guns or no guns?



  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I think jaymek92 needs to understand the Castle Doctrine. It explains much about why someone entering your house can be confronted with deadly force, if necessary.

    But alas, most likely will stick her fingers in here ear and go lalalalalalalalalala
    The Castle Doctrine? You mean the doctrine that, in my state, says that if I feel that I am threatened in any way, shape, or form, I'm allowed to kill whoever I feel is threatening me?
    As somebody who can be quite paranoid at times, I feel like I shouldn't be allowed to shoot to kill somebody who's freaking me out. I mean, I was about to stab some kitchen curtains because I thought somebody was trying to break into my house, so I don't think that I would be a good judge of somebody who's actually threatening to me versus just walking down the street some evening.

    Way to live your life being the perpetual victim.

    Wait until you get an abusive will rationalize it somehow that what they are doing is right because you are not a good judge of right and wrong.
    How am I living my life being a perpetual victim? Because I suffer from paranoia? Wow, way to go, making fun of people who have mental health issues.
    My boyfriend is great. He's never, ever abused me in any way, be it emotionally, sexually, or verbally. My ex, however, thought that sexual harassment was a good idea after we broke up, and I put an end to that right away. But I'm glad to see that you think that I'll get in a relationship with an abusive man.
    I never said I'm a bad judge of right and wrong. I am a good judge of right and wrong. But when I'm scared, I tend to think that people are after me, even if the person is my cat or the curtain blowing in the wind.

    Ahhhh so you have mental health issues? Good to know. End of conversation since you cant legally own a firearm.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    You admitted it. It's right there. You fail at multitasking, you're in denial. How are you going to point that gun, squeeze that trigger and be honest with yourself at the same time?

    I hope your weapon is a water pistol / hose. Don't want you to shoot a nad off in error. That would be just awful.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    How did this thread deteriorate from simply stating whether or not you are a fan of guns to posting "gun porn" and attacking everybody who is not all OH MY GOD YES GUNS I LOVE GUNS ALL GUNS EVERY GUN EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE 39028302387298 GUNS INCLUDING SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES AND FULLY AUTOMATICS BECAUSE THERE IS A SITUATION FOR EVERY TYPE OF GUN AND GODDAMMIT I WILL BE PREPARED! ?
    Yeah, I called somebody who breaks into a home a "poor soul." You don't know why they're breaking into your home, and if you shoot to kill, you could be killing a homeless person with a mental problem who really just wanted to raid your fridge. Whoever breaks into your home could be a potential rapist or murderer, but there is a guy in my neighborhood who has something wrong with him and will break into homes to take shoes. I don't really see the need to kill him for that.
    Also, I said you can kill with one shot. Not that you will. But honestly, if you're going to be one of those people who really loves guns, you should probably be trained to hit your target anyway.
    The fact that there are so many angry people with guns is f*cking scary. You all have your damn guns rights. Nobody is going to take them away from you. Calm your tits.

    Seems to me like you're getting a bit upset because we're pointing out your lack of knowledge about firearms. You've been making statements when you clearly have no understand of what you're actually talking about and we are simply educating you. But then you have to go and make statements like this and the last one are that are just so ridiculous it's hard for people not to get angry.

    You're right, his/her "poor soul" that they walked into my home and are now going to suffer the consequence. That person made the decision to do a petty burglary, they are the ones responsible for whether they lose their life or not from a bullet out of my barrel, I didn't make the decision for them to come into my home. So do I care whether they just wants shoes, NO. I would never put the lives of my family and myself at danger by trying to strike up a conversation to figure out his agenda. That's just absurdly stupid and if anything completely disrespectful to your family that you would risk their lives for the sake of a burglar.

    I too have no understand.

    After a bit, all this pro gun bull just starts to read like blah blah blaaaaaah my gun, my rights, blah blah blah gun blah me blah me me me blah blah guns blah shooty mcshoot blah blah <insert angry comment> blah blah ain't no one gonna do x, y, z to me blah blah damn right I have a gun blah blah blah. Anyone still reading? Probably not - this is what your boring and tiresome pro gun rants read like blah blah blah gun blah guns don't kill blah blah people kill blah blah OMG there are more people in America ofc there is more gun crime blah blah blah guns blah blah blah why are you still reading this? blah blah I got me a rooty tooty point n shooty blah blah blah yeah guns! blah blah blah blah guns blah blah <insert photographs showing off weapons> blah blah guns blah did we say guns yet? Blah blah blah Oh my god, a spoon made me fat blah blah blah zzzzzzz

    You apparently don't understand how to exit this thread either. Would you like someone to explain to you how to do that?
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member

    This is a document written for a world that existed over 200 years ago. It does not exist now and should be revamped

    the speaker above was talking about the Constituiton

    I have tried very hard to remain quiet on this topic as I think it has gone to the extreme at times on both sides, but I must respond. The world that existed over 200 years ago is not that different from today.

    1) article from the Newburn Gazette (North Carolina) July 7, 1775 reported that a "demoniac" shot 3 people and wounded another with a sword. This "demoniac" was stopped by individuals with guns.

