Detox- does anyone recommend it. I have never tried it



  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    My chiropractor got me started on this fitness journey with a Detox program from Standard Process. I lost 10 lbs in the first week (started at 382) and could feel a difference. I did this program for the prescribed 3 weeks and felt better. I don' t know if it was from the components of the Detox program or because I was making better choices with my food, as recommended with the program. Both played a part, I suspect.

    Now, a year later, I am 85 lbs down and feeling a ton better. I am sure I could have done it without the Detox, but it was something of a catalyst to get me on track.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    You have an amazing detoxifying organ in your body, the liver. Don't overstrain it with alcohol and too much junk and it'll do its job quite nicely.

    ^^Yep this!!! Detoxes are unnecessary, put stress on the body and drain your pocketbook. Your liver and kidneys do the job already. Drink lot's of water, eat healthy and let nature take it's course!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Drink lots of water and take a good *kitten*. You'll be fine.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but with the above in mind, how can people actually eat cow's liver? How disgusting is it to eat something that filters out the body's toxins. Blech!

    You clearly don't understand the entire function of the average liver in an animal or human. It is where many of your micronutrients are also stored. In most animals the liver synthesizes many nutrients. Did you know a dog's liver produces anywhere from 20-40 grams (not milligrams) of Vitamin C a day? Birds? 5-8 grams. Put either under any kind of systemic stress (injury/sickness) and that number skyrockets. Your tolerable intake of Vitamin C increases when you are ill (basically the amount you can supplement before you get the runs).

    Cow, and Calf liver specifically is something I try to eat once a week, simply because of the sheer amount of nutrients it provides.

    To name a few things, a single 4oz serving of Calf liver gives you the following in terms of daily recommended values:

    vitamin A 1600.3%

    vitamin B12 1598.8%

    copper 847%

    vitamin B2 190.5%

    tryptophan 125%

    choline 106.4%

    folate 93.8%

    zinc 84.8%

    vitamin B3 74.5%

    vitamin B5 74.3%

    protein 64.4%

    phosphorus 52.1%

    vitamin B6 52%

    iron 32.1%

    selenium 31.2%
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I'm going to just throw in a "don't bother" vote. But you're an adult and I hope you feel it helps you if you decide to pursue it. Just don't spend a lot of money on it, at least. I hate to see these product purveyors profit from their wares - it encourages their pseudoscience.

    Drink plenty of water and if you're worried about toxins, eat as much unprocessed food as you can manage and as little processed food as you can manage, and your body will rid itself of anything you don't want in it in a few days to a week, at most. I'm not a big proponent of the "processed food is automatically bad" theory, though most very heavily processed foods tend to be higher in sodium and simple sugars than I'd like, and those are not optimal for my diet in the quantities I tend to get them using a lot of processed foods. However, good unprocessed foods are generally cheaper (if less convenient) than processed foods, so tending toward them will save, not cost, money.

    Your colon and digestive tract is actually a complex ecosystem with beneficial bacteria. If you "detox", you run the risk of flushing out the good with the bad, and upsetting that balance - which will lead you to feeling really crappy for a few days, then when the detox is over you feel so much better than crappy you forget that it's pretty close to how you felt before the detox period started.

    The best detox is called the "eat clean and drink plenty of water" detox, and it's continuous. Drink enough water to make your urine pale yellow or clear (or 8 glasses a day of it if you'd rather not spend time examining the hue of your urine), eat fat and carbs and proteins in reasonable balance, don't load up on simple sugars or sodium (but eat enough sodium to feed your body properly), get enough fiber and potassium and iron and calcium and all that. You really can't do your body any bigger favors than that.

    Oh, and exercise a lot. Both lifting and cardio. Build strength and stamina, and give your body some constructive things to do with all that beautiful clean food.
  • SmudgerSmithRhino
    Our ancestors for the past couple of million years have managed to survive without a detox. What toxins have you got in your body that will only be removed from your body with grapefruit juice or some other ****? Detox is a pure gimmick to part fools and their money. Hell send your money to me and I'll send you a detox plan.

    Even if you drink a lot of alcohol and eat junk food your body does an amazing job of expelling what does it no good.

    A couple of days of laying off the alcohol and eating as clean as possible is all you need to do at most.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    The best detox is eat whole food and drink lots of water. Go for organics if you can.
    do you know there is SOME metal in the bread?
    Baked your own bread.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    FAAACK!! Detox and cleanse program advocates Are so Faaaacking Annoying... you people are like doomsdayer's or conspiracy theorist..;. NAME ONE FCCKING "TOXIN" ? no you can't.... Show me ONE LEGIT SCIENTIST THAT CAN VOUCH FOR THIS SHTT, tell me exactly how juicing or special herbs are assisting my amazing internal organs to flush out "toxins" you CAn't . Oh please tell me about your extensive knowledge in Molecular Biology from your pHD in BioChemistry.! you can't So S. T. F. U. !!!!!!

    Rant. over.
  • Johnsonmb1234
    Johnsonmb1234 Posts: 4 Member
    I once did a detox-10 days on the lemonade diet which included a lemon/water concoction with a salt water enema in the mornings. You had to wait at least 1 hour before going anywhere. One time I didn't wait long enough. When I was on my way to church, let's just say it was not a pretty sight (I really liked that suit too). Any way, the articles that I have read do not recommed this detox procedure. Ther is no evidence that it works and it rids your body of needed bacteria in your GI system. The articles say that your liver with the proper intake of wateris the best way to detox your body. Cheers
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I once did a detox-10 days on the lemonade diet which included a lemon/water concoction with a salt water enema in the mornings. You had to wait at least 1 hour before going anywhere. One time I didn't wait long enough. When I was on my way to church, let's just say it was not a pretty sight (I really liked that suit too). Any way, the articles that I have read do not recommed this detox procedure. Ther is no evidence that it works and it rids your body of needed bacteria in your GI system. The articles say that your liver with the proper intake of wateris the best way to detox your body. Cheers

    If you weren't making that up, I think my life just got extended a few years by feeding off the joy I felt in your suffering for trying that nonsense.
  • Johnsonmb1234
    Johnsonmb1234 Posts: 4 Member
    Chris. Was not making it up. I was the object of my wife's ridicule for the remainder of the day. Sure learned my lesson. Cheers.
  • kbrooks323
    kbrooks323 Posts: 22
    I've used the Ultimate Reset Cleanse, which is made by Beachbody. I lost a few pounds and found that I had more energy throughout the day. It didn't mess up my digestion or anything like that either, no weird side effects. I would recommend trying that if you haven't already!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I've used the Ultimate Reset Cleanse, which is made by Beachbody. I lost a few pounds and found that I had more energy throughout the day. It didn't mess up my digestion or anything like that either, no weird side effects. I would recommend trying that if you haven't already!
    Lost a few pounds of what?