Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • sarachana
    hey everyone!
    ive been MIA for the past week, and unfortunately its not only on the thread. i had a half birthday last week, and as funny as it sounds, i always party harder on my half birthday than on my real bday. less baggage attached i guess. anyway, i made choc cheese cake and it was downhill from there, but now im back!

    ive decieded to make a smaller challenge than the 90 day one. i want to weigh 170 by 2010. it would be so nice, i have a new skirt that i ordered in a size 12 coming january 1st and i have no clue if its going to fit or not and my ego really needs it to fit.

    as for cravings, when i stick to my diet and am good about eating within my calories, i find that i dont even crave food so much and that i only want to eat when my stomach growls. so why cant i just always stick to my diet?!?!?! urg.

    hope everyone has a great and successful week!
  • pattitricia85
    Hi everybody, looks like everybody is doing awesome!!! Good job MercuryBlue!!!!! You are seriously inspiring me <3
    The past two months have been really hard for me. My huband and I bought a house and my commute increased by over an hour. I had a great routine going where i would hop on the train in my workout clothes and hit the gym at my work before my shift started. but now w/ my extra long commute that will put me at getting up at 4:30 am and getting home a little after 6pm. SUCH a long day, but i started today!! I feel great, I love love love working out in the morning, it gets me on the right track for the rest of the day, and you can't beat that endorphin rush, for some reason it feels stronger when i work out in the morning. I am going to keep this routine up 3 days a week for weekdays and workout saturday and sunday too! Thank god i don't have kids, I don't know how you working Mom's do it, I have a yellow lab puppy and I feel like that is more than i can handle!!! I want to lose a full pants size by February... and my hubbys birthday is feb 6 so that is my goal date!! I have a pair of super cute designer jeans that I ordered from RueLaLa that are a size to small (on accident) so those are my goal jeans!!
    Well good luck to everyone the rest of the week!
  • kerimcdonald
    Way to go mercuryblue!!! I am moving forward, and I have started my consequences. 1 hour on the elliptical every night. This is day 3 and just thinking about all the hard work is reason enough to stay away from the cookies.

    welcome to all of the new people I am seeing!! There are so many, please don't be offended if I don't name all of you seperately, but just know that you are all welcome here.

    pattritricia85- I know what you mean about communting. I work around an hour from home and my husband works 30 minutes in the opposite direction. It's so tough to get motivated when every day 1s 11 hours with the drive. But it sounds like you have gotten off to a great start. Let us know how it goes!!

    See you guys all tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    I am 25 years old.
    30days: 160

    I would be oh so happy to be 150-155, but ultimately would like to be 145-150. I am currently in Teachers college and it is waayy more stressing then I thought it would be.....and I really need to come back on this site to help motivate me to finally DO THIS!!!
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I am currently in Teachers college and it is waayy more stressing then I thought it would be

    Ughhh school in general is stressful!! I know how you feel.


    I lost 3 pounds over the last couple of days...I think it's because I'm drinking alot more water now. All the sodium (or something) is getting flushed out. Plus I'm not eating between meals anymore:laugh:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    welcome to all of the new people I am seeing!! There are so many, please don't be offended if I don't name all of you seperately, but just know that you are all welcome here.

    I was going to say the same thing. So many people I know I've missed some.... but all are welcome here!

    DBranchaud - Congrats on the three-pound weight loss! I agree, probably water... I lost 3.2 pounds in the first week! Then the second week it was 0.4. I was ticked, lol!

    It's amazing how your body can fluctuate, too! I stepped on the scale this morning and was a pound heavier than yesterday. Yes, I know- I'm bad, I weigh myself every morning! Lol. I'm not beating myself up over it. I didn't drink as much as I should have yesterday. So I'm making up for it today, haha. I know I didn't eat any bad foods or go over my calorie intake, so I'm really not worried. (Ask me again if I'm worried come Monday and it might be a different story, lol!)

    Did day one of the 200 sit-up challenge yesterday. Woo! It was awesome. :)
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I'm 22, 5'2"ish, and almost 160 pounds. Its painful. Im trying to stay on track but in the winter comfort food is king. I havent worked out in months and when I did I was getting pretty toned. When I start working out again most of my workout is gonna have to be cardio. Ive seen myself skinny and I have a ton of defined muscles that were toned when I was skinny despite a lack of working out.

    My goal is that by the time me and the bf hit our 2 yr anni (june 29th) Ill have lost enough weight to be a couple more sizes down...Ive already gone from a 12 to a 10 without really losing many pounds lol...hence wanting to move to almost all cardio.
  • kaytbognar
    Newcomers, I'll third the general welcome! This is a great group, I've found it really helpful so far and I hope you do too!

    kerimcdonald -- is that na hour on the eliptical ON TOp of everything else you do? Oh man, you're intense! I just do not have the strength.

    patricia85 -- your commute sounds like balls, I remember when I was in school it was about 1/2 an hour to get there, but luckily I rode my bike so my commute WAS my exercise. I hope your new routine works for you! Good luck :)

    Check in day! Another week, another inch or so smaller. Hips are now down to 40in, waist down to 35in (down 5 and 6 inches respectively in the last 7 weeks) BOOM!

    My freestyle pool sprints are progressing well. Shaved about 10s off my fastest sprint and kept all of them under 50s today. I felt like I had to dig a little deeper on a few of them, and I was overall a little sore (I'm guess both from the strength training I've been doing, since I ahve a little less recovery time between pool days) but I still feel pretty awesome in accomplishing my goal of improving/maintaining speed.

    AND, I was cleaning up last night and figured I'd put on my jean jacket just to see how it fits (I haven't needed to wear a jacket since i got to PR 7 weeks ago) and HOLY CRAP. It fits better than it has in YEARS. When I came down here, I couldn't do it up at all on a couple of the buttons (would never replace it though, WAY too much sentimental value) and now ALL buttons do up, and only two or three around my tummy have that pouchy "maybe I should be undone" thing going on. SO HAPPY!

    This week, Tuesday ROCKS! Hope everyone else is finding little things to be as happy about <3
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Check in day! Another week, another inch or so smaller. Hips are now down to 40in, waist down to 35in (down 5 and 6 inches respectively in the last 7 weeks) BOOM!

    Amazing! Great work, I'm so proud of you! My hips are about the same as yours, but my waist is bigger.... :(

    I was going to ask, where do you measure your waist? Some say to measure it at the narrowist point, but I measure mine at the belly-button (the widest point).
  • kaytbognar
    I measure my waist at the narrowest point, so it shifts a tiny bit, I suspect, from week to week. I measure my hips at the crest of my hipbones (just below my belly button) and then take another measurement at my widest point, around where my butt is (usually there's only about an inch difference between those, though...)

    I'm pretty high-waisted, though, and it's not helped by the fact I'm a shorty but have fairly long legs. Right now, EVERYTHING pools in that "spare tire" area, everywhere else I'm starting to notice a little bit of tone (shoulders and chest, and even my thighs this week) but I still have a bowl of jelly for a belly.

    Only thing to do is keep truckin, though.
  • Brandywithrow
    Hi everyone you all sounds like your doing great.
    My husband measured me on the 9th of November and then again on the 9th and I lost 5 iches off my waist 1.5 off the hips 1 off the arms and then a gained .5 iches in my bust and .5 iches in my legs weird maybe he didn't measure in the right spot??? I am only down .5 pounds this week but cant have a 4 pound drop every anyone taking protein shakes? my bf is a nutritionist and she told me I should take them to help me lose more. I wish I had it now I for sure don't have enough protein in today!

    Well hope everyone is having a great day!
  • kaytbognar
    Where do you tink he might have measured wrong? I find that I rarely see a difference in measurements for my legs and arms and neck (bust, waist, hips and chest for sure though) sounds like you're still making good progress!

    I finally got my vega whole food optimizer powder today! It's a plant based protein shake, but it's protein plus, plus plus. It's got all the vitamins and nutrients you'd need as a vegan/vegetarian that might be hard to get from your diet (B12, iron and others) I looooove having one as a snack to keep me going and it's a good way to get some extra protein in, as sometimes it's hard for me to get all that I'd like to. I find I feel AMAZING when I'm taking them regularly.

