Too shy to run...



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I like to run at night. Then the neighbors can hear desperate feet pounding pavement and this horrible wheezing sound and tremble in their beds for fear the zombie apocalypse has caught them napping!
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    For me it helps that I don't wear glasses when I jog, so it's kind of the mentality I can't see them so they can't see me. Everyone I've run across while jogging/walking/running always smiles at me. I think that typically if you are in an area with a lot of people who get out and are active that they'll be really supportive and give you smiles or say hi.

    I've never been good at running or jogging, so every time I start back up I always have to take a break after a block or two. The furthest I can go is two miles straight at my best. At first I was really worried that people would judge me since I'm really overweight and awkwardly tall (240 and 5'11") and I get SUPER red in the face even if I'm hydrated, but all I got were nice smiles.

    Maybe avoid busy streets as you might get guys who will honk at you. I think that sort of thing just always happens to people since guys always wanna show off.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I was the same way, but now that I've been running outside, the treadmill is just BORING! Start small, maybe just jogging up and down a residential area, and then as you get more confident move on to where you want to be (I mean if the destination you have in mind requires larger roads, etc.) Trust me, no body is watching you... which is good for people who are shy about working out in front of others, but it means you have to be watching everybody. I've almost been hit by cars several times because the drivers aren't looking for pedestrians, only other cars.

    Go for it, and best of luck on your journey!
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    Go early, and wear headphones if you are in safe area. I can get lost in the music, which helps me zone out of my self-consciousness and also helps my pace. I promise you, if you are out there butt early in the morning, doing your thing, people who see you will say "damn that girl is motivated, I wish I had that kind of motivation". They won't be judging.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I really want to start running but I think getting over my shyness is going to be difficult. I would rather run outside than at the gym since a) It's free and b) scenery and several other reasons. Yet as I have said I have been putting it off because I am too shy! Running with a friend isn't possible since they don't enjoy it and I don't have a car to drive to the middle of nowhere and do it. I'm paranoid people will look at me. It's been a long time since I ran and I doubt I could do 2 minutes now without needing a break and I'm nervous of being judged as weak and unfit.

    I know all runners out there started somewhere, and hoping someone can advise me how they got over being shy and just got up, out and did it. Any advice for just not caring what others think?

    I don't run. But there are plenty of runners in my neighborhood. So as a 'watcher' of runners, here is what I can tell you:

    1. I would not be able to identify any of the runners if I ran into them at the supermarket., unless they were dressed in their running clothes and running (and wearing a tag that said " I run on XXXX street"
    2. I cannot tell if they are good runners. No idea if their form is good or bad. None.
    3. I cannot tell how far they've run already, or how fast they have run. Are they in the last mile of a half-marathon? Are they doing a sprint, jog, sprint, jog type of training? Did they just start running? Are they in cool-down mode? I can't tell.
    4. I don't just stand there and watch. I see them when I am out and about -- so my attention is really on something else -- my current task: driving my car, weeding my garden, getting the mail. Total time watching any one runner: 2 seconds at best. My major thought - trying not to run them off the road as I pass in my car.

    So, here's my 2-cents: RUN. No-one is going to judge you, no one is going to recognize you, no one is paying the slightest attention to how well or how far you are going. It truly is just you and your thoughts, so do it!

    [For me, I find that I am more likely to find success if I just get out of my own way.]
  • WalterMom
    WalterMom Posts: 12
    Thanks for all the answers and they make a lot of sense, it's just trying to get that into my head. I'm going to ask around and see if there are any places to run that are more secluded than the ones I know about. Failing that I just need to just get up and do it. Hopefully with every run completed, my confidence will grow.... I just have to start believing what I just said >.>

    OK, stepping in for the "girl rules" here. Please do not run someplace secluded by yourself! We live near a running trail, I will not run on it by myself except on Saturdays when there are a lot of people out. It is very unnerving to meet someone on a secluded trail when you are by yourself. I choose to run in the morning when it is cooler, but I run down a paved side street with lots of houses. I had not been losing any weight, so last week I started running for the first time in 2 years. Since I am nursing an injury, I alternate between walking and running. I like it because when I run, I can actually go a short way with longer strides and feel like I am actually running. I have been very surprised how quickly I am getting into shape- I am one week in adding the running and feel great. Several neighbors have commented they have seen me out running. Every comment has been positive and supportive. JUST DO IT!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I haven't read through the responses yet but check out the Couch to 5k App. It eases you into running! I was never a runner and started this program 8 weeks ago and am almost finished. I had to take a slight heat related break but back on track.

