The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I have been asked quite a bit how I am doing it. I cannot take credit for the answer because I read it on here somewhere. My response "it is two simple steps: I eat less, mostly plants, and exercise". If they seem genuinely interested I explain MFP and my exercise routine but usually by then I have lost them.
  • RenovatingSuzanne
    Someone once said, I liked you better when you were fat.

    Seriously?? Who says that. I think they liked me more when I was 50lbs heavier because I made them feel better about themselves or ok with the poor decisions they were making.

    Apparently I am no fun when I don't want to have ice cream and chocolate everyday.
  • nicpap617
    nicpap617 Posts: 38 Member
    I was told that I lost "a ton" of weight. hahaha didn't know I had "a ton" to lose! :)
  • kjmajeski
    kjmajeski Posts: 1
    my favorite is "omg you don't need to lose anymore weight!" or don't get too skinny as someone that was 200lbs i'm pretty sure getting "too skinny" won't happen lol. As far as a number i'm happy to admit i have lost 65lbs i'm really proud of all the work i have done to get here. also how much you weigh is a lie i would always want to tell now i'm happy to shout it from the roof tops! be proud of what you are doing and keep it up and ignore all the go eat a cheeseburger comments! good luck!
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    I've heard a lot of really ill-timed, well intentioned but horribly said compliments that were so back handed Serena Williams wouldn't have been able to handle it..fortunately for me I'm sarcastic and the more weight I lose the thicker my skin has gotten. So I while I am always grateful to those who are well meaning, those who aren't- well they just get what they get.. unfortunately these are all statements/compliments that I've gotten over the years

    Them: Are you losing weight so you can date more??? (with wide eyes and heartfelt concern)
    Me: Well no..I mean your boyfriend didn't seem to have a problem with my weight sooo......

    Them: Tell me what you take cause I need to lose about ten pounds too!
    Me: Ibuprofen. From the 5 to 6 days a week I spend in the gym (and trust me honey, it's more than ten pounds. Didn't say it-thought it)

    Them: I bet you think you're sexy now huh?
    Me: Yes. Yes it just happened this very second. Thank you for being here to share the moment with me.

    Them: Wow in a couple of months you'll be hot enough to date (a lovely guy tossed this jewel at me)
    Me: (snapping fingers) Aww a couple of months I'm gonna be busy. Living in a convent. On the moon. Forever.

    And my all time favorite:

    Them: I bet now that you think you're all cute (again, it happened in that exact moment I guess) you don't have time to talk to me anymore huh?
    Me: Well actually I didn't like talking to you before..I just didn't have the speed or agility to get away from you like I can now..

    The bottom line for me is this: I understand when you make a positive change in your life people will need to tear it down to some extent based on their own insecurities. If they want to lose weight but don't have the courage/discipline/motivation/determination- they can't imagine you could have those things. So they feel the need to pull your off of your course so that the status quo can be maintained. In their minds you looking better means they look worse. They just can't seperate your success from their's an unfortunate side-effect of losing weight in that some times you lose people too. But in reality this is a blessing..because if they don't cheer at your success they didn't deserve you anyway..

    And my favorite way to answer the question of "how much more do you want to lose anyway??" you know they tone they say it in..kind of snide, kind of rude but always with a smile cause that makes it okay..

    My answer : I'll make you a don't ask how much I want to lose, I won't ask how much you need to lose - never fails to end the conversation :)))
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Why the complains about what people say?
    They notice your progress.
    Just be glad they did not say what they were thinking before the weight loss.
    Be VERY glad :drinker:

    Because of the level of condescension that comes along with the commentary provided by others. They don't really need to say what they thought about us before we lost weight, because the attitude and tone of their comments makes it clear that they've waited AGES to tell us what they really thought of us. When you've lost weight, it becomes open season on your former self. When you haven't lost enough weight to believe you're changing for good, those demeaning comments about your former self cut deep. Once they realize that you've recognized that you're overweight (because they assume you're entirely unaware of your size), then they really want to make it known that they've already thought at great length about EXACTLY the plan you should follow to get to the size they deem appropriate.
    Wow, really?
    Are people really this thin-skinned?
    Crybabies don't get very far in life.

    Neither do jerks.

    Further than crybabies...what with wiping up the tears and all....
  • nicraeinc
    nicraeinc Posts: 2
    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the posts. I just joined MFP, before this I lost 15 lbs by logging my food in a journal. I have 7 lbs more to go to reach my goal weight, so overall I am about 2/3rd's of the way there. I work in an office with a lot of older women (in fact I am the youngest person in the whole company) and i swear they are getting resentful that I am losing weight. They have all asked what I am doing, I tell them I have cleaned up my diet and exercise more but they do not want to hear it. It's sad when the best advice falls on deaf ears.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    I've heard a lot of really ill-timed, well intentioned but horribly said compliments that were so back handed Serena Williams wouldn't have been able to handle it..fortunately for me I'm sarcastic and the more weight I lose the thicker my skin has gotten. So I while I am always grateful to those who are well meaning, those who aren't- well they just get what they get.. unfortunately these are all statements/compliments that I've gotten over the years

    Them: Are you losing weight so you can date more??? (with wide eyes and heartfelt concern)
    Me: Well no..I mean your boyfriend didn't seem to have a problem with my weight sooo......

    Them: Tell me what you take cause I need to lose about ten pounds too!
    Me: Ibuprofen. From the 5 to 6 days a week I spend in the gym (and trust me honey, it's more than ten pounds. Didn't say it-thought it)

    Them: I bet you think you're sexy now huh?
    Me: Yes. Yes it just happened this very second. Thank you for being here to share the moment with me.

    Them: Wow in a couple of months you'll be hot enough to date (a lovely guy tossed this jewel at me)
    Me: (snapping fingers) Aww a couple of months I'm gonna be busy. Living in a convent. On the moon. Forever.