    2) the idea of gun restriction was discussed during that same time period. Check out a piece from Thomas Jefferson's (yes the Jefferson who gets credit for writing the Dec. of Indpendence) "Legal Commonplace Book" where he quoted Beccaria's essays on Crime and Punishment.
    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one."

    We need to stop knee jerk reactions, making laws everytime a terrible tragedy happens. There is evil in the world and we will not find a way to stop it.

    so to finish with a quote from another hero from the American History books, Thomas Paine

    "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the work as well as property"

    edited to fix a typo, historians are a bit nuts about the details
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    Please, enlighten me, what hate am I spewing? Guns are f*cking scary. They're loud. They can be used to accidentally kill a lot easier than most weapons. They are the weapons most frequently used in murders. The primary purpose is to kill, which I don't like.
    What, then, is the reasoning for needing assault rifles? So you can protect yourself or hunt, right? Well, why can't you do that with a handgun? What is the need for automatic weapons? So you can protect yourself or hunt, right? Again, why can't you do that with a handgun?
    My grandfather was not hunting, and if he was, why would my grandmother not be allowed in the area? There was a hawk or something like that that had been bothering them for awhile and he was out on the porch with his family when he saw it and decided to kill it. My grandmother is and was a huge ditz and not paying attention and walked across the porch, where he just so happened to be firing a gun.

    Have you ever fired a pistol?

    Your earlier statements eluded to the belief that all assault rifles were fully automatic military like guns, which I wish they were but sadly they're not. Guns are scary, and they are loud, that's the point, they deserve respect. If you don't respect the gun then mistakes are made. Please tell me what kind of animals you're going to hunt with a pistol? LOL now that's hilarious. NOBODY hunts with a pistol, that isn't practical. "My grandmother is and was a huge ditz" that's why your Grandma shouldn't be allowed in the area if your Grandfather was hunting. You seem to have this Rambo vision of people with assault rifles just spraying left and right killing everything in sight; while it is quite hilarious, it's not even close to realistic.
    No, I have not fired a pistol. I have never fired any type of gun, and I don't plan on doing it.
    Sorry, I tend to skip steps when explaining my thoughts. I was first talking about assault rifles and then about automatic weapons, which I assume that you should know the difference between, since you are so passionate about firearms. I'm aware that they're not the same.
    I don't respect guns. Guns are pieces of metal. I don't respect a screw or a hammer, so I'm not going to respect a gun. I don't necessarily respect people who own guns. I respect people who are respectable and own guns. I respect law enforcement officers, shooters, and at least half of the hunters I know.
    Okay, then use a rifle for hunting. Why do you need an AR-15 or something of the type to hunt deer?
    Before I said my grandmother was a ditz, what made you assume that she shouldn't be allowed in the area?
    I've never even seen Rambo, so I don't know how I would have a "Rambo vision", or how you assume that that is my thought. Because it's not. I'm aware that life is not some crazy movie.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I think jaymek92 needs to understand the Castle Doctrine. It explains much about why someone entering your house can be confronted with deadly force, if necessary.

    But alas, most likely will stick her fingers in here ear and go lalalalalalalalalala
    The Castle Doctrine? You mean the doctrine that, in my state, says that if I feel that I am threatened in any way, shape, or form, I'm allowed to kill whoever I feel is threatening me?
    As somebody who can be quite paranoid at times, I feel like I shouldn't be allowed to shoot to kill somebody who's freaking me out. I mean, I was about to stab some kitchen curtains because I thought somebody was trying to break into my house, so I don't think that I would be a good judge of somebody who's actually threatening to me versus just walking down the street some evening.

    Way to live your life being the perpetual victim.

    Wait until you get an abusive will rationalize it somehow that what they are doing is right because you are not a good judge of right and wrong.
    How am I living my life being a perpetual victim? Because I suffer from paranoia? Wow, way to go, making fun of people who have mental health issues.
    My boyfriend is great. He's never, ever abused me in any way, be it emotionally, sexually, or verbally. My ex, however, thought that sexual harassment was a good idea after we broke up, and I put an end to that right away. But I'm glad to see that you think that I'll get in a relationship with an abusive man.
    I never said I'm a bad judge of right and wrong. I am a good judge of right and wrong. But when I'm scared, I tend to think that people are after me, even if the person is my cat or the curtain blowing in the wind.

    I have a standing offer to anyone who is anti-gun and has never fired them or certain ones.

    If you are ever in Connecticut I extend an offer to take you shooting at a range. No drama, no trying to convert - I will teach basic safety, etc and then we can go shoot a little. You can still hate and be scared of them afterwards but at least you can say you have a better frame of reference for them.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    I have one simple thought to express:

    People will always kill other people. There will always be crazy people. If you take away guns, you don't make those people sane and nonviolent. You merely took away their guns. What does a violent person do when he or she has no gun? He or she makes a bomb. I'd like to note that bombs are far more effective than guns because most people are bad shots. I rather not encourage crazy people to become more efficient. Keep guns legal.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    "guns are scary and they're loud" Okay, that was all I needed to read to understand how uniformed and uneducated on weapons, legal gun licensing and the law most of the people commenting on this thread are. To those of you who are informed and have the patience to try to explain to these people what they will never understand, I commend you. I have neither the time nor the patience for such ignorance.
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    You admitted it. It's right there. You fail at multitasking, you're in denial. How are you going to point that gun, squeeze that trigger and be honest with yourself at the same time?

