To everybody who has actually lost weight, HELP.



  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Order what you half...take the rest home for another meal. I did that when my husband and I went to Olive Garden for our anniversary dinner. It fit into my allowance and I got a great meal the next day too. (Oh yeah, and I ordered the salad plain w/o dressing, cheese, or croutons...brought my apple cider vinegar from home!)
  • I don't eat the french fries if it's a burger joint. Anything other starch, I eat only half of it.

    No soda, only tea.

    That usually keeps my meal under 700 calories.
  • Raezor1207
    Raezor1207 Posts: 80 Member
    I look at the menu for the restaurant and then put what I am going to eat before I go. That way, I don't go over on calories.

    ^this - plus just because I get a fat @ss cheeseburger and fries doesn't mean I have to eat the whole thing. I usually ask the server to bring me a carryout box when my meal comes and divide it before I ever start eating if it is something that is crazy high in calories. That way I still get to enjoy all the stuff I like but I don't over do it.

    Also, if I know I'm going to be going out and eating/drinking a lot I compensate with my workout that day or the day after.
    This too! I haven't gone over on calories since I started in January and it it totally due to exercising more or watching the rest of the daily calorie intake for the days I want to eat bad.
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    My husband really helps keep me in check. Tell a family member that is supportive and that you can trust to be the person that helps keep you in check. When you're at the restaurant they can remind you of your goals, remind you of how overly full you'll feel afterwards, remind you that it's not worth ruining your hard work, or they can tell you how long you'll need to exercise to burn off that big meal? I'm really good at sticking with my diet if I pick out my meal before we get to the restaurant and look up the nutrition information on their website- most restaurants have an app with their nutrition information on it. If you really want something that looks yummy, ask if you try a bite of your parent's meal? (I usually steal a french fry off my kid's plate.)

    Good Luck!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    ask for grilled chicken breast and broccoli
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I avoid eating out at restaurants as much as possible. If I know far enough in advance, I will limit my calorie intake to compensate or I will consider it a cheat day and make up for it later in the week. Good luck to you!
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    I plan my days ahead of time. This makes it MUCH easier to say "no". My mom would call and say "hey, we're having this (going there) for dinner, want to come?" and I'd say "No thanks, I already put it my dinner for the day." She understood. I would (will) however, go out every once in awhile. Do not deprive yourself. You will end up HATING your diet and when you go off the deep end, it will probably be bad. Treat yourself. When I first started I would have ONE cheat meal (MEAL, not day) a week. This kept my cravings down and helped me stay on track. Now (7 months and counting) I don't have cheat meals once a week, it's more like once a month (if that). I just don't crave those things anymore, and to be honest, eating out (or eating bad foods) really upsets my stomach. But I understand that's probably more difficult for you if your family likes to eat out often. Have you tried maybe suggesting having a family dinner at home? Maybe a potluck type deal? This might also help with your diet. I have been consistantly tracking since the first of the year and I have lost a total of 13lbs (give or take) and two pant sizes. I am 14lbs (and two pants sizes) away from my goal weight and if you need encouragment/motivation feel free to add me. Best of luck with your situation. Let me say, it gets easier, much MUCH easier. I hardly think about eating out or fast food anymore, when 6-7 months ago, that's all I ate. :)
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    “Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
    Watch your words, for they become actions.
    Watch your actions, for they become habits.
    Watch your habits, for they become character.
    Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

    Stop telling yourself "I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF AT A RESTAURANT!"

    You can control yourself. If you don't pee your pants, if you go to work every day, if you don't run into every stupid driver/pedestrian on the road, you don't smack your boss every time they're an idiot; you can control yourself.

