Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Carrie-when you premake you chicken how do you prepare it and how do you store it? I need to start doing that!

    I usually just bake my chicken. I pour a little olive oil in a glass pyrex dish, season the chicken with Mrs. Dash (sometimes I mix it up with a different seasoning. These ones were pre-marinated chicken breasts from President's Choice. 160 calories per breast, honey-lemon flavored so I didn't have to season them...). I'll bake them until they're ready.

    I've bought these little plastic containers from the local dollar store- I think I paid a buck for three of them! They have two sections. I usually pre-make my sidedishes and put them on one side, and the meat on the other side. Then I can pop them in the microwave and nuke them for a minute and a half or so, and they're ready to eat. It works REALLY well for me because i can come home from work and cook my family supper. Then, just before they're ready to eat, I heat up my dinner and I can eat with them.

    Chicken can be safely stored in the fridge for about 4-5 days (if in a sealed bag or tupperware), so I'll often make (up to) 5 days worth at a time. I'll eat one that night, and store the other four. So basically I'll eat the same thing for dinner 3-5 nights in a row, then make something new when I run out. I alternate between chicken and fish.
  • pattitricia85
    Thanks! I think I am going to do that... I don't mind eating the same thing a few days in a row... I don't have kids but husband works weird hours so I am usually eating dinner by myself... and it annoying to 1 meal for 1 person
  • kerimcdonald
    Hi everyone!! I'm so glad to see all of these wonderful posts every day. I still haven't lost that pesky 1 pound to get me in the 160's:sad: :grumble: BUT!! Giving up is for crazy people! I did only 30 minutes on the elliptical today cause I had about 2 hours worth of housework to do. I love my husband, he is truly an amazing man, but DANG!! He can not deep clean a house. At least not mine lol. That's still around 700 calories burned today though.

    Only 4 more days of "punishment" for not hitting my goals. I am still working around 10 hours a day. (Boss on vaca) And working in a restaurant is sooooo tempting. But I am fighting the good fight. Tonight I am figthing it with a glass of wine:drinker:

    Carrie- That is an awesome idea for lunch. I usually just have a salad but that sounds so much more filling.
    Thanks for being so awesome.

    See everyone tomorrow!!
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    I've had some trouble getting my exercise in because of final exams and the rain. But yesterday, I decided to try out a workout I could do in my own room at any time and for any amount of time. Dancing. So I went on youtube, made of playlist of Lady Gaga, Usher, and Beyonce and just danced for 30 minutes. :laugh:
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I've had some trouble getting my exercise in because of final exams and the rain. But yesterday, I decided to try out a workout I could do in my own room at any time and for any amount of time. Dancing. So I went on youtube, made of playlist of Lady Gaga, Usher, and Beyonce and just danced for 30 minutes. :laugh:

    That is always fun!!!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Carrie- That is an awesome idea for lunch. I usually just have a salad but that sounds so much more filling.
    Thanks for being so awesome.


    Well, you know, I try to fit in a certain amount of awesomeness in each day...

    dford5- That's something I do a lot, haha. If I can't get a workout in, I put music on and dance. It's fun and the kids usually join in!
  • AHappyMe09
    O you guys.... last night was not a good night... well, it was and it wasn't. I got really drunk (here at home with mom and sister, it was my mom's birthday and we were being silly dorks, but had a BLAST). But, I ate a bunch of cookies and had a nacho.... I think I'm doing a good job of not beating myself up about it, which is a first. Today is a new day, and 1 day will only hamper me if I give up, right?
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Where has my motivation gone?? Has anyone seen it? It's gone...I haven't worked out in over a week...It's hard to get up and do anything when it's so dark and cold outside, even when I'm inside lol... The other day I had McDonalds..and Dairy Queen..I never do that! I anger myself lately...Hopefully I'll be getting my kickboxing membership in 2 weeks or so, which is exactly what I need cause motivated or not I'll be going cause my cousin will be going everyday and will drag me kicking and screaming if she has to... hopefully I can get on track before then so I don't gain all this weight back..why does it go on so easy but is so hard to get off?
    I've been at this since April, I guess everyone loses motivation once in a while, but this is the worst I've been. Anywho, that's my complaining for the day...Don't feel bad AHappyMe, at least it was only one night and you're moving on :bigsmile: I need to follow my own advice I think, lol....My boss is taking us to lunch tomorrow for xmas, hopefully it will be somewhere with healthy options.
    Congrats to you all that are doing well this week, keep it up, maybe It will help me get motivated again!
    Jenn :embarassed:
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Due to work and the season I haven't had a chance to log on at all, and haven't been logging my calories OR working out. What I have been doing is taking note of how much I'm eating. While I don't know calorie intake I have been guessing and apparently doing well at it since I lost two pounds in the last week! My goal was to reach 190 before the end of the year, which leaves me with six pounds to go in two weeks. Something tells me I'm not going to meet that goal! BUT I'm going to keep plodding away.

