Who is supported 100% or not at all, I am not :(



  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm so sorry you feel like you're not being supported, but you have a great community in MFP where most everyone will be supportive! As others have said, do this for YOURSELF and you will succeed. If you do it for anyone else, you will be let down. Good luck - you can do this!
  • 100lbstoloosefemale
    100lbstoloosefemale Posts: 34 Member
    all i get is support, no one wants to see me at this weight, but honestly, when i first started i almost wanted my hubby to say, no, i met you this way and u look fine they way you are, he says he wants it for me caus i want it,, and even is my trainer at times,but it does make me really wonder, did u ever really like me this way, or secretly wish my belly and me was smaller,,, but 3 weeks in hes seeing a suttle difference and seems to like it,,, keep at it girl, for u and u only
  • 100lbstoloosefemale
    100lbstoloosefemale Posts: 34 Member
    Ahh geez. I get this all the time from EVERYONE!

    When i told my MIL about mfp and my goal to lose 100 lbs, she brings up donuts. SERIOUSLY.
    My coworkers are like "Noooo - consider your bone structure...just lose 50 lbs and you will be good! (which would put me at 200lbs!! still obese!)

    In my past attempts, this has happened all the time.

    I think some people subconsciously sabotage others when it comes to success...and with weight - i find people who are also insecure with their weight, tend to sabotage more than others who are comfortable in their self esteem.

    my boss brought up 3xs at work how i cheated and had a hot dog with all the fixing, like enough already I KNOW,,,and i told her i had a interview with little ceasars shes like ...oh the food there is so bad, dont do it,, it seems she has no faith in me, caus im big i will fail,, now i feel more than ever to prove her butt wrong
  • I get that a lot. One of my friends supports me but that is really about it. My parents don't but, as I have been treated for multiple eating disorders before, they are always weary of me trying to lose weight. My significant other really doesn't know, just because I don't feel comfortable discussing it with him. Not that he wouldn't understand, but the guy's 6'2 and like 130 lbs, so he'll probably never have to diet.
  • HeadBangingBabe
    HeadBangingBabe Posts: 15 Member
    :( I'm supported, but then I'm not. My mom thinks I'm crazy (as she loads margarine all over her food and tells me that she DOES eat healthy). My husband questions my motives, tries to sabotage my diet, tells me my butt is going to be too small... My sister has recently dropped a bunch of weight using over the counter pills and has gotten a TON of attention. I needed my wedding dress altered down two whole sizes four months ago due to good old dieting and exercise but no one seemed to notice. I'm 174 lbs. at 6' tall... that's the FIRST TIME I've been able to say that in my adult life and NO ONE can take that away from me! I gained over 100 lbs. during my pregnacy in 2008 and it is about darned time I look good! For me! For my son! For whoever the hell else wants to care! But darn it, FOR ME!!! *breathe* lol! Girl, get it! Get it for YOU! You've got us! Add us on here, read our feeds, view our food diaries, DO WHAT IT TAKES TO DO YOU! You've got all the love and support right here. I'm SO glad I've actually been reading the forums here. These people are so inspiring, so motivational, and you're included in that!!!
  • Wow all the love I am getting from everyone thank you I feel so supported and I will support everyone to WE CAN DO THIS
  • My wife thinks it is silly that I put so much effort into being more fit. She is 5'1 and 111 pounds soaking wet with rocks in her shoes. She isn't negative about my workouts, but treats me with a kind of mild neglect that I have come to recognize as her just not being interested in what I am doing. (She has the same attitude about some of my dorkier pursuits)

    I do think that she felt no competition or threat from me near 400 pounds. Don't get me wrong I was a heart breaker hefty and always will be no matter my weight. She seems a lot more uncomfortable as people take notice of me now and compliment me on weight loss or looking good. I do turn heads more these days. I wonder a lot of times if me at my goal weight might make her feel insecure or like it would be more likely another woman would want to take me from her.

    Not that any of that is a real issue mind you. I think the sun rises and sets with her. Maybe I over think it and her disinterest is just disinterest. I just know that all my compliments (including the wildly inappropriate observation that my butt is all tight and round now) comes from friends and coworkers.

    I try not to, but damn I eat that stuff up.

    I know how you feel having skinny people around you all the time, my mother in law said wait is that all you eat. Now you know I wanted to curse her out, just because I am big it don't mean I am a freaking cow lmao
  • i have the same problem i finally just told him if he don't like it deal with it cause im sick of the way i have been for years and am changing it if he cant live with it he can hit the road !

