6 Things that Will STOP weight loss in its tracks!



  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I ate pizza, a cupcake, hot coco, ice cream today twix bar yesterday with Reese's peanut butter cups and oh a little Debbie snack cake and pancakes with syrup and taco bell. So I guess I should be fat ehh? Hehe. Maybe you should look up the dude who lost massive weight on the Twinkie diet. It's calories in and calories out baby. And lots of water if you like salt and I love it.

    Yup. I totally agree.
  • naples89
    naples89 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm sure someone here mentioned this but starvation mode is not a real thing. Its on par with the myth that you need to eat 5-7 meals a day. Its old information. Nutrition is still an infant field (with lots of people trying to make their name known, leading to shoddy studies) and what was hot news ten years ago is often found to be wrong today. Its harder than all get out looking at research papers as so many of them have poor methodology.

    The reason you should eat more calories (if you want to) is not to avoid a "starvation mode", but to help you stick to your diet!
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I really don't think it is wise to tell people birth control will stop weigh loss. First off it is incorrect. The estrogen levels in these pills are much lower than they used to be having no results of weight gain and no proof in showing they cause weight loss. Research people. Research. They used to have those effects but not longer.
  • jaybird951
    jaybird951 Posts: 53 Member
    i will take the advice of staying off sugar, alcohol, breads, and drinking plenty of water. I alwasy confuse the beer with the water.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Bumping for later! :smile:
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    Stop. Just stop.

    Going gluten free will not necessarily make it easier for you to lose weight. I don't know if you've noticed, but there is still a ton of crap out there that's labeled "gluten free". There are items that are not good for you that are naturally gluten free. Mexican food can be made gluten free by using corn tortillas instead of flour. You can make Italian food with gluten free pasta. And it can be every bit as bad for you, sometimes worse depending on your substitutes, as its gluten filled counterparts.

    I have Celiac disease, and have to eat gluten free for my health. It's idiotic misinformation like this that causes people to not take me seriously when I tell the waiter at a resturant that I need salad free of croutons, or to grill my chicken instead of breading it. Too many people take it as the next Big Diet Craze when it's not.

    Sorry if this seems ranty, but it's been grating on my nerves lately.

    Edited to say: I'm not saying this statement in particular is wrong, but saying everyone should go on a gluten free diet because it's a great way to lose weight is. Unless you need to go on a gluten free diet, don't bother. If you're eating wheat bread and pasta and reaching your goals, please continue.
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    What is sad is anyone on MFP is allowed to post information on nutritional guidelines and pass it on like they are experts in the field.
  • millergibsonj
    millergibsonj Posts: 3 Member
    A lot of these suggestions that were made are very very TRUE. Particularly if you are weight training and looking to build muscle and, "cut up". These suggestions are very good for people who want to train at an elite level of fitness, once you get 5-10# away from you goal weight, or you've hit a plateau. It can also be argued that weight loss is simply energy in versus energy expended. This is also true, but lets get down to brass tax.....who wants to be skinny fat? You want to look good or look good naked? That's the difference here.

    Eating raw, unprocessed foods alone will speed up your metabolism and produce weight loss results. Try it some time. Buy your produce, meat and dairy from local farmers markets or Whole Food's Market. If you eat the same foods as you always have on your diet, only they're organic, you will drop weight because there aren't hormones and other processed junk in the food.

    These are simply suggestions she's made, and are some very good suggestions that might help. Some people are more sensitive to gluten than others, with the extreme being Ciliac Disease. My diet is 40% lean protein, 40% complex carbohydrates and 20% healthy fats. This is ideal for a woman looking to loose weight and build muscle. And building muscle increases metabolism, which speeds up weight loss.

    As far as the pill is concerned; this will vary from woman to woman. Typically most women see only a 5# weight gain and then 5# weight loss from month to month, but honestly ladies, when do we NOT experience this? It's just something we have to deal with as part of our cycle. Some women do experience extreme weight gain, but it's not as common.

    I like this post's suggestions and here are a couple more:

    Eat 6 small meals per day

    Aim for 40,40,20 as I stated above and watch your body fat % drop and admire your abs in the mirror (abs are made in the kitchen)

    Lift HEAVY weights, I mean, really challenge yourself. Ladies, you will not get bulky or manly looking. You'd have to take testosterone supplements in order to do that. And yes, there are some legal ones out there (scary, I know).

    Use max interval training and mix up your exercise. Nobody likes the same old boring stuff.

    If you must drink, avoid beer. Drink rum, whiskey, or other dark liquor with diet sodas.

    These are just some suggestions to take it to the next level....kind of like what the original post was meant to do.

    Muchas Gracias and keep up all the hard work peeps!!
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    A lot of these suggestions that were made are very very TRUE.

    No, they're really, really not.
  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    What is sad is anyone on MFP is allowed to post information on nutritional guidelines and pass it on like they are experts in the field.

    It doesn't just happen on some online messageboards. Nutrition companies and fad diet guru's started 90% of these false claims in the first place. The spit out misinformation, everyday.


