Bikini Babes - December



  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good job Stephanie!!!

    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Week: 201
    This Week: 200

    This week loss: -1.0
    Bikini Babe total loss: -2

    Thanks! You are so close to being under 200! Woohoo!

    Yeah, I can't wait! You're close to being under the 170s, so I know that's exciting as well!

    Yeah, I can't wait either! :tongue: I remember being in the mid 170's in high school and my doctor telling me not to put on anymore weight.. so once I get out of the 170's, I am going to be astonished, because I can't even remember being that light. :laugh:
  • porterbaby38
    last week 177.6
    this week 176.2
  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    Starting Weight: 225
    Bikini Babe Start: 213
    Last Week: 208
    This Week: 206
  • stffunny
    stffunny Posts: 22 Member
    SW 190
    LW 184.5
    CW 178
    GW 130

  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member

    Loss of 2.9lbs this week, and it should be more! but today for some reason I woke up and weighed and I gained almost 2 lbs over night!

    And this is embarrassing, but I'm having trouble with it, umm, I cant seem to ever go to the bathroom! I try in the morning, but no, nothing. I have gone to the bathroom once or twice this week. I really hate it. I think my weight loss would be better if I could!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member

    Loss of 2.9lbs this week, and it should be more! but today for some reason I woke up and weighed and I gained almost 2 lbs over night!

    And this is embarrassing, but I'm having trouble with it, umm, I cant seem to ever go to the bathroom! I try in the morning, but no, nothing. I have gone to the bathroom once or twice this week. I really hate it. I think my weight loss would be better if I could!

    Try to get more fiber through whole grains (I saw that you eat white bread, maybe switch to whole wheat). I see you're already drinking a lot of water. What helps me when I feel like I have to go, but I can't, is running. After a good run and sweat, I usually can't hold it in. :laugh:
  • AmandaB4588

    Loss of 2.9lbs this week, and it should be more! but today for some reason I woke up and weighed and I gained almost 2 lbs over night!

    And this is embarrassing, but I'm having trouble with it, umm, I cant seem to ever go to the bathroom! I try in the morning, but no, nothing. I have gone to the bathroom once or twice this week. I really hate it. I think my weight loss would be better if I could!

    I agree with Steph--- you definitely need more fiber! A high fiber cereal like GoLean Crunch may work well for you.
  • AmandaB4588
    Well I'm at 162 today--- should be lower, but I gave in to the M&M cookies and also took my bf's niece and nephew to dinner last night. Argh! I hope to get into the 150's next week. I haven't seen those numbers in a longgggg time and will be thrilled if I can get there!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    And yes, I agree with you guys! I think I'm going to try and get some fiber pills or something. And well white bread is cheap and I love it, lol.
    I will look for more things with fiber thats for sure. I think theres even activia yogurt with fiber now too.
    Thanks guys!
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Patty (pa_treusch)
    SW: 206
    BB Start: 177
    Last week: 170.6
    This week: 168.8

    I'm excited to be in the 160's (finally!), however, I've been sick since Monday and haven't done any exercise all week, so I guess I failed the challenge. I'm afraid to push myself too much and not get better. Hope to get better sooon!

    Great job for all the loses!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    And yes, I agree with you guys! I think I'm going to try and get some fiber pills or something. And well white bread is cheap and I love it, lol.
    I will look for more things with fiber thats for sure. I think theres even activia yogurt with fiber now too.
    Thanks guys!

    Fiber pills are a good option too. Look for fiber one snacks, maybe. When you have the proper nutrition and hydration, you should have to use the bathroom everyday. (Maybe every other day at least).

    I hear you on the white bread, it used to be my favorite thing about 5 years ago. But I switched over to whole grains and now I can't go back. :tongue:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Patty (pa_treusch)
    SW: 206
    BB Start: 177
    Last week: 170.6
    This week: 168.8

    I'm excited to be in the 160's (finally!), however, I've been sick since Monday and haven't done any exercise all week, so I guess I failed the challenge. I'm afraid to push myself too much and not get better. Hope to get better sooon!

    Great job for all the loses!

    Woohoo! I hope I am with you soon (171.5 right now :wink:)!

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks savvystephy!'ll get to the 160's soon!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    And yes, I agree with you guys! I think I'm going to try and get some fiber pills or something. And well white bread is cheap and I love it, lol.
    I will look for more things with fiber thats for sure. I think theres even activia yogurt with fiber now too.
    Thanks guys!

    Fiber pills are a good option too. Look for fiber one snacks, maybe. When you have the proper nutrition and hydration, you should have to use the bathroom everyday. (Maybe every other day at least).

    I hear you on the white bread, it used to be my favorite thing about 5 years ago. But I switched over to whole grains and now I can't go back. :tongue:

    I can't remember the last time I had white bread. It's just become automatic now for me to get whole grains. I like the taste better too. Now, if only I can get past the sweet addiction :o
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Good job Stephanie!!!

    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Week: 201
    This Week: 200

    This week loss: -1.0
    Bikini Babe total loss: -2

    WOW~~~ 200!!! YOu know what that means..... you are about to enter ONE derland!!! :drinker: Way to go, girl!! I am so proud of you!!
  • AmandaB4588
    And yes, I agree with you guys! I think I'm going to try and get some fiber pills or something. And well white bread is cheap and I love it, lol.
    I will look for more things with fiber thats for sure. I think theres even activia yogurt with fiber now too.
    Thanks guys!

    Switching to whole wheat bread is SO worth the extra cost! I used to eat this white-wheat bread bc it was the lowest calorie bread I could find, but then I read that eating white bread is like eating straight sugar. I switched to whole wheat immediately and never looked back!

    Another thing you can look for is fiber crackers. Dr. Oz and Tyra talk about them ALL THE TIME. I have been wanting to try them, and this convo totally reminded me! They are supposed to be a really great snack that keeps you full!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    Ok, well thanks so much guys! Im deff going to look out for fiber crackers and snacks! Also I hear you on the whole wheat bread. I will try to get it in there, I mean for some things I do like it.

    I looked at my fiber today and I only got 2 out of 14!!! No wonder eh? Well I looked around and I dont have many things with much fiber at all.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good job Stephanie!!!

    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Week: 201
    This Week: 200

    This week loss: -1.0
    Bikini Babe total loss: -2

    WOW~~~ 200!!! YOu know what that means..... you are about to enter ONE derland!!! :drinker: Way to go, girl!! I am so proud of you!!

    Thanks! I've been pretty good this weekend, so I should make it this week! I'm very excited!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Congrats Patty! You're in a whole other decade of numbers! I've noticed there's several others who are close, too - such as Stephanie, Amanda, and Hailey... and me! Maybe this next weigh in will be the "one" for all of us!! :bigsmile:

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    Congrats Patty! You're in a whole other decade of numbers! I've noticed there's several others who are close, too - such as Stephanie, Amanda, and Hailey... and me! Maybe this next weigh in will be the "one" for all of us!! :bigsmile:

    Good luck everyone!

    I really hope so!!! :)