Dress Code



  • JmeHarris
    JmeHarris Posts: 38
    I've traveled around the world extensively, and one of the things I've noticed is how Americans have a very different attitude about how one should look before leaving the house for the day. As a group, we tend to dress down, sometimes way down (ever seen the pics of the "People of Walmart?"). While in other countries, people tend to dress up to leave the house, even just for routine errands. I'm not talking about suits and pearls for the hardware store, but it's common to see women in dresses and slacks and men in "business casual". I have to say that I wish we took that approach.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    I think that's a matter of professionalism rather than prudishness.

    ^^^^ this ^^^^
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    My job requires that I wrap myself in foil, from head to toe, which sucks because every time I go near the microwave, I start to spark. Also, it gets pretty hot. Foil doesn't breathe.
  • VeganMotoGirl
    VeganMotoGirl Posts: 43 Member
    My work has no sholders in the policy but people do not always follow it. However, I have some tattoos that go over on to my shoulder a bit so I usually have to cover up anyway. They may not care about shoulders but they hate Tattoos!
  • Are you serious? Durrrrr. Plus "just go get a new job" is not as easy as it sounds depending on where you live.
  • ChelleFeegan
    ChelleFeegan Posts: 80 Member
    Our dress code is so laid back... Today someone wore a lace dress with a black bra and a black thong.... Yes you could see them very clearly. Don't get me wring she has a stunning figure but really....
  • That's kind of the policy where I work too, and I don't have a problem with it since we have air conditioning. My workplace is very liberal though...they let me do pretty much whatever I want in the hair color/piercings/tattoos department, as long as it's not obscene or outrageous. The only thing I got in trouble for once was that I wore shorts that were a couple of inches above my knee. No shorts...I thought they were long enough that I could pass them off as "capris" but I was wrong :)
  • So get a new job. It's a free country.

    Are you serious? Durrrrr. Plus "just go get a new job" is not as easy as it sounds depending on where you live.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Our dress code literally states women must wear undergarments.

    I guess they had issues with bigger boobed folks letting em hang loose. :huh:
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    I think that's a matter of professionalism rather than prudishness.

  • JmeHarris
    JmeHarris Posts: 38
    Hang loose. Too funny!:laugh:
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    I would actually prefer uniforms. This way if I wear the same thing every day, it doesn't matter and I can spend my money on clothes I actually want to wear, and not that I have to wear to fit into our "business casual" dress code.

    YES! then i don't have to wake up and worry if i have anything "business casual" AND clean to wear. don't you hate having to do laundry just so you have something to wear to work?
  • Honestly, i wish our company would enforce the dress code more. I work for a larger company that deals with many people of many nationalities. I'm sorry, but how you dress and hold yourself reflect the image of the company. When people come in to work in clothes that i wouldn't wear to a club (both men and women)..or they wear clothes that don't fit (the big lady down the hall that wears to small a top so her belly button hair hangs out....it bothers me. Maybe i'm just being prudish, but i think it's just common professionalism.

    I shouldnt have read the part about belly button hair while i was eating........
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    It's such a "touchy" subject, isn't it. I agree with the woman who said that Americans do seem to dress down...people of Wal*Mart is a definite reflection of that! Some places try to allow sleeveless tops, but then ONE person has to push it so far that she's wearing a pale pink camisole with a black bra hanging out. Often, too, Americans dress in clothes that are too small for their figures. You can be a size 20 and look nice; however, a size 20 in short shorts, and a cami with boobs spilling everywhere is not attractive. Too many people weren't raised with proper clothing etiquette, that's for sure!

    It's difficult for a boss to look at someone and say, "that looks trashy--go change." So what happens is that EVERYONE is given restrictions.

    Oh....and if you're wearing a beautiful white sundress (at a professional place), please leave the black thong at home:/!
  • VeganMotoGirl
    VeganMotoGirl Posts: 43 Member
    I get pissed because women can wear skirts/flip flops/really casual **** and I have to wear closed toe shoes/slacks and a collared shirt......That said I don't have it so bad.

    My husband and I were just talking about this the other day. It has been over 100 degrees where I live for a couple weeks straight. so I was looking for outfits that would help keep me cooler. I can really get away with a skirt and a tshirt and long as it covers enough but he has to wear long pants and a collar. Guys really get the short end of the stick on dress codes. It sure would be easier if both men and women were just held to the same standard. dress pants and collared shirt. Done!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    i don't mind a dress code. i just want to be able to have a little cocktail at 3pm at work..... i would be so much more productive.
  • NoSpandex
    NoSpandex Posts: 54
    My first corporate job was in 1984. The dress code at that time was corporate dress (everyone must wear a suit every day - for men suits and ties, women SKIRT suits - no pants). Women were not even allowed to wear pants in the middle of winter. Eventually they got slowly more and more relaxed in their policies. When we changed from corporate dress to business dress (women could wear pant suits and dresses, men could wear slacks and sports jackets with no tie, we were all so excited. They eventually went to business casual, then casual, then anything goes. I worked at that company 23 years, and by the time I left 5 years ago there were no rules whatsoever. Which was bad, because people showed up in everything from sweats to bedroom slippers to club wear.

    The job I have now is business casual with jeans allowed on Fridays. I'd love to wear jeans and sneakers every day, but I really can't complain. Especially when I think back to the days of corporate dress!
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    My job requires that I wrap myself in foil, from head to toe, which sucks because every time I go near the microwave, I start to spark. Also, it gets pretty hot. Foil doesn't breathe.

  • I work for a small company in a 'home' enviornment. I work for developmentally disabled adults in THEIR home. While the company does have a very laid back casual dress code (there are a few obvious no-no's), I usually choose to wear jeans and scrub tops.

    There are several reasons.
    1. I am a grown woman and not a young teen or 20 something that desires to show off their body while at work.
    2. I am working FOR people in THEIR home. I want to be somewhat respectful, especially when they have friends/family visit.
    3. I am a professional at what I do. I would like to be perceived that way by both my clients and my superiors.

    If you had a family member in a group home enviornment, and you came to see them, wouldnt you like to see the staff that takes care of them on a daily basis looking somewhat respectible?

    So while I do enjoy the laid back atmosphere/dress code, I make a choice everyday to at least appear somewhat professional.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I work in a small office. Our dress code calls for close toed shoes but we can wear tank tops/shorts/jeans. Nothing ratty. The only thing my boss prefers is a name tag which isn't cheesy at all as it's nicely done... not a fast food style one lol.

    I really appreciate not seeing people's armpits or butt cracks. :)