what started it all for you?



  • jpruder
    jpruder Posts: 19 Member
    Seeing pictures that were not at all how I envisioned myself looking, and the doctor telling me to lose some weight.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    I started Pilates. It was not even a break-through decision...just that I have been reading and thinking for years...but never quite started anything. I was quite inspired by a friend whose body has transformed via Pilates. I found a good studio close by and started a few classes. it was a major "click" that I have been looking for! and with that as a base, the ball starts rolling....and I am onto more and more. There have been both successes and set-backs, but overall that "click" has stayed with me since last fall and it is still going strong.

    I hope you will find your "click" soon. It is all about what works for you! Good luck.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Being called "Big Bertha" by a group of boys in lunch in 9th grade...that was enough..
  • aislinnjoiner
    aislinnjoiner Posts: 1 Member
    My boyfriend asked me (while we were, ahem, enjoying each other's company) if I wouldn't mind going to the gym. It hurt, but it gave me the motivation I needed. Now I go to the gym almost every day and I'm starting to keep track of what I'm eating. I haven't lost a lot of weight, but I've lost inches and gained muscle.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    My mother got diagnosed with gastroparesis - a complication of diabetes where your stomach is paralyzed. I'd been trying to "scare myself straight" for years ...but that's what did it. A lot of folks with that have to have a feeding tube and baby food for the rest of their lives.

    I'd recommend taking some slow steps if that helps you - maybe walks instead of really strenuous exercise, for example. Everything helps. It's easier AND harder than I thought it'd be.

    Good luck.
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    I had spent my entire adult life morbidly obese. I had destroyed my left knee. I had a grand daughter that I couldn't play with the way I wanted to. My grand daughter's parents split up, and I went from keeping her every day to not even seeing her for over a month (due to the spitefulness of her mother). I spiraled deeper into depression, I was having some very scary physical symptoms (heart arrhythmias and blacking out being the worst ones), and I didn't even have a primary care physician... and didn't want one. I really was at the point where I just didn't care anymore - and I don't just mean about how unhealthy I was, I mean I didn't care if I lived anymore. Honestly, I got pissed off most mornings when I woke up...

    My husband and the few close friends and family members that I have, the ones who really do care about me, were constantly on my case about getting to a doctor to get my heart checked out. They tried begging, pleading, even threatening... So I finally scheduled an appointment, just to shut them all up.

    I went to that appointment on 3-June-2012. Within 5 minutes, this doctor "strongly suggested" gastric bypass surgery for me. I said "uh, thanks, but no thanks." He did blood tests, EKG, mammogram, upper GI imaging... ran me through the gamut. I went home from his office that day with 5 prescriptions, covering heartburn, cholesterol, and who remembers what else.

    Now when I finally went to see a doctor, I had already begun losing weight, though it wasn't on purpose. I was unable to eat due to the stress in my life. My choices were either eat knowing it would make me throw up, or don't eat... so I wasn't eating...

    Doctor wanted to see me again to do more testing in 2 weeks. I went in, had lost a few pounds, still not trying, and he added more prescriptions. I got home and was even more upset because not only was I tired of all the crap life was throwing at me, but also because we could NOT afford for me to be taking all this expensive medication. My husband is an insulin dependent diabetic, using an insulin pump, taking multiple medications, and he HAS to have his medicine... I couldn't stand the thought of wasting money on myself for medications when I didn't even want to be here anyway... Kind of the same way I stopped smoking... (finances were bad, and I counted out what change I could find. I came up with enough money to either buy one pack of cigarettes, or sandwich meat and a loaf of bread to feed my husband and kids for the 2 days till payday, but not both. I didn't choose cigarettes and haven't had once since, will be 5 years in January)

    I still wasn't eating, hubby was monitoring that I took my medicine. One day, my son and daughter said they were going to go for a walk (she was 24, he was 16). I decided to tag along. Less than half a mile in and I thought I was going to die. I even told my daughter so. I told them that one of them was going to have to go get a car or call 911. They did neither. I managed to drag myself the remaining 1/4 mile home and swore I'd never do that again...

    The next day, we walked a whole mile. And I walked with them every day for a week.

    I hated it at first. I had grown to hate the thought of food too. Especially the way this Southern girl always cooked everything (fried, with bacon grease, mayo) and vegetables around here consisted of corn and potatoes... every "cooked" meal had white rice... but in my frame of mind, most suppers we had been eating for several months were either bacon sandwiches or hot dogs and french fries. And the french fries were deep fried, and were a 6 out of 7 nights a week thing.

    Well, I could no longer eat all that grease. With the reflux, the hernia, and the fact that my nerves had my stomach in a constant state of turmoil, I had to find other things to eat. Not because I wanted to eat, but once again to shut those who cared enough to worry about me up.

    I started making small changes. Baking the fries. Getting salad stuff.

    My son and daughter weren't as keen about going walking every day anymore. I had started to look forward to it. I downloaded an app to my phone to track my walking. I liked the positive feedback.

    I downloaded the MFP app on 9-August-2012 and have logged the foods I have eaten ever since that day. Now I may quick add calories for some things, but I've logged caloric intake since that day. Again, I liked being able to SEE what I was doing. Some of the people who were so "proud" of me, began to call me obsessed... to tell me I was getting too "into" tracking everything. My doctor, on the other hand, was excited to see the positive changes.

    I don't know exactly when I realized that I was worth taking care of, that I had taken care of everyone else all my life, and that it was ok to take care of me now... but I DID realize it. And I'll never go back there.

    I still don't see the 160-something pound Angie when I look in the mirror. Most of the time, I still see the 300 pound one. Occasionally, I startle myself when I catch my shadow or reflection in my peripheral vision. When I look at photos, I can clearly see the difference, but I can't believe it's me.