    Get it mama yr such a sexy lady and i know once he see the weight loss he is going to be all over U :)
  • All I know is that reading all these posts i have a great support system on here :)
  • Byemma
    Byemma Posts: 55
    I have always been the smallest one in my family. My parents are both obese (I think, I don't know their actual stats) and my sister has always been a bigger girl too. I'm not obese, but I just want to lose some weight because I know I feel better. (It is all in my story, if someone wants to read it).
    My parents and best friend are scared I'm going to be anorexic (I love food way too much for that) but they really do not have to worry about it. For me it is not all about being skinny, but about feeling good in my own skin. My other friends don't know I want to lose weight, I tell them I just want to work out and eat healthy. Two of them work out with my sometimes.
    My housemate actually wants to lose weight too and my mom too. My mom is okay with me being healthy, but not losing weight.

    So, I guess they support me for 50%.. I feel like they need to support me 100%, 50% isn't enough. But luckily there's MFP!
    Oh, add me if you'd like! I would love to get some friends on here!
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    im not either. my boyfriend is always buying me soda and candy and junk and its too tempting. whenever i tell him im going to the gym i get a "nooo hang out with me lets get wings instead" and he is skinny so he just doesnt get it.
  • Sometimes I feel supported and sometimes I don't. My fiance does try to keep it light by picking on me and sometimes that backfires. It takes a long time to lose weight and in the beginning people are excited and ready to support you, but as time goes by they die out because you're taking too long. So, you really have to end up motivating and supporting your self. Keep things in mind that you want when you lose the weight. Keep photos of clothing or shoes or other skinny women. What helps me is knowing I have a deadline. I need to lose this much by this amount of time. As long as you try your hardest, you can't be disappointed in your self.

    Also, when it comes to food you're in control!! No one can force you to eat anything you don't want. You simply tell them I don't want that. Please stop bringing it up.
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    If you cant find it at home this MFP is here for you! I get the yeah rights and you never finish anything speech. BE THE EXAMPLE let yourself SHINE GIRL! The best thing I have learned you have to lose weight for yourself and LOVE YOURSELF. Dont let your family be the trigger of your sadness. I break sometimes and dont log in and eat like poop but the best thing is I DONT GIVE UP I will try again and again. I DO NOT DIET. I EAT HEALTHY. Just move and groove and try new things it will come and the support will follow and (a little bit of envy for your ego lol) If they are family they should love you through and through. And if you believe in God he is always with you.
  • nancykhayes
    nancykhayes Posts: 20 Member
    I am glad to know there is someone out there just like me. My husband says "come on, big-un" when he get ready to do somewhere. When I frown up he just says he was playing. For many years I did all of our yard work. He told me it would be good excercise for me. I am 52 now and we finally pay someone to do it. I could go on and on but it is all the same, it's hurtful.
    Keep up the hard work. You are going to be successful! We are all here for you!
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Trying to get fit is hard enough, but if people aren't supportive or sabotage you it's just that much harder. Don't let other people discourage you. If your husband is fit ask him to work out with you or take a walk. Then remind him that aside from you, he is one of the people who will benefit the most from a healthier, slimmer you. You aren't alone though. If you need a little encouragement we are here. I'll celebrate a 1/2 pound loss, or even a 'not a gain' with you as much as a 10 lb loss! :)
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    I don't have 100 support but I'm doing this for me....they can either give me support or move out my way!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    you have to do it for yourself, and not based upon the support your getting, but it would be awfully nice to have more support on my end too. That's why this site is so wonderful! x
  • Do this for you and show them you can do this. They will have to eat their words.
    Sure my family is sure I will give up but like I said I will show them I can do this.
    Keep strong and keep your head high and don´t listen to them.
  • ali_louise
    ali_louise Posts: 14
    I don't really, I live with my partner and we live at his parents at the minute. His mum who is on a diet constantly buys crap for the Rest of the house and it's not just hidden away in the cupboard it's out everywhere I go, every room. She knows its hard for me as I love sweet foods but she still buys it. No one is making me eat it but no one is supporting me by constantly displaying in my face.
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    My boyfriend does support me wanting to lose some weight and generally get fitter, but at the same time he buys me chocolate and most times that I am at his for dinner he orders takeaway. My housemates on the other hand, one of them is really good and drags me out running/to the gym, and another just takes the mick out of me for calorie counting and calls me names, just because he can eat a plateful of food literally 3 times the amount I do and not get fat doesn't mean the rest of us can!! The 3rd is somewhere in between, always trying to persuade me to buy cookies when we go to the supermarket etc, but also tries to make me exercise most days, so I can kind of cope with that.

    It's just frustrating, as much as you are doing it for yourself, having other people be happy for you/try to help you out with it would definitely help. But I guess that's why we are here, pretty sure everyone on MFP will help you out with the support you need and deserve :)
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