Show me your bikinis!!!!!



  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    I ordered my first ever bikini last week, so I'm crapping bricks right now in case I look awful! Seeing all you ladies looking so hot does help my confidence and motivation though, and I may post mine here when it arrives! So keep it up girls!
  • :)


    Looking great, love the polka dots.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hmmm I'm still at my starting weight so idk should I?? kinda scary!
  • nope no bikini till I gain weight! D: otherwise my spine and skeletal arms show T_T
  • 426202_10150519914902653_2067684354_n.jpg

    That is the most phenominal yellow truck I've ever seen!

    Oh and the lady in the fore grown is doing an extremely difficult move! :noway:
  • Definately a Bikini Bod! You look great!
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member

    Kinda looks like Zuma Beach, not that I was looking to close at the beach....very my male mind going in a bad direction

    I think this was at Santa Monica. We stopped here on our way back from a camping trip at Leo Carillo.
  • Here2GetFit
    Here2GetFit Posts: 292

    Kinda looks like Zuma Beach, not that I was looking to close at the beach....very my male mind going in a bad direction

    I think this was at Santa Monica. We stopped here on our way back from a camping trip at Leo Carillo.

    Love when this picture gets bumped. :love: :love: :love:
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Not as good as you girls who are already super fit and sexy buuut here it is :3tumblr_m5hkt3wuYP1qddag2o1_500.jpg
    You kidding me...Super hot.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    hi xx
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    All you girls are rocking those Bikinis.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    my latest! :wink:
  • IMAG0581.jpg
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    This is my latest bikini shot taken three days ago. I'm trying to channel my inner badass, lol.
  • Darrell916
    Darrell916 Posts: 110 Member

    Looking great
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    ok that is enormous, really annoying I can't figure out how to make it smaller.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    – two or so days ago
  • Oh lord. This is terrifying. Here goes nothing...


    Yuck. :sick: