
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake's brother is still here so we're still busy......it has been fun having him with us and taking him to so many places......we were all exhausted today after all the walking yesterday and getting up early and staying up late.

    :flowerforyou: Jake and his brother were watching a DVD movie and I was getting some paperwork organized and expenses written down and found the bill for insurance for the truck that was supposed to be paid last week so I wrote the check and drove to town to pay it......it was fine but it pointed out to me how busy and distracted I've been lately.....

    :yawn: we get up early tomorrow to drive BIL to the airport so it's early to bed for us

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: it was so great picking up the dogs and having them home with us again....they kept asking to go for a walk :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, Past weekend was good this is part 3 of my weekend. I work 4 days a week and 3 days off today is part of it. It is also my husband's day off. Which always makes it interesting. Normally I catchup on housework on Saturday which I did, Sundays church and family times wtc, Mondays is any thing I miss on saturday maybe lunch with a friend also errands that I can't do on the weekend. He likes to tag along but normally he always brings bad for you snacks or wants to go out for lunch somewhere that's temping too me. I have been overweight our entire marrage long time He is encouraging but I feel like he testing me also he's a food junky. So he missing my cooking as he says. I have such a long way to go this isn't going to be quick its a way of life. Today I think he may have started accepting it. For there was none of that. :-).

    @megblair1 good for you on the ice cream.
    @Laura80111 I understand what you are going through my husband was unemployed for a year he's now at a job were he is way over qualified, everyone including his boss are way younger than him. They treat him poorly no people skills. yet he's very grateful for the job and works any days hours they ask never says anything. He always worry about loosing this job. It really hurts your self esteem. I will be praying for him and you.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Today was one of those running days. Did 20 minutes of yoga, then went to drop off the donations from the church at the food pantry, then off to an hour class of extreme pump, then went to one store on the way home because I could have sworn I saw that they had rye bread. They do, only it won't be there until tomorrow (boo). Came home to find out that the company we ordered the slide for the pool from didn't put it on a truck with a liftgate (the box is 7 feet tall and weighs well over 200lbs) so they'll deliver it tomorrow. Bowled 5 games, came home and took Loki to the vet to have his blood checked, he's so lethargic. We had a 3:30 appt, didn't get to see the MD until 4:30. One of the MD's was out so they were covering for her. Got home, warmed up dinner, played mahjongg (I didn't maj once!), now I'm on the computer.

    Tomorrow I'll walk sideways on the stairmaster. I can't see where you can adjust the resistance on the treadmill, and I think the stairmaster is just harder. On the treadmill it looks like you can only adjust the incline or the speed, not the resistance

    Viv - maybe one reason I can't seem to get under 130 is because I love to cook and bake so much and I have to try some, even if it's just a little and I give the rest away.

    Well, we're going to have the preconstruction meeting for the pool Wed. morning. Normally, I go to water aerobics but I'll go on Friday instead. There's no way I'm going to miss this.

    We've been invited to friends house tomorrow. Not sure what they're going to be serving. I'll take some cheese sausage balls with me along with some chocolate cookies that I made.

    I'll probably be doing a fair amount of baking for the guys who are installing the pool.

    Jessica wanted me to come up this week, I was planning to go up Wed. and come home Thurs, but as it is I have no idea when the meeting will be over. I would guess not until early afternoon, so by the time I could get up there it wouldn't be until around 7 at night and then I'd have to turn around the next day and come home. Jessica is coming here Thurs. A friend has asked us to meet her and her hubby nearby, but we're not going to make any plans until after this meeting. The only day she can get together with us would be Sat. and what if they're planning to work on Sat?

    Amanda - I don't have the Birkenstocks just yet, I think they're going to be delivered in the next few days. I'll let you know how they are.

    Laura - oh, I do hope you get to the hospital! How exciting!

    Well, off to beddybey for me. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Wow, exermom you sure have a lot of energy! I cant believe everything that you did today! All I can say is wow, wow!

