How do you get so much water in?



  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    this is one thing I DO NOT have any trouble with i drink water constantly ! i drink a large cup with my vitamins first thing, a bottle when doing my AM zumba session, then keep refilling 3 bottles i have at my desk at work. the cycle continues when i go home
  • mmychal
    mmychal Posts: 69
    It's all about routine. I try to drink one 12 oz glass when I first wake up in the morning. I wander over to the kitchen and feed the dog and immediately fil la glass up rom a jug we keep in our fridge. Then I make sure to have some with every meal.

    One trick that helped me that was provided to me by a nutritionist/health coach was to add some lemon juice - some of that ReaLemon stuff or home squeezed. No sugar. it adds a little bit of that citrus flavor for a change without adding any calories.

    After a while, you just get so accustomed to the taste of water that it just feels right to drink it.
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    Just keep water with you all day :)
  • BodyFuel
    BodyFuel Posts: 13 Member
    I always have a Tervis full of water and ice. Ice really improves my ability to consume more plus your body burns calories trying to warm it up. Sometimes I add fresh grapefruit or lemon to help with flavor.
  • shadoewz
    shadoewz Posts: 46
    Years ago I never would have thought I could consume even half of the water that I drink today. When first trying to force water down, I needed ice, and a straw. I would literally force myself to guzzle down a cup or two of water before allowing myself a cup of anything else (coffee, tea, etc.) Sometimes adults turn off their sense of thirst, and it can take awhile to turn it back on. Until your sense of thirst turns back on you may feel like I did, as if i were forcing myself to drink a kiddie pool. If you are putting things into your water, then it doesn't really count as drinking water does it? If you saturate the water molecules than you may as well count tea and coffee as water, and we know we can't do that. Our bodies need free water molecules, the more you drink the more you'll want to.
  • reallyally1
    Get yourself a 24 oz. water bottle with a straw - you tend to drink more out of a straw.

    I second this! I have one of those 24 oz camelbak bottles and I go through about three or four fill-ups a day.
  • Cokamo
    Cokamo Posts: 51
    I start with a glass of water first thing in the morning...grab it on my way to the tub. This starts my water craving and keeps me wanting more all day.
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    I started by sticking a post it note on my computer at work to remind to drink 1 16 oz cup of water every two hours.

    I also use the MIO liquid water enhancers. I prefer the Black Cherry (energy one), Lemonade and Orange Tangerine. I like these better than the Crystal Light for two reasons. 1. They mix better than the powder. 2. They don't have calories, where CL does.
  • emmarangel
    emmarangel Posts: 19
    I have have my protein shake right after I do my morning workout at 5:30 a.m. I wait till I get to work at 7:30 and then have 1-1/2 cups of coffee, I drink that till around 10:00 then I start with my water and that's all I drink the rest of the day. I have a water bottle that's 16.9 oz of water and I bring it to work full and we have a cold water dispenser so I fill it up two more times throughout the day. I have my last bottle of water with dinner and then I'm done and very full. It's right at 67 oz that I get in a day, not counting the water I use for my protein shake in the morning.:happy:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I post this a lot on here.

    Turns out the 8 glasses of water a day is a myth.
  • bassmanlarry
    bassmanlarry Posts: 117 Member
    I have a couple of 32 oz SIGG bottles that I keep filled and have one with me most of the time, drinking throughout the day. I've replaced mindless snacking with mindless driinking.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Get yourself a 24 oz. water bottle with a straw - you tend to drink more out of a straw.

    I second this! I have one of those 24 oz camelbak bottles and I go through about three or four fill-ups a day.

    Yes but drinking out of straws all of the time will give you wrinkles around the mouth. It's also called 'purse mouth'.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    25 ounce water bottle - 3 times while at work. Once between breakfast and lunch, fill up at lunch, then again about 3ish. I add Mio or Crystal Light to a lot of it. Then when I get home, I try to drink a glass (16 ounce) with dinner and another right before bed. Sometimes I dont get that much in the evenings, depends on dinner.

    ETA: Myth or not, I dont really care. I can have a great calorie week but if I do not drink my water, the scale will not budge. Seems like a major piece of helping me lose weight. Plus, I have to get up from my desk once to fill it up then again when I have to go to the bathroom.
  • mielchat
    mielchat Posts: 41 Member
    I keep a 750ml bottle with me. Drink 3 of those and you're over the 8 cup recommendation :) (which is about 2 litres). You can also buy litre bottles and just keep them near you all day, it's kind of a reminder to drink more.
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    I chug the bejeezus out of it... I tend to save those huge 50 oz water bottles and refill them. I keep a ton of them in the fridge on the ready, so I can grab them and pop them into my gym bag before I run out the door in the morning. I usually have a couple at my desk in my office, too. If I need a little caffiene kick, I add a few shots of the Generic Mio Energy stuff that WalMart sells... Same stuff as Mio, about a buck less per unit.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    Always have a water bottle with you. I got a few cute ones from Kohls that are 32oz each. I'll try to at least drink 2 sometimes 3. If i get super bored with water, I will add lemon or lime to it.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I fill my 24oz water bottle up repeatedly throughout the day and i get in 9-12 oz of plain water on top of what I drink in coffee and green tea. I keep my water next to me at all times. :)
  • jharpsphotography
    I have a 24 oz water bottle and I add fresh lemon juice everytime I fill it. I know I have to drink 3 to 4 of these a day. Adding natural flavors to your water livelys it up and makes it more enjoyable and refreshing.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    i get up every morning and have a bottle of water while getting ready for work.. then i sit at my desk and drink water all day... once i get off i made a goal of 3 bottles during the night. now its habit and i drink tons of water.. if i dont, i know it bc im so thirsty! once you make it a habit you will notice you crave it a lot

    This. Exactly.
  • juanita106
    juanita106 Posts: 8 Member
    I get my water in by buying bottled water and place the amount of water I wish to drink in the fridge so I know as the day goes how much I drink. After a while you get where you will reach for the water first, or at least I did. Now I love cold water.