

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings to all my friends!

    Boy everyone sounds so busy! I had lunch today with a friend of mine; she took me to Joe's Crab Shack. But I took Barbie's advice and planned ahead and ordered a bucket of snow crab, one of the lowest calorie things they have. No seasoning or butter, just pure steamed crab. OMG was it fabulous. Then we went to a place called Red Mango which has no sugar added/no fat frozen yogurt. YUM! Mango yogurt!!! Fabulous! :love: I'm in love! LOL

    I looked on the crab shack nutrition site and their steam pots have over 10,000 mg of sodium in several of them. OMG I can't imagine eating that much sodium in one sitting! But that explains why I gained 5 pounds the day after I ate a steam pot there once. All water!

    I am happy to report that even tho it was fast food day yesterday, I must have made good choices because I came in 400 calories under my goal!: bigsmile:

    Michelle: the bridges were a lot of fun to see and walk through. You can only drive on one of them . They are scattered about, so it takes a long time (about 6 hours) do drive and explore each one. We were slow about it; I bet you could do it in 3 1/2 if you were in a hurry. They had lots of movie memorabilia all over the place; everywhere we stopped. Francesca's house is not open to the public yet, but will be someday, they say.

    Auntibk: so sorry you got the tuna revenge! Bleh! :sad: I hope you are feeling better now.

    cjspensely: My hubby has finally gotten interested in mfp, but he doesn't measure anything. He just guesses and is way off ( I do measure/weight everything). But at least he does log his food most days, so I'm hoping he gets in the habit then gets more accurate about what he's doing. He only needs to lose about 20 pounds, but really could use it!

    Babalulu: welcome! This is a great support group with wonderful people!

    Amanda: I loved your comments about being thankful for what you have. I could learn from that. I am very fast to complain and to see my glass as half full! :embarassed:

    Arewethereyet: Good for you on getting your colonoscopy screening. I have agreed to have one next year at 54. I am not worried about the test or the prep, but I used to do all these conscious sedation procedures in the ED and I don't want the drugs!

    Dora: welcome to you too! I am so sorry you have had so many health problems, but hopefully you are becoming healthier each day.

    Mary: hope your travels are wonderful and stay safe.

    Well I need to get busy here and get some dinner on the table, or rather supervise the kid getting dinner on the table. LOL. Tomorrow is weigh in day at work; I'm pretty nervous! Take care, Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :bigsmile: Amanda, I loved your post and your personal reminders about being grateful for the things that are going right....reading what you wrote was a fabulous beginning for my day.

    :bigsmile: Jake's brother arrived safely and on time today and now the boys are sitting in the living room chatting and letting me do what i want.....I can listen and do my chores at the same time

    :bigsmile: for anyone looking to improve the quality of your thinking and feel more positive, here are two great books to read:

    "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin

    "A Complaint Free World" by Will Bowen

    both books were recommended by women on this thread awhile back and they changed my life.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to everyone who is new.....jump right in, tell us about yourself, share your successes and your questions and concerns and before long you'll feel like part of the family......that's what I did over three years ago and it changed my life.

    :flowerforyou: Deb A., I looked at your food diary and I don't know what you're doing wrong.....weight loss is not linear and things take time, but consider getting away from processed foods, deli foods, and stuff that's marked "low far" or "low sodium" and "sugar free" and add more real foods (fruits, veggies, and lean meat)....also doing a formal weight training program and working up to using the heaviest weights you can will jump start your metabolism

    :drinker: the boys just decided they are hungry so I started them shucking the corn and heating the grill and I'll get ready with my part.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Internet is down do I am posting from my iPhone. PIA for sure.

    I love this thread, and really wanted to respond to all I could. Alas it is not to be

    Feeling good today. Getting ready to lay down because I am exhausted!!

    Anyone wants to friend me just send a request! Y'all help Tp keep me honest ;)

  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Hi ladies, have just found this group and reading through some of your posts I can't believe how supportive you all are. Had a couple of dreadful early experiences with posting on this website and some people can be quite bizarre and rude, so I stayed confined to my group of friends. Now it's time to venture out again, but carefully choosing where this time!

    I've been married for nearly 30 years, our son, 27 lives and attends university in Scotland and loves it there, which is brilliant for him, but not so much for his Dad and I still stuck here in Victoria Canada, mind you it is a rather beautiful spot to be stuck in!

    We've been very blessed in our marriage and with our son, always been a tight family unit that has gotten us all through some dark times. My husband has Crohn's Disease and had a kidney transplant 18 years ago now. I have fibromyalgia, two anarchic knees and my childhood allergies and asthma have come back. What joy!

