Fashion Faux Pas - Personal preferences



  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member

    this site has the real faux-pas

    jeans and flip flops... that is normal.
  • misslou7
    misslou7 Posts: 42 Member
    OMG BECKY.... I saw the WORST WORST WORST fashion faux pas today...

    A rather large woman, and I SWEAR I am not making this up...

    her jeans were falling down so you could see her thong sticking out of the top...

    Just reminded me of someone telling me of seeing something similar "like an eye patch on a whale" :-D
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    i purposely wear blacks with browns and blues. stripes with plaids...i wish i was kidding.

    I think that in the Universe of Universes...what we "match" together is completely insignificant. I also wear pink with red and have a huge appreciation for foreign people that wear crazy patterns and colors together, I LOVE IT!!!
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Clothes. They are all horrible and should be banned.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I don't like seeing people dressed in polo shirts and khakis - unless their job requires this and they are currently at that job. Polos and khakis always look like a retail/restaurant uniform to me.

    Other than that, I mostly notice fashion faux pas as they apply to men...

    - I don't like seeing men wear jewelry beyond their wedding band.

    - All men look awful in denim shorts.

    - C'mon guys... unless you are currently working out, do not wear a tank top.

    - Men should not wear capri pants - ever.

    - Men look silly in cardigans, unless they are grandfather aged.

    - Men look silly in skinny jeans, unless they are skinny rockstars or Ewen McGregor.
  • KarenLamyman
    The amount of women you see wearing black leggings and you can see their frillies, that makes me cringe. Check your rear view ladies. Perfectly fine if your wearing a long top covering your behind but crop tops and leggings outside of the gym uh oh!!
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Faux pas I can't stand:

    - There is a name for the type of man who can pull off wearing a sports jersey. It is "Professional Athlete."
    - Small holes in jeans can be done tastefully...but small holes in a sweater is pathetic.
    - Look at your shirt. Now look at your tie. Is your shirt darker than your tie? Then you are a godless sodomite.
    - I'll allow a discreet grass or paint stain on a pair of denim pants. It portrays that "lived-in" comfort. Not food, dirt, wine, or bodily fluids though.
    - While we're on the subject of denim, the closest a man should ever come to denim shorts is helping a woman out of them.
    - Velour...why?
    - No one should see your toes or nipples in public. The only exceptions are the pool, the beach, or for the particularly daring, with someone else at least equally undressed.
    - A hood knocks ten years off of your age and twenty points off of your I.Q.
    - I don't mind you wearing suspenders, but if you wear suspenders and a belt then you missed the point and you are a hipster.




    -Silver chain necklaces were so 90's...and even back then it wasn't cool.
    -Affliction shirts and the like also need to go. I don't want to be seen in public with a guy that is wearing more sparkle than a cracked out hooker.
    -Lose the hair gel. If I can see individual comb marks in your hair, you need to ease up.
    -Baggy pants. 'Nuff said.
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    There is a massive trend where I live at the moment for:

    a) really realsy sort shorts with bluack tights, but to the point you can see *kitten* cheek, and the awful top bit of the tights that no-one is supposed to see, and

    b) among the teenage school kids of Aberdeen - short bandage skirts. I'm pretty sure Herve Leger did not intend for the youth of aberdeen to be wearing this kind of thing to school when he came up with the bandage dress look.

    Kids here sexualise themselves so young and I just don;t get it - I'm chilled at the moment as the kids are on their summer break, but seriously? It gives me the rage. I wore a strict uniform to me and that did me no harm.

    And I can't believe that parents let their kids go out dressed like that. I mean, I understand that there is some level of sneakery with teenage girls over what they wear; but parents need to explain what sexualising yourself at such a young age means, and what the reprecussions could be... IMHO obviously! :-)
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    Pajama pants out in public!

    I see them waiting at the bus stop, in the grocery store, mall, everywhere. Seriously, is it really too much effort to put a pair of pants on?
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Oh... and in defense of Crocs. Almost everyone I know has a pair they use as 'camp shoes' for overnight backpacking trips.

    After hiking 15-20 miles in hot, heavy boots - you need something light and breathable to rest your feet when you settle in to camp for the night. Tevas and Chacos are a lot heavier to carry, and when you're hiking long distances every ounce of pack weight counts. Flip flops are light, but they don't protect your feet as much as Crocs. Crocs are also great for crossing streams/rivers so your boots don't get soaked.

    That said - I would never wear my Crocs in public. They are ugly as sin and are meant as 'deep-woods only' apparel.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Well, I feel as if I should turn in my man card imply for posting in this thread, but I don't mind crocs in public as much as I mind Vibram Five Fingers.
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    I think I sport every single outfit that the OP hates.... Lol. I feel kind of like her bizzaro world twin


    And I bet you look awesome in them, too! Like I said, I get that this is my own weird view of the world, and that there are some really awesome outfits that belie my personal opinion. I, personally, just can't stand it.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    These are just personal peeves of mine, and I don't mean to offend anybody.

    Grown women who wear bows in their hair. I always want to rip them out and scream "WTH is the matter with you?"
    Grown women wearing bib overall cut-offs. Really? Where ya goin'?
    Grown women who wear t-shirts with Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, or any other Disney character on them. It just disturbs me.

    Now, I must add that I've once seen a man wearing bib overall cut-offs. Yikes! I'm just about sure that it WAS worse than seeing a woman wearing them.
  • Chigger56
    Chigger56 Posts: 105
    People who wear their pajamas to got shopping!! Disgusting!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I can't stand blue tops with blue jeans! It has to be a REALLY dark navy blue with a very light blue for me to even consider it, but even that makes me uncomfortable!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    The only thing that bugs me is when I see girls in sweatpants and hoodies but their hair and makeup are perfectly done. I see it all the time on campus and I don't understand... I can understand being lazy and going to class in your sweats, hell, I do it sometimes, but if you're going to put the work in to put on makeup and fix your hair why not take a few more seconds and put on a pair of jeans. :laugh:

    SO guilty! Sweats are just so comfortable!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Confession time...I wear Crocs to work sometimes. They're perfect for the kitchen...nonslip, easy to clean, and cushy for long days on tile floors. And I wear socks and birkies. Its a normal Arizona thing to wear that. With jeans.
    I totally agree with the comments about dark lip liner. Hideous. And I know a couple of women who have had that liner tatooed on. So they can look hideous ALL THE TIME!
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Oversized sun glasses. You might as well be wearing ski goggles.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Shirts buttoned all the way to the top *shudder*
  • barnetted21
    barnetted21 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a huge girly girl with a love for fashion and personal expression thru clothing( not that you can tell with my profile pics), that being said the only thing that really drives me nuts is ill fitting clothing, did you really feel good about your self when you left the house in that too tight, binding clothing!