    No, What you need is to strength train, period.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    bump for when needed thanks
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    to jpstrucker.
    EXACTLY, that's what I've been trying to say and get across........everyone hollering eat eat eat eat, well if I eat less, shouldn't I lose more???
    It works for stars, anorexics, etc.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    A lot of these suggestions that were made are very very TRUE. Particularly if you are weight training and looking to build muscle and, "cut up". These suggestions are very good for people who want to train at an elite level of fitness, once you get 5-10# away from you goal weight, or you've hit a plateau. It can also be argued that weight loss is simply energy in versus energy expended. This is also true, but lets get down to brass tax.....who wants to be skinny fat? You want to look good or look good naked? That's the difference here.

    Eating raw, unprocessed foods alone will speed up your metabolism and produce weight loss results. Try it some time. Buy your produce, meat and dairy from local farmers markets or Whole Food's Market. If you eat the same foods as you always have on your diet, only they're organic, you will drop weight because there aren't hormones and other processed junk in the food.

    These are simply suggestions she's made, and are some very good suggestions that might help. Some people are more sensitive to gluten than others, with the extreme being Ciliac Disease. My diet is 40% lean protein, 40% complex carbohydrates and 20% healthy fats. This is ideal for a woman looking to loose weight and build muscle. And building muscle increases metabolism, which speeds up weight loss.

    As far as the pill is concerned; this will vary from woman to woman. Typically most women see only a 5# weight gain and then 5# weight loss from month to month, but honestly ladies, when do we NOT experience this? It's just something we have to deal with as part of our cycle. Some women do experience extreme weight gain, but it's not as common.

    I like this post's suggestions and here are a couple more:

    Eat 6 small meals per day

    Aim for 40,40,20 as I stated above and watch your body fat % drop and admire your abs in the mirror (abs are made in the kitchen)

    Lift HEAVY weights, I mean, really challenge yourself. Ladies, you will not get bulky or manly looking. You'd have to take testosterone supplements in order to do that. And yes, there are some legal ones out there (scary, I know).

    Use max interval training and mix up your exercise. Nobody likes the same old boring stuff.

    If you must drink, avoid beer. Drink rum, whiskey, or other dark liquor with diet sodas.

    These are just some suggestions to take it to the next level....kind of like what the original post was meant to do.

    Muchas Gracias and keep up all the hard work peeps!!

    Not sure if your post was serious or not but wow. The only good thing you posted was lift heavy
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I should have checked the OP before I opened this.

    I am sure I should replace my high glycemic foods with Shakeology, right?
  • Theres so many differenet opinions on how to loose weight..........ugh, Im just going to do what i feel is right and stay ≤1200 calories a day. If i know its not healthy & if i really want it, im going to manage it, small portion or excersie to counter act it..... Slowly but surely ill get there. I know i will and i cant wait. Steping off the F***k it mentality. Ive been dieting since July 11th, 2012. I can see the difference, I use to drink allot of soda pop and barley any water. Since July 11th Ive had nothing but water and maybe a 1/2 cup 100% juice or milk, If i feel i need it-which is quite rare. Now all i crave is water, my complection is phenomenal, My pores look fresh and not clogged, water works magic, Im a believer.......oh and ive lost 4.6lbs yay me,,,, *<dedicated>*
    S/N: I really love my fitness pal :)
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    1. Too much salt in your diet. Daily intake should be between 2 to 2.5 grams of salt. Sodium found in salt is an important electrolyte to our body functioning, but too much can cause of maintenance of water weight. When our bloodstream has too much salt in it then we need to drink fluids to dilute it to a normal balance. Likewise when you urinate the salt follows it. Hydrating well will help flush the high salt content out. Drinking too much water however in a short period of time can cause the opposite effect of too low sodium levels, also known as hyponatremia, which will cause dizziness, disorientation, and can lead to seizures. Our bodies sweat out salt as well. With marathon running, taking salt tabs every so often can help prevent this especially when drinking lots of water during the race.

    I agree with the water intake but the rest I disagree with.

    Weight loss plateau is situational with each individual's body. While these things might have worked for you, it doesn't mean these aforementioned things would work for others. Just my two cents.

    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    3. Not consuming enough daily calories. Once again your body will go into starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories. Sometimes you are consuming enough calories but the weight stays because it has got use to what you are eating. Consume 100-200 more calories for a few days to boost your metabolism, then go back to your regular caloric intake and see the pounds shed. Don't panic if you initially gain weight.

    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index. People usually don't gain weight by ingesting fat, but from consuming too much sugar. Our bodies actually learn to store sugar as fat faster if we have sugar addictions, instead of metabolizing it. So stop with the starchy foods, alcohol, pastas, breads, and the obvious cookies and cake. If you must have pasta dishes try to substitute with quinoa spaghetti noodles. Wean your body so that you aren't so sensitive to sugar.

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    6. Not drinking enough water. Think of water as the oil for your car, your body. If your body becomes dehydrated it can't function properly slowing fat burning. Dehydration begins way before the first thirst impulse. Water is needed to flush out the toxins, increases oxygen to your muscles needed for aerobic metabolism which is the ultimate burner of calories. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces. 120lbs=60 ounces= 7.5 glasses of water/day.

    If you have any other experiences that cause plateaus please add it in the comment section and please add me as your buddy!!!!
  • So, let's encourage women NOT to use birth control. Then you'll get preggers, then you'll gain weight, and it'll be even harder to take it off! lol!

    There are lots of birth control pills out there that have been proven they do not make you gain weight.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    1. Too much salt in your diet. Daily intake should be between 2 to 2.5 grams of salt. Sodium found in salt is an important electrolyte to our body functioning, but too much can cause of maintenance of water weight. When our bloodstream has too much salt in it then we need to drink fluids to dilute it to a normal balance. Likewise when you urinate the salt follows it. Hydrating well will help flush the high salt content out. Drinking too much water however in a short period of time can cause the opposite effect of too low sodium levels, also known as hyponatremia, which will cause dizziness, disorientation, and can lead to seizures. Our bodies sweat out salt as well. With marathon running, taking salt tabs every so often can help prevent this especially when drinking lots of water during the race.

    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    3. Not consuming enough daily calories. Once again your body will go into starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories. Sometimes you are consuming enough calories but the weight stays because it has got use to what you are eating. Consume 100-200 more calories for a few days to boost your metabolism, then go back to your regular caloric intake and see the pounds shed. Don't panic if you initially gain weight.

    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index. People usually don't gain weight by ingesting fat, but from consuming too much sugar. Our bodies actually learn to store sugar as fat faster if we have sugar addictions, instead of metabolizing it. So stop with the starchy foods, alcohol, pastas, breads, and the obvious cookies and cake. If you must have pasta dishes try to substitute with quinoa spaghetti noodles. Wean your body so that you aren't so sensitive to sugar.

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    6. Not drinking enough water. Think of water as the oil for your car, your body. If your body becomes dehydrated it can't function properly slowing fat burning. Dehydration begins way before the first thirst impulse. Water is needed to flush out the toxins, increases oxygen to your muscles needed for aerobic metabolism which is the ultimate burner of calories. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces. 120lbs=60 ounces= 7.5 glasses of water/day.

    If you have any other experiences that cause plateaus please add it in the comment section and please add me as your buddy!!!!

    Take it from a Celiac... normal people will not have an autoimmune reaction to gluten proteins.

    Otherwise, great post and highly informative! Thanks for posting.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    1. Too much salt in your diet. Daily intake should be between 2 to 2.5 grams of salt. Sodium found in salt is an important electrolyte to our body functioning, but too much can cause of maintenance of water weight. When our bloodstream has too much salt in it then we need to drink fluids to dilute it to a normal balance. Likewise when you urinate the salt follows it. Hydrating well will help flush the high salt content out. Drinking too much water however in a short period of time can cause the opposite effect of too low sodium levels, also known as hyponatremia, which will cause dizziness, disorientation, and can lead to seizures. Our bodies sweat out salt as well. With marathon running, taking salt tabs every so often can help prevent this especially when drinking lots of water during the race.

    2. Rid your diet of gluten. Gluten is wheat, barley, and rye and found in many products. Essentially it destroys the villi in your intestines that absorb nutrients. When your body can't get the nutrients it needs, it goes it to starvation mode, and preserves its weight.

    3. Not consuming enough daily calories. Once again your body will go into starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories. Sometimes you are consuming enough calories but the weight stays because it has got use to what you are eating. Consume 100-200 more calories for a few days to boost your metabolism, then go back to your regular caloric intake and see the pounds shed. Don't panic if you initially gain weight.

    4. Eating foods with a high glycemic index. People usually don't gain weight by ingesting fat, but from consuming too much sugar. Our bodies actually learn to store sugar as fat faster if we have sugar addictions, instead of metabolizing it. So stop with the starchy foods, alcohol, pastas, breads, and the obvious cookies and cake. If you must have pasta dishes try to substitute with quinoa spaghetti noodles. Wean your body so that you aren't so sensitive to sugar.

    5. Hormone supplementation such as birth control pills.

    6. Not drinking enough water. Think of water as the oil for your car, your body. If your body becomes dehydrated it can't function properly slowing fat burning. Dehydration begins way before the first thirst impulse. Water is needed to flush out the toxins, increases oxygen to your muscles needed for aerobic metabolism which is the ultimate burner of calories. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces. 120lbs=60 ounces= 7.5 glasses of water/day.

    If you have any other experiences that cause plateaus please add it in the comment section and please add me as your buddy!!!!

    great story bro- tell it again.................:noway: NOT!:explode: :mad: :angry: :grumble: :noway: :embarassed: :frown: :sick: :cry: :brokenheart: :sad: :huh: :yawn:
  • torpina
    torpina Posts: 24 Member
    interesting, thanks