The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • V4lidus
    V4lidus Posts: 1 Member
    In 6lb's by the looks of it! Well done :D
  • bigshow29
    bigshow29 Posts: 2
    When i tell them i just watch what i eat and excersice i always get with what pilss or protien shake im taking
  • bigshow29
    bigshow29 Posts: 2
    it is crazy what people say i staryed working out at 369 but didn't start using this site till 357 so i have lost more than what is indicated and people just can't belive how fast it going

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  • Startraveller
    Startraveller Posts: 53 Member
    I completely agree. I lost over 60 pounds four years ago and have gained about 25 of it back. When I first lost, I noticed that people were talking to me more, taking me more seriously. The only thing that changed about me was my size, the rest was still the same. I just don't get why people think you have become a different person and look or feel differently about you.
  • karolineoberhaus
    karolineoberhaus Posts: 10 Member
    I get extra annoying comments, I wasn't quite in the overweight category when I changed my food habits this time round but I felt 'big' at 62kg and 5ft 4, I also wanted to get FIT, so I changed my life. Now I understand some concern as I was a size 12 so 'dieting' seems like madness when everyone else around me is a size 16 or above. I've become cagey about my food now, I don't mention if I've lost weight because I get all the worried looks and the 'oh you're so skinny, don't loose more weight, you look ill' blah blah blah. We live with my MIL who particularly tries to make my life difficult by making the unhealthiest dinners ever and expecting me to eat them, won't even boil me some brown rice instead of pasta, moans if I do it myself. I get told I need to eat some cakes or pies almost daily, the kids in the family ask why I go running if I'm not fat (!!!) I get asked what diet I'm doing, how much I'm trying to loose, how much I've lost, what dress size I am now, why can't I eat toasted white bread smothered in butter every morning.

    A few of my friends are keeping a close eye on me and understand why, they're the only ones I know in person who know I used to be anorexic. But they see me eating a lot of healthy food, see my food diary, my exercise and realise I'm going to loose weight by getting fit but it's not my goal to loose weight really.

    The one that really gets me is people telling me how surely one chocolate bar, biscuit, doughnut, pack of crisps etc won't hurt like I don't know this, but they never listen when I say things like 'i already had some chocolate earlier' and look at me with pity like im lying about it!

    Anyway this has turned into a major rant so I apologise lol

    I get this a lot too - the whole "once in a while is ok..." Yes I know, but what others don't know is that EVERY PERSON IN MY LIFE says that, and thinks that the "once in a while" should be while I am with them. Therefore, once in a while becomes 6 times a day. I know that people mean well, but most days I wish that others could just stop after saying "wow, you look great." I love to hear that, of course, but I don't think I will ever get over being the "fat girl" who does not want to talk about her weight - high or low.

    This whole experience has made me wish I took more psychology classes in college! Haha.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    The most supportive people have been my old HS peers. I have not seen most of these people since HS (Class of 1978) and we don't really keep in touch (most of us, there's like 1 or 2 that I still do a little). I grew up in TN and now in Arizona so I would have a hard time running into them every day lol. But many are on my FB page and every time that I put up a new photo, they all congratulate me and say "Wow" and Congratz" and "you can do it"! Even people that I wasn't really friends with in HS at all... people can be so nice:) Most people really are being supportive. They ask me questions because they want to know how I am doing or they may need help themselves:)
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    mine was "you look great but when do you cook, clean, and spend time with your family if you are always working out? I would rather be fat than take time away from my family"....I work-out an hour of my day (as long as it takes most people to watch a reality tv show) so my home and family are NOT being neglected. If anything I will be around much longer for my family because I will be healthy and my family will learn healthy habits by watching me! :)
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    My ex wife actually told me today that I shouldn't lose anymore and that I looked fine. That's the first nice thing she's said to me and I don't know how long.
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    Strangest was "Hydroxycut or SlimQuick?" I responded "uh, neither...I'm just watching what I eat and getting a little more exercise" This response was met with "Get out of here. I saw you eating a a bowl of pasta the other day so I know it's not watching what you eat" I just laughed and smh...people are idiots...I admit I used to be one of them
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    I forgot my ID for the gym recently so I had to give the girl my name and I guess my whole deal with my picture from last November came up. The girl was like "Wow, you look so different. Much better now!"

    Um.............thanks??? HAHAHA!!!!
  • tippett610
    tippett610 Posts: 67 Member
    That is hilarious!
  • jennco3
    jennco3 Posts: 72 Member
    I think the thing that got me was after I lost about 80 lbs, I had to go to the post office to get stamps and the lady declined my card because she said the picture on my drivers lic was not me. I could have been mad but instead I told her thank you and have a blessed day. I didnt realize til then that I had lost so much.

    But on the annoying side of all the weight loss, I had a co-worker that just couldnt handle the fact that I was smaller (and smarter) than her. She would do crash diets and fail. So after she went around telling everyone I was starving myself I decided to out smart her again. I brought her all of my clothes I could no longer wear, took them out of the bag, held them up for everyone to see and said "I thought you could use some more work pants so I brought you all my fat clothes" Needless to say the rumors stopped.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I had a person at work ask me once how I had lost the weight so I told her watching what I ate and exercising and she said "so you really aren't going to tell me how you did it?"
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
  • jgmom2
    jgmom2 Posts: 14 Member
    too funny!
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    "When are you going to stop?"
    ^^ THIS
    Seriously...why would I stop?
    ^^^ and my body will stop when it's done!.
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    Wow! You look much better than before. Was I really that horrible looking?
  • sdrichardson713
    sdrichardson713 Posts: 16 Member
    If I run into someone I haven't seen in a long time the first thing they say is "did you change your hair? You look different!" I just smile and say "nope" and move on. Cracks me up.
  • mmachick2011
    mmachick2011 Posts: 55 Member
    "I liked you better when you were fatter than me." -very good friend

    Um... Thanks? If our friendship hinges on that, I think we should see other people.

    HOLY CRAP... thought I was the only one with a horribly unhelpful friend! She actually told me that I make her uncomfortable now....

    My all time favorite was the relative that I had not seen for 5 years, when i was at my heaviest... "Why didn't your dad tell us you have cancer???" Ummmmmmmmmmmmm I don't? I am loosing weight because it is healthy??
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    My friend told me that I "need to go eat a hamburger". She said I looked too skinny and that my head looked too big for the rest of my body... Thanks?