    Meg , your doing good! You have a busy life too! What is the recommended sodium intake/day. Is is none or ?? I know that when I eat salty things I feel yukky the next day.

    Can anyone recommend a good recumbent exercise bike, that is not too expensive. Who ever recommended the exercise video's that are good for folks with joint problems, can you please tell me again? :blushing: :blushing:

    I am praying for all that had a recent surgery and that all is well.

    To the grandmother that was living with her son and DIL. I suggest that you take a vacation for a few weeks. They might then realize how much you have done for them. It must be really hard for you to be in that situation. Praying that a door will open for you and your husband. :smile: :smile:

    My mother-in-law lives about 10 minutes from us. I am married to her only son. She has 3 daughter's here in town . I would appreciate some advice about my situation with her. She never calls us, or calls to just talk to her granddaughters. If I want myself or my girls to have any relationship with her,I have to initiate the contact. She never comes to our house, but we are always welcome at her's.She plays favorites with her daughters and grandchildren. I have chosen to not play the game. I just can't believe this is how a mother would treat her only son! I don't know if how I am dealing with this is in a healthy manner. I lost my mother to lung cancer when I was 19, she was only 46. So, I can use some motherly advice if you have some to share. I miss my mother so much.:heart::heart:

    rjadams- TMI. oh, did you have to share that awful image with us. I think I shall be sick too!:cry::cry:
    Barbie, hope thing slow down for you and you can get back to your normal routine! I wish I could line dance. I used to line dance and I loved it. I cant say that it was that easy for me to learn. I needed to learn the moves a little slower! Lol :sad: :sad:

    lizmil79-husbands can be good enablers if one is lucky the husband is supportive and helps out. When I lost 100+ pounds with optifast, my husband was very threatened by the "new me",it made him insecure. It has more to say about him than me! Probably the same for your husband,than about you! :smile: :smile:

    Well, all of you wonderful supportive fab 50+ ladies, heres to another good week with ya'all on MFP. Keep up the good work.
    Lets walk this journey together -one step, one day at time. Hugs :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Blessings, Linda -SundanceB:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    PS this keyboard back spaces,,so excuse the typos!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Wow, exermom you sure have a lot of energy! I cant believe everything that you did today! All I can say is wow, wow!

    Meg , your doing good! You have a busy life too! What is the recommended sodium intake/day. Is is none or ?? I know that when I eat salty things I feel yukky the next day.

    Can anyone recommend a good recumbent exercise bike, that is not too expensive. Who ever recommended the exercise video's that are good for folks with joint problems, can you please tell me again? :blushing: :blushing:

    Check your area for a "Play it Again Sports" I found my ellip at this shop brand new. I had $400 at the time to spend, and Kmart was not getting it. The stuff I could buy was flimsy to say the least.

    I ended up paying the same thing for a $1200 brand new Ellip. I guess a sporting goods store sold them the last one.

    These shops are full of "Towel Racks". All of the equipment I purchased throughout the years and we never used. Just hung our towels up to dry :laugh:

    If not then check your area for other second hand sports equipment, they are all over the place!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Another bright and sunshiny day here in London. The tube journey in was unpleasant, but I know for a fact that in the next few days it's going to be a heck of a lot worse. We have to travel in on the tube line that runs from Heathrow airport to the centre of London and it is going to be plain horrid during the Olympics. DH and I are already planning to walk home some nights. It's about ten miles, which is a long way after a full day at work, but I think we are just going to have to do it and pray that my knee doesn't give out!

    I refuse to wish my life away by saying 'can't wait till the Games are over' - so I will just have to roll with it.

    When I was getting dressed this morning I had a bit of an epiphany moment. For the first time in lord knows how long, I was able to look in my wardrobe and pick out something from last year, knowing that it will fit. Numerous times I would lose a whole lot of weight but gain it all back straight away because I didn't actually change anything long term. My life was either diet or not diet. Nowadays I eat healthily 99% of the time and, most important for me, smaller portions. I can't believe the difference using a smaller plate has made. Hallelujah!

