Shooting @ Batman Movie Premeire



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    #2: gun control isn't the issue, just as we don't ban cars and driving because drunks across the country kill people.. Whoever wants to hurt people WILL FIND A WAY. The war is on the inside, spiritually and psychologically.

    I don't agree. People may still find a way, but guns make that way so so so much easier. Look at the Norway shootings last summer. Gun control may not solve the problem, but it would make it much harder to kill so many so quickly.

    I wonder how many of the people who were at the theater were responsible gun owners and chose to leave their guns at home. Just because one crazy decides to abuse his right to own guns by going out and killing innocent people shouldn't mean everyone else should be denied their constitutional right to own guns. Maybe if those people at the theater would have been able to carry their guns with them into the theater, one of them could have taken out the crazy man before he had the chance to kill and injure as many people as he did. And for the record, I'm not a gun owner.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    So incredibly tragic.. Some of the people in this world are truly F*CKED.... What the hell is this world coming to? Ugh, I have no words for it really. My prayers are with their families. :(
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Just WHY?!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I love how people are saying gun control isn't an issue. I'm sorry but how many guns and how much equipment did he have? It was probably very easy for him to get hold of all that crap, and you don;t think that's a problem? Ridiculous! No, not everyone who has a gun is a psycho, but making it easy for psychos to get guns isn't good.
    You're right. We should scrutinize EVERY person that wants to buy a gun, no exceptions. We should also scrutinize anyone that wants to buy a car as well, no exceptions. Also, anyone that wants to buy a beer should go through rigorous psycho evaluation. Can you imagine what *could* happen if someone drank and drove?? The consequences could be disastrous!

    Food for thought: how may "shootings" happen at gun practice ranges, where EVERYONE has a gun??

    Why are many Americans so bloody sensitive about guns?!

    A car or beer is not comparable to a gun. A gun is a weapon INTENDED to kill or wound.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I find it both extremely freaky and extremely sad that Jessica was killed in this incident :(
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    crazy people will find a way, even in countries with strict gun control laws. Here's a sample of mass shootings in Europe:

    I'd rather focus on what is causing people to do this, than the manner in which they did it.

    Incidentially, I live in London, and while stabbings are pretty common here, shootings are not and are a big deal.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I just learned that one of the people killed in this tragedy was a survivor of the Toronto Mall shooting. She's the only publicly known victim so far. Here is her blog post about the Toronto shooting she wrote just a few weeks ago.

    How very, very sad!

    Wow that is so creepy. How in the world did she miss one attack to only be hit by the next. Scary!

    You know what's even creepier! Someone sent me a link to a tweet she sent out the day of the Toronto Mall shooting, she said there was a man dressed as batman at the mall shouting "My parents are dead" and charging tourists to take photos with him. My mind is just so blown and it is just too sad to fathom. She also tweeted that she had to 'coerce' her boyfriend to go to that showing. The boyfriend survived. I am praying for everyone affected by this. This sort of thing is just happening more and more often and it's so disheartening.

    Just plain freaky and sad ..
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    This is undoubtedly sad.

    The question we would ask in England is how did he get kevlar helmet, kevlar vest, assault rifle, and a hand gun - but our attitude to guns is very different

    Came here to write this, from Canada, it shouldn't be a shock to a lot of people this happened. When someone can buy these things and have them in their house, it's bound to happen! Just takes one crazy guy, this had nothing to do with the actual movie...

    I would be willing to bet you my house against a 5 dollar bill that the guns were not obtained legally. People always bring up gun laws like they actually help prevent these issues. Criminals will have/get guns if they are legal or not. Cocaine has been illegal for years and coke heads still get their hands on plenty of it.

    Yep, wrong. He legally owned all the guns and all the ammo. God bless America. Every weapon he used is illegal in Canada. Just saying.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member

    #2: gun control isn't the issue, just as we don't ban cars and driving because drunks across the country kill people.. Whoever wants to hurt people WILL FIND A WAY. The war is on the inside, spiritually and psychologically.

    I don't agree. People may still find a way, but guns make that way so so so much easier. Look at the Norway shootings last summer. Gun control may not solve the problem, but it would make it much harder to kill so many so quickly.

    I wonder how many of the people who were at the theater were responsible gun owners and chose to leave their guns at home. Just because one crazy decides to abuse his right to own guns by going out and killing innocent people shouldn't mean everyone else should be denied their constitutional right to own guns. Maybe if those people at the theater would have been able to carry their guns with them into the theater, one of them could have taken out the crazy man before he had the chance to kill and injure as many people as he did. And for the record, I'm not a gun owner.

    Other people having guns in this situation most likely would have made this horrible situation worse. The gum man had protection on. A bulletproof vest, gas mask and riot helmet. Not only that he threw in a gas bomb in a darkened theatre, so even seeing him would have been difficult. I doubt a highly trained police officer would have been able to take him down before any casualties had occurred. Add to that a civilian with guns would probably have ended up killing someone with friendly fire.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    So very very sad!! All my prayers and thoughts are with all affected.
  • obolton756
    obolton756 Posts: 261 Member
    praying for them all! very sad :(
  • skeeter2584
    skeeter2584 Posts: 34 Member
    The creep who did this deserves to have his "masculine grapefruits" burnt to a crisp in the electric chair!!! May God comfort the families of the victims and have mercy on all of those lost. :brokenheart:
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member

    #2: gun control isn't the issue, just as we don't ban cars and driving because drunks across the country kill people.. Whoever wants to hurt people WILL FIND A WAY. The war is on the inside, spiritually and psychologically.

    I don't agree. People may still find a way, but guns make that way so so so much easier. Look at the Norway shootings last summer. Gun control may not solve the problem, but it would make it much harder to kill so many so quickly.

    I wonder how many of the people who were at the theater were responsible gun owners and chose to leave their guns at home. Just because one crazy decides to abuse his right to own guns by going out and killing innocent people shouldn't mean everyone else should be denied their constitutional right to own guns. Maybe if those people at the theater would have been able to carry their guns with them into the theater, one of them could have taken out the crazy man before he had the chance to kill and injure as many people as he did. And for the record, I'm not a gun owner.

    Other people having guns in this situation most likely would have made this horrible situation worse. The gum man had protection on. A bulletproof vest, gas mask and riot helmet. Not only that he threw in a gas bomb in a darkened theatre, so even seeing him would have been difficult. I doubt a highly trained police officer would have been able to take him down before any casualties had occurred. Add to that a civilian with guns would probably have ended up killing someone with friendly fire.

    I agree. Anti-gun control people actually try to use incidents like this to prove their point, because having a (concealed) gun is necessary for "protection" from things like this. It's ridiculous, you can't have it both ways. And true, some people will find a way to get guns if they are harder to get, but not everyone, and maybe not this person.
  • Kebabmeatchips
    Kebabmeatchips Posts: 32 Member
    Very sad news, but with American gun laws hardly a surprise. Proportionately more guns available = proportionately more deaths by gun crime, so as sad as this is, not so surprising.....
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    I don't understand this so called constitutional right to arm yourself with a gun. It seems obvious the more guns there are in a society the more likely these tragedies are to occur. Those who think guns are not an issue are kidding themselves. Do they think carrying a gun makes them safer?
  • elcyclista
    elcyclista Posts: 393
    Wasn't there a city where they decided to give every home a gun, and the town was gun-related death free for 25 years?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    say on tv i think he wanted to be famouse thats why he smiled in his mug shoot!

    They have not released his mug shot due to the ongoing investigation--the photo is from something else.

    Also, to whoever commented on the young children being in the theater--this is not the time to blame the victims.

    To the rest of you sending prayers and condolences...Colorado says thank you.

    ~Colorado resident~
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    #2: gun control isn't the issue, just as we don't ban cars and driving because drunks across the country kill people.. Whoever wants to hurt people WILL FIND A WAY. The war is on the inside, spiritually and psychologically.

    I don't agree. People may still find a way, but guns make that way so so so much easier. Look at the Norway shootings last summer. Gun control may not solve the problem, but it would make it much harder to kill so many so quickly.

    I wonder how many of the people who were at the theater were responsible gun owners and chose to leave their guns at home. Just because one crazy decides to abuse his right to own guns by going out and killing innocent people shouldn't mean everyone else should be denied their constitutional right to own guns. Maybe if those people at the theater would have been able to carry their guns with them into the theater, one of them could have taken out the crazy man before he had the chance to kill and injure as many people as he did. And for the record, I'm not a gun owner.

    Other people having guns in this situation most likely would have made this horrible situation worse. The gum man had protection on. A bulletproof vest, gas mask and riot helmet. Not only that he threw in a gas bomb in a darkened theatre, so even seeing him would have been difficult. I doubt a highly trained police officer would have been able to take him down before any casualties had occurred. Add to that a civilian with guns would probably have ended up killing someone with friendly fire.

    I agree. Anti-gun control people actually try to use incidents like this to prove their point, because having a (concealed) gun is necessary for "protection" from things like this. It's ridiculous, you can't have it both ways. And true, some people will find a way to get guns if they are harder to get, but not everyone, and maybe not this person.

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    #2: gun control isn't the issue, just as we don't ban cars and driving because drunks across the country kill people.. Whoever wants to hurt people WILL FIND A WAY. The war is on the inside, spiritually and psychologically.

    I don't agree. People may still find a way, but guns make that way so so so much easier. Look at the Norway shootings last summer. Gun control may not solve the problem, but it would make it much harder to kill so many so quickly.

    I wonder how many of the people who were at the theater were responsible gun owners and chose to leave their guns at home. Just because one crazy decides to abuse his right to own guns by going out and killing innocent people shouldn't mean everyone else should be denied their constitutional right to own guns. Maybe if those people at the theater would have been able to carry their guns with them into the theater, one of them could have taken out the crazy man before he had the chance to kill and injure as many people as he did. And for the record, I'm not a gun owner.

    Other people having guns in this situation most likely would have made this horrible situation worse. The gum man had protection on. A bulletproof vest, gas mask and riot helmet. Not only that he threw in a gas bomb in a darkened theatre, so even seeing him would have been difficult. I doubt a highly trained police officer would have been able to take him down before any casualties had occurred. Add to that a civilian with guns would probably have ended up killing someone with friendly fire.

    And this.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    This is undoubtedly sad.

    The question we would ask in England is how did he get kevlar helmet, kevlar vest, assault rifle, and a hand gun - but our attitude to guns is very different

    Came here to write this, from Canada, it shouldn't be a shock to a lot of people this happened. When someone can buy these things and have them in their house, it's bound to happen! Just takes one crazy guy, this had nothing to do with the actual movie...

    I would be willing to bet you my house against a 5 dollar bill that the guns were not obtained legally. People always bring up gun laws like they actually help prevent these issues. Criminals will have/get guns if they are legal or not. Cocaine has been illegal for years and coke heads still get their hands on plenty of it.

    Yep, wrong. He legally owned all the guns and all the ammo. God bless America. Every weapon he used is illegal in Canada. Just saying.

    And also this.

    When was the last time something like this happened in London or England?

    Yeah, I won't hold my breath.