The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • no1betta
    no1betta Posts: 11
    I love when people acknowledge that I have lost weight and then insult me in the same breath by saying keep it going. You're going to be so pretty. Um... I guess that means I am ugly now. I shake it off and chalk it up as some people not knowing what to say and when to say it.

    Just smile because losing weight isn't about anyone else and what they may think....

    Enjoy the journey!
  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, that's what I'm doing.Some I like; some I don't. I'm also working on switching over one meal type at a time. I'm trying to work out/incorporate healthy breakfast recipes, then lunches and dinners after I get my breakfast mojo going.

    Try making omelets w/veggies or casseroles. I find veggies better after cooking them; I can't really eat most of them raw at all.

    Something to keep in mind is that you'll learn to like them/appreciate them after you've been eating them for a while. I hear it takes about a month for taste buds to adjust. IDK though. I think it takes me about 2 months--it took that long for me to like unsweetened black tea after drinking Sweet'n'Low w/my black tea for most of my life (turned out the sweetener was making me feel bad/dizzy). I like it now but it did take a while.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I've had several people tell me I didnt need to lose weight in the first place. I absolutely hate hearing that. If I didn't need to lose it in the first place I wouldn't have been able to drop almost 17 pounds and still be losing. People almost get offended that I would even think about having a goal weight of 145 and be 5'9" tall.

    ^^ This! I'm not to a noticeable weight loss clothed yet(only 2 lbs but several inches) but my eating habits have been noticed and I've had a couple of people challenge my goals(not on here) but I'm also 5'9 and my goal is loosely 145 depending on how I progress with my muscle gain.. I just blow it off n keep doing what I'm doing for ME! :)
  • matthej28
    matthej28 Posts: 40 Member
    Ugh!!! My mom's always like "Why are you trying to be a size 5? You've never been tiny, you're just a bigger girl, blah, blah, blah" First of all, I'm not trying to be a size 5, and even though I do have a larger body frame, I hardly think being 200+ pounds at 5'6 qualifies me as being just "a bigger girl", it's just too much weight!!! Then when I go to the gym my 4-5 days a week, she's like "Why do you work out so much? The weight's not going to fall off you in a day." So I'm not supposed to go to the gym at all? What does that even mean? Am I not suppose to push myself? AND she gets irritated when I've started using her measuring cups to measure out cereal, ice cream, etc. and when I ask her what she's cooking so I can document it: "You're doing too much, you're getting on my nerves with all this measuring." She never has anything positive to say. Oh well. I just ignore it. Obivously MFP works!!! Love this site. Sorry for my vent lol
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    When I went in to work BEAMING that having a good few lb, I could fit in to smaller work trousers, a friend was like "oh, well you probably just went to the toilet"

    1) People go to the "toilet" every day and don't drop a trouser size overnight!
    2) How big are her "toilets"? :laugh:

    I think she should see her doctor about the fact that she can drop a pants size by visiting the restroom... Yikes. She should probably try to be more regular! :laugh:

    :laugh: love it :laugh:
  • meliad
    meliad Posts: 71
    "You will just gain it all back when you stop dieting."

  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    "you are wasting away...." clearly I am strong, muscular, and healthy. Therefore not wasting away.
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    I am getting comments that "you are studying too much take care of you health"............"you are losing lots of weight are you in love?"
  • Naely
    Naely Posts: 21 Member
    I've heard some pretty wild stuff
    1) "Why are you giving all these clothes away? You're gonna need them back someday." -Cousin when I was giving away my 'fat clothes'
    2) "You need to stop losing weight. You don't make a cute skinny person but you're really pretty chubby" -Ex boyfriend
    3) "When did you have surgery??" -Aunt I hadn't seen in a while. I've never had surgery.
    4) "A friend I went to school with specializes in this type of thing. Call her" Moms friend hands me a card for a psychologist who mostly works with eating disorders. That one was actually hilarious to me because the week prior she gave me a long speech on exercise addiction.
    I've learned to just laugh stuff like that off
  • thenewmrsgant
    thenewmrsgant Posts: 69 Member
    I don't even have an answer. No one has ever really acknowledged my weight loss though I've lost over 80 pounds since last year. :ohwell:
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    I have doubting friends since I have lost weight before. They are thinking don't get rid of your fat clothes. That is extreme motivation for me to keep this going. When I said my goal weight was 185-190 they said you had better stop at 220! Say what?? So I have a lot of doubters that will be very shocked.
  • samrybarczyk
    samrybarczyk Posts: 32 Member
    So a couple of days ago I went out to lunch with a friend. He complimented me about how much weight I have lost and then he said. "Your not going to become cocky, are you?" I said that I hadn't planed on it, but why would you ask? He replied, well you know, when people loose a bunch of weight they think their better than everyone and become super cocky. That was really one of the first uncomfortable conversations I have had about my weight loss....and still don't know how to take it. He may have some jealousy issues.....
  • banginbajan
    banginbajan Posts: 8 Member
    I completely agree! Went to applebees last night. Ordered the summer berry salad and tomato soup. (minus meat & cheese, i'm a vegan) and a girl at the table whom I was meeting for the first time says "OMG you're dieting and on and on about trying to be skinny." I really didn't say much because i'd be wasting my breath. didn't want to explain to her that I was a vegan and that i'm not trying to be "skinny" i'm trying to be healthy. mind you she orders dessert for dinner and buys little debbie snacks for the movie. prior to that i had to deal with the friend who invited her with how she couldn't be a vegan and how she's already skinny blah blah. THE IGNORANCE IS SO FRUSTRATING! not just on veganism; which im not offended by those who eat meat. so why are people offended that i've chose to be vegan? OUR EATING HABITS DON'T AFFECT THEM!!!! WHY DO THEY HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY?!
  • banginbajan
    banginbajan Posts: 8 Member
    So a couple of days ago I went out to lunch with a friend. He complimented me about how much weight I have lost and then he said. "Your not going to become cocky, are you?" I said that I hadn't planed on it, but why would you ask? He replied, well you know, when people loose a bunch of weight they think their better than everyone and become super cocky. That was really one of the first uncomfortable conversations I have had about my weight loss....and still don't know how to take it. He may have some jealousy issues.....