    Well, must get cracking with some work. Everybody have a good day please if at all possible,.

    Amanda x
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    good morning ladies i increased my calories as said by site and now im gaining weight i dont know what to do i dont get to excise much but do every chance i get im upset right now dont know what to do
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Laura80111:smile: a new grand baby on the way:love: , how exciting for you!!!! Hope your hubby finds a job soon! There are so many people I know out of work right now, it's really scary!

    Meg:smile: I just giggled about your dog racing by with the cats following:laugh: , did the dog annoy the cats too much?

    Robin:smile: oh gross:frown: squiggly anything in my house would have me running for the door! When I have leftover food and trash day is several days away, I wrap it up and put it in the freezer, for awhile the only thing I had in my freezer was trash and vodka:laugh: . I hope you'll be able to get that scene out of your head!!!!

    Barbie :smile: I know your fur babies were so happy to get home and see you:bigsmile: !!!! Mine is so happy to see me whether I've been gone 15 min. or 5 hrs.!

    Lizmil79:smile: just keep telling hubby you feel so much better losing weight, and any support he can give you appreciate!

    Michele:smile: the pool is becoming a reality!!!!!:glasses:

    Linda SundanceB:smile: Wish I had words of advice for you about your MIL, I would have thought being the only son she would be very connected to him:frown: . Have you talked to him about it?

    Amanda:smile: I will be excited to walk in my closet and choose any outfit and know it will fit, at the moment I have clothes that are too big, too small, and a few things that fit:ohwell: .

    Yesterday started out pretty good, no headache, however "stuff" happened, and continued happening all day, by the end of the day I had a raging headache and was in a terrible mood:mad: . Hopefully today will be a better day, and I will actually make it to the farmers market, or at least the grocery store! So far this morning....no headache and I am very grateful for that:bigsmile: .

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Bigpal:smile: I guess I was typing when your post came in. I'm pretty new at this and I'm sure there are many more women on here that can give you better advice than me. How many calories did the site increase you to and how long have you been eating at that amount? I went from 1200 calories to 1410 and I'm still losing, I usually don't get to 1400 calories usually around 1300. Maybe if you just started you could give it another week or two. Like I said the other woman on here who have been doing this for awhile will probably have much better advice. Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,252 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Im new to this post and new to this site but I love it. Everyone is such an inspiration to me. Im 65 years old and am 70 lbs overweight. I just retired and want to enjoy my retirement years and be healthy. Any suggestions from anybody to do this. My goal is to lose 50 lbs by Christmas. I don't think that an unrealistic goal of 2 lbs per week..do you? Thanks for listening and please add me as a friend if you want. I live in Wisconsin by the Illinois border. :heart:
  • jv54
    jv54 Posts: 1
    Hello and Good Morning fellow myfitnesspals! I have just joined the club because I had the shock of my life weighing in at 208 pounds. I feel terribly guilty and am in pain with my joints and scoliosis. I have yo yo dieted all my life and am now just plain greedy. I am 58 years old with 3 grown up children and 6 Grand children:happy: I don't have a partner:smile: but don't mind that. I can't exercise due to joint problems but I am sure if I can get some weight off life will start to get easier:grumble: I am very fed up with myself for letting myself get this big:sad: Hope you all have a good day today x
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,252 Member
    good morning ladies i increased my calories as said by site and now im gaining weight i dont know what to do i dont get to excise much but do every chance i get im upset right now dont know what to do

    ****Maybe if you drink more water to wash away all the bad toxins and fat cells..thats what I was told...Stay away from the Carbs .. Rice and Breads and Sugar....good Luck!
  • Darcylaw
    Darcylaw Posts: 4 Member
    This is my first post! I have only been a member for a month. It is wonderful to be able to comment and continue to travel my path to the healthier me by being part of this community and thread. 50+ women is just where I am at :-)

    I have so many changes happening in my life, sold my house in NC moving in a couple of week to Ohio to be closer to family. Looking for a job.