    About 2 months ago I saw a photo of myself and was horrified at the weight I had gained and bound and determined to lose it so I'm not embarrassed having my photo taken. Two months later I'm 16 lbs down but most importantly I'm exercising properly by walking every day, starting with down the end of the road to a 7 km walk every day, even getting up to a 8.2 kph rate. My husband joins me on the walks and it's become a wonderful couple time to chat (at least the first part of the walk anyway, after that we are huffing and puffing at 8 kph) We have two adorable little yorkies, Albert and Harry who are the little imps of our lives.

    Hopefully I will get to know you all over the coming weeks and months, but for me, July is take back me month, to be proud and confident of who I am and where I am going.... Thanks for listening..... Gillian
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    What an unbelievable day! We did it! I came up with a plan to drive as far up the Going To The Sun Road from the west as they would let us (16 miles), then turning around, driving out of the park and around it on the southern border, and driving up as far as they would let us from the east. I told Dan that maybe by the time we got there they would open the road, and we could go across rather than turn around and retrace our steps, but he was doubtful, because they said that they would open it this evening at the earliest. You are probably all aware that I am the definition of the eternal optimist, and he tries his best to bring me back to reality occasionally. Anyway, we got to the top of Logan Pass to the Visitor Center, the official turn around point with the big road closed sign. After we went through the Visitor Center, and were ready to walk out the door at 2:15, I told Dan that I was aware that he thought that I was crazy, but I had to go back in to ask the ranger before we drove away. I asked if there was any prediction of when the road would open again, and they said possibly at 2:30! Anyway, we watched them take the barricade down and were about the 10th car down. We only had to stop and wait on them once for about 15 minutes. It was beautiful as the sun shone all day. I would probably have been too nervous to go if it was raining. Mary, the happy wanderer
  • sjn0623
    sjn0623 Posts: 5
    Thanks to all for your motivation and support. I am pleased that I lost 6 pounds in my first 7 weeks here. During the first 4 weeks, I faithfully logged my food, water and exercise daily, and consumed my recommended calorie intake. Then I was away from home and internet service for a week. Enjoyed more treats that I should have during vacation, but still maintained a fairly healthy diet. Now trying to get back into the routine of logging daily.

    I am having out-patient laparoscopic surgery on July 25 to remove my ovaries. The doctor has been monitoring a cyst on my left ovary for the past 5 years. A recent ultrasound indicates it has grown in size. He is not suspecting cancer at this point, but wants to remove the ovaries as prevention. I'm 58 and post-menopausal. I have endometriosis on the left side and have endured pain on and off for many years. I am dreading this surgery terribly because I had experienced nausea and much pain following a laparoscopic procedure 18 years ago to cut away adhesions from the endometriosis. I would greatly appreciate prayers! Thank you for your kindness.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just read the posts and going to bed,just ant to say good night to you all.
    Sue,prayers for you for your surgery.
  • karmakat50
    Hi everyone glad I found this site really helps me to get motivated
  • petalsandpaws
    YIKES!! I thought I had lost all of you.. I was in a royal snit until jb helped me find my way. Thank you jb. How on earth do you find the thread when you reach 500 posts to the next thread??
    Anyway, I have been posting into cyber space and wondered why everyone had disappeared. I am new to this and new to how these sites work. Guess I have something new to learn.
    Anyway welcome to Dora, you have joined the right group of women to help you with support on your journey.
    Thank you again jb for you help on how to figure out my gardening dilema workout..
    It was a beautiful day here on the Oregon Coast and I got a lot of yard work done.
    We are headed back to the hospital for my husband for another round of Chemo on Monday. This time I found a lunch bag at Costco and have figured out what to take for another long day. My husband really likes what I am packing and says maybe he will forgo the fast food places and share my healthy lunch. What a blessing that would be.
    I am getting to know several of you now and enjoy the dog and cat pictures. I will post some of my kids (cats) one day soon.
    Remember Cats were worshipped as gods thousands of years ago and they have never forgotten it!
    Have a great friday, and thank you again for all the support I get here. Hugs:heart:
  • Roly59
    Roly59 Posts: 21
    Hello to you all and what a lively bunch you all sound. I am currently battling to lose 15 kilo. I have 3 hormonal teenage girls and a grumpy git of a husband to contend with plus a mother with Alzheimers ( no room for me). I have a fantasy that they will all wake up one day and notice that I am skinnier and fitter than before and then....................I dunno

    I spin 3 times a week and walk the dog but apart from that there isn't much else to do in rural France........apart from drinking wine which I am also trying to reduce (it's just so cheap and accessible here).

    I am pretty hopeless and posting on forums but this time I am going to try as I think I will get a lot of motivation from you all.:drinker:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,513 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes. Barbie you're right Right RIGHT. Missing line dance class is WAY worse than missing work :laugh: It was the tuna. :sick: Fine when bought from lunch counter Tuesday. Shouldn't have tried to save half til Wednesday.