    This is just another area you have to control yourself.
  • I haven't seen this here yet, but eat before you go out to dinner.....yes I said eat. If you go to the restaurant really hungry, your diet will go out the window. If you eat something like a piece of fruit or some nuts, it will cut down that feeling that you want to eat everything. And then when you go, ask for a container when you order your meal. When the meal is served, cut it in half and take the other half home for the next day.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I find it very hard to control myself. I have only once successfully gotten a healthy meal while out, and that was at IHOP and they have healthier fit and active menu. Ask yourself if it's worth the calories or not.
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 229 Member
    I research the menu ahead of time. Then order the "good" food.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    eat what you want and eat half or get the healthy items on the menu or look at the calories content of the foods, hope this helps
  • I look at the menu for the restaurant and then put what I am going to eat before I go. That way, I don't go over on calories.


    Me too!! I plan ahead of time, I don't even open the menu, then I'm not tempted. I know what I'm going to order and make sure it fits in my calorie count for the day. I eat out alot especially during the summer. Went to Don Pablo's yesterday, took 1/2 my meal home for lunch today.

    Yes, sometimes I always take home half of my meal, or tell them to bring me a half order, that way I am not tempted. Sometimes I avoid eating out just for this reason, though that is not an option for you really.
  • bsudano
    bsudano Posts: 13 Member
    These magic words:

    "Instead of <starch>, can I have extra <vegetable>?"

    And as others have mentioned, pre-planning is often very helpful. Sometimes I'll look up the menu online and add my meal to MFP before I even get to the restaurant. Then when you're sitting in the restaurant, you don't even need to open the menu, and you avoid that temptation.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    When you order, ask for half the order in a box, or share your meal with someone. This works out well when you have a friend who is also on a diet.

    Drink a lot of water or unsweetened tea.

    Eat before you go.

    Don't get appetizers or desserts, or if you do, get them for the whole table.

    For family style dinners, get only a small piece for round 1, and wait until everyone has finished their piece before even contemplating seconds. (This works really well with my dad, because he is an EXTREMELY slow eater.

    When you do order, order unbreaded, baked or grilled, sauceless varieties of food.

    Watch the bread basket.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    If I don't think I can control myself, I get a to-go box before the food gets to the table and I put half the food in the box before I start eating. It is a choice - and I am more important than the food.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    I look at the menu for the restaurant and then put what I am going to eat before I go. That way, I don't go over on calories.

    I do this too. And get sauces on the side, and even though it is SO HARD SOMETIMES...make a point to eat half, and take half home. You would be AMAZED on how spendy the calories are in things you *think* might be healthier options. And drink TONS of water. Drinking booze is too expensive; you're saving money just doing it at home. Unless someone is buying you drinks, then opt for *shudder* LIGHT beer.

    I ate a turkey burger at Ruby Tuesdays, sans bacon and cheese, and it was friggin 700 calories! FOR A TURKEY BURGER. Oh well, still better than a beef burger.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Check the menu first before heading out if possible.
    Dressings ALWAYS on the side.
    No bread before meal while waiting.
    Drink water with lemon before and during.
    Soups that are broth based and not cream based.
    No Fried food.
    Limit to lean steak, Filet, sirloin or flank.
    Chicken generally a good option.
    Grilled foods versus sauteed or fried.
    Double veggies as sides, side salad no croutons, or rice, sweet potato or baked potato (not loaded).
    No dessert, you can grub a bit from your parents if they order.

    ^this^ Could not have said it better. Grilled fish is another great option. Grilled is always my go to at a restaurant when I do go out.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I just tell myself that I've come so far and I don't want to have to lose the same pounds again when I could be losing additional pounds. I go out with my family, I have informed them of my goals and they are very helpful. I go to a restaurant and want a big burger.... but then my mom will say.... "hmmmm.... watch those calories", and that pretty much gets me back on track. Then I go for something more nutritious. I end up feeling better about my decision in the end. I have a goal and every time I slip up I know I am delaying that goal. I started 5/27/12 at 224 lbs. I've lost 17 pounds. I weigh 207 and my goal is to be 190 by August 3. It may seem a bit unrealistic, but if I can get anywhere near that I will be so happy. MFP has helped me out in so many ways and I would recommend it to anyone that is trying to become healthy.
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    Don't be afraid to customize what you order. Most of the menu items are made with heavy creams or oil that pack on empty calroies.