water weight but still, good grief. And I stil get kinda down for a while until I realize, hey, I'm not going to change my way forward---it's sane, it's healthy.

    Wishing you a sane, healthy day. With lots of :drinker: :drinker:

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jen- Where in NY? I live in Oneida (near Syracuse).
    Got a new kayak yesterday- it is so much easier to paddle:smile::smile:
    The heat and humidity are getting to me. Walked 3 miles this morning as fast as I could, but not as fast as usual. Probably
    sweated more than usual though. Wish we were closer to a lake so that kayaking could be a daily exercise. I have never
    enjoyed any other form more.

    Have a great day. Stay cool and hydrated!
    Deb A
  • tbravo25
    tbravo25 Posts: 2
    Found you!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I started my new job yesterday and it is too soon to tell much about the work but I will share some of the wonderful things this new job brought me. I am now 2500 steps from the parking lot ( used to be only 1300) I am 4 flights up to my office and a flight up or down to the restrooms, a flight down to the cafeteria and 500 steps to the Tully's coffee place. A small relatively unused kitchen very close to my desk and a convenient water cooler. I walked up 18 flights of stairs yesterday according to my fit bit and I even took the elevator first thing because of all the crap I was hauling from my old desk.

    Here is Olive driving a convertable like her Grandma. :laugh: (mine is bright blue though and has a lot of power) I can't wait to see her next week.


    Laura, the word D1ck is always sensored on this site. The sporting goods store D1ck's can't be referenced and of course Charles D1ckinson gets censored. I find it very funny because even in the vulgar sense it isn't really a very offensive word.

    Have a great day all,
    Robin, Bodi Boy and the Ritter Bit
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello, everyone! I hope you are enjoying the summer.

    My goals include:

    Yoga class once a week; a few sun salutes in between
    6-8 minutes per day on the elliptical (I hate exercise)
    1200 calories a day and log every meal and snack
    Check Community on MFP now and then to get or lend some motivation
    And not be embarrassed about my tummy and butt - they are what they are and I'm working on them slowly but surely. I'm sick of trying to conceal my body with baggy tops, so I'm not going to!
  • cjspensley
    cjspensley Posts: 21
    Hello from the road - Day 2 of our trip to Gulfport MS, and I'm doing ok. The MFP app on my Android phone is amazing and so helpful! We've been discussing it a lot at mealtimes. So far, I've been able to stay below recommended calorie intake. No exercise yesterday (unless you count knitting in the car!) but today when we got in we swam for a while, and I'm about ready to head for the exercise room. Stationery bike will have to do...I'd much prefer riding my real bike on the IL Prairie Path, but this is what's available. We bought fresh-picked peaches today, so we'll have those for a treat before bedtime...I have enough calories left to do that.

    Tomorrow we head for Memphis (we're in St. Louis tonight) with Memphis barbecue for dinner. I will be eating salad for breakfast and lunch!!

    When we came back from dinner tonight, the gal at the front desk (who is from two towns over from town we live in!) offered us the fresh-baked cookies they had available...I declined...she offered again...I said, "really, no thanks." When I came back to ask about the exercise facilities, we started to chat, I told her about MFP and she said "I just started using that too!!!" Small world!

    Off to ride the "bike to nowhere."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Martha - keep logging in and you'll get lots of motivation and support

    petalsandpaws - welcome! Fantastic goals. Pop in often and tell us more about yourself.

    barbie - thanks for the laugh. You had me rolling on the floor. "Restaurant food is healthier than what you fix at home"...what a laugh. Sounds like (sorry, I don't mean to be mean) your cousin is good for a laugh!

    Maddie - welcome! I know that FOR ME if I eat carbs especially after dinner, regardless of how many calories I have left for the day, I can be guaranteed of a gain the next day. Never, ever fails. Do you eat at night, even if you are below your calories for the day?

    Lin - ten pounds in one week really isn't healthy. Oh, it can probably be done by starvation, but as soon as those people stop with the starvation, you can be sure they'll gain those ten back and probably some more. Slow and steady....that's the way to go

    Robin - the job is sounding wonderful, and Olive is such a cutie pie

    Went to the farmer's market this morning. The golden beets are finished, the gal I was hoping would have the red okra wasn't there and neither was the guy with the corn that I like. Fortunately, I have some of his corn in the freezer so I will use that. When he comes back, I'll get a dozen or two more ears. then went to yoga, then stopped at the one store for that gal and got cherries. I tried the cherries I froze, I didn't think they just fell off the pits. They honestly wouldn't be bad frozen as long as they were pitted. I think there's a pitting tool so I'm going to have to look for it. Came home and evidentally Loki had a bm and a lot stuck to his fur so Vince and I had to cut it out. Made some bran muffins and some bacon for Vince (he pikes PB and bacon on toast). Heard that you could bake the bacon so I tried that, only it didn't come out crispy so I put it on broil for a bit. Then helped Vince cut more weeds. then church, then home and made a beer bread for one gal who is coming to bunco Tues. night and then a key lime cake for bunco. I'll freeze those. We were going to try to comb some of the mats out of Bonnie's fur, but in order to do that we would really have had to sedate her. Gave her the sedative but it didn't really take so we'll try again tomorrow night with a stronger dose of the sedative. We just know that if she isn't knocked out, she's going to get hurt squirming.

