Ladies in the 200+'d you stay motivated?



  • pferde01
    pferde01 Posts: 16
    Once you are in the game, you need to stay in the game. You will be glad you did.

    Thank you for this!! Going to be my new desktop background!!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I started at 248 in August 2010 (I had already lost about 10-15 pounds by this point but was too scared to get on the scale) and now I'm at 192. I thought I'd be at 150 by now no problem buuuuut life happens and I gotta deal with it. I envision myself shopping for wedding gowns someday and being able to NOT going towards the plus sized gowns, which I don't like the look of usually anyway. I want to be able to look back at my wedding photos and be like, "Damn, I look amazing!" I want to be a role model for my future babies in how to live their life, making responsible food choices. So if you had to ask me in a nutshell what motivates me, I'd say: My future. :)
  • slimbetsy
    slimbetsy Posts: 2
    I'm 21 and started losing weight December 2011 at 256. Now I am 204 and it has been HARD! My goal is 150 and I know i'll get there. It is very hard to stay motivated, especially when the scale doesn't move for a month. Here are a few motivators I tell myself when I really want to give up:
    1) I'll be able to go into a store and pick up a medium shirt and know it will fit
    2) When I get married, my husband will be able to carry me across the doorway on our honeymoon
    3) I'll be the hot girlfriend to my boyfriends friends instead of the nice girlfriend
    4) I could go into any store to buy jeans instead of trying to find a plus size store
    5) I'm freaking sick of being fat
    6) Being able to do something that I wasn't able to do before I lost weight. And imagining how much i'll be able to do when I hit my goal.
    7) I can buy bras at Victoria's Secret in store rather than having to special order.
    8) I feel so much better!
    And there are so many more reasons. Just Keep Going!!!
  • horrorghoul
    horrorghoul Posts: 59 Member
    I write a list of 101 things I wanna do when I am #12 Shave legs without having to push stomach out of the way. lol.

    When I am exercising I just keep a goal in my head.
  • I started trying to change my lifestyle when I started college last fall. I was at 226. Right now, I'm 194. I've lost 31 pounds. That was with small changes, like having to walk around campus and just going to the gym most days of the week. I just recently added MFP, which has just helped me lose the weight faster.

    Definitely set small goals. My first goal was to get out of the 200's. My next is to get out of the 190's (5 more pounds to go!!!). Then the next one: get out of the 180's. And so on. By doing this, you feel accomplished with every 10 pounds you lose. That is enough motivation in itself!

    Whenever you reach a plateau (and it will happen eventually), just trick your body. Change your diet and your exercise routine. A plateau happens when your body gets used to your schedule. It has to work harder when you change it up!

    Good luck and if you need anything, let me know! We're all in this together!
  • megbh83
    megbh83 Posts: 9
    my son is my biggest motivator right now! He's 15 months (almost 16 months) and he's eating what we are eating, so I want that to be good stuff. So we knew we had to change our diet. We now eat a lot healthier and he deters us from going out to eat too often, because he cant sit still through a whole meal ( he wants to run around and play). I want to be able to teach him to eat and love the good stuff and not be a hypocrite about it. So we are now eating about 85% organic, he eats more like 95% organic, and I make sure he has a fruit, veggie and protein at every meal. I also want the energy to run around with him and play with him, he's on the slower side now, but he's picking up speed and in a year or two he'll be moving like crazy and I want to be the fun mom participating with him not sitting on a bench cause I'm tired or dont have the energy or endurance to keep up.

    I also am doing this for me of course! I want to prove to myself that I can do it and I can see under 200 again, its been about 8 years since I have. I'm also hoping that maybe in getting down to my goal weight that will help my fertility problems and we could think about having another baby. Right now I have PCOS and only have a 1% chance of getting pregnant on my own, we had to go through fertility treatments with my son and my pregnancy was not easy, so hoping that by cutting weight and fat out that maybe next time will be easier!

    I started in April 2012 at 254lbs, I've lost 23lbs so far, its a slow process, but I work full time(sitting at a desk all day), am a mom and a part time student, and a wife, so there is a lot on my plate and not enough hours in the day! It will happen, hoping by the time swim suit season comes around next year I will have more luck finding a cute one!
  • KimKAnderson80
    KimKAnderson80 Posts: 13 Member
    Best. Thread. Ever.
    I have viewed hundreds of success stories to keep me motivated, posted goals and daily affirmations on my fridge and bathroom, pushed myself to the limit and NOTHING has been quite as awesome as reading all of your stories.
    I will come back and read all of these again when I hit my next plateau. First, I have to break through this one.
    Thank you for all the motivation. God bless.
  • stratusofkiser
    stratusofkiser Posts: 54 Member
    Purchase a smart scale. It keeps track of your body fat percentage, pounds of body fat , water weight, bone mass and some do muscle mass. I try to only weigh in once a week and I steer clear of the scale during my TOM. MFP has helped me tremendously!!! Get some friends, feel free to add me for motivation and a support system. And when I am really down in the dumps I look at success stories on here, when I get a food craving I exercise and it distracts me. Stay positive!! I feel the support of friends on here has pushed me through. Best of luck to you!!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I am convinced that small goals are the way to go.....I have one hundres pounds to lose...but I am breaking it up into smaller goals which I am achieving one by one.....never give up, find a friend to help you with this makes all the difference

    THIS!!! And it doesn't even have to be weight goals lately are more about the simple things: water intake, logging EVERYthing I eat, and getting in more than 2 workouts a week. I am also really inspired by the workouts I've been having lately...when I feel ready to give up, I push through and do more and I feel so much better afterwards.

    Here's an empowering story: my husband loves the elliptical, and for him it works and it's what he needs now. Tonight I hopped on the machine beside him to do 2 quick minutes to get my heart pumping and then I said, "well, see you later sweetie...I'm heading over to the manly man side of the gym". Then I went to the free weights. It felt AWESOME!
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    I started at my highest weight of 270lbs (I am 5'6"ish). At first it was really slow (In approx 7-8 months I just lost my first 20lbs) HOWEVER I know I can lose the rest! First off, I am trying to join the US Navy which requires me to be at 160lbs or 33% BF before I can go to bootcamp && secondly WHY would I want to go back? I know its hard when the scale is not moving like you want (believe me) but the motivation has to come from within. I was just thinking today about how awesome it will be the first time I DO NOT have to shop in the plus size section!! I have NEVER not shopped there because I have been overweight 80% of my life (I am 21 years old).

    ANOTHER THING I did is I set up 10lb goals with little prizes at the end of each one. My 10lb prize was to get a new body wash and my 20lb prize will be to get my first pedicure. I have them all written out on my page so that I can remember another thing I am working for :)

    Feel free to add me because I would love to be there to support you!! We can do this together!!
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    I started out at my highest weight of 218 and after I got info Onederland it was REALLY hard to break through the 190s. I had to get way more clean about my eating instead of just eating less b/c my BMR was definitely down. I started doing strength training program to supplement my cardio. I'm now almost in the 170s but it took me almost 9 months to lose 40 pounds. I'm so happy I stuck with it and I can even envision my UGW (145), since I'm half way to that goal.
    Switch up your exercise as much as possible to keep things interesting and motivating.
  • nicoleahr
    nicoleahr Posts: 2 Member
    Thats what I do. I get rid of 15 pounds and then feel like I got this and then i screw up. Im 238 and 35 years old ive lost 8 pounds since January and hoping to get down to 150. I have a long way to go and and have to step back sometimes and say dummy get back on track!
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