    And my all time favorite:

    Them: I bet now that you think you're all cute (again, it happened in that exact moment I guess) you don't have time to talk to me anymore huh?
    Me: Well actually I didn't like talking to you before..I just didn't have the speed or agility to get away from you like I can now..

    The bottom line for me is this: I understand when you make a positive change in your life people will need to tear it down to some extent based on their own insecurities. If they want to lose weight but don't have the courage/discipline/motivation/determination- they can't imagine you could have those things. So they feel the need to pull your off of your course so that the status quo can be maintained. In their minds you looking better means they look worse. They just can't seperate your success from their's an unfortunate side-effect of losing weight in that some times you lose people too. But in reality this is a blessing..because if they don't cheer at your success they didn't deserve you anyway..

    And my favorite way to answer the question of "how much more do you want to lose anyway??" you know they tone they say it in..kind of snide, kind of rude but always with a smile cause that makes it okay..

    My answer : I'll make you a don't ask how much I want to lose, I won't ask how much you need to lose - never fails to end the conversation :)))

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: L:heart: VE this! You're now my official smartass hero (and yes, it happened in this exact moment!) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    "Why are you killing yourself with diet and exercise, you will never look like your 20!"

    LOL I didnt know that was my goal!
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    "When are you going to stop?"

    i get this a lot from my co-workers...

    recently ive had a lot of people come up to me and comment on how heavy i used to be, then comment on how good i look now. i understand they are trying to comment but dang, dont harp on the subject! it only makes me feel worse about my old self than i already feel!
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    I'm not sure how telling someone how much you've lost is something to be embarrassed about. Telling someone your exact weight might, which is why I tell people how much I want to lose, but not what my goal weight is. Least not people who don't know how much I weigh. But I'll gladly tell people, I've lost 16 pounds so far, but I'm trying to lose 125. No one has really said crazy things to me, though I'm sure if certain people knew what I eat sometimes, they'd tell me I'll just fail.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I tihnk my favorite was my mother in law yelling at me for getting rid of my fat pants because "You never know if you are going to need them agian, so why not keep them just in case". Yep, lets plan to fall off the wagon and regain all that weight...totally makes sense to me.
  • 2_young_2B_old
    2_young_2B_old Posts: 90 Member
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    It ticks me off.
    Why would this anger anybody?
    Attraction is just nature's expression of the pro-creative instinct.
    Of course you'll get more attention the more weight you lose.
    That is to be expected.
    Welcome to the human race.:drinker:

    well bobby, let me try to explain it to you. Since both the posters you quoted were both women. Now, even though I've been happily married for 11 years and probably reasonably "trained"...haha....please feel free ladies to correct me if I'm in error here.....when women don't get attention from men because they are heavy (as in the first poster) and then they lose weight and start getting attention, the feeling is they don't have any worth unless they have a nice hot body. They don't feel respected or that they don't have worth as a human being other than just someone who looks good. They want to be valued as a "whole" person who has value way beyond just their physical appearance. This is where the anger comes from. If I'm not nice to look at, then I have no value. When all of us, men and women, have much more to offer and are much more valuable than just our physical appearance. Hope that clear its up for ya.

    While your statement might be theoretically "true" in the abstract, Its male thinking. Which is normal because you are in fact a man, unless your profile pic is a complete lie.

    This is exactly correct! Because its only the physical that changed. I'm still really funny, smart, and nice but I wasn't worth their time before.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    My mom and mother in law both need to lose weight badly and they see me losing and ask for "secrets". I told my mil that I was eating well, taking my thyroid meds and exercising and she pretty much said that exercising is stupid because fat people look stupid when they exercise :/ I'd rather look stupid than jiggle when I breathe.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    "You know everyone at work thinks you have an eating disorder"

    eta: because apparently 30# in 6 months is too fast for someone to just eat healthy and actually move their *kitten*!
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    this is an interesting conversation. Some times people are not losing weight on purpose because they are sick. I have made it a habit asking 'are you losing weight on purpose?" - that way the person know I recognize they have lost weight ... but I don't comment further - unless I am asked/prompted.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member

    The craziest thing said to me was, after I had lost 25 lbs, three people came up to me on the same day and said, "Did you get a haircut?"

    This is how I can always tell that my efforts are starting to show. I start getting all kinds of compliments on my hair. People can't really tell what it is that is different - they just know you're looking better - so they assume it must be your hair.
  • ccpace4
    ccpace4 Posts: 100
    I hated when my dads girlfriend made a comment like "what are you starting your diet or something"...I was like umm hello I've been working out and eating healthy for months now...arg
  • ksamml
    ksamml Posts: 6 Member
    "you're wasting away"
    "how much weight have you lost?" - "a lot" - "but how much? - "a lot" GAAHHHH
    "How are you doing it?" - "eating healthy and less" - "but how????" oh ffs I already answered you.
    "You must feel so much better" don't just assume I was miserable before!
    "don't lose too much..."

    Like others have said, I don't mind being told I look good, I think that is a really tasteful way to comment on weight loss without making things really awkward.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    The most frequent (and also the most frustrating) thing that people ask is, "What kind of diet are you on?" Well, umm, I'm not on a diet. I just started making better choices and getting some exercise. Apparently, that just doesn't compute for most people. Most will continue with, "Well, are you eating low carbs or low fat or what?" I eat what I was eating. I just eat less of it. And, I do sorta watch my sugar intake. Most folks don't want to hear that you're just eating less and exercising. They're looking for a magic bullet that doesn't involve much sacrifice.

    The craziest thing said to me was, after I had lost 25 lbs, three people came up to me on the same day and said, "Did you get a haircut?"

    I get the 'so what kinda diet you on' thing a lot too.