    I started with couch to 5k too... I didn't finish it becuase I got to a point I woudl rather just run than walk... I am up over 8k now.
  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    I used to feel the same way until I joined a running group with a friend that was in the same boat I was and never had ran. Ryn clubs have all levels of runners/walkers. I just completed my second half marathon at a run/walk pace. I am not sure i'll ever be able to run straight without stopping but enjoy the run now even if I am stopping every half mile! I have also met someone wonderful new friends and one incredible guy through the run decision I ever made!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I honestly understand you completely. I am the same way. But just a month or so ago I ran a 5k, with lots of people. Sure I still felt embarrassed because almost everyone there was way smaller than me. And yes running outside scares me because I am worried about what people will think. But you know what just remember you are doing this for YOU. No one else but yourself. It's hard to just all of a sudden not be shy. Trust me I know! But just think even if anyone thinks something you are doing better than them because you are out there running.

    And since you are new to running I suggest the C25K program. I love it. It has helped me. I struggled with 60seconds of running and I ran 25min straight with week 7. So just go at your own pace don't push yourself. And remember this is for YOU no one else!

    Good luck :)
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Runners are friendly people, too, which helps. You see a fluorescent figure coming towards you, and you're always going to exchange smiles or a little wave as you run past. It's surprisingly social even if you're running alone.

    This is SO true! I run at the same place at almost the same time a few days a week and I love the simple exchanges with the people I have come to see often. :) Or even the new people. It's great!
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    I felt the same way when I started to run outdoors. I am lucky to live close to a paved trail that goes through the woods. I would rather run on the secluded trail then on the main roads. But what I found helps me, is to just wear a baseball cap, makes me feel like people cant see its me.. or even sunglasses. Then I just put my headphones on and go. After the first couple of mins you stop thinking about how you look and start thinking about the run itself, how you are breathing, concentrating on keeping your pace and your heartrate down and you forget about the world around you anyways. Good Luck, I really hope you overcome your fear.
  • laurels12
    laurels12 Posts: 54 Member
    Don't worry about people staring at all! Besides, no one really looks "cool" exercising. They just think they do :)

    Love it!

    I'm the same. I really need to up my workouts so I don't plateau and want to run. I've started the C25K on the treadmill at the gym but I'd love to just run whenever and wherever. Scared of getting laughed at!

    Having said that, I've watched a guy walking every day for about two years. When I first noticed him, he was a BIG guy. Every time I see him, he's plugging away at his walk (a fast one) and I think Good for you mate!

    These days he's almost unrecognisable -- he kept on with his daily walks and now he looks amazing. About a third of his former self! I want to get out of the car and give him a hug for doing so well, but he'd prob think that was creepy!!

    I want his motivation! I need to get out there don't I? :blushing:
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I look like a crazy person running, I'm slow at it and running does not come easy for me. I feel awkward doing it but I have trained myself to zone out, I put my music on and I concentrate on listening to my music, I don't even look to see who is around me anymore that way if they stare, I don't have a clue :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thank you all for being so motivating! I have decided I am going right now to do a run and stop making excuses. Rather than plan and put it off I really need to get up and do it now! If I'm not back in 20 minutes, I did it >=3 thanks again!
    I hope you did get out there and I hope you feel great for doing it. I'm an interval runner. I never run for more than a few minutes at a time so at any time during my "run" I might be seen walking. :)

