The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I love it when it takes 40 lbs before people notice, which I am not there yet, someone will finally say. Have you lost weight? YUEAUHH!!! I've been losing and working my butt off for months!!!!!! funny
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    Tell people that you will forgive them for asking, if they'll forgive you for not answering. Use that when people ask rude questions, and then walk away.
  • MrsKellyRus
    MrsKellyRus Posts: 3 Member
    I have been having the opposite experince! My step dad is an older man, and is overweight so therefore suffers from diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc. etc. and no matter how many times the doctor has insisted that he needs to lose weight, he just doesn't seem to care about himself and eats whatever etc. So, I thought, I do NOT want to end up like him. So I decided to do something about it. I've only been using Myfitnesspal for a week and a half but it makes me realise! So, my step dad says things to me about my weight and that but they're always insults never compliments (probably just because he's jealous!) His recent comment was, 'can't you just accept the fact your going to be a horse all your life'. It's really horrible what he says and it really upsets me, but at the same time, it also gives me the motivation to prove him wrong and to one day say, remember that time I was overweight.... Look at me now! Cannot wait for this day! He's an A**hole ;)
  • TibbsW
    TibbsW Posts: 2
    My personal favorite was when I was sitting with friends and having lunch. Literally, as I was bringing a fork with delicious food to my mouth, I was accused of being anorexic.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    wow lady!!! youve heard it all... just hold your head high and only answer what you want to answer.. like "a lot" or say.. oh about a 3rd grader or so" and kinda laugh and walk away (if u dont wanna give ur #'s out.. ya know) my friend lost 59#'s and i told her 'wow your doing awesome.. lost a 3rd grader.. back pack and all"!! (she was glowing.. and laughing).. good stuff...
    and you know what.. so what if you have/had a lot to loose... your LOOSING IT... and the healthy way.. not drugs wt loss surgery...
    one word of advice someone told me and i stuck with it to is "dont ever let somebody make you feel the way YOU dont want to feel"... :drinker:
  • TibbsW
    TibbsW Posts: 2
    Diabetes runs in my family also. It's a major motivation for me to become healthy. Luckily, I don't have insults coming from parents, but I just got back from visiting them and trying to make smart eating decisions is difficult when I'm there.
  • MCinSoCal
    MCinSoCal Posts: 87
    MIne too has been people asking me what pill I was on. For some reason they had a hard time accepting that I dropped 90 pounds by simple diet and exercise. I try to tell them all the time that I didn't start a diet I changed my life, but they still want to know what the magic pill was. Now I say water, veggies and lots of sunshine :smile:

    The cutest for me was my grandma when she saw me last year she was impressed with my weight loss and then expressed concern over how skinny I looked. She gently tapped my leg and said Honey you look too thin, come with me I'm gonna make you a sandwich. LOL I laugh because I know that she is just being who she is and she is grandma and tends to worry a lot. So even though I would have declined that from someone else I allowed that to be my cheat for the week and let her 'tend' to her granddaughter LOL

    I <3 your grandma!!! :smile:
  • Linda1028
    Linda1028 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm ditto on here with those who referred to people who excitedly ask " how did you lose so much?". They are expecting some "light bulb" moment/answer I was eat fewer calories and increase can see the "light" go off and the disappointed look when I say that! I've even had people roll their eyes when I say that! There is no magic but from within...I've lost 137 lbs now with only 5 more to go and I'm 65 yrs. old, you are never to old to get healthy (or in my case healthy again).:smile:
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    I did plan to have surgery, and I'm on a pre-op diet that's going so well that I may not qualify by the time my surgery date rolls around. I'm usually a super open person who doesn't mind answering questions honestly, as long as the person asking doesn't make me feel like a freak show.

    I'll tell you the ones that get to me, though:

    (Not a question, but a comment) "I don't see why you think you need to lose so much. You're not fat." Bless your heart...I DO own a mirror. I'm just fat, not blind or stupid.

    "How much weight do you want to lose?" and when I tell them "oh...are you sure? That's going to be way too much. I think you should aim for (insert arbitrary number here)." Yeah, I don't remember your occupying a seat in the surgeon's office when we set my weight goals. Trust me, I've done my research. I know what a healthy weight is for me.

    "Oh, that surgery will never work. My hamster's cousin's uncle's best friend's neighbor had that, and now she weighs 8 million pounds and needs a crane to use the bathroom. Have you tried (insert fad diet of the moment here)?" Why yes...yes I have. A few times. And guess what? It didn't work for me.

    "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" Well yes, as a matter of fact I am. That's why I'm doing something about my weight. I'd rather die knowing I made an attempt than die even more quickly from a preventable illness. P.S. We all die from SOMETHING...I just prefer that my weight not be that something.

    And my favorite:

    "Isn't it haaaaaaard (they always draw it out like that) switching your diet all up like that?" Yup, you bet it is. It's even harder lugging my extra-wide butt around, and watching my loved ones enjoy things I know I can't do. I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    Oh more...

    "Don't you miss chocolate cake/ice cream/double cheeseburgers with extra lard and mayo?" Well, not until you said THAT! (except the double cheeseburger...I hate cheeseburgers and always have) But I'd rather experience a full, active life than repeat the feel of biting into a chocolate cake. I KNOW what that's like...I want new experiences!

