What's YOUR Deal-Breaker



  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    No sense of humor
    Too much make-up

    It makes me smile to see men who don't care for a lot of make up. :smile:
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,160 Member
    First three are:
    1. Not higher educated
    2. Not professional
    3. Not ready for pre-nauptials

    Later ones are standard- fit, beauty etc
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    1. full of themselves

    2. Extremely obese (no im not superficial I just don't want to go out with someone who could care less about their body and taking care of themselves)

    3. smoker

    4. rude

    5. doesn't have ANYTHING in common with me
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I had a ton of deal breakers...
    Most never made the cut.
    1. She must be in peak condition and attractive in the face - 20% body fat
    2. College educated w/advance degree - Lawyer, MBA, Doctor, CPA
    3. Strong and independent - not needy or clingy
    4. Wealthy - women with their own money won't be nickel and diming me
    5. Family and marriage oriented....

    GOT HER!:drinker:
    Married - 5 kids - very happy!
    Go out and get EXACTLY what you want.
    Don't "settle" for anything less.
    Good Luck!

    Every freaking post
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    No need to snivel over it.
    Go get what YOU want. Set your goals high; what is wrong with this?

    Is that your wife with you in your photos?
    Jealousy is very transparent.

    God I do hope you're not referring to me! I only asked if that was your wife! I'm certainly not jealous of you, not in the least.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    Dislikes kids and animals

    Poor hygiene

    Takes longer to get ready than I do.


  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    has male genetalia
  • SLewis74
    SLewis74 Posts: 28 Member

    Poor hygiene

    Not able to have fun or even laugh at themselves....I'm constantly sticking my foot in my mouth and saying stupid stuff, I laugh it off because it's who I am....I love to have fun....take me as I am or leave me....your choice!!
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    someone that does drugs, bad teeth/bad breath if you don't clean the front porch it makes you wonder about other hygene habits.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I'm married...but these are some of the things I looked at as deal breakers:

    Bad teeth.
    Not into sports (they are a big part of my life)
    Lazy - not ambitious in any part of life.
    Doesn't love God.
    Doesn't value his family/doesn't want kids

    My man has a beautiful smile, loves sports (we are junkies), doesn't smoke, not a lazy bone in his body, loves God, and cherishes his family, and we now have an awesome kid.
  • Igoligirl
    Igoligirl Posts: 62 Member
    Eccentricity or quirk: 1. Constantly agreeing with what everyone says instead of having an opinion 2. Wearing mismatched, weird outfits to nice or formal events on purpose 3. Wearing too much jewelry

    The others are character traits or bad habits, which are different than quirks

    Mean nature
    Overly protective
    Smoking, alcoholic etc.

    Ultimate dealbreaker: A man who doesn't love the Lord!!!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    It just made me sad that having faith is considered a deal break :( I thought things like being an addict, physically abusive, metally abusive, a cheater, a compulsive liar were deal breakers.

    Agree, and it often seems to be linked to a negative connotation here. As if ONLY people of faith or conservatives could be closed minded, arrogant, or whatever. I'm all for preferences and deal breakers - I have my own.

    But I don't assume a non-religious person is worse than anyone else.. just not ideally matched for me. I don't have to lump all kinds of negative adjectives by that term to get the point across that I would like someone who is a Christian (me personally).

    I don't think I've noticed anyone lumping those qualities. I've seen plenty of posts saying religious or non-religious with other negative qualities following. Those are simply the other qualities that they also won't accept. You're the one making the assumption that the other items on the list are somehow related to not wanting to be with a religious person. The items are unrelated as far as I can see, in both cases.

    Also, I imagine for most (as it would be for me) that's a romantic relationship stipulation that doesn't apply to friends, etc. I do not think I could be married to a republican or a religious person, because their life/world views would be so drastically different than mine, and in choosing a life partner it was very important to me that I be with someone who shares my views in the broad sense (not agrees with every thought I have mind you), because it very much impacts how we live our lives. However, one of my absolute favorite people on earth (a person I consider one of my absolute closest friends) is a religious, conservative republican. We couldn't be more polar opposite (I'm a progressive liberal, democrat, and atheist), and we couldn't possibly be better friends. I love chatting with him, and debating issues and am always open minded to his views. But do I think I could be married to him? No. And I have many other friends from a wide variety of backgrounds, and with a wide variety of life views and personalities. But it's different when you're committing to spend your life with a person.

    As for my others - I could not be married to a smoker, or to someone financially irresponsible (which isn't to say they have to be wealthy - just not a moron about money). I think most other things would definitely be person specific. Lot's of things you don't think you'd like suddenly become tolerable when you're in love. Luckily I already found my husband and he's perfect for me.

    Edited to add: Also wouldn't be with someone who is racist or homophobic.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Don't live life in an echo chamber. Enjoy the richness of personal development gained by challenges to your beliefs.

    I very much like the way you worded that. And I find that's true in my day-to-day life. I enjoy having friends and family who challenge me, because with strangers it's often too easy to dismiss a person as crazy or unintelligent or some other nonsense when they have differing views. When you surround yourself with people who you know are thoughtful, intelligent and good people it makes it easier to consider the other side because it's coming from someone you already value. Doesn't mean you'll change your mind, but it often will at least make you think.

    But, while I want someone who challenges me in my personal relationships, when it comes to my marriage, I very much wanted someone who shared my ideals. He challenges me for sure, makes me want to be a better person, but at the end of the day, we hold the same basic principles close and that matters to me a lot.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    No teeth
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    * Rude to people. Like, if we go out to eat, and they treat the waiter/waitress like crap or leave their stuff all over the table - bye bye.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    glorys in being a redneck. (a guy told me this once)

    Listens to country music


    has a pitbull

    Weeeeelllllll,I don't have a pitt bull. Wanna dance?
    no thanks
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Poor personal hygiene


    Can't/won't cook

  • lbcbeachbum77
    lbcbeachbum77 Posts: 78 Member
    Bad Teeth (as in not cared for)
    Intolerance (racism, judgmental, closed minded)
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Abuser of any kind
    Addict (to anything)
    Emotionally cold/distant
    Intellectually lazy

    I don't care if people are any of these things, but I won't be bringing anyone with those traits home with me.

    pretty much this. :)

    *I'm adding another.. :P
    Not passionate. Even if it differs from what I enjoy or believe in, it's nice to know someone else feels strongly about something. :)
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    rude behavior:interrupting
    bad tipper
    makes asumptions

    predjudiced: not tolerant of other's differences: political, religious, sexual...
    oh, and racial profilng!

    pretty much describes my whole family!