    Excited but scared and it is difficult not to turn to excess food for comfort and to help with the fear. Thanks for sharing everyone, it is helping me a lot!

    Darcy :flowerforyou:
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I just posted and it went into "thin air" somewhere in the universe! :laugh: I was just saying....been a few weeks since I posted due to a head injury. I am now improved and hope to log and eat heathy each and every day this week.....that is my goal! I have meet some wonderful friends on this thread who friended me and have been amazing in the support department since I was welcomed here. The ladies here are wonderful...and I want to be that supportive friend back. I am just sorry that it my accident has prevented me from being active on here since finding this thread again. ....I will do better! :love: Today is filled with gathering my garden veggies and canning them between today and tomorrow....I am so far behind! I want to read this thread from beginning to end for the month of July....and I want to exercise everyday in some form. Will be checking back ....and hope you all have a wonderful day! Hope there is some laughtter and love in there somewhere too! :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello all - good morning or afternoon or evening depending on your location.......

    Still tired, still have a wonky Internet connection! Ha, some things never change!

    I got so nauseated reading about the wiggly things that I'm still gagging. ACK.

    Good tips on looking for exercise equipment. We use to have two stores---Play It Again Sports AND Second Wind Sports that offered very good quality used equipment. It's always worth a look.

    Michele, have you always been a very energetic person? I am always just simply blown away by what you accomplish in a day!! I sooo wish I had been born with the predisposition to be energetic and get lots done.

    Barbie, I manage all the financial affairs, medical, etc. for my father and 100% keep up with all of his bill paying etc. Now, my things always come second if at all. One month I didn't receive a cable bill and I didn't even think about it (always pay online when I receive the bill) and I was soooo horrified when they sent me a notice saying it was late. Argh.

    With that in mind, time to get on the online banking for myself!!

    Hoping everyone has a healthy day. Take care. Love having your support.

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    It is another hot hot hot day here in Indiana , but the good new is that the scale was good to me and I was down 1.5 pounds, My DH fixed me a cheeseburger and steemed vegs. for dinner last night. It was good and I think may be he is trying.

    wow 2youngatheart , that would spoil any ones apetite, but if your blood surger is low you had better eat a cracker or drink some oj , you don't want to pass out and end up in a ER , just saying, I bet Bodi and Ritter would miss you even more. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Barbiecat : Happy to hear you all are having a wonderful time, and I bet the dogs were happy when they saw you and things are back to normal, it has been a crazy week here also and I don't know now that school is getting ready to start if it will slow down any time soon. I did get some extra walking time in this weekend shopping for granddaughters BD gift, she is seven , but she isn't in to barbie dolls and that kind of stuff so it is a little of a challenge.

    Lizmil79 It is hard and I to sometimes think my DH is testing me, but I think he is just trying to help with the cooking and he has never had to cook what I call diet food , he is more of a comfort food kind of person, and he is a great cook, His garage closed right before Christmas last year and he has been working from home , it is hard on them because they feel they are letting their familys down, and it is hard for us to see them go thought it, We will go thought all these changes together and learn as we go. you are doing great job .

    Michele I just don't know how you get all the baking and stuff done that you do! It is wonderful that you can help the food pantry, I bet they just love you. keeping my fingers crossed that your pool meeting will go well. what fun! have a great day and also I hope Loki is ok!

