Do you weigh yourself everyday? Why or why not?



  • stockholmhasago
    I get on it every day, but I don't really become obsessed with it. I take it more as a general guideline; if I had a night day before, it'll show, which will make the next day easier.

    I truly log my weight loss once a week, at the beginning of my day, on Friday. I read it was A) Suppose to be your lowest weight of the week and B) It lets me see how I do in a normal week, and not on a weekend, which can easily screwed up (for me anyway.)

    I used to be obsessive and weigh myself after every meal and work out, but I stressed myself out so badly, and would let the tiniest thing make or break my mood, that this time around I'm not doing that to myself again.
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    No. I used to, but then the number on the scale started to affect my mood and why should it? It means nothing. Now I've resolved to only weigh once a month and focus more on fitness and body recomposition goals. Much happier.
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    It drives me nuts if i weigh myself everyday so i try to do it every other week

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  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I go in fits and bursts with weighing, but track it and BF% every week, Measurements every month. I like seeing how much it flucuates in a day and over the course of a week. It proves that what I see today, right now, is not really an accurate reflection. I see it up and it motivates me to do better, I see it lower and its praise that i'm doing things right.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I weigh every day, first thing in the morning. I find it really interesting to see the natural fluctuations and helps me not to go crazy about them. My weight goes up on the scale at least once a week, and it no longer bothers me, as long as the trend is downwards.
  • sjschewlakow
    sjschewlakow Posts: 120 Member
    Yes anywhere from 1-10 times daily. Why? Because it's there. Right in the doorway of the kitchen asking me to weigh myself :D
  • n2r2peterson
    n2r2peterson Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself when i remember, so probably daily. I don't log it unless it is lower than last noted. I think our bodies fluctuate monthly so you can't beat yourself up over it. Need to look at the long term, not daily. It is so encouraging to see the decimals go down.
  • onpoint1920
    I know it is wrong, but I weigh everyday. It helps me stay on track. Weigh everyday but record once a week.
  • PaulaJeanCatlin
    PaulaJeanCatlin Posts: 5 Member
    No, I don't weigh myself every day. The results sometimes are that I lose 2 lbs. or stay the same for weeks. I can get discouraged if I weigh myself too much. I also have taken a break from dieting for a week or so, staying within normal portions and eating reasonably just because it can get boring after a few months. I just stay on course, trying to do my best to keep within the calories, and the rest takes care of itself.
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    Yes I weight myself once a week; I read that you shouldn’t since your weight fluctuates. It’s too hard not to.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Everyday for most of my life. When things are getting out of hand, I can catch it early. I know my normal day to day fluctuations and can see if I'm moving beyond my highest "normal" weight and take steps to get back into my normal range. It is so much easier to peel off a pound or two than if I waited until I was 5+ over my normal range.
  • PaulaJeanCatlin
    PaulaJeanCatlin Posts: 5 Member
    Great Job on the weight loss!! Awesome!!
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    I weight myself everyday in the morning, but only to encourage myself to not give up. That way, if I lose some weight I feel great about it and want to keep doing what I have been doing, and if I don't lose any weight I feel more encouraged to eat healthy and exercise.
  • icemann78x
    icemann78x Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh in every morning. I keep track of the losses only though. There will be fluctuations but the idea is it should trend downwards. I don't beat myself up if I see i stayed the same or gained a pound one day because the next day or two days later It will be lower than yesterday.
  • icemann78x
    icemann78x Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh in every morning. I keep track of the losses only though. There will be fluctuations but the idea is it should trend downwards. I don't beat myself up if I see i stayed the same or gained a pound one day because the next day or two days later It will be lower than yesterday.

    It may be the Accountant in me that needs a numeric value of progress daily.
  • JayBear13
    JayBear13 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm like weirdly obbsesive over it, like I weigh every chance I get and If it changes I wait a couple days then if it doesn't go back up or down I log it
  • skellyness
    skellyness Posts: 165 Member
    Yeah I do - but I shouldn't lol, it fluctuates a lot throughout the week and usually ends up stressing me out
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    I used to weigh myself EVERY day. Now that I am trying to tone up, I stopped weighing myself & even got rid of my scale. I don't want to get discouraged if the # on the scale goes up since I am building muscle, I would rather feel/see the difference in how my clothes are fitting.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    i am guilty of weighing every day, but i only log once a week. before i started working out on a regular basis, my weight would fluctuate from day to day, now it doesnt do that, but for some reason, i still think i am going to step on the scale one day and weigh 5 pounds more than i did the day before. maybe when i get used to the fact that as long as i work for it, its not gonna happen, i will quit with the weighing all the time, right now it just reminds me that what i'm doing is worth it
  • MommaRou56
    MommaRou56 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, I weigh every day -- morning and night (sometimes several times). I know my weight fluctuates from evening to morning, and I normally weigh about 2 lbs. less in the morning than I do at night, so if I get up in the morning, and my weight is the same as it was the night before, I know I need to put on the brakes and cut back or change what I'm doing. This keeps me on-track. I also like to look at my new, lower weight as that also keeps me motivated. I don't let a little increase get me down either; I just use that to "shape up" (figuratively and literally) and get back on track. I only record/post my weight when I've lost something (not maintained) and then I look at the MFP progress chart because it's so encouraging to see the downward trend!!!