Former smokers



  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    I quit on June 6th this year and have quit cold turkey. I have slipped a few times and have smoked maybe 2 cigarettes in this time. I guess it depends on what is motivating you to quit, I am trying to quit before my husband and I try to start a family so it's a pretty big motivator for me :)

    Personally I don't believe it matters how you get there or how long it takes you as long as you keep trying! Good luck all :D
  • lleabrooks
    lleabrooks Posts: 87 Member
    I used the electronic cigarette a few times a day for about two weeks and then just stopped all nicotine cold turkey. I think the couple week transition period whe I was using the e-cig worked really well for me. Being able to smoke, but not really smoke really helped to get me through the most difficult first few days. Stopping smoking was definitely the best decision I have ever made for my health and I feel so blessed that I was finally able to do it. I've been smoke free for almost 2 years now and I'll never looking back.

    If you are contemplating the idea of quitting smoking - best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    I quit cold turkey after 10 years of smoking the day I found out I was pregnant. I just didn't want my little one to grow up with smokers around her. It's been four years now and I'm glad I did it!

    I chewed a lot of cinnamon gum. The stronger the flavor the better because it helped me get through the cravings. Altoids also helped because the strong taste. The hardest for me was driving in the car. I used to smoke a lot in the car so I would focus on new ways to go home rather than the same routine. Thinking of different routes would help keep my mind off wanting that cigarette.

    Good luck to you!
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    This piece is interesting and may help anyone who is recently off them or thinking of getting off.

    Knowing the mechanism of the addiction is a really good way to treat nicotine as a hostile entity that is changing YOU rather than you being a helpless flower who has no choice :)

  • kapzilla
    kapzilla Posts: 84 Member
    I quit cold turkey. I guess I was just mentally ready to throw in the towel. My quitting anniversary is in September, and it'll be 3 years since my last cigarette.

    Good luck! Get in the mind frame of truly wanting to quit. If you get to that point, you will succeed.
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    How'd you quit? So many different things work for different people. I've heard success stories varying from cold turkey to acupuncture. What worked for you, and how long ago did you quit?
    I quit in June of 2002, so it's my 10 year smoke-free anniversary!
    I quit cold turkey. IMO it's the only way to stop smoking. I don't believe people can be succesful by weaning themselves off with one or two a day.
    I kept busy. I chewed gum. I ate peppermints.
    I didn't quit for good until my mind was made up that I was going to stop. All the tips in the world will not help you with this. This, unfortunately, you suffer alone. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    The worst was where I had super realistic dreams that I smoked

    I still get those 5 years later, I wake up so disappointed with myself!!!

    Crap, I was hoping those dreams would eventually end. I have about 3 of those dreams a week since I quit June 29 and I just wake up feeling really ashamed of myself.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I smoked for almost 8 years and always said I'd quit before I had kids. I moved in with my fiance in February 2002 and quit in March 2002. He smoked occasionally, but wasn't a "smoker" so he had no sympathy for me. I did it cold turkey and it was like trial by fire. We'd go to sports bars to watch hockey and drink, surrounded by smokers. Plus I always smoked when I drank beer. I remember a particularly difficult night when I literally scratched the table before I got up to walk home because I was so mad that he wouldn't agree to go somewhere less brutal on me.:explode:

    Not like quitting makes you edgy or anything. :blushing:

    It's been 10 years and I never had another one. Mainly because I know I'd start again, especially during my divorce last year. I can't deny that I've thought longingly of smoking many times these past 10 years and I probably always will. But for my kids and my own health, I won't ever do it again.
  • mxtodsi
    mxtodsi Posts: 23
    I did it cold turkey. One day I started to work and couldn't catch my breath to climb the subway stairs. That was it for me.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    How'd you quit? So many different things work for different people. I've heard success stories varying from cold turkey to acupuncture. What worked for you, and how long ago did you quit?