    Tremendously relieved as leaving today for annual Women's retreat in the Sawtooths. No internet, not even cell signal so no logging or posting for the next few. Will try to be moderate but it will be tough, the Pastor's wife is an inspired cook and bakes fresh B R E A D daily :noway:

    Hugs to all,

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    July: EVERY DAY: 3 fruits + 5 veggies, at least SOME mat work, average 10K steps, let it be. Really. and no hooch til the weekend!
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 19=32 18=34 17=23 16=30 15=27 14=0 13=0 12=7 11=20 10=30 9=22 8=0 7=0 6=28 5=18 4=0 3=20 2=20 1=33

    steps: 19=5056 18=7191 17=14374 16=10335 15=5911 14=10642 13=12786 12=10772 11=8960 10=8331 9=8875 8=10082 7=10020 6=9799 5=9705 4=11083 3=9913 2=12201 1=4561
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    hi my name is carol and im 48 years old almost 50 i am a very big gal have over 200 lbs to lose so far lost 24 lbs im new to this and dont really undrestand how all this works but im trying i have 7 kids which are all married except for three and they are teenagers been married to the same guy for 34 years live in Eastbernstadt ky would love all the help i can get help please
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`m waiting for the dog groomer to get here, my baby is not too happy about it though:noway: , she thinks she is hiding under my desk. It always amazes me that she knows the day even though nothing is different in our routine. I do believe our animals are extremly smart.

    arewethereyet:smile: , congrats for getting that dreaded test, I too have had one. I have a friend who is a gastro Dr. who does mine, its not a fun thing, but needs to be done. I had my first one around 38, my mom had colon cancer, they found it early and she went on for 10 years or more. I just had dinner a couple of months ago with my friend, as we were parting he said "I`ll have my office call you, it is that time again". Every 5 years, and so far so good!!!!

    Amanda:smile: , your attitude of gratitude is wonderful!!!

    Dora:smile: , Welcome to the group, you`ll find lots of motivation and support here!

    Kat:smile: , I know about migrains, I had one yesterday, it was awful and I`m out of my meds., I took 4 advil and slept for 2 hours, I still had it when I got up, yuck. However this morning I`m feeling fine. Mine flares up when my allergies are bad.:grumble:

    Michele:smile: , limed up cream cheese pound cake:love: , do you eat these fabulous desserts??? You really have me craving cake right now!:sad: . Good luck on getting your wisdom teeth out, are they taking all 3 at the same time? That`s how they did mine, I was chipmunk cheeks for a few weeks:laugh:

    Barbie:smile: , those books sound interesting, I`m going to check them out later today.

    Gillian:smile: , Welcome:flowerforyou: I only post on this thread, and some of the success stories, everyone here is wonderful and supportive.

    Mary:smile: , sounds like you had a wonderful trip!!! Listening to your intuition about checking on the road, fabulous!

    Sue:smile: , congrats on losing 6 lbs.!!!! Prayers are being sent, good luck with everything:flowerforyou: !!!

    karmakat50:smile: , welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , this is a great place for motivation!!!!

    roly59:smile: , welcome:flowerforyou: . Sounds like you have a lot going on with family. I`m sure they will start to notice your weight loss!!!

    Barbara:smile: , have fun on your retreat, just don`t eat too much bread!!! Tuna, the one fish I just cannot eat:noway: .

    Carol:smile: , welcome:flowerforyou: , congrats on 24 lbs. gone, that is fabulous. Stick with the program and you will succeed!!!!

    It is now time for me to get busy:grumble: , while the baby is getting groomed, I like to mop my floors. She seems to think my mop is a bat, she gets her ball and throws it at me constantly, and my floors have time to dry, so I don`t have little puppy paw prints all over my hardwood floors:laugh:

    Everyone have a wonderful day, drink your water:drinker: :drinker: , and log the food:happy: .

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning ladies. I am counting the hours until I get to hold my beautiful Olivia.

    No sleep last night. DH didn't like the fan going so he slept downstairs. When that happens Bodi and Ritter can't choose and they go back and forth all night and I like the bedroom door closed for light reasons so I was up and down all night with doggies scratching at the door to be let in or let out. Plus we had a thunder storm which freaked the boys out so they were more restless than usual.

    One week down on the new job and I think it is going to work out well. I am avereaging about 20 flights of stairs a day and getting at least 10,000 steps in without having to get on the dreadmill. so that part is great too.

    so many new faces it is so hard to keep track. I wish I had more time to get to know you all. I was so involved here when I was unemployed but now I have to rush on when I find a minute or two at work. But I am reading everyone's post and think of you always.

    Have a Fabulous Friday,

    Robin Bodi and Ritter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Good morning ladies - Just a short note today. I had a wonderful time with my friends at Bang Bang's last night. I was very careful with my selections and I had them cook my food separately in the kitchen. And I'm happy to say this celiac is not sick this morning. Yeah!!

