Why does everyone love Zumba so much?

I just don't get it. I have tried it a few times. It's alright I guess, but I really can't get into it. I see all these posts about how great it is. I just don't see it.

I keep being told I should come to class. I just keep on brushing them off. I would rather try to build muscle or go for a run if I am doing cardio.

Am I the only one who doesn't like it at all?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I just don't get it. I have tried it a few times. It's alright I guess, but I really can't get into it. I see all these posts about how great it is. I just don't see it.

    I keep being told I should come to class. I just keep on brushing them off. I would rather try to build muscle or go for a run if I am doing cardio.

    Am I the only one who doesn't like it at all?

    Nope, I'm not a fan either.

    But, if it gets some people moving and makes them happy - more power to them!
  • I just don't get it. I have tried it a few times. It's alright I guess, but I really can't get into it. I see all these posts about how great it is. I just don't see it.

    I keep being told I should come to class. I just keep on brushing them off. I would rather try to build muscle or go for a run if I am doing cardio.

    Am I the only one who doesn't like it at all?

    Nope, I'm not a fan either.

    But, if it gets some people moving and makes them happy - more power to them!

    Oh, for sure, I agree, it's just when I say I don't like it/am not interested, they all look at me like I am an alien, ahahaha.
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    It's not that I LOVE it -- it's just fun to mix up the routine every now and then. When I am sick of jogging, I go to the gym for cardio. When I'm sick of the gym, I Zumba. When I want a light day, I do the Wii Fit. It's just about variety for me. :D
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    I just don't get it. I have tried it a few times. It's alright I guess, but I really can't get into it. I see all these posts about how great it is. I just don't see it.

    I keep being told I should come to class. I just keep on brushing them off. I would rather try to build muscle or go for a run if I am doing cardio.

    Am I the only one who doesn't like it at all?

    Nope, I'm not a fan either.

    But, if it gets some people moving and makes them happy - more power to them!

    Oh, for sure, I agree, it's just when I say I don't like it/am not interested, they all look at me like I am an alien, ahahaha.

    Oooh, you're doing the classes? Oh no, hell with that -- I do it at home on the Wii so no one can see how stupid I look.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    It's fun, but it wasn't "whoa, I gotta tell my friends about this!" great to me. I enjoy fitness classes, but I'd rather do a cardio kickboxing or step aerobics.
  • mrsfyerck
    mrsfyerck Posts: 1
    I think that one of the things that I need in a Zumba class is a great instructor who is super energized and motivates me to move and dance. I have been to Zumba classes with a bad/boring instructor and I just cannot get into it at all.

    I feel the same way about step aerobics classes that I attend - I need a good instructor that is easy to follow, yet still pushes me to work harder than I would if I was just hanging out on the elliptical machine.

    Everyone is different :) I think Zumba is fun simply because it combines cardio and dance :)
  • I am seriously not co-ordinated. I really don't like step either! Anything that requires more than a up/down on the step and I am tripping all over myself.

    This is a reason why I don't like it.
  • Stolenstar
    Stolenstar Posts: 22 Member
    I've tried a couple of Zumba classes and I really enjoyed it for the first couple of weeks until I realised that every week it was the same routine to the same music...in the same order! (In Cumbria anyway) There was no challenge to learn new moves, steps or sequences so I got bored pretty quickly. Just think the instructors here lack imagination! lol
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    HATE it! LOL! but i guess if it works for some people, then good for them. I need more intense cardio. I was so bored when i tried it.
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    It REALLY depends on the instructor. I've been so many different instructors' classes. Some are amazing with great choreography, fun music, and moves that challenge you, like jumping squats. They tend to attract enthusiastic students, and the large crowd adds to the experience. Other instructors' classes lack the fun and fitness elements, and it's super awkward to dance with like three other people. So it really varies.
    But if you don't like latin music and you don't like to dance, then obviously it's not for you, no matter how amazing the instructor is. And that's ok. I personally don't like step aerobics or cycling, but many people do. Whatever gets you moving!!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I am seriously not co-ordinated. I really don't like step either! Anything that requires more than a up/down on the step and I am tripping all over myself.

    This is a reason why I don't like it.

