Any LOTR geeks here?



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'd love a Silmarillion movie... But it would be very difficult to translate from a book to a (let's be honest) three hour movie. Silmarillion is more of a history book.
  • LOVE Lord of the RIngs!!! looking forward to the Hobbit!!
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I *LOVE* LOTR. My family does too- we redecorated our basement with a bunch of posters from our favorite movies and my dad let each kid pick out a few...guess which I picked? We also had a pet turtle that we named Haldir of the Golden Wood. And I used to fall asleep with the soundtrack on every night.
  • sninny
    sninny Posts: 102 Member
    My husband and I have a LOTR (extended versions) marathon every fall, usually between Thanksgiving or Christmas, and I look forward to it every year. Can't wait until the Hobbit comes out and we can make it an entire weekend of marathoning! :love:

    ETA: I wanted to add that I have read the books and love them. I tried to read the Silmarillion back in high school but couldn't get through it. I'll have to give it another try now that I'm older and (supposedly) wiser.
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    me me me
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    Should I mention that I spent a good part of my early 20s on, became friends with a couple of the moderators and spent 75% of every day in the Barliman's chat room? Or that I buy every copy of LotR I see... along with The Hobbit and The Silmarillion.... or that I printed off the Sindarin dictionary that I keep in a special folder... or that I have a crap ton of the action figures from the films... along with an Arwen doll and a talking Treebeard? Or should I just keep all that in the closet? Haha
  • _KatieKat
    _KatieKat Posts: 224
    LOVE them, I want to be an elf!
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    you called?
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    At risk of getting mauled to death by a mob of angry geeks I'll say I prefer the movies over the books.

    Don't get me wrong, I comprehend the zeitgeist-changing innovations the books brought to fantasy literature, but personally, I can only read a limited number of awfully written hobbit poems in one sitting...
    I don't read the poems...Probably why I enjoyed the books so much.

    come to think of it, I should read the trilogy again. I try to get my wife to watch all the movies in one sitting, but she can't sit still for that long...
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    LOTR marathon planned with my friends on sunday. Can't wait :D
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    I love LOTR. Read the books 8 times, seen the movies more times than I can count, own the extended editions, etc, etc.

    I can't wait for the Hobbit, either! Did anyone else hear about how it MIGHT be a trilogy instead of just two movies??? *fangirls* I think we should know for sure by the end of this week or so.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    huge LOTR fan.. and i cant wait for the new hobbit movies.. im gonna be as giddy as a school girl.. erm.. boy..

    I am comfortable enough to say that I am giddy as a schoolgirl who just had her first kiss. That, or a fat man eating a twinkie... In any event, suffice it to say that I love Tolkien's work. I cannot tell you how many times I have read them, listened to the old BBC dramatizations watched the cartoons, the movies.

    Also, have you guys seen that they are contemplating making The Hobbit into a trilogy instead of just the two movies we were promised?
  • I am a HUGE LOTR geek and I nearly fell over with excitement when I saw this post lol. Has anyone done an extended edition marathon?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i have never read the books or watched the movies.

    i fail. :(
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I love LOTR. Read the books 8 times, seen the movies more times than I can count, own the extended editions, etc, etc.

    I can't wait for the Hobbit, either! Did anyone else hear about how it MIGHT be a trilogy instead of just two movies??? *fangirls* I think we should know for sure by the end of this week or so.

    REALLY?! what are they going to use content wise to fill it all? The unfinished tales and letters?
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    i have never read the books or watched the movies.

    i fail. :(
    Guessing then that you haven't played the RPG or the console games either...
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Best line of the movies??

    My friends, you bow to no one.

    Very dignified and sad, if you realize how little anyone in the shire knew of their true deeds. I wish Jackson would have done the scouring of the shire....