    Tomorrow... pilates

    Well, I'm off, hoping to finish a placemat, need to take a shower. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Maddie. I am 56 years old and trying to lose the same 30 lbs I have lost and gained for 30 yrs! I've been tracking with Fitness Pal for a couple of weeks and been going up and down...not sure what I'm doing wrong...staying between 1250-1500 cal a day, less carbs, use a pedometer and walk between 4-6 miles a day on my job. The 2 things I think are hampering my progress are: havent's been going to the gym as much as I used to and drinking wine on the weekends.Any suggestions would be welcome!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: welcome, Maddie, this is a great group for support and encouragement......you asked for suggestions, so here are mine:
    *don't drink wine
    *open your food diary so we can see what you are eating and perhaps we'll have ideas
    *add strength training to boost your metabolism and build muscle
    *never, never, never give up

    :bigsmile: Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :sad: :cry: :flowerforyou: Today was the celebration of life for my line dance friend’s husband. I arrived early. The event was well attended, there were lots of pictures of him, and I talked to a lot of people and then left when the food was served and came home to attend a performance by the Olympic Mountain Cloggers (two of the members are friends from line dance) and work in my yard.

    :flowerforyou: Lin, one of the most important rules for happiness is “do not be discouraged”…….you don’t know enough about the people who have lost big amounts of weight in a week……just keep doing what you’re doing and continue to learn new things to aid you in your journey…..maybe you should stop reading the other forums and just stick with us………I, too, love the library.

    :bigsmile: Robin, you sure know how to pick out the things to be grateful for on your new job…..great photo of your granddaughter.

    :flowerforyou: Rachael, keep in touch with this thread and you may find some ideas for exercise that you like enough to do more often.

    :flowerforyou: Cjspensley, I am a knitter, too, but the more active I’ve become, the less knitting I do……in the car, while traveling is one of the few times I knit any more…….how great to find an exercise room and a pool at the hotel…..congrats on saying no to the cookie.

    :laugh: Michele, yes, my cousin is good for a laugh. She is forever telling me that she values my opinion and I am so smart and then she argues with everything I suggest.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • petalsandpaws
    Well here it is the finish of day 4 and still going strong. Getting use to making the right choices but spending more time creating appetizing foods that I will enjoy and not feel deprived.
    Everyones posts are such fun to read and I've gotten some great hints from you. I'm on the west coast and feel for all of you going through the heat. Here it is in the 60's and foggy. But is great for working out in my yard and flowers.
    Did some washing windows, changing furniture around, vaccuming, so how come those activites don't register as excercise?? Oh well, I am taking the 10 days to adjust my food choices, then will implement yoga and pilates, for strengthing of my muscles and be kind to my knee before doing the heavier walking, etc.
    So have a great Sunday and be good to yourselves. You all are amazing and an inspiration to all of us new comers. Hugs:heart:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Well Hello Everyone, Today went good.. Except when I came home I was straving couldn't figure out why except this urge to put food in my mouth sort of think it was emotions of the day coming sort of overwelming I wanted to stuff them. I did eat some almonds & had a glass of milk. seem to help. Maybe I need to journal :)..

    @Lin--24 lbs is great you aremaking healthy choices that work for you. quick loss will be gain back.

    @petalsandpaws--- great that you have finish day 4

    @barbiecat -- sounds like a day of mixes sad, and happy bittersweet I guess.

    @Michelle sounds like a busy day we have a very good Farmer's market in Boise that I enjoy visiting

    @cjspensley--sounds like a fun road trip. I use my moblie phone app for MFP all of the time really like it. Very helpful!

    sure I may have missed many Hello! Wishing everyone a good Saturday.
  • llramirez59
    llramirez59 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am a new member and just learning this site. My first goal was to join a weight managment program and this one so far is awesome. My other goals are to exercise daily and lose 1-2 a week. So far I am on track. Hope to find people with help me reach my goal.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    Robin, Olive is so cute:happy: , and I love her convertible!!!!

    Rachael52:smile: ,don't wear baggy tops!!!! I used to do that all the time, then one day I had a a semi fitted shirt on and everybody I saw said "wow, you look great, how much weight have you lost" , at that time I hadn't lost any, you could just see more of my shape! I will say since I lost weight now some of my more fitted shirts are now baggy, I just hate to buy anything new until I lose a bit more!.

    cjspensley:smile: , congrats for declining the fresh baked cookies! Riding the bike to nowhere is so much better than not riding at all:laugh: ! Enjoy your trip!!!