    SundanceB ; I love the name , I am going to speek as a mother of a son , I have only one daughter and one son , My childern and inlaws are alway welcome at my house, I told my son when he had his 1st son that I took him to his grandparents house and made sure that they had a good relationship with them. now it is his job to do the same. I go to their house when invited , but feel funny just dropping in on them as they are young and maybe have friends over or be gone. I try not to favor any of my Grandchildern, however I do more with my oldst granddaughters because they are older and in highschool , al so I feel closer to them because when my daughter divorsed from 1st husband they lived with us for a while. I think it is work having a relasionship no matter what kind it is and some times it takes more on your part than the other , what you need to ask yourself is , is this relationship worth the work it will take. I must add that it is esier with my daughter that with my daughter in law , because her family is so much differant than ours. my son inlaw loves me and treats me like familyl and my daughter in-law well I am the mother in-law and I am treated that way. But I keep trying and she has warmed up a little over the years , some thing just take time .

    well I didn't mean to go on so long hope this helps and I will try to get back later, must get some work done now. have a great day all
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Well ladies, I managed to eat a few bites here and there last night. Not much though. I did just finally have some breakfast at the cafeteria here at work. I am starting to feel better. Doug spent the evening removing all appliances from the counters and washing everything down with bleach so that I may be able to cook dinner when I get home tonight. We shall see.

    Robin, Bodi and the The Rit Bit.
  • RaysfanATL
    RaysfanATL Posts: 94
    Hi everyone, thought I lost you all!!

    Back from my trip with the Orioles, and then had my family reunion last weekend. It's nice to be back to my workout routine, and to be home for a few days. Not for long, heading to the west coast, with the Mets charter flight on Sunday, then spending a few days with my brother in San Francisco, my favorite baseball team the Tampa Bay Rays are playing the Oakland A's while I am out there, so guess what we will be doing?? And lots of walking around San Francisco, my favorite city!!

    It's a hot day here in Atlanta, heading into the office at our operations center later, trying to stay cool in the meantime.

    Life is GOOD!!
  • Good morning and welcome sunshine!! Yesterday was a long day. Taking my food really helped me through the day. So will keep doing that. It also gave me a break outside in the sun when it was shinning. Much warmer in Portland then here at the coast so I enjoyed it. Good news for my hubby as we are scheduled for more chemo for the next month. He was down on his blood count, but still in the ranges that are acceptable for the treatments. Meant another woman who had been married 51 yrs, going through much the same as myself. I think we both helped each other just admitting how difficult this is to go through watching someone we love so dearly having to deal with this insidious disease. Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes I felt them all day long yesterday. Well today was my first weigh in. So a significant drop for me. Yeah!! I do know that this is the beginning and the results are always significant in one who weighs so much as myself. But, I patted myself on the back for a job well done, and look forward to the next weigh in in two weeks. I love all the sharing that everyone does regarding their journeys. You all inspire me and others on this site. Yeah team!!!! Well on to chores. Have a great day. Hugs, :heart:
  • cjspensley
    cjspensley Posts: 21
    Hi all! I found you!!!
    I'm really pleased...after the frustration of being ever so careful on our trip to Mississippi last week, and GAINING half a pound, it's starting to come off. Yippee!!! I was mildly out of control at the "welcome home" cookout for our son on Saturday, but pretty restrained compared to old habits.

    Thanks for the encouragement about my hubby. He has some cholesterol and BP issues, and our family physician retired recently...so we have a new doc and Steve really liked him. He took the time to explain everything he was doing, what it does, why they do it, etc. We got a followup call yesterday that took 20 minutes! We were both very pleasantly surprised. Not just "here, take this stuff" but "I'd like you to take this med to help control xyz, and you can change this in your eating," etc. Gave him super-simple guidelines - like you should eat this many portions of fruits and veggies a day. The unit of measure is your fist. That's pretty easy. His biggest problem is inactivity...he works hard - brain hard - all day, has a pretty good amount of stress at work that follows him home. So when he gets home he just crashes and doesn't do anything. I'm hopeful that as he sees me meeting some goals, or at least making progress toward them, he'll be encouraged. He loves the barcode scanner and got a big kick out of that when he saw me pull the bag of burgers out of the freezer last night, scan the code, and throw it back in!

    I'm very happy to report that I am wearing jeans today that I couldn't wear comfortably 2 weeks ago. They're still a little snug sitting down, but much better than they were...and it will get better!