Is there anything you have Given up because you go too far?



  • reallyally1
    Chocolate covered pretzels. It's impossible for me to eat them without binging and consuming the entire bag, so I avoid them entirely.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    for LIMITED amounts of times I will "give-up" some things with out realizing it. i think i'm like that with cookies. i have a habit, a bad one, or not eating something for awhile, and then when i have it again, it's like a monster is unleashed. i love ice-coffee, just not the 500calories that go along with it. i usually manage by just having my go at the cravings, and then like after a week, I don't want it anymore, maybe because i gained too much weight, haha.

    but fyi salsa/chips are not that bad of a snack. i'd say buy a small bag or tortillas, and have a go at the salsa, it's only like 10calories a serving :)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I won't eat bread that is put on the table before dinner at a restaurant. I won't eat dessert out. I won't eat potato chips out of the bag. I won't eat ice cream out of the container. I won't eat donuts brought into the office. I won't drink soda.

    Yeah, I'd say I've given up lots of things...
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Chocolate covered pretzels. It's impossible for me to eat them without binging and consuming the entire bag, so I avoid them entirely.

    forgot about those, YES :love:
  • smilesalot1969
    chocolate, donuts, cake, biscuits, white bread with loads of butter, mcdonalds apple pie, lord i have like the WORST sweet tooth ever. I have this stuff in the house because my kids eat it off and on but i have the willpower not to touch it but strangely i dont have the willpower to stop after only a little bit
  • SweetMegz04
    SweetMegz04 Posts: 459 Member
    I have had to do this with a few things!!

    Sweet & Salty Almond Granola Bars
    Fiber One Brownies
    Pita Chips & Spinach Dip
    Any type of Sweet!

    If I get these things and am able to- I will Eat ALL of it... throughout the day I will eat the whole thing and still want more!
    What a Horrible feeling afterward too!

    I have started to add the Granola Bar as a "something sweet" to my week. However- I have to have my Sister give me just 1 or 2 at most for a day and keep the others hidden from me!! It's sad... Ugh
  • LrdTwitchyMcChin
    Anything with HFCS, Glutamates and MSG for starters....that eliminates a ton of processed food for me. :) I used to be much better with them, but I need to get back on track with making sure to read ALL LABELS. :)
  • NakAttack
    NakAttack Posts: 64 Member
    To be honest, I do not have a food weakness and if I do I do not know if because I just choose to not bring that stuff into the house. I have it when I am out, just a serving size, but I will not bring it home.

    If I had to pick an item, it would be UTZ potato chips...sour cream and onion to be specific. I will buy a small single serving bag but NEVER buy a large bag unless we are having a cookout or an event that requires them.
  • Risrisris
    Risrisris Posts: 11 Member
    Alas, bread. :sad:

    No bread?! You must have some serious self-discipline to give it up! :o)

    I've not actually completely eliminated anything, but I do what several others do and just don't bring the stuff home. Cookies, chips, ice cream - I still eat them at times, but it's more a 'crime of opportunity' now (like when someone brings cookies to the office) rather than a regular thing. The thing is, I feel better when I don't eat that stuff, but that doesn't usually stop me from eating it. Maybe I'll eventually quit entirely!
  • wanderinggypsy
    Baked Lays Cheddar and Sour Cream chips and Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter cup ice cream.

    I've ruined many otherwise good days with these!
  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    My husband's homemade chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies. I can't even stop at a dozen in one sitting, they are just so good. Needless to say, he hasn't baked in a long time.
  • fitnesspalloser
    fitnesspalloser Posts: 15 Member
    Don't give up anything fully. Maybe you could bag two servings of chips for the entire bag. Then when you pull down the chips you are getting more than one serving, but you're not eating half the bag. Also, dry eating an apple or something with a lot of fiber before you begin your chip frenzy, then you may not be as hungry to eat more than you should. If you tackle your "addiction" in smaller chunks, maybe it will be easier. I love salsa and chips too. Also, look at labels to find out which chip you can have more of. Chips are not always made the same and you might get an extra chip or two if it's a thinner chip or baked, etc. Look for different chips at different stores. Some stores carry different brands and you may find a different brand that will give you that extra chip or two. Salsa, in itself, doesn't have many calories. I think even on Weight Watchers it doesn't even count a point.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I always overeat snacks like triscuits or wheat thins. The serving size is like 15 crackers or something.... I easily eat twice that or more.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    not really--I just had a Trader Joe's coconut bonbon. I'll have another one tomorrow. If I just snack mindlessly on a bag of chips, it'll be gone, but now I measure out a serving (or half) and put the package away. I used to have no self control--I don't know what happened to me. :happy:
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    Soda I havent had a soft drink in a really long time... Because I used to could go through a 24 pack in 2 days time :( other than that everything in moderation...
  • Fatty_Melt
    Fatty_Melt Posts: 18 Member
    I've given up juice and soda completely! I used to drink almost a gallon a day, but now my primary source of hydration is water. I mean, I don't even drink diet soda or crystal light or anything like that anymore. Occasionally I'll have a glass of skim milk, some tea, or a cocktail but very rarely.
  • jones137
    jones137 Posts: 89 Member
    Donuts........specifically the sour cream timbits. If I eat one, it's all over.
  • krisleve
    krisleve Posts: 7
    just give it up for 3 weeks and you won't want it anymore. i used to work at a personal fitness studio (i was the and they say if you want to give something up, do it for 3 weeks. Works great if you're trying to break a sugar habit, soda etc. Easier said than done, i know
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Cereal! Cereal just doesn't fill me up and I could eat the whole freakin' box.
    So i just avoid it!
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Ice cream. I can have it at an ice cream shop once or twice a summer, where the staff kindly limits me to the single serving I buy. I can't have it in the house, because I will just keep going back for one more serving until I've eaten all 8 or 10 or however many servings in the carton.

    As for the person who said Timbits ... it's a good thing I don't live in Canada. I drove to Quebec a few summers ago and later I swore I'd stopped at nearly every Tim Horton's I passed. I'd weigh half a ton if we had Tim Horton's in Kansas.