    I've still got weight to lose, and I hope that a lot of this excess saggy skin will tighten up some... but for the first time in 40 years, I LIKE ME... I don't love me yet... don't know if I ever will... but hey, I LIKE me!
  • Reneefit135
    Reneefit135 Posts: 170
    Tired of looking in the mirror and not liking who i see. Tired of trying and starting over and tired of being asked "are you pregnant"?
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    This time?

    Well this time it was getting diagnosed with type 2 DM in early May. :sad:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Pinnacle whipped cream vodka and finding out about the Warrior Dash at a Christmas Party. I was drunk enough that it sounded like a frickin' awesome idea.... even though I couldn't run a quarter of a mile without gasping and wheezing.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    At my Father's funeral, the first thing anyone said to me was, "Wow, you got FAT!!".

    It was not just one comment, but many. :cry:
  • photojunkie28
    I had a mini thought in my head that I wanted to have my energy back and my feet to not hurt so bad, I felt like I was an old 40 year old instead of a young 27 (28 now) so I asked for a Wii for x-mas thinking if I could just start with something fun that I could do in the house I would lose weight.

    I got my Wii...and when I weighed in for the first time (I didn't own a scale at that point) I almost fell over in shock at the number. 212.5 lbs! From that day forward I changed my life. I am down to 177.5 since that January day (my half way point) and never going back!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I had to buy a new pair of pants in the next size up and no longer could wear my medium sized t shirts. I decided I wasn't going to buy a new wardrobe in a larger size. I made the decision to get back down to my normal weight and fit into my old clothes (that aren't so old actually) by next season.
  • samiamfish23
    I woke up one morning a little over 4 years ago and decided that I was going to start changing my life that day. I went in to just join the gym, but they convinced me to get a trainer, BEST decision of my life. Without my trainer I dont think I would have lost the 100+ pounds I lost. Also my mom had just lost almost 200 pounds, but she had the surgery, but she had followed what they told her to do.

    Today my mom and I look much alike and its nice since before I never saw it.

    It will come to you, you just have to do it in your own time. Even if its getting some one to help hold you accountable. That was a big help factor in keeping me going. They didn't require me to loose it, but in my mind having someone there to celebrate with you with every pound lost really helped keep me going. My friends and family were so supportive of me as well.

    Good luck! Your time will come.
  • noregretsnikki
    noregretsnikki Posts: 23 Member
    My trifecta of reasons are as follows:

    Enough is Enough

    **I'm 43 and I realized that 1/2 my life is over, and I've spent most of those years overweight. Did I want to spend the rest of it fat, not being able to do the things I want to do? My fat keeps me home and keeps me away from the life I want to live.

    **My son is 17 and will be a senior in high school. He has told me he worries about me and my health. I want to have one last year with him living at home, where we have a fun ACTIVE family life. Mostly, I want him to be able to go away to college and not have to worry about me.

    **My daughter is 8 and I see her developing my eating habits. She's definitely becoming overweight. I WILL NOT pass on my weight problem to her.
  • jodyw83
    jodyw83 Posts: 38
    My husband started working out. He lost 25 pounds and got within 2 pounds of my fat *kitten* and I couldn't let him beat me! So I started and about fifty pounds later here I am!
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    THANK you for sharing that! I have felt the same way for many years. I am glad that I have my own voice now. You can do it! It is hard work, but you are worth it!

    I am glad you do to :) Awe, thank you! Your right We are worth it ;-)
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Dr. told me I had diabetes, and I said "No I don't!" 65 lbs., a year later and healthy eating, my blood sugar and A1C levels are normal!! I could not have done it without the people on MFP!!!

    THANKS EVERYONE!!:flowerforyou:
  • ameyls
    ameyls Posts: 12 Member
    I've always been about 10-15 pounds overweight; but in my early 30s, I put on an additional 20 pounds. I had always considered myself to be thick and curvy, but that extra 20 pounds put me over the edge to pudgy and flabby. Then one night, about two years ago, I was looking in a full length mirror, and I thought, "I hate my body, but I guess I'll just have to live with it." That moment, it was like I had been struck by lightning. Was I really just going to give up on loving my body??? HELL NO!!

    That night, I made a resolution to do a 2 week juice fast and spend that time researching a healthy eating lifestyle that I could commit to permanently. Over those 2 weeks, I lost 10 pounds; and when I came off the juice fast, I went straight into my healthy eating plan and lost another 15 within a year. That was almost 3 years ago. I've lost about 30 pounds now, and I've kept it off. I'm thinner than I was in high school, and healthier, too. I LOVE my body, and I don't dread looking in the mirror or taking pictures.

    The key things for me have been the following: (1) I celebrate my good decisions instead of dwelling on the bad; (2) I try to create healthy versions of the things I crave (carrot chips with soy sauce and vinegar instead of salt and vinegar chips); and (3) I try to always keep in mind that, just because I blew it for one meal, I don't get to blow it for the whole day. You can get back on track anytime. Do I make perfect choices every day? No. In fact, sometimes I have 3 or 4 days where I just totally blow it. But then I smile, look in the mirror and say, "That was fun. Now time to get back to real life."
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    i had the same size waist (34) from age 11-21. then i moved up to 36. when those started getting tight i got on the scale and realized i had gained 60 lbs. that was when i decided to start exercising. that was about 5 years ago. i am back in my normal weight range and can still wear clothes from high school.
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    My father passed away in January due to complications of diabetes. Once everything settled down, I took a long hard look at myself and decided that things had to change. Five months later I'm still here and half way there.