What's YOUR Deal-Breaker



  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    Sexual chemistry...if he can't bring it in the bedroom (or any other shag worthy location), he is out!!
  • Mels707
    Mels707 Posts: 101
    Anyone who doesn't support gay marriage
    Smokers, druggies, etc etc
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    doesn't like kids or dogs,
    low ambition
    doesn't look after himself or have pride
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    It just made me sad that having faith is considered a deal break :(

    For me, religion is a deal breaker because I am agnostic (I prefer spiritual, I believe in nature, not a diety), and I can't see how a relationship with someone of faith would even be possible?

    Other deal breakers for me would be abusive, excessive drinking, any drugs or cigarettes, cheater, and hates animals.
    Oh, totally can't stand racism, homophobia, or trophy hunting.

    Fortunately I'm married so I don't need to worry about this anymore.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member

    What's a front-bum?
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    It just made me sad that having faith is considered a deal break :(

    For me, religion is a deal breaker because I am agnostic (I prefer spiritual, I believe in nature, not a diety), and I can't see how a relationship with someone of faith would even be possible?

    This is sad. I believe religions should be able to coexist. My husband is muslim and I am christian, and it has never gotten in our way.

    I say atheism is a deal breaker because every other person I've dated has been an atheist and they are constantly beating down my views. I can't take the negativity. I need someone who can COEXIST. :)
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Irrational judgemental people who make lists, so pretty much everyone in this thread. :angry:
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Doesnt love bacon
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Irrational judgemental people who make lists, so pretty much everyone in this thread. :angry:

    You mean, all of us that you're judging? :flowerforyou:

    (ps, I don't think it's irrational to refuse to be in a relationship with an abuser or an "ist" type of person)
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Irrational judgemental people who make lists, so pretty much everyone in this thread. :angry:


    Unless it's like "I can't be with someone who won't quite smoking" because they have asthma or something-- I agree! Unless it something that you personally cannot coexist with, it's pretty silly. Ingrown toenails, really?

    Anyway, funny response.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Irrational judgemental people who make lists, so pretty much everyone in this thread. :angry:

    You mean, all of us that you're judging? :flowerforyou:

    (ps, I don't think it's irrational to refuse to be in a relationship with an abuser or an "ist" type of person)

    Or someone who is cruel to animals!! I could never spend my life with someone who carries no regard for other creatures.
  • terrara715
    terrara715 Posts: 15 Member
    Abusers (emotional, physical, mental)
    Doesn't like kids

    That's about it. Thankfully I am married and don't have to worry about this anymore.
  • mmeddleton
    mmeddleton Posts: 100 Member
    Smokers, or someone who will not consider quitting
    Mentally/emotionally Ill
    Drama queens
    Perpetual victims
    Hates motorcycles
    Hates guns
    Hates dogs
    Hates the outdoors
    Closed minded
    Poor hygiene
    Wants to change me

    Other than that, I'm not too picky.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    People. :\
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I don't see how it is wrong to say "faith" is a deal breaker. I've dated religious people quite successfully, but I don't like preachy types, and the preachy types tend to not like atheists like myself.

    Also, some of the others aren't unreasonable. Not wanting to be with a racist or a homophobe is in line with someone's principles. Nothing wrong with that.

    I can't stand the smell of smoke (makes me feel nauseous indoors), so how is that unreasonable?

    I don't want kids/can't have them, so why shouldn't wanting/having kids be a dealbreaker? It's better to know ahead of time than to have a nasty kerfuffle.

    People who don't like judgmental people in threads are so frackin' judgmental.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    Irrational judgemental people who make lists, so pretty much everyone in this thread. :angry:

    I am not judgemental. I have standards. I dont want to get smacked around by a lying adulterer that sucks in bed and has bad breath. Sorry if my standards offend you.LOL

    I am glad that I am married and that my husband meets my judgemental standards. :wink:
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I am not judgemental. I have standards. I dont want to get smacked around by a lying adulterer that sucks in bed and has bad breath.

  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Not being a follower of Jesus Christ
    No sense of humor
    Not being family oriented

    Married 10 1/2 years so I definitely found him!!!
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    Alcoholic/illegal drug user/smoker



    Bad teeth/poor hygiene


  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Abuser of any kind
    Addict (to anything)
    Emotionally cold/distant
    Intellectually lazy

    I don't care if people are any of these things, but I won't be bringing anyone with those traits home with me.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    After browsing the TV Guide, I'm going to add "Fan of 'reality' TV shows" to my deal breakers.
  • Karrie262
    Karrie262 Posts: 152 Member
    Drinks excessively
    Poor self esteem
    Belittles other people/Judges those who want to better themselves
  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    It just made me sad that having faith is considered a deal break :(

    For me, religion is a deal breaker because I am agnostic (I prefer spiritual, I believe in nature, not a diety), and I can't see how a relationship with someone of faith would even be possible?

    Other deal breakers for me would be abusive, excessive drinking, any drugs or cigarettes, cheater, and hates animals.
    Oh, totally can't stand racism, homophobia, or trophy hunting.

    Fortunately I'm married so I don't need to worry about this anymore.

    I'm born and bred Catholic and my husband is agnostic. We get along just fine. I think mostly because even though I'm very religious, not too many of my friends know it (unless they're from my youth group).

    My two deal breakers are married/attachment to someone else and low intelligence.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    A fan of either Phil Collins or, more broadly, the collected musical stylings of Genesis.
  • Probably my two biggest deal breakers are:

    a. Talks the talk, doesn't walk the walk - AKA says they are a certain way and then doesn't follow through. I suppose, AKA, fibbing haha :embarassed:

    b. A more serious than silly side.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Not religious.
    Bad sense of humor.
    Morbidly obese
  • fitrob81
    fitrob81 Posts: 3
    being over jealous,
    lack of ambition
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I can write out a list of deal breakers but, with the way things work, I would then probably fall madly in love with the exact crazy b* I am describing.

    Can't plan this sort of thing. If I could choose, my only two would be either not being Liv Tyler or not being Carly Foulkes.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    When it comes to being with or dating someone - what is YOUR deal breaker - the personality trait or quirk or habit (whatever) that you just can't stand enough to stay in it?

    For me:
    * Listens to Country Music
    * Smokers


    Anyone with a picture in their profile with dead eyes and basically so scary that I won't sleep tonight.


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