Are you trying to hit your goal weight by a specific date?



  • memmers
    memmers Posts: 112
    I'm hoping by christmas 2012. I would love to start off the new year at my goal weight or somwhere around there.
    I think its good to have a goal so you hold youself accountable, but it also has to be obtainable so you can't give up.
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    No timeframe, no goal weight, when jiggly things that shouldn't jiggle don't then I am there.

    ^^^^^^THIS....I do have a goal weight, but no timeframe.
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    I want to lose at least 50 more lbs by January 21st which is when we are going on our cruise.. its its roughly 6 months away so its less than 10 lbs a month!
  • Amekitti
    Amekitti Posts: 4
    July 4, 2013. I'm going on a road trip to California and I'd love to wear a bikini for the first time!! :)
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    I don't necessarily want to get to my goal weight - mainly because it's not set in stone yet as I don't know what would be a good weight for me to get to really, I'll see how it goes - but I'd like to feel a lot happier with what I look like on my 21st birthday, which will be in June :) So I have almost a year! Also that would tie in around graduation time so that would be good too (assuming I graduate ha!)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I want to go sky diving for my birthday on August 22nd and they charge you per pound if you are over 190. That was my first goal. I broke 190 last week!
  • susanfla
    susanfla Posts: 1
    WOW!!! Congratulations! You are sooo AWESOME! I just did a happy dance for you:flowerforyou:
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    I hope to lose 81 pounds in 1 year, 5 months, and 5 days. That's starting May 1st 2012 and ending October 5th 2013 (my 33rd birthday). I can definitely do this if I continue to lose 1.2 pounds a week as I have been.

    When I reach my goal, I won't bother with a timeline on how I'm gonna lose that last 5 pounds of fat. I'll just take my time and eat a little bit below maintenance while continuing to lift weights.

    I'm the kind of person who has to have a goal set and a way to get there already laid out with deadlines in-between. If not, I become the procrastination queen.
  • So glad to see that you have a "goal" in mind, currently my goal is mostly for "better health" but would probably do better if I had something in mind. Hmmm let me see, "How about working out for at least one hour 4 times a week?"
    Have a great day!! Sincerely
    Katie Schoey
  • YumemiruJin
    YumemiruJin Posts: 133 Member
    It's a lame, teenager-sounding goal, but before the start of the new school session, preferably. So I have about 7 weeks.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I would like to be 160lbs by my 53rd birthday in April but if I'm not there yet, I won't break down and cry:) It is a miracle I am under 200 even so enjoying the moment and being healthier
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Glad to see so many people are setting goals for themselves! :)
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I want to be at my halfway point by Halloween (my birthday), and after that I'll give myself another 6 months to lose the next 25 pounds or so. This is my hope, anyway. If it's a little slower than that, that's also fine. If it's faster, then that's even better!
  • ems1583
    ems1583 Posts: 150 Member
    Not really..but just recently set one for my birthday, Aug 15 should be 125-128 lbs...Last Sunday I was 133 lbs...
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I would like to be at my goal size by ,ATLEAST, a week before I croak.
  • No timeframe, it will take as long as it has to.
    It's always easier to have a goal, because then you have a way to push yourself to do it and when it should get done by. If you just say, "well sometime next year" The next year will come and then you will say, "well, okay, sometime next year" it will not get done in a timely fashion. Then, you go on ten years later saying, "ugh, I should have done this twenty years ago".
    I don´t want to think monthes or years ahead.
    I focus on 1-2 lbs a week. I haven´t calculated how long that would take me because I know myself and I would just be too disappointed if I didn´t reach some BIG plan date.
    I for example pay myself x mount of money for each 2 lbs I lose that way I will have money to buy new clothes when I have to buy them. I like to take one step at a time. I don´t need some timeframe.
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    I keep trying to set a goal weight date, but it's difficult to decide. I don't want to overwhelm myself. I would like to reach goal by sometime next year, but the thing is, I've never been below 200 and have no idea what would be appropriate. So how will I even know when to stop losing weight and just maintain, ya know?

    I guess I should focus less on a timeframe and more on each day as it hits me.
  • I'd like to lose 25--30lbs by the end of the year. I really hope that's a realistic goal, though.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    38 lbs by January 31, 2013.
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    Wow, do they really? I've always wanted to try that but I've never felt comfortable because of my size... but I definitely didn't know they charged if you were over 190. How much per pound would they charge a person?

    I mean, I guess it makes sense.

    (I know this is OT, I'm sorry. lol)