    I hope your weapon is a water pistol / hose. Don't want you to shoot a nad off in error. That would be just awful.


    Overused meme fail.

    I stand corrected, you can multitask. You can do all kinds of fail at the same time.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    I have a standing offer to anyone who is anti-gun and has never fired them or certain ones.

    If you are ever in Connecticut I extend an offer to take you shooting at a range. No drama, no trying to convert - I will teach basic safety, etc and then we can go shoot a little. You can still hate and be scared of them afterwards but at least you can say you have a better frame of reference for them.
    I'm not anti-gun. Where do you get this from?
    I once had the chance to go to a shooting range and I was excited about it because it would be cool to have that much power and be in control of something as dangerous and scary as a gun. I don't feel that I need that much power to live my life without the fear that I am going to be raped and murdered in my sleep, though. I don't feel the need to have guns in my life. Simple as that.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    No, I have not fired a pistol. I have never fired any type of gun, and I don't plan on doing it.
    Sorry, I tend to skip steps when explaining my thoughts. I was first talking about assault rifles and then about automatic weapons, which I assume that you should know the difference between, since you are so passionate about firearms. I'm aware that they're not the same.
    I don't respect guns. Guns are pieces of metal. I don't respect a screw or a hammer, so I'm not going to respect a gun. I don't necessarily respect people who own guns. I respect people who are respectable and own guns. I respect law enforcement officers, shooters, and at least half of the hunters I know.
    Okay, then use a rifle for hunting. Why do you need an AR-15 or something of the type to hunt deer?
    Before I said my grandmother was a ditz, what made you assume that she shouldn't be allowed in the area?
    I've never even seen Rambo, so I don't know how I would have a "Rambo vision", or how you assume that that is my thought. Because it's not. I'm aware that life is not some crazy movie.

    Clearly I know the difference between an assault rifle and a fully automatic firearm, I had to explain the difference to you...

    So you don't respect a tool that could end your life.... Hmmmm
    AR-15s are good for hog hunting as well as home defense. What exactly makes you so scared of assault rifles? My hunting rifle shoots a way larger round than the .223/556 an AR-15 would shoot. So if it's the size of the caliber that logic wouldn't make sense. So can you please explain that to me because I honestly want to know.

    I assumed that your grandmother shouldn't be anywhere near your grandfather while hunting because he almost shot her, that should explain enough honestly.

    I'm also assuming that "Rambo vision" is your way of thinking because you seem to think that we're picking off burglars from a quarter mile down the road since apparently we aren't manly enough to get up close and person and stab someone causing a very slow and painful death. Atleast my way of ending his/her life would be quick, you'd rather them suffer...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'll say it again. People outside think that US gun owners are running around shooting each other up. It's not true.

    One, crazy person caused a massacre at the Colorado movie theater last week. That same day, 40 MILLION legal gun owners did NOT kill anyone.

    In many cases, when a gun is used by a criminal, he does not legally own it or have it registered. Our guns are registered to my boyfriend and let me sleep comfortably at night in a shady neighborhood!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Guns = YES
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Overused meme fail.

    I stand corrected, you can multitask. You can do all kinds of fail at the same time.

    I've never once seen that meme used before, clearly you spend way too much time on the internet if you've seen it used so many times. Long story short, the internet is your life and since that's the case that would make your life a fail. Sucks to be you.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I love the mythological significance given to Dum Dum Bullets. As if they're little tactical nukes, stacked up in "Assault Clips" ready to be "sprayfired" "from the hip" by pistol grip equipped "bullet hoses" instead of early variations of the softpoint bullets people have been using to take game with (and use for self-defense) for the last century.
  • Beautiful_Ideal
    Beautiful_Ideal Posts: 69 Member
    [Guns] have been a part of your country for too long and people don't like things being taken away from them. You're just going to have to keep on dealing with school shootings etc.


    Also, since when do people who KILL INNOCENT MOVIEGOERS actually respond to laws? I don't think gun laws are the answer.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Wait, have we defined "assault rifle" yet? I'm just curious if we've yet established that the term carries pretty much no meaning, except for gun-grabbing politicians who use it to try to convince people that if a gun LOOKS like a military-grade weapon, it doesn't belong in the hands of a civilian.
  • 1202mml
    1202mml Posts: 1 Member
    I think we should take away forks because they make people fat.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Wait, have we defined "assault rifle" yet? I'm just curious if we've yet established that the term carries pretty much no meaning, except for gun-grabbing politicians who use it to try to convince people that if a gun LOOKS like a military-grade weapon, it doesn't belong in the hands of a civilian.

    I think most people assume that an assault rifle is some kind of machine gun. :laugh: I suppose the name is intimidating?