    I can tell you from my personal experience that whenever I see someone out there on the side of the road running, walking, shuffling or whatever, the only thought that goes through my head is "Way to go!" I applaud everyone who is out there getting it done, no matter what they are doing and how they go about it.
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    I'm 60 lbs overweight and have had the same feelings as you express here.
    I tend to trick myself into a set of NEXT ACTIONS
    If I'm seating in front of the computer I think that I have to go out for a run.
    My first thought" "todays run 3 miles, maybe not, I kinda have heartburn. Do my legs hurt? My belly is specially wiggly today."
    So my next action "get dressed". I may not even go out by I will get dressed I can do that!.
    After I'm dressed for running I'm still doubting myself so I tell myself "Just get out the door" You can turn around and get back into the house as soon as it gets too uncomfortable. Anytime.
    So I get out the door and start walking. I'm thinking "see it's not too bad", then I start running and I get all sort of thoughts and feelings and I tell myself "Stop and walk the rest any time, no really, there's nothing wrong with it, but if you can keep running".
    Sometimes I feel like I can't do nomore so I look as far as I can and tell myself "Just get to that light post, fence, car, etc." then you can stop" so I keep going and I come back accomplished.
    I can also tell you that you will not feel like this forever. "The conversation" as I described it above only happens at the beginning. Then running itself will make you feel confident. Then you really will not care what people is gonna say or think. It's very empowering to know what you have been able to do. It's never a question of can you? but will you?
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I hope you are out there running as I type this!! I began running at 225 pounds in a group setting of mainly fit people. I was really shy about my running and hung out in the back of the pack to make sure no one was staring at me. Now I could care less I still weigh over 200 pounds but I go out there and I RUN!! Why?? Because I love to run and I am doing it for MY health not for those fit people.
  • farmer50340
    farmer50340 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm not quite to running yet, but I've within the last month or so started doing a lot more walking, making sure to get out there with my family at least once a day for a walk. As long as I am up and moving, people can say what they want. I've walked around our town, we've walked on a school track, and not one person has said anything to us about walking or the way we're doing it. We're doing it for us, and we don't care what people may think. That's the attitude we've taken.

    Good luck to you!
  • gamespriteicon
    gamespriteicon Posts: 66 Member
    Try listening to music. As for "being judged as weak and unfit" they will not notice, especially if you do a work out like the one on called "Running for Beginners" Read more at Women's Health: It gives you a day by day program that has you walking and running, not just running the whole time. Plus no one is going to look at you funny if your just walking around the neighborhood.

    It's nice because you have a goal in mind as to what you want to achieve, if you can not do it exactly do as much as you can just keep the time the same. I use it just for the running part in place of the "Tone Zone" and "Rock Solid Abs" I do videos or WII or the elliptical at home, add an extra walking day, or just take a rest day.

    For Week One - Monday (I ignore the days and weeks but do them in order until I am able to complete them) is to Walk 10 minutes. Next 6 minutes alternate running 1 minute and walking 1 minute. Walk 4 minutes. Stretch, total of 20 minutes.

    Looks like this:
    Walk 10
    Run 1
    Walk 1
    Run 1
    Walk 1
    Run 1
    Walk 1
    Stretch 4

    If that is too much then just do one set of alternating and the rest of the 4 min remaining as walking. Then don't move on to Wednesday set until you have completed Monday. You can stay on Monday Day 1 for as long as it take you to get it done.

    You can always wave at neighbors as you see them, they usually wave back with a smile, no judgments. The only thing they are thinking is I wish I was that motivated to get out of the house, or wish she'd let me know when she's going out again I'd like to join in.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    When I started running, I waited till it was dark outside. of course, it was winter and that was easy. Now it doesnt get dark until 9pm so I am kinda stuck running in daylight. I always pray no one is watching because I am chunky, I look like a flailing hippo, and I pant like a road lizard when I run. But you know what????? All those people either watching you from their kitchen windows or their cars, arent running! You are and you should be proud that you are making an effort to change your lifestyle. I am very self conscious but if I can do it, you can too!!!

    Also, whenever I see women built like me out there running, I want to roll down the window and shout "You go girl!". The women who look fantastic because they have been running.. I just think "I cant wait until I have legs like that".

    Dont worry about what others may think. This is for you, and only you and you can do it. Put on your headphones, crank the music, and RUN!
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    I'm also in the same shoes as you! I'm super shy since I know a lot of people in the neighborhood. We're all pretty close knit. I've seen way too many people from my middle school to make me feel queasy. But also because my friend and I were followed by this creepy pervert around where I really wish to run. It had me scared and it made me wonder what the hell would I do if I'm running out by myself?

    Ah well, I just need to push myself through my fears (and my morning grogginess).