    I am exhausted today however, more exercise then usual, then up late last night. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Some coffee and then I hope to figure out how to put together something I purchase by mail. Didn't know assembly was required. I think I'll read the instructions and not wing it.

    Wishing everyone well---especially those who are ill and/or facing surgery. Congratulations to those with both scale and NSVs.

    I've had 3 glasses of :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: so far this morning. How about you?

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Good morning all
    Migraine is gone today TG :glasses:
    :flowerforyou: Michelle you're right about the ads, I didn't think about that! No I def would not want to pay for this wonderful sight so BRING ON the pizza ads LOL I won't look :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Busy day today, doing lots of interviews in one of my salons so its a good thing I don't have a migraine :bigsmile:

    Yesterday my 21 year old DD left for a road trip with her friends to Vegas! Of course they don't leave till 6pm so they are driving when its dark and they get there at 12:30 am! But thats what you do when you're young!!! Then they go out and party!!!! I would go straight to bed and sleep!!!!! Owell! :blushing: I was just worried that they made it there safely, I kept thinking of them driving through the desert at night and what if they break down :sad: , Im a worrier, and I probably always will be :embarassed:

    Michelle Ive said this before and Ill say this again I don't know how the heck you can make all those yummy deserts and stay skinny!!!!! My mouth waters every time I read your posts :bigsmile: I just want to jump into the computer and come to your house and eat all your food! Ill be right over!!!!!

    Anyway...you all have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!

    Take a walk, drink your water and keep your chin up :drinker: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • lindamr1957
    lindamr1957 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    My name is Linda and I am 54 yrs. old. I have been married 36 years and have 2 grown children. One boy 31 and one girl 28. My son has 2 kids and they live with us. My daughter is married 5 years and no kids. The kids keep me very busy along with m husband. I am very over weight and have started dieting too many times to count. I thought maybe a support group like this might help. I am starting again. My belly is large and hangs down and it is so depressing to be this big. You would think that would be motivation enough but seems to depress me enough that I just want to eat.
    Sorry to be such a downer, I am sure after I start losing I will be more motivated.
    Thanks for listening
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope you are all off to a good morning! I have good news...depsite vacation and Joe's crab shack yesterday I still lost 0.4 pounds. :happy: I'll take it! I want to really start bumping up the exercise and try to increase my weight loss which has been steady but very slow. Don't remember if I posted this here or just on my homepage, but I checked out Joe's nutrition web site and some of their steam pots have 10,000 mg of sodium!!!!! That's an entire week's worth! I just had the steamed snow crab.

    Typical summer Friday here, finished the grocery shopping, read the paper, having a leisurely day, but need to get to work on my last set of page proofs for a test bank I wrote for a leadership text book. I guess you could say that's my second job; I write a lot of test banks that instructors get when they buy textbooks. I really enjoy it but can't totally live off it! :frown:

    Gillian: welcome! You picked a great group to get involved with. We can do this together!

    Mary: your travels sound great and how lucky that road was opening up!

    Sue: Best of luck with your surgery. Hopefully things have changed enough since your last surgery that it will go smoother!

    Roly59: Welcome! You live in France? I'd love to speak French and spend time there. I speak German and some Russian (my kids are adopted from Russia and they came speaking no English), but I have never had time to learn French.

    Carol: I too have a signficant amount of weight to lose; about 100 pounds. We can do this one day at a time. Make a plan and be gentle on yourself.

    Lin: one of my co-workers has celiac and it took her years to get diagnosed. She feels so much better now. I hope you are feeling better too!

    Well that's all from me today! Stay strong and drink that water! Take care, Meg
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Friday, All and WELCOME to all of our NEW ladies! I look forward to getting to know you! You've found a great group of friends for help and support:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Thank you for the nice comment...we are still on a wedding "High" after all the fun with friends and family!

    Nancy: I like your goal of learning to relax without wine...I have gotten into the "wine" mode since the wedding. How is it going?

    Michelle: Thank you for the birthday wishes for DH. He did not want any big celebration even though it was the big 60! With all of the wedding activities, I am glad that I didn't have to also plan a big celebration...sounds selfish of me, but he doesn't like all of that attention surrounding a birthday anyway:ohwell: :ohwell:

    I am amazed at how many of you have had to deal with some very serious health issues over the years. It is inspiring to me to see what you have overcome. There is so much that we can control ourselves with diet and exercise and many ladies here are great proof of that! For those of you struggling with health concerns, I wish you all the best...keep coming back here. It WILL help:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Take care, dear Ladies, and have a healthy weekend:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Barbie just told me how to get onto part 2. Yea!!!! I will write more later tonight after work. I am doing well. No time now to write.
    Hugs to all!:heart: Linda