    By some weird twist of fate I have tons of time off after tomorrow so I'll use that time to get back into my workouts and create some kind of plan for the new year in regards to dieting and fitness.


    That's my update! HAHA. not that any of you know who I am. ): Gosh darn I just don't have much time for the internet!!!!

    Keep at it everyone! We can do this!!!
  • kaytbognar
    ahappyme -- I say, if it was in birthday spirit and oyu enjoyed yourself, it's nothing to beat yourself up over! I always think about it like, I know I will not ever be skipping celebrations for my favourite people/times/holidays and thus, should be able to find a way to balance them into a weight-loss plan. Hope you weren't too hungover though :P

    jenn -- I'm looking for your motivation...didi it maybe fink out on you and go to mexico for Christmas? Drag its *kitten* back from hedonism and tequila! LOL :) I hope you're feeling a little more motivated today. Remember, there's gonna be stretches of days and week where we just don't feel like it, the trick is to drag your *kitten* outta bed. You may not get through your regular scheduled bat-workout, but just bundling up to go for a walk around the black might help to get you feeling motivated again for tomorrow. I like this article: as a bit of a motivator, it's just a cute little top 10 list of reasons why people avoid exercise. C'mon girl, don't lose heart! I know you can get back on the train :):):)

    sniffles -- Good for you for losing, despite not rigorously tracking. That you can go a while without MFP to keep you in line suggests that you're doing awesome on your own--means that you can apply your know-how and willpower all by yourself! Good luck with formulating your new years plan. I always find it fun to come up with a good, well rounded plan for about a month - 6 weeks at a time. Way to go!!!

    I am DYING for christmas! the package from that my mom sent laden with mysterious gifts arrived this week, and I am SO TEMPTED to crack it open and have at the plethora of yoga DVDs that I KNOW are in there. Trying hard to hold out, becuase I know mama bear would call me a jerk and somehow just KNOW that I opened my presents early, but damn it's hard some days (especially this morning--I was NOT into my strength training routine and though I slogged through it, I couldn't stop thinking of how it would have been nice to swap out for a rigorous vinyasa flow dvd or that yin yoga series I asked for.)

    I've discovered my favourite lunch in the world, too! Salad with everything in it--I throw together whatever veggies i can find in a big bowl, cook up some salmon or some shrimp, throw in 1/2 - 2/3c of this yellow rice with lentils and sprinkle on a bit of soy sauce. It keeps me super full for the rest of the day, and has just about EVERYTHING you could possibly want. Yum yum!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    kaytbognar - That sounds SUPER yummy ! I am going shopping again today and need to pick up more veggies! Think I'll make a tasty salad tonight.

    AHappyMe09- Definitely don't beat yourself up! I had a junk-food filled day on Tuesday (staff holiday lunch) and my calories were WAY above what I wanted them to be! Actually, scratch that- I am exaggerating. I ate my maintanance calories, basically. It wasn't high enough to cause me to gain weight, but as far as weight LOSS goes, I gained NOTHING from that day. But when I've been doing so well for so long, it was tempting to beat myself up. Well, I've done really well since then to make up for it and when I weighed myself today I was down another pound! So slip-ups are okay, as long as we get back on track right away.

    jb_sweet_99 - I've been there a million times myself. Motivation comes and goes!!!! I'm sure that in the spirit of New Year's Resolutions, with so many people around you trying to lose weight, you'll find the inspiration you need. The only thing keeping me on the wagon right now, amonst so much temptation, is my goal to be down 10 pounds by New Year's Day (my birthday). I'm 2.6 pounds away from my goal and have 2 weeks left so I know it can be done. It's just a matter of staying focused!!!!

    sniffles - Congrats on the 2-pound weight loss! Sounds like you've been making great choices on your own.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks for the support guys! I'm glad i have you guys to help me get my *kitten* in gear and not give up. kaytbognar it's funny that you say you just have to drag yourself out of bed and just do it, cause that's what I did this morning. I was mad at myself for feeling sorry for myself and using no motivation as an excuse, so even though it was cold and dark this morning, I got up and made myself do the elliptical! I only did 10 mins, but it's a start right. I'm going to try to do another 10-20 tonight too...but I have to go shopping, so hopefully it doesn't take too long so I can do it. My boss gave me a box of Turtles for xmas, this could be dangerous! I'm going to try and only have one a day...lets see how it goes!
    Congrats on being so close to your goal MercuryBlue, you can do it, that's awesome!
    Congrats to sniffles too on the 2 pound loss, good for you!!!
    Good luck this weekend everyone!
  • earthysoulgirl
    Hi everyone!!!