    If you don't like it, don't do. I think it is great that you like to run.
    I have to workout at home while my son naps. I get very bored if I stay on the treadmill for more than 20 minutes.
    However I can do an hour of zumba in my living room looking like a fool, and that time flies by. I don't do all the steps right and sometimes I break out into jumping jacks during tango, because I cant tango. But I have fun get a good sweat on and burn some calories. That is why I love zumba.
  • mama2mila
    mama2mila Posts: 92
    It takes a bit to learn the basics, then it can be super fun! It all depends on your instructor though. I've been to a few that were pretty boring, but the classes I go to are really energetic and different all the time. I have 4 different instructors with all or 1 there every class - and they are not doing it for the money, they are doing it for fun!

    I hate running; so zumba is my cardio. I go 3x week, and strength train 3x week.
  • Wol5894
    Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm not "into" Zumba either and people don't understand why. Sorry but anything like that is just not my "thing". Give me a good swim, a long cycle ride, a good walk in the hills, a good game of tennis - any of those appeal to me. If it's wet/cold/dark, then I have kettlebells at home and my son and I shared the cost of a decent rowing machine, so I have plenty to do without making an *kitten* of myself in a Zumba class.

    For those who like it, fine - enjoy yourselves and get fit - but please don't look at those of us who aren't keen as if we were from another planet!
  • TheWazzer27
    TheWazzer27 Posts: 24 Member
    I think that one of the things that I need in a Zumba class is a great instructor who is super energized and motivates me to move and dance. I have been to Zumba classes with a bad/boring instructor and I just cannot get into it at all.

    I feel the same way about step aerobics classes that I attend - I need a good instructor that is easy to follow, yet still pushes me to work harder than I would if I was just hanging out on the elliptical machine.

    Everyone is different :) I think Zumba is fun simply because it combines cardio and dance :)

    Absolutely agree! The instructors are what make Zumba great or terrible and I've been to both extremes! A great one will make it feel like a party, you're burning tons of calories and don't feel so much like you're working out. A bad class is like low impact aerobics and you're bored to pieces...or at least I am.
  • KySny82
    KySny82 Posts: 97 Member
    I LOVE Zumba! My reasons, though, may differ from others...the first time I went to a class I found I was having fun (I wasn't a huge fan of exercise when I first started, so that was important for me to stick with it). I love to dance, so the classes are right up my alley. It also helps that I have friends that take the classes with me & the instructor is a ton of fun...it's more like social hour than a workout for me. It wasn't until I started wearing a HRM that I than saw the double bonus...an hour class burns between 530-700 calories for me. I started mixing in running, weight training, etc. into my exercise routine a few months ago & I rarely ever burn close to that many calories doing them. Everyone has their preference & as someone else already said, any exercise is good exercise.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    In all seriousness though, I've tried but I just couldn't get into it. It looks like a blast when I see people doing it, but it's just not for me.

    To each their own though :smile:

    This is probably more my speed than Zumba:

  • I'm not "into" Zumba either and people don't understand why. Sorry but anything like that is just not my "thing". Give me a good swim, a long cycle ride, a good walk in the hills, a good game of tennis - any of those appeal to me. If it's wet/cold/dark, then I have kettlebells at home and my son and I shared the cost of a decent rowing machine, so I have plenty to do without making an *kitten* of myself in a Zumba class.

    For those who like it, fine - enjoy yourselves and get fit - but please don't look at those of us who aren't keen as if we were from another planet!

    Ahhhh, tennis! Now you are speaking my language! I just started this summer and I am liking it a lot :)
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    In all seriousness though, I've tried but I just couldn't get into it. It looks like a blast when I see people doing it, but it's just not for me.

    To each their own though :smile:

    This is probably more my speed than Zumba:

  • Siggy86
    Siggy86 Posts: 5 Member
    Zumba is fun for people who like to dance. If you don't like to dance so much then I could understand why Zumba wouldnt be such a big deal. I started doing Zumba just to break up my same old gym and running routine. I personally don't burn as many calories doing Zumba as I do when I go to the gym (although I believe that this is partly because my instructor's dance style isn't that intense), but some days I just want to do something fun that doesn't feel like I'm working out. :smile:
  • Zumba depends on the instructor and music!!! a my gym they rotate instructors and I def have my favorite one she does alot of mixing things up new, old, traditional Latin, current music and even some good old school new Orleans bounce music and to me it makes it fun and exciting! I love to shake my butt so dancing is fun to me! ESp if the song makes me smile! I typically smile the whole time im at zumba so time flys by and i sweat more in class than typical workout videos at home because they push me to do things outside the box! I have to admit I dont love all ZUMBA