Religon & fitness?



  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I only add awesome people. Regardless of religion. Although, for some religious people, I may be a bit too much, you have to be able to put up with my wacky antics to make it as my friend. Otherwise, I will probably offend you.
  • MrAllia
    MrAllia Posts: 60 Member
    We all have the same goal here, and that is to lose weight/get in shape; even though, I can see people posting their religious beliefs while just chit-chatting about their weight struggles and motivation. For example: "Jesus has seen me through another day of not eating a whole bag of chips, yay!" or "Allah has blessed me today, I had time to make it to the gym" sometimes this can cause a little bit of tension. People usually want to avoid that type of tension thus not adding people of other religions. Personally, it wouldn't bother me to see comment such as, "I think I saw Budda while doing my Yoga class today." What does concern me is excessive cursing but that's another tread entirely.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I think it's perfectly normal for people to want to associate with people who share their beliefs, but I also think it's important to consider others who may or may not share the same religious beliefs. Some of my best friends here are very different politically and religiously, and it's nice to have a broader perspective on life sometimes.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Fair? Sure it's fair. Why would like-minded people not want to associate themselves? It's only a problem when it becomes divisive... and in an offensive way, with name calling & belittling involved.
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    It's fair. There are no rules to friendship in real life - you click with some people more than you do others...but for some people, it may be easier as far as introducing themselves or finding a quick common ground.

    I am a Christian, and my faith is important and it is a part of this whole process for me. That being said, I love people of all backgrounds and beliefs and it doesn't matter to me if someone isn't "just like me." I am NOT judgemental and I appreciate support and encouragement from anyone who is willing to give it to me! :smile: On the flip side, though...I would hate it if I had to worry about writing a status update or comment that would make someone uncomfortable or "offend" someone. It is just part of who I am. I don't go over the top ( I will not shove my faith down your throat, but if asked I will gladly talk about it!) but I'm also not going to be someone I'm not. I would rather be upfront about it, so that if someone is not comfortable with me mentioning my faith occasionally, then I'd rather them not be my "friend." I'll accept and respect anyone who wants to friend me, and I expect the same in return.
  • i don't think that having an issue here because of religion should be a big deal especially when our main concern is the nutrition and health and fitness which every person should have and entitled with to have
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with that. Provides more support for that person in more ways than just one and they share certain values and therefore don't have to see statuses of certain natures that they would prefer not being in their feed. As long as they aren't being rude about it. If somebody only wants religious friends, then there is nothing wrong with that if it helps them succeed in their fitness and personal goals. :) Thats what this site is about afterall and some people need a different kind of support system.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090

    Do you mean acceptable instead of fair?

    Sure it's fair. Everyone has an equal opportunity to add/delete whom they choose. If you are a non-Christian, you have the same rights and privileges on MFP as those who are Christian. Therefore, FAIR!

    Is it acceptable? To each his/her own. Some people will look down upon it, others won't care and others will jump for joy to find other Christians amongst their midst. Doesn't bother me in the least!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Sometimes people are motivated by religion, and that's ok.

    I don't have a religion, and I rarely feel left out. If I am left out of a conversation based on that, I didn't belong there to begin with. I don't mind religious discussions on the internet. As long as I am still allowed to work and vote, I am happy.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    People add friends who are also 'young moms with pregnancy weight" or who have simillar health issues.. or who are allso Runners or Bikers.. so why not add firends on the similarity of religion? Support in Similarity is helpful to many- no matter what the similarity.

    If they refuse to add anyone who isn't their religion, that's kinda not good, I guess. But still- who cares what people others decide to add. That's their choice and I don't really care enough to have an opinion.
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