    Woot woot I just hit my 1st year of not smoking cigarettes yesterday!! I used to smoke around 30 Marlboro Red 100's everyday.. yuck.

    I quit cold turkey. It's funny, but I have to thank the Fat, Sick, and nearly Dead docuinformercial. It inspired me. I saw those guys change their ways so I knew all was possible. After it ended I went out to smoke a cigarette. Two puffs in and I put it out and threw away my pack. Never looked back. That was the starting point to working out and eating healthy as well.

    My experience seems a bit different though. It wasn't tough. I felt relieved. I even went out to Vegas two weeks later (I usually always need a smoke when I drink or when I drive) and didn't have the need to smoke at all.. kinda sucked that I had booked the room when I did smoke so I had a smokers bedroom. Can't stand the smell anymore.

    Good luck!
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    The guy Al who runds the diner in the stephen King book about going back in time to save Kennedy is what's made my mind snap and I know I will never smoke again.

    Grand words maybe but I know. :)
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Sorry I'm not much help. :grumble:
    I still smoke but nearly as much as most people here.
    Yesterday I only had 3 and menthol.
    But gradually changing my mind to just quit.
    Thank you all for the scary stories. :noway:
  • AriG88
    AriG88 Posts: 14
    I quit two years ago for eight months when my husband was out to sea. (He was a smoker at the time, too). I woke up one day and thought, "Man, this sucks. I'm wasting money and I feel like crap." So I went out and bought the patch and they made me SOOOOOO sick. I was nauseous and dizzy and my heart was beating way too fast, but they did help with the cravings - although I think they only helped because I was too sick to get up to go smoke, haha! After four days of that nonsense I went cold turkey and used LIVESTRONG'S quit smoking app. The community there was AMAZING. They really are encouraging and helped get me through it. Well, hubby came back and smoked around me and I caved (AFTER EIGHT MONTHS OF NOT SMOKING!) and bought my own pack... how depressing.

    So, about a month ago, I'd had enough! (Again!) haha and my husband and I both quit tobacco use via the nasty (four day only!) patch and the live strong app. This time around it was a lot easier because I'd done it before and knew what to expect. This was my last quit and I'm super excited about it. I'm officially a month smoke-free and loving every minute of it. If you need a buddy to help you through then I'm here. GOOD LUCK :)
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I had pneumonia and couldn't smoke for 2 weeks. Never looked back! I am completely free of all cravings, but I do believe I owe that one to God! :D

    Same thing- I had a sinus infection and just never did it again afterwards (unless I am drunk..but I'm trying to give that up too)
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Love this thread :) Been looking for ways to quit... I'm supposed to stop next month. Very inspirational :)
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    How'd you quit? So many different things work for different people. I've heard success stories varying from cold turkey to acupuncture. What worked for you, and how long ago did you quit?

    Today is day 21 for me. No cigarettes for 21 days! I love it but hate it.
  • dehliahopp
    I quit cold turkey after an upsetting evening (got robbed at gunpoint) caused me to examine my life & the choices I currently make...that was in December 2011. I have had a few here and there mostly when I drink alcohol, but I no longer Need them. The cravings however, still happen, mostly when I'm driving or upset - common stress triggers are the hardest to die. Find something to replace smoking -- I quit because I wanted to start exercising to finally lose this weight holding me back from living my life. Mostly I dream of becoming a runner -- still so long to go. On top of that, the rising cost of cigarettes finally caused me to stop -- I simply could not afford my habit anymore when it came down to either paying for gas to get to work or a pack of cigs.
  • mistimn
    mistimn Posts: 58 Member
    Cold Turkey and STAY BUSY lol if you start to think about it find something to do!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    How'd you quit? So many different things work for different people. I've heard success stories varying from cold turkey to acupuncture. What worked for you, and how long ago did you quit?

    I quit cold turkey on December 31, 2009 at 1030 PM. I was a grouch for two weeks. Good luck!
  • Runner50266
    Chantix. Worked great I quit within a week and haven't looked back for well over a year.