SO WHAT if I am bragging!!!!

So...there are some people who are getting tired of me TALKING about my weight loss and plans! GET OVER IT!!! I am trying to keep myself motivated and moving and if I have to be accountable to other people to make that happen, I AM going to brag and talk about it!!

Also, quit trying to sabatoge me! I do enough of that myself!! My MIL is constantly trying to push food down our throats at dinner..."Come one, there is still some left!" or (to my husband) "He is built like his daddy so that is just how he is going to be" or, MY FAVORITE (I am tall and get this often) "You really dont look like you weigh that much. You carry it well so why worry about it?"

Why cant people just be HAPPY and SUPPORT?!?! If I were skin and bones, then MAYBE it would be a different story. BUT, I am obviously overweight...maybe not a lot but enough!

I guess i am just going to move forward and keep going and look DAMN GOOD and make everyone feel bad for speaking any of that mess!!


  • kaali85
    kaali85 Posts: 32 Member
    You know what, some ppl feel they have a right to comment on everything, I'm sure the ppl are firstly jealous of how well you are doing, and secondly they would be the first to tell u to lose weight if u suddenly started gaining.

    Some ppl need to butt out and be more supportive and proud.

    Well done you. Just ignore them and tell them you are doing it for your health as a life long thing not cos of how u look.
  • lklascala
    lklascala Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with Kaali. You are doing this for yourself and no one else. Therefore, no one else should object to your new healthy lifestyle. Keep at it and don't let anything or anyone get in your way and then you WILL look DAMN GOOD!
  • Melzy71
    Melzy71 Posts: 150
    You keep going and doing what you want. It isn't their body and you know how you feel with all the extra weight. People have all kinds of reasons why they don't want others to lose weight and if you can't ask them why or they won't give you an answer then oh we'll, it's their problem not yours. My Mom always says let it roll off like water on a ducks back and that's what you have to do :). YAY to being a skinner you!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    YELP!! Exactly!! Going to just let it ROLL and when I look and feel awesome, then we will see what they say!

    My M.I.L. told me when I got down before that I didnt need to lose anymore, and I still had a belly and extra everywhere. SO, i just let it roll off (then got preggers).

    I have friends and family that support me 100% and that it what I am focusing on!! AND, my AWESOME MFP Friends!!! :)
  • elliehale
    elliehale Posts: 17 Member
    Mate brag away!! Who cares?? I like hearing about it. It gives me hope!!! ;-)
    By the way what's MIL? Xx
  • MrsSpindler
    Sometimes I feel exactly the same way. Granted, you are a lot further along in your weight loss than I am, but I will talk about new recipes and ideas and people are just like, "mmhmm".. Like they are sick of hearing about it. You know what, I'm doing this for me. I might be slow in my weight loss and am battling with food, but when I do get to my goal weight I'll have done it on my own!! No thanks to anyone, but my self. And you shouldn't feel any different. Just keep going and ignore those people, your MIL, and anyone who is out to sabotage you.
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    I have a MIL like that. She is one of those, you don't need to lose weight, you look fine; are you going to eat that cheese cake, I thought you were trying to lose weight. I just roll my eyes at her. Brag away babe!!! I do!!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Mate brag away!! Who cares?? I like hearing about it. It gives me hope!!! ;-)
    By the way what's MIL? Xx


    M.I.L. = (M)other (I)n (L)aw
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I have a MIL like that. She is one of those, you don't need to lose weight, you look fine; are you going to eat that cheese cake, I thought you were trying to lose weight. I just roll my eyes at her. Brag away babe!!! I do!!

    My MIL is VERY front heavy. She is diabetic and on medication for it, smokes, and does NOT eat right. I am hypoglycemic and she looks at me like I am weird for NOT eating something ebcuase of the sugar content. UM, if you didnt eat what you ate, then maybe you would be able to get off some of yours meds!?!?! But, her Dr is a quak and lets her do whatever she wants. THEN, she acts like she knows what she is talking about. SORRY, no matter what anyone tells me, REGULAR soda is NOT better for you then DIET. AND, quite frankly, NO SODA is better yet! :)
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    EXACTLY!!! I stopped caring if OTHERS were bothered by how much I talk about my progress. The more I talk, write, read about it...the more I want to go even farther! This site is such a God send to me because I am constantly reading stories just like yours that give me that PUSH! So glad that you are my friend! Great post, great progress!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    some people feel very threatened when another person puts so much emphasis on themselves - it's just a reflection of their insecurity.

    that's right, keep bragging!

    I have people that will cycle through different sabotage effects by either criticizing my time at the gym (like I'm not chained at home the entire rest of the day), or will bring me food they think I eat (which goes in the garbage) or will make fun of me for going to the gym which is ludicrous to them, or yada yada you get the's what I do, I just smile and say, "yep, that's right!" I can laugh and smile and I act like it doesn't bother me one bit. And it doesnt - I know it's their issue, not mine. And horribly, if I can affect them THAT much, it almost makes me want to go more, just to get under their skin. hehehe ;)

    keep going!!! you look great!
  • brickhouse76
    brickhouse76 Posts: 146
    Looking good! Keep it going!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    some people feel very threatened when another person puts so much emphasis on themselves - it's just a reflection of their insecurity.

    that's right, keep bragging!

    I have people that will cycle through different sabotage effects by either criticizing my time at the gym (like I'm not chained at home the entire rest of the day), or will bring me food they think I eat (which goes in the garbage) or will make fun of me for going to the gym which is ludicrous to them, or yada yada you get the's what I do, I just smile and say, "yep, that's right!" I can laugh and smile and I act like it doesn't bother me one bit. And it doesnt - I know it's their issue, not mine. And horribly, if I can affect them THAT much, it almost makes me want to go more, just to get under their skin. hehehe ;)

    keep going!!! you look great!

    Actually, I like that way of thinking...Annoy them more!!!!! :)
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Looking good! Keep it going!

    THANKS!! You too!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Right there with ya! I try to not talk or make it obvious im logging food anymore cuz i dont want to hear all their remarks:))
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm just the opposite, I don't like talking about it and yet people keep bringing up the topic. I change it as quickly as I can, but I feel as if this journey of mine is private. Don't you wish people could just keep their comments to themselves??

    Keep up the good work. You look great!!!
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    I can relate to the "you tall you carry it well" lol...I get that all the time, "why do you need to lose weight"

    Im doing it for ME and the way I want to feel inside and out....

    Great job girl!
  • EmilyT1994
    EmilyT1994 Posts: 33
    It's something to be proud of!
    Lord knows I'm telling everyone that I know that I've lost a stone.
    It's a big thing to lose weight, especially if you've carried it for a long time.
    It's lifechanging, so brag away!
    You won't find me complaining about anyone who is proud of their weight loss.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Oh I know the types. At the dinner table I just say, "Oh, thanks but I'm satisfied-it was delicious!" If they keep pushing, I ignore them and don't respond. My grandmother used to push desserts on me constantly. And that was after I told her I was diagnosed with diabetes! I finally would have to tell her "maybe later, Gran" and she'd lay off. Then she didn't really notice that "later" never came.

    Don't let them influence you-keep up the great work!
  • LoserKat2012
    You take care of you and ignore those who are not supportive. My husbands Step Mom is always buying crap food when we come visit and trys to push it on us. My husband is diabetic and she buys things like cookies, candy and cake. She always buys this disgusting Carrot Cake and trys to tell us it is my husbands favorite which by the is not so we don't know where she got thats stupid idea. Next visit I am telling them not to buy the crap and if they do they are wasting their money because we are not eating it.
    Oh by the way BRAG BRAG BRAG! You are doing great!