Women who are 5' 8", what is your weight goal?



  • mrsjennifermaffei
    My first goal is to get to 150lbs from where I started at 210lbs. I'm at 180lbs now. Once I see what my body is like, I'll probably lose another 10lbs then firm and tone up.
  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
    I am 5"8 and currently 128, aiming for 122! I want to get toned too but I'll concetrate more on that after all these exams *sob* I swear I look heavier than 128 :S
  • 1234rach
    1234rach Posts: 4 Member
    i want to be about 154. I have a huge bone structure so I think that 154 is a maintainable weight for me :)
  • kortni0915
    kortni0915 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5' 7 1/2" and am aiming for around 135 or 140. I'll reevaluate at that point. In college I was 125 to 130, but I think that was a touch too thin. I started at 173 and am currently 158, so I'm slowly getting there.
  • JessicaLG23
    Since I am starting much higher than I would like, I am aiming for 165. I feel like my frame requires a little more weight than some other 5'8" women may think they need. Good luck to you!
  • MzNeecie
    MzNeecie Posts: 107 Member
    wow i am 5'8 and i would look sick if i got to anything lower than 165. ATM i am aiming for 170/175 which is a good healthy looking size for me. i have wide hips and at my lowest in college i was 155 and i was constantly asked if i was sick or ill and i know now that that was way to small for my frame. good luck to you all in reaching your goals but go by what looks and feels best rather than a set number!

    be well
  • tara7302011
    tara7302011 Posts: 94 Member
    I would love to be 185!!!!!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I'm somewhere between 5'7 and 5'8 -- and I weighed 160 when I started grad school and I liked the way I looked -- so that's my first goal. I'm about 35 pounds away...eeek!

    ETA: Looking back NOW, I liked the way I looked .. back then I thought I was huge :laugh: If only I would've known what was yet to come...
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    Somewhere between 130 & 140 would be ideal. I've been lighter as a teenager, but I had to work out like an animal and eat very little to maintain it, so I'm hoping that even with a slower 30's metabolism I can achieve and maintain 135ish.
  • karenmareeyoung
    When I started MFP I wanted to be 140-145 because that's what I was when I ran half marathons 6 years ago. Then I went to Lifetime Fitness gym and did their Cardio Point Test and Fit Test. Totally changed my goals. I found out my AT is higher than most people my age which means I'm in good shape BUT I have to work harder to burn more calories. :P

    When I did that test a month ago, I weighed 160. The results said that I had 129 lbs. of lean muscles mass (including connective tissue like bones and skin which you can't change,) and 31 lbs. of fat. So if you keep that lean muscle mass and add in a healthy 19% body fat there's no way I should be 140 because I'll be thin but not have the muscle I need to be strong. Does that make sense? I want to keep that muscle. I go in for another Fit Test next week so we'll see where I'm at then. They test BMI, Flexibility, Strength, VO2 max (how quickly you recover - the faster the better) and then compare you with others your age and gender and tell you where you need to improve.

    That being said, I'm happy now being a size 10 and 155 lbs. I can exercise every day for an hour and do light strength training 2-3 times a week and I can make it thru the day without a nap anymore. I love MFP because it helps me track calories & food % (carb, protein, fat) I'm not perfect in my diet and still have bad days but I'm learning more everyday. HTH
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    A fit 150, maybe 145 to 155. I'm currently at 173lbs.

    You are me ... those are my exact goals and last week I was 175, havn't weigh myself ... waiting til Sunday]
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    I'm 5'7" and want to be between 135 and 150 big gap, but I was aiming for 140 but I can fit most of my old skinny clothes that I wore at 150 now at 168 so I'm thinking in 18 pounds I may be happy or I may need to tone some places.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    My goal weight was 140, and that's what I'm sitting on right now. I have a medium build with broad shoulders, so the weight looks pretty good on me. I had thought about going down to 135, but after telling my husband, he asked that I don't do that.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I just want to get to 175. Seems high compared to a lot of these other answers, but I honestly haven't been less than 200 pounds since 8th grade. So! Let's start there is what I say lol
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I am 5'7" so, slightly under your height range but just for reference I am (once I deliver my son) going to work to get back to 130 - 133lbs. That seems to be my best weight range. I do have a pretty narrow top but a thicker bottom half.
  • ShanaGore
    ShanaGore Posts: 58 Member
    Dang, lol. I'm shooting for like 180. It's technically above the "healthy" weight, but I'm built thick. When I get there, I'll re-evaluate and see if I want/need to go any smaller.

    I'm with you, I'm 5'10" and if I can get under 200 I will be happy and see where I want to go from there, but I am thinking much less then 175 and I just wouldn't look right.
  • damuchi429
    damuchi429 Posts: 33 Member
    I am going for 160. I believe that losing too much weight will make my face sag so 260 which will be another 90 pounds.
  • damuchi429
    damuchi429 Posts: 33 Member
    I am the same way.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm hovering around 148 right now. I could go lower... but after 150 for some reason I'm really content. Maybe because I know it's a great weight for being 5'8''. I'm wanting to push my weight down to 140 but am not focusing on the scale so much except to make sure I am maintaining. Which I'm shocked because I really don't restrict what I eat anymore... always around 2000 calories a day and never seem to go over 150! And it's been 2-3 months like this.

    I figure all I really care about now is just slimming down more. So I've been strength training. Sadly only been able to go twice a week lately because of a hectic schedule but hope to ramp it up in the summer.

    This is coming from being 208 lbs when I started so I'm VERY grateful at where I am now even though I could probably afford to dip down another 15 lbs. :bigsmile:
  • nomorenassau4me
    I am somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9" I started at 213 and was 198 this morning, but I would love to eventually get to 150-160ish. I remember what it felt like to weigh that so that was my goal. I have to take it week by week or it gets overwhelming. So my short term goal is 180 and then I'll lower it when I get there :smile: