what started it all for you?



  • anticheer101
    My most motivating day was when I had a pair of shorts on and I walked down my lane way and the entire time I felt my thighs rubbing together... I walked right back in the house, change my shorts, and changed my life. I can never get that feeling of disgust out of my head and still use that to my motivation even after a few yo-yos since then.

    I was overweight as a youth and growing up and seeing my parents struggle with being clinically obese I strive everyday to no have that happen to me. I want to be an active parent (though that will be quite a few years from now) and enjoy the years to come instead of fighting my way through weight loss all the time... Its hard to lose but, harder to keep it off. However, the sweetest part of of keeping it off is seeing yourself go back. Not being disappointed, have to change your life around, not buying new clothes because all of them no longer fit.

    If you have ever struggled in your life with weight loss, I would say one of the kindest things you can do is motivate someone who is younger than you to get in shape. They should enjoy life rather than having to do constant overhauls on themselves like many of us have had to.

    *Get fit, Stay fit* - your life will thank you.
  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    When I got on the scale at the doctor's office and the scale read 185 lbs! That pretty much did it for me.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    I was just doing web searches and came across this site and thought what the heck and signed up. I found it so easy to use that my husband signed up too. We use it as kind of a game at first just to see how much food we could eat and stay in our calorie range. Before we knew it the weight started falling off and we kept it up. We have now each lost about 50 lbs. and been on here for 6 months. We started with walking and watching calories. It has been amazing to see the changes. We both feel so much better. It used to be every time I even thought about losing weight I would go get 3 - 4 candy bars and say oh well... Now looking back at pictures I just can't believe we got that bad. Good luck!
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I was picked on a lot in school (not college, before that) for being really skinny and short. I eventually grew much taller, but was still really scrawny. Finally got fed up, saw all these jacked guys at my university, and decided to change.
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt Posts: 226 Member
    Like the weight I put on, it wasn't one particular thing, just a gradual build-up of a lot of things. The death of my stepfather from an obesity-related heart attack (he was only 56) was a major factor. Then slowly being unable to fit into things - meeting room chairs, roller-coaster rides, restaurant booths, movie seats, etc. Other parents (and sometimes teachers) making comments about my size at my kids school. My doctor saying there's a surgery that could correct my lifelong heart defect - but that it's too risky to attempt at my obese weight. Then last (and in my mind, worst) watching my 11 year old daughter start to make poor food choices and follow in my footsteps, making me remember all the bullying I got as a kid at her age because of MY weight, and desperately wanting to be a better example for her, so she doesn't go through what I did. Realizing she was learning all this stuff from me made me really get serious about getting healthier - because no matter what I say to her about it, kids learn from what you DO, not what you say.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    I was sitting by the pool and reading a book when..

    Girl 1 "That guy over there is pretty cute"
    Girl 2 "Yeah, but he's kinda fat"

  • kolakross
    kolakross Posts: 39
    The scale tipping over 90 kilos. It scared me to realise I would look like my sister if I didn't do something about it.
  • lecamire88
    lecamire88 Posts: 3 Member
    I was always overweight, but one day, I looked in the mirror (or should I say, REALLY looked in the mirror) and realized that I was truly obese. Had a few tears, and decided enough was enough. I'm too young (24) to have my back bothering me and get winded walking up stairs... so - here I am & I've lost 20 lbs (since June)
  • Carpaydeeum
    Carpaydeeum Posts: 116
    My wife telling me she was worried about my weight and telling me she hated what I was doing to myself.
  • ksun10
    ksun10 Posts: 76
    I was feeling really overwhelmed with school, and keeping my apartment clean, and bills, etc. The more I started thinking about how hard I worked in other areas of my life, the more I realized that taking care of myself had been placed on the backburner since I started college. I gained 50 pounds in 6 months in high school after being put on medication, so it had already been a few years since I had been in shape. I decided that while school and everything else are important, they arent nearly as important as taking care of my health. My $160k BA wont mean a darn thing if Im not healthy enough to make a difference with it in the future.
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    I truly don't know about anyone else but I realised that if I didn't try now, I'd just quit and that would be that.
    There were some major health issues that involved a CT colonoscopy, then a full scope. The surgeon that I saw had a frank discussion with me and made an appointment with a bariatric specialist. On it went from there.
    Somewhere along the way I realised that it was ME holding myself back, not anything else. I started by asking for a disability note for our public swimming pool and starting to go to aquafit. At the same time I set myself a diet that I could follow, talked with a dietician, read the material that the specialist requested I read and got determined to smarten up and get my act straightened out.
    This is a five year plan to get my health back and my life in order. One step at a time and I've made a start.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Yes. I got a one time only chance to go to Orlando Florida with my kids. Fantastic to get to go on a holiday except I didn´t enjoy it as I hoped and wanted to. It was an 8 hour uncomfortable flight, I couldn´t enjoy or wearing swimsuit/bikini or shorts. I felt so horrible about my condition especially when I couldn´t do things with my kids, it was disappointing for them too, to miss out on this and that. I was so disappointed with myself, angry with myself and felt like I had ruined our once in a lifetime vacation.
    I don´t want my kids to be in my foodsteps so I want to be make a good example for them and become healthy and fit.
  • kj55
    kj55 Posts: 14 Member
    My mum held up my wedding dress in front of 2 of my friends and said " can you believe Kelly used to fit in this? She used to be skinny" Ouch that hurt.
  • ecrim
    ecrim Posts: 17
    A couple of weeks ago I went to my city's annual music festival that is on top of a hill. I hated the way I felt walking up the hill. Then, I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in a few years and I saw that it took him a few seconds to figure out who he was looking at. He was standing and I was sitting on the ground and I just saw his eyes gaze down. Ugh. I felt terrible. I started going on walks the next day and thinking twice before putting something in my mouth. Then, I started doing a little reading and stumbled across this site. I am SO happy I found it and made the effort to find a few friends. I've made some efforts to lose in the past, but I feel a lot differently about it this time. I have found success in so many ways... I don't want my body to give the impression that I am lazy, have no self control, and don't care about my appearance.
  • joypeaceloveall
    A dear friend put her arms around me for a hug and I realized that the size of my body was getting in the way of feeling and being close to people. I started making changes right away. Plus, I stopped antidepressant medications which had caused my weight gain in the first place, and the weight started coming off.
  • ksun10
    ksun10 Posts: 76
    Like the weight I put on, it wasn't one particular thing, just a gradual build-up of a lot of things. The death of my stepfather from an obesity-related heart attack (he was only 56) was a major factor. Then slowly being unable to fit into things - meeting room chairs, roller-coaster rides, restaurant booths, movie seats, etc. Other parents (and sometimes teachers) making comments about my size at my kids school. My doctor saying there's a surgery that could correct my lifelong heart defect - but that it's too risky to attempt at my obese weight. Then last (and in my mind, worst) watching my 11 year old daughter start to make poor food choices and follow in my footsteps, making me remember all the bullying I got as a kid at her age because of MY weight, and desperately wanting to be a better example for her, so she doesn't go through what I did. Realizing she was learning all this stuff from me made me really get serious about getting healthier - because no matter what I say to her about it, kids learn from what you DO, not what you say.

    this literally gave me chills. you are such an inspiration.
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    I had four big babies....it wasnt until i saw a picture of myself that i realized how unhealthy i had become. I never had to worry about my weight before having kids so i didnt know how to take care of myself while being pregnant. This site has helped tremendously .....couldnt have done it on my own.

    I keep my before pictures in my profile as a reminder of how far i have come and to show others that it can be done!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My thighs started to rub together. I was afraid I would set my pubes on fire with the friction.
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    Well a few things. I decided for my New Years resolution I was going to lose just 10 lbs in 2012. While I was trying my best to Zumba at home I joined with my coworkers in a few 5k's fun walks. Then my work offered a weight loss challenge which someone would win a gym membership for a year. Well I knew the chances of that was slim but something just clicked and I said let me see if I can just finish the 12 week challenge. I did finish it with 7 lbs lost. My dad had joined MFP awhile ago and he's lost so much weight it's crazy fantastic. He's on me now when I don't log my food. Lately I have been a logging fanatic and working out seems to work well in shedding the lbs- imagine that diet and exercise actually work. I need to start using a food scale I agree 100% something in you will click. I also was diagnosed with arthritis in my shoulder and it's made me feel old too. I also want to see if I can actually do something different and be a new me. A skinny me that I haven't seen in 16 years. Plus I feel bad that my husband wants to go swimming and I keep answering him not until I get skinny. Good luck everyone!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    My thighs started to rub together. I was afraid I would set my pubes on fire with the friction.

    That would smell awful!