    What is it about a protein shake that'll make you lose more, did they say? Is it just that you'd have more protein to build muscle, or is there something else? Just curious!
  • avalon26
    avalon26 Posts: 9 Member
    There's alot of posts in this thread so I'd say your definately not alone. I'm at the later end of twenties at 27, what seem's to be hardest for me is remembering what I used to be. I was very athletic when I was younger and about 5yrs ago I kinda let go alittle when I threw out my back. That and I have realized that some of my friends aren't the people I thought they were though. Has any one else noticed how much girls in their 20's cut eachother up?

    Lost 10lbs so far
  • dana611
    dana611 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I'd like to jump in and join the group. After losing some weight over a year ago (with the help of MFP), I have sadly added some back on. Now, I want to go the distance and be rid of the extra pounds for good. I haven't weighed myself in a while (probably out of fear of disappointment), but I vow to do so on Monday (that's when weigh-ins are, right?)
    I have about 40 pounds to lose.
    I'd like to lose 30 in 90 days. I know it might be tough with the holidays, but I'm recently unemployed and I have nothing but time on my hands to go to the gym and shop for healthy food. Don't let me tell you otherwise!
    It great to see so many people with similar goals and for the right reasons. Good luck to everyone.
  • EPingul
    EPingul Posts: 23 Member
    Does late 20's count? I'm sooo unmotivated during this holiday season! I need a real kick in the pants. I'm 28 yrs old and 6 feet tall. I started at 221 and am hovering around 199 now...but still have about 25 pounds or so to go. Help! I've been training for a half marathon in January and I'm super excited about it but the weather has been HORRIBLE and not being able to do my runs like I'd like is making me terribly lazy about my diet as well!! What the heck am I supposed to do now? Any ideas?
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    i'm a chubby twenty :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hello all you new people! Welcome!

    (And YES, late twenties DOES count! I'm turning 27 in about 2 weeks. I'm going to enjoy saying I'm 'in my twenties' for as long as possible! Because after that comes... the thirties. *shudder*)
    Help! I've been training for a half marathon in January and I'm super excited about it but the weather has been HORRIBLE and not being able to do my runs like I'd like is making me terribly lazy about my diet as well!! What the heck am I supposed to do now? Any ideas?

    I don't have a lot of ideas- to be honest, I've wrestled with the same problem. The cold makes me just want to curl under a blanket and munch of mac and cheese. The other night I actually MADE mac and cheese for my boys, and had a bite or two. SO BADLY wanted to fix myself a bowl but somehow managed to resist the temptation and had my own dinner instead. Talk about having to dig for that willpower!!!!

    I was going to say, if you have a gym membership, maybe you can just hit the treadmill instead of running outside? If you don't have a gym membership, most rec centers have gym facilities available really cheap.
  • pattitricia85
    Today we are having our holiday party at work... we ordered Olive Garden for lunch... I know there is no way to do this healthy since even one serving of their house salad has 350 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least i got my workout in this morning!!! I have been good all week, so I am not going to feel too guilty over it. Just going to stay awat from the fettuccine alfredo :( Wish me luck!!!!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Today we are having our holiday party at work... we ordered Olive Garden for lunch... I know there is no way to do this healthy since even one serving of their house salad has 350 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least i got my workout in this morning!!! I have been good all week, so I am not going to feel too guilty over it. Just going to stay awat from the fettuccine alfredo :( Wish me luck!!!!

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    I had my staff holiday party yesterday. Actually did REALLY WELL with lunch (had my usual 240 michelina's harmony) but ate some almond brittle and a couple of cookies. By the end of the day, counting exercise and everything, I just broke even in calories. So on the negative side, I'm not to lose any weight from yesterday but on the plus side, I won't gain much if anything, either. Happy I was able to somewhat salvage it, though, and not put myself into the negative numbers!!!!!

    Today's a new day and a fresh start. Pre-made a bunch of chicken last night so all I have to do when I get home tonight is fix a side (thinking brown rice- I've been having a lot of quinoa or couscous lately) and some veggies and I'm good to go for the rest of the night! Actually I think I made enough chicken to last me all week, lol.
  • pattitricia85
    Carrie-when you premake you chicken how do you prepare it and how do you store it? I need to start doing that!