    I laughed so much at this....HILARIOUS!!! But I feel your pain though...when I had lost weight about 6 years ago one person said to me when she saw me coming with a diet soda "oh gosh...don't lose anymore weight...people will start saying you have the "thing" (HIV/AIDS is what was implied)" :grumble: ....I also got "you and this disappearing act you're doing" :frown: . Unfortunately I let all those comments get into my psyche and allow me to become very complacent and abandon my healthy lifestyle even though I wasn't even yet at a healthy I'm back here now...and already making up my mind that I won't stop until I get to my goal!!!
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    The one that I like is 'whoah, you look wayyyy better'. I know people mean well but yah.
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    Yeah, when I have lost weight in the past, people have told me, "It is great that you are finally losing weight because you had really let yourself go!" WTF? Go where? My fat was just taking me along for the ride?
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    In Mexico they say if you lose a lot of weight its because you're in love/ have a lot of love:blushing: So when I went home for the first time after losing weight (which happened to also be the first time I took my boyfriend to Mexico to meet my family) all of my uncles were like "You are so skinny! The loving must be good!" It was sooo embarrassing! Im so glad my boyfriend doesn't speak Spanish!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    When I decided to finally stick to it and started dropping a lot of weight, my aunt who is also overweight would constantly ask me what kind of drugs I was taking to help me lose weight (and still asks me til this day). I can see her disbelief though up until 2 years ago I threw up at the thought of eating veggies (hated the taste and texture of almost all veggies), and fattening food was my life. After I dropped my first 30 - 40 lbs I woke up one day with a sudden craving for veggies and began eating all veggies in sight lol

    That's really cool. I hated vegetables when I was younger & then just started eating them one day. I really like them now, and thank god, because we need them to be healthy.
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    I haven't had any really bizarre comments, but I hate how everyone wants to give me their weight loss advice, yet they don't do it themselves.
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    In Mexico they say if you lose a lot of weight its because you're in love/ have a lot of love:blushing: So when I went home for the first time after losing weight (which happened to also be the first time I took my boyfriend to Mexico to meet my family) all of my uncles were like "You are so skinny! The loving must be good!" It was sooo embarrassing! Im so glad my boyfriend doesn't speak Spanish!

    That's funny. I always get fat when I'm in love, cause all we do is go out to eat.
  • J3NZ0R
    J3NZ0R Posts: 26 Member
    The disbelief at lifestyle changes reminds me of a great quote:

    "People will do anything to lose weight, except exercise and eat right."
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    "You need to go eat a burrito..No, go eat TWO burritos." Seriously? How about you STOP eating burritos? :grumble:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    @freaja... Grandmas are awesome! I miss mine soooooo much! The craziest thing said to me was by my not so tactful grandfather before I started MFP. I had not seen him in a while and instead of saying hi how are you doing or nice to see you, he popped off with .... MY WERE GETTING FAT! I am curious what he will have to say the next time he sees me after this program. I am sure it will be along the lines of ARE YOU SICK. you look anorexic! We will see. UGH
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    I did plan to have surgery, and I'm on a pre-op diet that's going so well that I may not qualify by the time my surgery date rolls around. I'm usually a super open person who doesn't mind answering questions honestly, as long as the person asking doesn't make me feel like a freak show.

    I'll tell you the ones that get to me, though:

    (Not a question, but a comment) "I don't see why you think you need to lose so much. You're not fat." Bless your heart...I DO own a mirror. I'm just fat, not blind or stupid.

    "How much weight do you want to lose?" and when I tell them "oh...are you sure? That's going to be way too much. I think you should aim for (insert arbitrary number here)." Yeah, I don't remember your occupying a seat in the surgeon's office when we set my weight goals. Trust me, I've done my research. I know what a healthy weight is for me.

    "Oh, that surgery will never work. My hamster's cousin's uncle's best friend's neighbor had that, and now she weighs 8 million pounds and needs a crane to use the bathroom. Have you tried (insert fad diet of the moment here)?" Why yes...yes I have. A few times. And guess what? It didn't work for me.

    "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" Well yes, as a matter of fact I am. That's why I'm doing something about my weight. I'd rather die knowing I made an attempt than die even more quickly from a preventable illness. P.S. We all die from SOMETHING...I just prefer that my weight not be that something.

    And my favorite:

    "Isn't it haaaaaaard (they always draw it out like that) switching your diet all up like that?" Yup, you bet it is. It's even harder lugging my extra-wide butt around, and watching my loved ones enjoy things I know I can't do. I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    Oh more...

    "Don't you miss chocolate cake/ice cream/double cheeseburgers with extra lard and mayo?" Well, not until you said THAT! (except the double cheeseburger...I hate cheeseburgers and always have) But I'd rather experience a full, active life than repeat the feel of biting into a chocolate cake. I KNOW what that's like...I want new experiences!

    You have a great, entertaining style of writing! Thanks for the giggle!!
  • lisakammwang
    lisakammwang Posts: 44 Member
    I lost close to 60 lbs in a very short time. The funniest thing said was: Can I see your stretch marks and sagging skin? My response: I don't have sagging skin...and if you show me your stretch marks....I will show you mine! The most annoying: You are so skinny! Compared to how I use to be...yes...but I am not skinny...I am healthy!