    Michele:smile: , I'm intrigued, golden beets and red okra, never tried either, do they taste like red beets and green okra?
    I cook bacon in the oven always, 400* for anywhere from 13 to 17 min. just depending on how crispy I want it. Tell me about this key lime cake:love: , is it low cal? Yum I do so love cake :love: :love: :love: !!!!!!

    petalsandpaws:smile: making right choices becomes easier as you go along. Congrats for getting started!!!!!

    lizmil79 :smile: , journaling is always good for the body mind and soul!!!! A gratitude journal is wonderful, I've kept one for the past several years, good to reflect at the end of the day.

    llramirez59:smile: , congrats on getting started! This is an awesome site, and this is an awesome thread for motivation and inspiration !!!!

    Today the sun is out:glasses: , yesterday it was gray and icky, storms on and off all day. I am so happy to see this sunshine!!!!!

    I weighed in this morning down 1.6 since last week!!!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: .

    Today is an easy day for me, yesterday I went to the farmers market, walked around a lot, got caught out in the rain, and it was a downpour, my hair was a stringy mess, what wasn't soaking wet was flat flat flat:angry::grumble: . Today I'm meeting friends at Starbucks :heart: . I usually get a skinny latte iced decafe
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I hit they reply button by mistake:blushing:

    Anyhow ladies log everything drink lots of water:drinker: and have a most fabulous day!!!!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Happy day to all - hope your weekend is going well.

    Gonna be a HOT one again in my part of the Midwest. Have had a lovely shower and shampoo and feel so good and squeaky clean! How long will that last when I hit the *real* world outside? You're right, not long.

    Want to get to the grocery store quick this morning. I found something new to me last time I was there--Angelcots. They're white apricots and I loved 'em. I'm hoping maybe they'll have them again. If not, that's the definition of seasonal and I'll see what else they have. I am in :heart: with Trader Joe's. It's an expensive relationship.

    On another food note, it looks as if our fairly newly opened food coop may be closing due to lack of business. I joined, I liked them but frankly the prices were so high I couldn't really afford them each week. They are asking members for loans. Not a good sign. I'm going to try to stop by this week and see if there's something I could purchase weekly that would help them.

    Keep up the good work. :drinker: :drinker:

  • petalsandpaws
    Happy Sunday everyone. Rain here on the West Coast Manzanita, Oregon. So no outside work today. Thank you Lin and Dee Dee for acknowledgement. I find that tracking my food using the MFP is really informational and keeps me honest. Being creative, with 1/2 cup black beans drained and rinsed, 1/2 really good short grain brown rice (cooked), lots of celery, pico de gallo (ms) with half a lime squeezed over the top and fresh cilantro is a filling and refreshing lunch. Full of protein and energy too! Yum!
    So that is what I do when it rains, create!! Just half to remember to make it healthy, and drink lots of water. I have to tell you this site is really helpful and all of you are helping make it fun and rewarding. I have 5 more days to go to weigh in, but feel so much better already. Sleeping better, when I stop drinking water earlier in the evening.
    So have a great day. You all are awesome:heart:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi veryone,

    Went on our road trip and I did not eat any trail mix at all! It was sitting next to me on the way home . It did call to me,but I did not give into temptation!: :drinker:
    The event turned out not to be a kids event,but just a family fun day. My husband,my daughter-Sam and I all shot sporting clays.
    It was a fun day,walking,shooting and good company. :smile:
    Today, I work up so sore from yesterday. I can;t believe how sore I am. Lifting a 8lb shotgun 50 times really gave me a work out! Lol

    This week my goal is to try to get more walking in,if the knee will tolerate it! Read these posts if temptation calls to me. Welcome to the new people, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, We can be on this journey together!
    Blessings, Linda aka Sundance B. (My children tell me "mom ,don't use your real name as your user name" therefor I used our yellow labs name! Lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    We are finally getting some rain this evening...it seemed like it rained the entire month of May, but nothing since...I hope it rains all night!

    Deb - I am in the mid-Hudson Valley (hour south of Albany) ..I went to school at SUNY Oswego, though so have an idea of where you are

    We went to the lake this weekend and kayaked this am...the lake was pretty rough to start...I thought dh was going to bail on me so I stayed in front of him and just kept paddling!:laugh: ! We stayed pretty close to shore and saw 2 kingfishers (I think) two spotted fawns and a flock of ducks...love mother nature!

    Eating was pretty good ...it is the wine that gets me in trouble..but I am becoming more consistent in my numbers...another couple of weeks and I will try to actually start working on the makeup of those numbers. One step at a time.

    Have a great evening
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Robin,love the pic.
    Hope everyone had a great week-end.
    Violet(grand daughter)came back from her 4 day vac with her other grandparents.Quiet while she was gone.
    been trying to rest my shins,difficult for me,see the dr tomorrow.
    Have appt with the endocrinologist in am-thyroid levels are normal after some adjustments with meds.
    Welcome any new people.
    Have a good night!!