    This feels like an awful time with the christmas busyness etc to start a fitness goal but i've had enough of being so heavy. I put on all my weight when i was expecting my daughter who was born feb/08 and i lost a little bit after she was born but since then i'm still sitting over 200. I used to be 160 lbs and i would ideally like to get down to 140lb being healthy for being 5'6. I know all i have to do is eat healthy and fit in excercising sometime in my day.. i'm a single mom so it's hard to go to a gym and find a sitter because i just can't afford that and can't depend on family all the time. I do have an elliptical and various work out videos and some 10 lbs weights so i'm hopefully figure out some type of routine that i can get into at home in the hours that my daughter is still sleeping. I've heard many people talking about "gettting there water in" every day.. how much water should a person drink a day for effective weight loss?? My biggest weakness is junky foods and eating out in the daytime as i work at a sit down job so there's absolutely no physical activity in the daytime for me... I need the support and the motivation and i'm hoping this forum can help boost those both for me. What kind of goals is everyone setting right now for a timeline.. is this just a 90 day thing right now?? Just so i can give myself a guideline.. thanks for reading and good luck to all of you out there trying too i know how frusterating it can be :smile:
  • kerimcdonald
    Jenn- i would tell you not to beat yourself up but I hav to admit, that that's what works for me!! I have to get angry at my behavior (not necessarily myself) and tell myself to make a decision. Go without *insert yummy bad thing here* and be skinny and happy, or do whatever I want and be jabba the hut for halloween. My choice. Terrible but so true.

    I did let myself off the hook for the 1 hour of elliptical tonight since we have guests that called and are coming a 2 weeks early, and tomorrow. So I had to get laundry finished up and spruce up the guest suite and mop the kitchen and etc; etc;. I have been letting Jason (husband) take over some of the housework to make time for my school and my workout and working and finding time together, and yeah. Well suffice to say, that once I saw it I couldn't unsee it. 3 hours later, I am happy to say my house is immaculate again, but I am down to 7 hours until work:ohwell: :explode: :tongue:

    cabbagepatch- right now is a great time to start a fitness goal! How much better are you going to feel focused on your health over the holidays and doing I'm sure, a lot better than you would have without that focus. I have a lot in my days, so my ellitpical time is usually spent in my daughters playroom and we pop in a movie (land before time is in right now) and I run while she plays and then we stretch out together. It teaches her good habits and she loves the time with me. She never lets me skip it cause it's our "healthy time" together and she thinks it's fun. That's motivation. Even if I'm tired, she's not!!:laugh:
  • DumBunny
    Hey All. Was outta the loop there for a minute. Been soooooo busy x-mas shopping, family stuff and setting things up with photographers & producers (I model). I weighed in at 136.6 lbs this morning. WOO HOO! Sounds like we're all trying to keep our motivation & will power up! The holidays make it so rough. I do plan on eating on x-mas and new years... Just gotta make sure I get in like 1 hr of exercise a day.

    Is anyone else on the east coast (USA). I'm in MD but right near PA and we're getting so much snow. It's so pretty! Got everything ready this morning to put the tree together (LOL) and decorate it tonight. I wanted to have it done weeks ago but I needed help lugging it down from the attic... but it worked out well... got the perfect snowy x-masy weather to do it...
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    kerimcdonald You're right, it is what I needed. I made much better choices yesterday and didn't eat the whole box of Turtles from my boss, lol! And I think your excuse for a break was as good as any, that's pretty short notice for company!
  • kerimcdonald
    jbsweet99- thanks. I am taking a quiet minute for myself right now. I am proud to say I made a batch of peanut butter fudge and chocolate fudge for my guests and did not partake. Huge for me. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that has to be mad at myself
    to get things done sometimes. Sucks, but I'm soo proud of myself afterwards.:bigsmile:

    dumbunny- I am in MI. We just got our first real snow today. It was beautiful (I have a long country road drive to work) but the roads were not that much fun. More time I guess to slow down and enjoy the scenery right?

    Everyone, have a great saturday, I will talk to you all tomorrow. My guests are heading out and i am making the 3rd and 4th batched of fudge for my work. Willpower!! Don't fail me now!!!
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    so i've been watching what I eat since the first of the month and have lost 4 lbs. so far. But I've barely worked out a bit. I did 20 minutes of high impact cardio and 140 crunches this morning. So proud of myself!!

    Has anyone used those sweat bands that go around your waist?? I have one, and when I use it, I really sweat around my waist A LOT!! But does that really help with weight loss or losing inches?? Or when I drink water during the day, am I gonna just gain it back?
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I didn't lose anything this week. It was soo busy at work. I work as a cashier and It was BUSY!! BUSY!! BUSY!! I took advantage of the free pizza our boss bought for us. :embarassed: Didn't have time for anything else except, ducking inside back room having a pee and grabbing a slice. Pizza for dinner three times this week:blushing:

    Plus with exams and studing when NOT at work :brokenheart: not much time for anything else:sad:

    I was naughty and weighed myself everymorning..that where the three pounds came form on my ticker.

    Back to work in an hour:frown:
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    starting weight 197.8 on 12/1
    current weight 192.2 today

    how about everyone else??