Unfriended for being too fat?



  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    There are a lot of MFP snobs on here. I've seen a couple of them post in this forum too lol.

    Ignore them....there are plenty of other people who are wonderful.
  • debjr66
    debjr66 Posts: 10
    When someone "friends" someone on message boards, the main reason is to feel better about themselves. The typical reason is for friendly support & motivation. The occasional people only know how to feel better about themselves is by downing others, implying they are not good enough. Reality is that anyone who "unfriends" you due to reasons like that is because they are the occasional person who doesn't know how to make herself feel better about herself unless she tells people that she is better. Just know the truth, which is that you are awesome and obviously, she will never have been a friendly support and motivator for you.

    I am in the "Typical" category...I am on here for friendly support and motivation. I does not effect me how much weight you have to or want to lose. If you want friendly support and motivation and can also provide friendly support and motivation, then know that you are doing the right thing. I wouldn't even care if you ate big mac's all week long; if you are friendly and supportive of my goals, then a friend you are. Some people are having trouble with all sorts of issues, some may be that they are having trouble resisting unhealthy foods or breaking out of habits. Nothing that anyone can "say" is going to change anything...well except "I am here for you. Just let me know what you need." Just being supportive and not judgmental is what is going to make a person a good support. I get it that some people just don't want to be a support and only want someone to support them. I'm late and gotta run, but I am open to anyone who wants some friendly support and motivation. I can use the same thing. Oh, btw, I originially had 30 lbs to lose and now I only have 16 lbs to lose. I'll be supportive to anyone as long as they are friendly and supportive of me. No criticism please.
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    If she did unfriend for that reason, don't let it bother you, You are on here for YOU and to focus on your healthy lifestyle and want supportive people around you, not shallow ones.
  • jran3
    jran3 Posts: 105 Member
    I received a friend request a few days ago along with a message from the person..I'm not including the whole message, but this was part of it
    They say you lose more weight if you have friends to help motivate you. I liked your post and maybe we can motivate each other. I don't have much to say to people who have to lose 100 pounds or so because I have enough of a fear of being fat so that between 20 and 25 pounds is the limit that happens to me before I start back down.

    I had accepted the request and replied to her that I was one of "those" people who needed to lose close to 100 lbs and how that came about. I was nice about it and today I realize she's unfriended me...really? I guess I'm fortunate I've made it this far in life without dealing with discrimination...but from someone that also needs to lose weight? All I can say is..wow.

    Some people, due to media, and tv, live in mortal fear of being fat, and I'm convinced some think you can actually catch "fat" like you catch a cold if you're around fat people. Screw her.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I don't get it???? She wants to help, but not that much? Idiot!
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I received a friend request a few days ago along with a message from the person..I'm not including the whole message, but this was part of it
    They say you lose more weight if you have friends to help motivate you. I liked your post and maybe we can motivate each other. I don't have much to say to people who have to lose 100 pounds or so because I have enough of a fear of being fat so that between 20 and 25 pounds is the limit that happens to me before I start back down.

    I had accepted the request and replied to her that I was one of "those" people who needed to lose close to 100 lbs and how that came about. I was nice about it and today I realize she's unfriended me...really? I guess I'm fortunate I've made it this far in life without dealing with discrimination...but from someone that also needs to lose weight? All I can say is..wow.

    If you wish, I'll be your friend! And just for you: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CGMQtwIwAA&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9jBx1u8-aQ&ei=IDEQUN_zHIb28wTm-IHwBg&usg=AFQjCNHyUJeGXJ4dluui7xHYkOo_NjZHAg&sig2=afaIBiKsCDOHdtDeBHMYAg

  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Don't take it too personally, it's the internet.

    There may have been another reason she unfriended you? I remove people if they have obnoxious postings and whatnot...
  • Marlys101
    Marlys101 Posts: 100
    That is so rude of her!!! Feel free to add me...enjoy all of my MFP friends. :)
  • SistahPat
    SistahPat Posts: 1
    Oh, my! Is she for real, or what?
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    That is just plain stupid.

  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Seriously. I had a few jerkoffs do that as well, add me and then remove me. Quit wasting my time, ya know? Fuc*ing clowns.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I can kind of understand if you are just trying to lose vanity weight like your BMI is "normal" but you want to take off 15-20 pounds maybe you would have a different attitude about diet and exercise then say someone with 100 or more to lose, but I guess for me the reality is that even the person with 200 pounds to lose will be down to that last 20 someday and while that original "friend" may be long gone because they reached their goal they might have shared some little nugget of wisdome along that way that could be helpful? I don't know I'm just trying to assume the "friend" communicated poorly rather than had some malicious intent but I suppose in the end what matters is there are enough other MFP members who will send requests and who will be supportive that you probably won't remember this in a few weeks.

    I agree with this. ^ But that was pretty rude. Just keep in mind that it takes all kinds.. some people just dont have the social skills as others, and being blunt is the only way they know. My 15 y/o with aspergers is like that. She means NOTHING by what she says, but shes very honest with her feelings. Shes just telling you what she has the most in common with. I hope thats what it is anyway! Good luck!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I'm pretty sure I got unfriended by someone because I said I was going to take a couple days off. For cryin' out loud it was 103 degrees outside with like a 100% humidity index and I have no air conditioning. So pardon me for not wanting to drown in my own sweat. (And I'm actually really glad this person did because the stuff he was leaving on my page was really starting to irk me and the stuff I see he posts in the forums... well lets just say "ashhole.")
  • jackspack
    jackspack Posts: 13 Member

    Yeh, I misspelled it. Please don't un-friend me.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    WOW! People never seize to amaze me.
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    You can add me. I don't care how much weight you have to lose. Heck my original goal was to lose 170lbs and I still have 55lbs to go.
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    That's just wrong in so many ways and you should be glad she's gone. I have a lot of weight that I need to lose (700lbs). I'm not here to do it for anyone but myself. You can send me a friend request, I'm glad to give and receive the support of other.
  • pgfitmom
    pgfitmom Posts: 37 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about her. There are plenty of other people here to be supportive. She obviously has her own insecurites to work on....

    PS I sent you a friend request. I have close to 100lb to lose as well.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I didn't unfriend her...she sent a request, I accepted, then she sent me a message, I replied and then she unfriended me.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words :) I really wasn't upset that she unfriended me, just surprised I guess that she has put me in a different category based on how much we each need to lose. I'm not my weight...I'm a good, kind person and that's what I want people to know me for.