    THIS DEFINITELY SOUNDS LIKE JEALOUSY. you'd be surprised what you learn about you "friends" on your journey to success.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I did plan to have surgery, and I'm on a pre-op diet that's going so well that I may not qualify by the time my surgery date rolls around. I'm usually a super open person who doesn't mind answering questions honestly, as long as the person asking doesn't make me feel like a freak show.

    I'll tell you the ones that get to me, though:

    (Not a question, but a comment) "I don't see why you think you need to lose so much. You're not fat." Bless your heart...I DO own a mirror. I'm just fat, not blind or stupid.

    "How much weight do you want to lose?" and when I tell them "oh...are you sure? That's going to be way too much. I think you should aim for (insert arbitrary number here)." Yeah, I don't remember your occupying a seat in the surgeon's office when we set my weight goals. Trust me, I've done my research. I know what a healthy weight is for me.

    "Oh, that surgery will never work. My hamster's cousin's uncle's best friend's neighbor had that, and now she weighs 8 million pounds and needs a crane to use the bathroom. Have you tried (insert fad diet of the moment here)?" Why yes...yes I have. A few times. And guess what? It didn't work for me.

    "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" Well yes, as a matter of fact I am. That's why I'm doing something about my weight. I'd rather die knowing I made an attempt than die even more quickly from a preventable illness. P.S. We all die from SOMETHING...I just prefer that my weight not be that something.

    And my favorite:

    "Isn't it haaaaaaard (they always draw it out like that) switching your diet all up like that?" Yup, you bet it is. It's even harder lugging my extra-wide butt around, and watching my loved ones enjoy things I know I can't do. I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    Oh more...

    "Don't you miss chocolate cake/ice cream/double cheeseburgers with extra lard and mayo?" Well, not until you said THAT! (except the double cheeseburger...I hate cheeseburgers and always have) But I'd rather experience a full, active life than repeat the feel of biting into a chocolate cake. I KNOW what that's like...I want new experiences!

    You're post literally made my day! I love your come backs, wish I could think those up. :)
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    this. after a lifetime of being overweight, i'm almost halfway to where i want to be, and i've just now reached the point where strange men treat me as human when i'm out and know, they look, they hold doors, they meet my eyes.

    i find it a little creepy. but i guess it's normal? i hit this weight at the beginning of the year, before gaining a few pounds back, and at one point i told my boyfriend (now fiancé lol) that he had better put a ring on my finger or i was going to start wearing one so guys would stop hitting on me. (they weren't, a lot, but often enough that i was totally uncomfortable, because i've never had to deal with that.)

    I know exactly what you mean. I kind of miss the anonymous days of being fat, except the whole being fat part, lol. And, FYI, the ring on the finger doesn't stop them :(
  • heartsherps
    heartsherps Posts: 57 Member

    Only just started, so it's not noticeable enough for any comments yet. But I think I need to bookmark this page so I remember all the comebacks when the comments do start coming. ^-^
  • jojostar85
    jojostar85 Posts: 16
    Wow, I've heard almost all of these comments and more! I think the weight loss comments are better than the ones I used to get when I was heavier.

    When I was 20 lbs heavier, I was out running when a couple guys drove by in a truck and yelled out to me "Run fatty, run!" That made me want to cry.

    After I lost the 20, I ran into an old college mate of mine (who was always a ***** to me for no reason) and I just politely said "hi!" The first words out of her mouth? "Oh my lost SO MUCH weight!" I hate it when that's the first thing people say to me. No "hi" or anything, just straight to the weight.

    I do get the occasional "you look great! but are you losing the weight the healthy way?" because I fluctuate often (5 lbs loss/gain looks almost drastic on me.)

    To all of these? I just say "Thank you! I've been working hard and it's paying off-I'm feeling great!" with a big smile and walk away. ;)
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I play poker at a local bar on Thursday nights and it is well known by all that I changed by my lifestyle by quitting smoking, eating healty, and exercising.

    So last week I am eating my usual grilled chicken sandwich with onion and lettuce (no cheese, no mayo, no butter) and the 350 obnoxious slob says to me after letting out a belly shaking belch and looking at my dinner "you only live once, may as well enjoy it". I said "I know, I plan to enjoy it for another 30 or 40 years". He shut up after that because I think he realized that despite being 15 years younger than me I will probably outlive him.
  • srrich
    srrich Posts: 1
    I feel for you. When I was pregnant with both of my children my doctor put me on strict diets, I am sooooo happy he did that and that I choose to listen to him. It is ok and healthy to gain weight when you are pregnant but not 50 lbs of weight. I lost almost all of my weight 3 weeks afterd giving birth and could wear my normal clothes when I went back to work. Just smile politely when people make comments to you. As long as you are gaining what you need to nourish the baby it is none of their business. Congratulations on your precious baby and enjoy it, this is a special time for you. *** sorry this was a response to the lady that is pregnant, new here and not sure how to do this yet :blushing: