Things you do now that you didn't think you'd do



  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Portion Control, No Snacking Really, And Dedication to Exercising Daily!
  • DeniseBromley
    DeniseBromley Posts: 123 Member
    I bought a dress early this summer, and I've worn it in public 3 times now! Once even to work! Prior to this, the last time I wore a dress in public, was my wedding day, 3 years ago, and before that, probably high school graduation, 9 years ago!
  • willafan
    willafan Posts: 101
    I actually REALLY DO - no kidding, no talking myself into it - think 95% of fast food is disgusting. Amazing how your tastes change!

    ^This^- never loved it but now I just can't stand it. Except for Chipotle, on very rare occasions.
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    Using almond milk or soy milk. These are for those nutty health freaks.
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    I put pureed spinach in nearly everything, my veggie hating boyfriend doesn't even know! Lol!
  • sweetbeckymarie
    I eat so many fruits and vegetables now and I actually CRAVE them. I used to dislike many different foods and was the pickiest eater (i.e. I'd pick onions and peppers out of my meatloaf) and now I will try any and all new foods. I can run further than I ever imagined. I never crave chips when I have all my life been a chip maniac. Nor do I crave things like cheesesteaks or saucy chinese food. It's truly amazing how the body handles healthy changes and is unreal to see the difference in my eating now compared to how casually I'd eat unhealthy things as an adolescent.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    Run/jog a mile without stopping and participate in a 5k Mud run.
  • mckellis
    mckellis Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you! I'm proud of you and I don't even know you! So, spin class and shred--?? what that pray-tel??
  • Karibee123
    I've done several of those mentioned here that I never thought I'd do. I run and bike now. I wear shorts and even found myself in a bikini for the first time in a LONG time this summer. I used to hate working out and now I feel lost if I miss a day. I feel proud of myself for accomplishing something as great as making myself so much more healthy.
  • katiekrusher
    katiekrusher Posts: 143
    I never would have thought I'd be so in love with weight training. I mean..the rush I get from putting 135 lbs on my shoulders and squatting, for me, is equivalent to eating a whole cake.
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    I never thought I would lift weights, and now I love weight lifting! (although I'm still a beginner, it is such a powerful feeling!)
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I actually REALLY DO - no kidding, no talking myself into it - think 95% of fast food is disgusting. Amazing how your tastes change!

    ^This^- never loved it but now I just can't stand it. Except for Chipotle, on very rare occasions.

    Chipotle doesn't count! I won't say its good for you, but I wouldn't exactly classify it as typical fast food!
  • Phoink
    Phoink Posts: 8
    I've started finding it more important to go to the gym 4-6 times a week and a great deal less important to hurry home from work and play a few hours of World of Warcraft. That would never have happened a year ago.

    To anyone who's never played WoW...this may seem silly, but I played for almost 5 years and let me tell's hard to stop once you've logged in. You think....oh just one more quest...or just a little more XP....before you know it, 4 hours has passed. This is a great accomplishment! Fantastic job!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Measuring out ingredients for recipes. As an Asian, I was raised in a household where cooking was dynamic and everything was measured according to the Gospel of the Eyeball.

    I've become so used to measuring stuff now that I don't find it cumbersome to do so when I cook Asian dishes.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I run (not a lot, yet). I haven't done that since high school (and then I would cheat if I got the chance!) - and that was a LONG time ago...
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I walk to work. Not just walk to work but go up a super, super steep hill (that burns my butt every time lol) and run up a set of 50+ stairs....every morning :-) (and I do push ups off the fence during my recovery before I go to work)

    I used to say that I was going to but never did.

    Now on days that I can't walk to work (thunderstorms with lightening for example), I miss it sorely. I'm even trying to figure out how I can continue to walk this winter.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I hate spinach. Seriously hate it. For years, I have avoided it like the plague. The texture of it... gritty, like dirt. Gives me the shivers.

    But do you see that picture to the left of this post? Know why it's green? Because I have been putting raw organic baby spinach in my smoothies every morning. 85g of it. And let me tell you, that's like 4C of raw spinach. To me, this is a HUGE accomplishment. You can't even taste it over the banana or peanut butter!

    And then, 2 nights ago, I got crazy and put some spinach in the warm black bean/corn salad I was making, because it looked pretty puny and I felt like I needed more volume but had no calories to spare... and it was good. I didn't even notice it!!!

    I am really proud of this! :bigsmile:

    How do you make that green deliciousness?! I really need to put spinach in my smoothies.
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    I thought of another :bigsmile:
    I can now eat a high calorie meal (normally if I can't find a healthy alternative) and go on to eat my next meal healthy. I would've just continued to eat bad for at least a week because you know, if you eat bad once just give up. Again without even a thought:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I eat over maintenance and I'm trying to gain weight.
  • mspris2u
    mspris2u Posts: 161 Member
    Never thought I would.....

    WANT to exercise 6-7 days per week and miss it when I don't!
    Hike the local mountain
    Walk 13.1 miles in 3 hours
    Run a whole block.
    NOT eat the free pizza at work. I still eat pizza, just didn't have it in my plan for that day....
    Turn down free starbucks (also at work)
    Get up at 5am during the week to work out.
    Plan and do my exercise on the weekends BEFORE I plan anything else.
    Completely change my mindset and relationship with food. I still eat sweets but I've stopped feeling guilty about it!
    KNOW that I will have alot more to add to this list as time goes by....