Women who are 5' 8", what is your weight goal?



  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    Dang, lol. I'm shooting for like 180. It's technically above the "healthy" weight, but I'm built thick. When I get there, I'll re-evaluate and see if I want/need to go any smaller.
    Im built like my dad- big bones- Im also shooting for 180-190 and I would be great with that!
  • tb_lawkid13
    tb_lawkid13 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I'm going for 160-170. I have never been "skinny", even since high school. I wasn't "fat" back then, I was about 150...size 9 or so. A size 9 would be awesome for me.

    I think it's in the way I carry the weight. Most people think I'm 130-140 now, and I'm 192!!!!! Crazy they don't see it, I sure do.

    I'm 228 and I always get 160-170!! I know my boobs throw people off (I'm a 36F) but the 50lbs swing is cray to me.
    Another reason why I'm shooting for around 175. I think if I get too small I'll look crazy!
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    I am aiming for about 160-165 lbs. About 11.4 - 11.7 stone. Maybe even a couple of pounds extra. I want to be curvy and toned, not 'thin' at all, even if the BMI says 'overweight' :)
  • Dang, lol. I'm shooting for like 180. It's technically above the "healthy" weight, but I'm built thick. When I get there, I'll re-evaluate and see if I want/need to go any smaller.
    Im built like my dad- big bones- Im also shooting for 180-190 and I would be great with that!

    I agree with BOTH of you! I want to be about 170-175... I'm 5'8" and I can't see myself at 135.
  • gaerielsky
    gaerielsky Posts: 20
    I'm aiming for 165. The closest I ever got was 185 and I was a size 8-10. I'm bottom heavy, and if I lose more I end up looking emaciated on top and my eye get sunken.
  • I'm 5"9 my goal was 150 but i think anything after 160 i will be happy i still want my curves i just want to be toned i think once i have hit 155 i will start to focus on toning and not my weight goal!
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    175 for me =) 165 is the lowest I'll go lol. I'm a big person though, even at 240 I didn't look huge.

    this is me around 245 (I wish I could say some of that weight was boobage lmao. No such genetic luck =))

  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Dang, lol. I'm shooting for like 180. It's technically above the "healthy" weight, but I'm built thick. When I get there, I'll re-evaluate and see if I want/need to go any smaller.

    I'm 5'7.5 and as an African American, I hate that BMI chart! How can they tell what ethnicity we are from our bones, but expect that all 5'8 women that are a certain age should weight the same!? Makes no sense.

    I'm very boob-heavy, so I'm shooting for 175, and then I'll decide if I want to lose more...shoot at this point, I'd take a %10 loss! Still struggling!

    Just as a point of interest, the BMI charts have actually been scaled downwards as the reach of the World Health Organisation has expanded to include countries where a slight frame is the norm, which does rather leave all of us with genetics that indicate a heavy, more muscular frame out in the cold somewhat.

    I'm another strongly-built, just-under-5'8" of Scottish Highland and Norwegian descent (not even half a chance of having a small frame there!), with a goal of 165-175 at minimum, and likely to be at the higher end of that range - I'll see how it looks when I get a bit closer (203 right now). I can't realistically see how weighing less than that would healthily be possible for me.
  • vgaucher
    vgaucher Posts: 1
    I'm 5' 8". I've been everywhere from 130 to 235. 165 right now, I'm trying to go down to 145 because it was a comfortable weight. I liked 133 most but everyone was bugging me saying I was too thin. It depends on your bones, if you have smaller bones 135 will look good on you, but medium-large bones look better on 145. You can find out the size of your bones by wrapping your hand, finger to finger, around the base of your others hand's wrist (smallest part). If your fingers can't reach, you have larger bones. If they touch, you're average. If they overlap. you have smaller bones. Cool, huh? It's just different for everyone.
  • At the moment I weight 170ish (give or take a bit), and my immediate short-term goal is 165. My ideal goal is 145 (what I weighted in my 20s...before Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, as a smoker, and a non-beer drinker). While 145 would be nice and ideal, I think it may probably be too low for me. I'd be a very happy camper at 150-155, and I think that is what I will ultimately shoot for. It also happens to be what my doctor recommends.
  • tb_lawkid13
    tb_lawkid13 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5' 8" and my goal weight is 180. I got down to that weight a few years ago and was comfortably wearing size 8 jeans. Interestingly enough, I was on a site a week or so ago to calculate lean body mass and fat percentage, and it estimated my lean body mass at 145 lbs, and calculated my ideal weight at 183 if I maintain that. It's 20 lbs. over the weight chart recommendations for large frame, and right where I was already aiming.

    What site might that be???
  • Zoesmum025
    Zoesmum025 Posts: 37
    After I had my first child I was given a target of 148 by Weightwatchers. That was 21 years ago and if we slow down as we get older I think I would like to be 150-154
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm 5'8" and current goal is 155. I've been at my initial goal of 161lb for a month now, and would like to lose a little more to fit more comfortably into my current size 12. I'd like to see a little more muscle definition. I think 155 is the number where I feel I look my best.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    The lowest I've been is 138 and I'm currently standing at 145. I would like to stay between 135-140, those are happy numbers :)
  • Ragel27
    Ragel27 Posts: 41 Member
    Im aiming for 150,as ive been lower in my younger years & much prefer to still have some curves,so just 6lbs to go,although havent lost any weight in the last 7 weeks,but have lost inches :)
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    My goal is to be in the "Healthy" BMI range. I am 5'8" and my weight goal is around 160. When i finally get to that magic number, we'll see how i look. I would just be thrilled to get down to the 100s!
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    I'm 5'8", and I'm at my goal weight of 164, which is the top end of the range for my height/age. Now that I'm here, I'm trying to lose 5 more and build lean muscle. I have to say I look ahelllofalot better than I did at 210, but I still feel I have more work to do.

    I do know I weighed 145 in High School and I was WAY skinny then.

    I also know I weighed 163 when I was 21 (almost there!) but gravity has taken over and the fat was definitely distributed differently back then.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I'm 5 ft 8 and would like to weigh 142lbs, which is slap-bang in the middle of the 'normal' BMI range.
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    I'm 5'8" and have a large frame/muscular build. Right now I fluctuate between 157 and 161, and I wear size 9/10. I'd like to get down to between 150 and 155, mostly just to lose a little more tummy flab, but after 2 children, I'm not sure that it's in the cards for me w/o surgery.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5' 7", and I started off with a goal weight of 140. But as I learn more about fat loss, I've kinda changed my goals. I have MFP set to 140 as goal weight, but I'm going to get myself into the Healthy BMI range then trade dropping the number on the scale for dropping BF%.

    I'm doing that because I know I won't be carrying around a scale with me to prove how much I've lost. When it comes to showing off my progress, it's how I look visually, not the number, that represents me. For me, once I'm in "Healthy BMI" status, it's more important to drop excess remaining body fat then it is to reach a magic number that nobody but I will ever see. Plus, it makes me incorporate muscle building into my routine now, knowing that my ultimate goal is not a speific number but a specific look. It's a relief, really, to know that the number on the scale doesn't have to mean as much as society wants it to mean to me!

    That was a very long winded way to say, kinda 140, but really, I don't know. Ha ha ha!